Ghost Story Club

Chapter 87: Interlude – Points Distribution (2)

Chapter 87: Interlude – Points Distribution (2)

[Current Ghost Story Points: 647]

“First is Dukhun. You requested for an action figure and a VR PlayStation set. Right?”


Dukhun enthusiastically held out his cell phone to show me the images of the products he wanted. His eager appearance was enough to understand he had been waiting for such an opportunity.

His phone screen showed the picture of the products from an online shop.

“Where should I look? Dora Bunny? Hmm…”

I also opened the menu bar in the Status Window and went into the Shop menu. After that, I began searching for the exact same products shown in his phone screen.

[FREEing No Game No Life Stephanie Dora Bunny Ver. (1/4) Scale – 38 Points]

[PlayStation4 PRO VR 3 Set + Beat Saber Code Included New Model 3rd Generation – 42 points]

“Okay. I’m buying it. Go to the hallway.”

It ttekkimasu-!

[T/N: The phrase “잇 떼끼마스” (it ttekkimasu) seems like a Japanese phrase “いってきます” (ittekimasu), which translates to “I’m off” or “I’m going” in English. It is used when someone is leaving the house or going out.]

Dukhun ran to the hallway with excited steps.

[Current Ghost Story Points: 647]


[Current Ghost Story Points: 567]

A moment later, he returned to the clubroom holding two big packages with beautiful wrapping in his hand.

Wheeze, wheeze! Thank you so much…!”

He thanked me excitedly while wheezing.

“I used 80 points on you. You still have 20 points left.”

“The President can have the remaining points! This is enough for me!”

“All right then. I’m glad you’re happy.”

I couldn’t help but let out a smile seeing him holding the packages gleefully.

“But that’s unexpected of you. I thought if it were you, Dukhun, you would naturally choose to level up.”

“Hmm? Why?”

“Well, because you seemed like the only one who’s interested in this kind of game-like situation most.”


Listening to my reasoning, Dukhun nodded with an expression of understanding.

“That’s why I thought you would also want to level-up like those in games.”

“What you’re saying seems to make sense.”

He crossed his arms and said with a serious expression.

“But there are times when a man’s obsession is more important than his life.”


I responded half-heartedly and quickly flipped through the messages. I clicked on Jinhee’s KakaoTalk messages for the next distribution.

“Next is Jinhee. These are… a lot of things.”

In response to my dumbfounded self, Jinhee arrogantly shoved her hands in her pockets while snickering.

“You can’t buy all of it?”

“I can.”

“Then that’s cool for me.”

“Wait a moment.”

The things Jinhee mostly ordered were some motorcycle gears, branded sleepwears, expensive liquor, a few cartons of cigarettes… and similar things…

In addition to them, there was a list of some cosmetics from an expensive brand Chanel and a few sets of clothes. Such a list of items could be considered quite luxurious for an ordinary highschool student.

[T/N: ‘Chanel’ is a Korean luxury fashion brand.]

‘Manicure vouchers? How does she even know all this stuff and where did she get the time to write them down?’

I guess I would never understand the deep and profound tastes of the world of a delinquent girl.

“Can you carry them all at home?”

“I’ll just leave some of them here if I can’t.”

“… I would request you to not leave the packs of cigarettes or the bottles of liquor behind. Take away the things that could get us into trouble with you.”

Jinhee soon went out to the hallway and waited for her desired items to appear. A few moments later, her figure carrying a bunch of bags and giggling happily as she looked inside the bags entered the clubroom.

[Current Ghost Story Points: 567]


[Current Ghost Story Points: 467] 

“I need to take a nap before going to work. I’ll be leaving then. Thanks.”

“Okay, you’re welcome.”

With the remaining one point, she ordered a basket and stuffed all of her items she got inside it. Then she skipped out of the clubroom in a pleasant mood carrying the basket.

‘She spent all the 100 points meticulously. Next is…’

I looked at Sunah.

“Sunah asked for gift cards. Please go out to the hallway.”


Sunah stood up from her seat, looking somewhat embarrassed as she went out to the hallway. Perhaps she felt embarrassed for having chosen gift cards rather than some specific stuff or level up.

I had a hunch that she would be choosing things like this, that was why I called her out last from all the members who chose items because I was afraid she would feel embarrassed.

As expected, Gyeongwon and Hayoon had chosen to level up.

‘She didn’t need to feel embarrassed…’

Rather, I felt guilty for not being able to help her more compared to how much she had helped me in the past.

Soon after, Sunah quickly returned to the clubroom. The thick stack of gift cards stuffed in an envelope were hidden inside her skirt pocket.

[Current Ghost Story Points: 467]


[Current Ghost Story Points: 367]

‘Gift cards of Clover Corporation worth 1 million won…’

Gift cards had various uses while shopping. They could be used at various affiliated stores such as department stores, marts, hotels, restaurants, and outlets owned by Clover Corporation.

I couldn’t help but wonder if she was thinking of using them for daily living expenses.

After Sunah sat down with a slightly flushed face, I turned to Gyeongwon and Hayoon.

“You two chose to level up.”


The two nodded with indifferent expressions.

Sunah shrank further in her seat, embarrassment written all over her face.

Suddenly, seeing those two made me realize one thing. Both Gyeongwon and Hayoon, who had chosen to level up, possessed one common element: they were both from wealthy families.

They could have whatever they wanted with their parents’ money. Therefore, to them, money wasn’t significant in this situation which also made them ignore material possessions as well.

The irony of wealth.

When choices stumble upon them in life, children of wealthy families do not chase after money.

They can freely choose what appears valuable to them without having the pressure of lack of wealth. Such a life also helps them to not be obsessed with material things.

Such an attitude ultimately leads them to the pinnacle of success in the long run, and their life stories become glorified as tales of genius who overcame adversity through their own efforts, claiming that their parents’ wealth was of no great significance and that they succeeded through their own abilities.

And thus the inheritance of wealth continues.

‘It’s really unfair.’

To think that they have a life where they can pursue and achieve whatever they wish just because their parents have a lot of money.

Certainly, neither Gyeongwon nor Hayoon had done anything wrong.

It’s just they could simply ignore money and choose what they wanted because they had a choice.

The worth of 1 million won or stuff equivalent to that probably didn’t worth much in their eyes.

Perhaps they even get such a measly amount as their pocket money.

While Sunah was hiding the gift cards with a flushed face as if she had committed a felony.

The rich young master and young lady were staring at me with indifferent expressions, as if they couldn’t care less about money.

In that contrasting situation, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of emotion inside me.

“….All three of you, stand up.”


The three of them looked at me with a bewildered expression.

“Gyeongwon, Hayoon, and also Sunah. Stand up.”



The three of them glanced at each other before standing up with hesitation.

Dukhun, who had been busy admiring the new action figure he had just got, also stared at us with an imaginary question mark above his head.

“I’ll use some of the points on Sunah to level her up. You three will level up at the same time.”


Sunah was startled in an instant.

“No, Joon! It’s okay! You already gave me my share…”

She tried to deny it with a flustered face.

However, I ignored her request and silently opened the Status Window before going to the members’ screen.

“Sunah has been helping me from the beginning. Even during the incident of the Psychology Test, she herself also solved the ghost story alone and earned points.”

Sunah’s already flushed face burned brighter at the mention of the night of the Psychology Test.

“Ho… how did you…”

Her flustered and restless expression soon turned into confusion.

I also quickly reached out and cleared up the misunderstanding.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t stalk you or something. When I opened my eyes the next day after solving the ghost story, the system announced that you also solved the ghost story individually.”

“Ah, aha… I see…”

Only then did Sunah’s Yandere self calmed down.

“Anyway, I’m going to use my points on Sunah to level her up. Any objections?”

“Well, it’s not like she’s taking our share of points. You’re using her own points…”

Gyeongwon nodded affirmatively, not seeming to care much.

Hayoon also remained silent, not showing any interest.

“Okay. Thank you for understanding. Then, get it started.”

After saying that, I opened the Status Window for the three of them at the same time.



Name: Ahn Gyeongwon LV.1 [0/100]

Age: 17

Title: Pro WikiWarrior 

Disposition: Explanation Character 

Special Ability: None

Quirk: Denial of Reality

Understanding: 90/100》


 Name: In Hayoon LV.1 [0/100]

Age: 17

Title: Wife Material 

Disposition: ???

Special Ability: None

Quirk: ???

Understanding: 15/100》


Name: Yoon Sunah LV.1 [0/100]

Age: 16

Title: Dirt Spoon

Disposition: Low Self-Esteem

Special Ability: None

Quirk: Yandere

Understanding: 70/100》

As soon as I clicked on the level up button next to the members’ names, a message popped up.

[Would you like to spend points (100) to raise the level of the members?]


I tapped ‘Yes’ and started the process of raising the levels of all three members at the same time.


[Current Ghost Story Points: 367]

Ding- Ding- Ding-

[Current Ghost Story Points: 267]

[Current Ghost Story Points: 167]

[Current Ghost Story Points: 67]

[Congratulations! Your club member Ahn Gyeongwon has leveled up by 1 -> 2.]

[Congratulations! Your club member In Hayoon has leveled up by 1 -> 2.]

[Congratulations! Your club member Yoon Sunah has leveled up by 1 -> 2.]


[The prime step of advancement is to have a mentor!]

[The club members who have leveled up would be assigned to a suitable mentor for the development of their special abilities through a special mentorship event.]

[This mentorship event would be held regardless of the club members’ wishes.]

[After the event ends, members will acquire special abilities corresponding to their respective roles.]

[Your role during this time: Watch the members struggling through at a leisurely pace!]


The sudden message that appeared surprised me for a moment. I was about to open my mouth to explain the messages that appeared before my eyes to the members.

However, the words in my mouth were stuck at the ringing of the cellphones of the members.

[Ring ring-]

Sunah’s default ringtone.


The EDM ringtone of Gyeongwon.

And the pleasant melody of piano coming from Hayoon’s phone mixed with the previous two’s.


The three of them took out their phones with puzzled expressions.

“Hello…? Teacher…?”

“Yes, Dad. Yes.”

While each of them received different calls and whispered into their phones, Dukhun and I only silently watched them with questioning expressions.

Soon, the call ended, and all three of them put their phones down at the same time.

“Prez, my Dad suddenly called for some reason, so I must leave.”

“Okay, go ahead. Be sure to tell me what happened later. It seems this sudden phone call from your Dad is related to your leveling up.”

“Okay. Everyone, take care.”


Dukhun vigorously waved his arms at his departing friend.

Hayoon also followed him. She grabbed her bag before greeting us.

“I’ll have to leave as well. I’ll call you after I reach home. See you all tomorrow.”

“Okay. Be, be careful~”

Waving my hand like an idiot, I sent Hayoon off. After the two rich people left, only me, Sunah and Dukhun were left in the empty clubroom.

Sunah was blindly staring at me due to the sudden change of circumstances.

“Sunah, you just got a call. Who was it?”

“Teacher Jang Hwaeun… She’s coming up.”


“Teacher says because she’s bored…”

Sure enough, soon the sound of brisk and lively footsteps climbing the stairs could be heard from the hallway stairs. The footsteps soon approached us.


“Hello, guys~! You guys are still here even at this hour?”

Teacher Jang Hwaeun opened the door to the clubroom and entered while laughing.

“The club room is so comfortable. I wish there was more rooms like this at school~”

She plopped down on the sofa and began blabbering on her own not caring whether we were listening or not.

“Isn’t Teacher part of our Ghost Story Club? Which means you can come and rest whenever you want.”

“Please don’t give me lip service, children. If I were to join you guys while you’re having fun, you guys would be the only ones feeling awkward.”

“Can’t deny.”

At my honest response, the Teacher laughed loudly.

“What about the rest of the kids? Why are there only the three of you? I can understand if Sunah and Joon are together, but even Dukhun being here seems a bit of a strange combination.”

Dukhun’s eyes flashed sharply at those words.

“Excuse me, Teacher. What’s wrong with me being here?”

“You’re holding an action figure!”


Surprised at being caught red-handed, Dukhun hurriedly hid the bunny girl figure under the desk.


“Pfft haha.”

The sudden appearance of the Teacher brightened the atmosphere easily. Even Sunah couldn’t help but smile timidly at the pleasant moment.

“How long are you guys planning on staying here?”

“We were about to leave. We had something to discuss, but are finished already.”

“You guys are not leaving because I’m here, are you?”

“That’s not wrong either.”

The smile on the Teacher’s face turned a bit dark as she rubbed her fist.

“Wait until you reach the second semester. If you get caught dilly-dallying in my class, you’ll be dead.”

“Don’t joke, Teacher. I’m the perfect example of a model student in the classroom.”

“You’re really funny.”

After saying that, she suddenly stared intently at Sunah as she crossed her legs comfortably.

“Are you also leaving, Sunah?”


Sunah became flustered when suddenly her name was called.

“Do you have anything to do?”

“No, I don’t…”

“Then will you stay here and chat with your Teacher for a moment?”

Sunah briefly glanced at me, as if asking for my permission. When I raised my eyebrows and nodded to her, she also nodded back to the Teacher.


“Okay. Then, boys, leave quickly.”

“What are you talking about all of a sudden? I’m curious too. Can’t we chat together?”

At my curious request, the Teacher suddenly took out a whip from who knows where and banged it on the desk.

“This is just between girls! Boys, leave quickly!”

“Yes, yes, I understand.”

Our limbs moved quickly and we packed our bags and other necessary stuff.

Dukhun put the action figure in his bag and swiftly left the clubroom holding the game console with both hands.

“Joon, bye. See you tomorrow…”

“Okay. I’ll contact you later.”

We left the clubroom, leaving only Sunah and Teacher Jang Hwaeun inside.

[Lee Joon: Hayoon, you’re assigned to a mentor after you leveled up today. If anything happens, please let me know.]

I sent another KakaoTalk message to Gyeongwon with the same content.

Gyeongwon replied with an ‘I understand’. However, no reply was returned from Hayoon even though it was shown that she had gotten the message and even read it.

‘Did I just get ignored?’

Wheeze, wheeze…”

“Isn’t it heavy? Should I help?”

“It’s okay… It’s such an expensive item, I’m hesitant to let someone else carry it…”

The afternoon sun was setting in the west, enveloping the large school ground in a warm light.

I and Dukhun were crossing the empty playground, with him carrying the PlayStation box in one and holding the VR box in the other.

“You should call a taxi, taxi. You have too much stuff.”

“Then please…”

Since he wasn’t letting me carry the boxes, I had no choice but to go to the nearby street and hail a taxi instead.

The taxi soon arrived and Dukhun got on while struggling to push his boxes inside.

And after closing the door, he pulled down the window and gave me a big smile.

“1 million won for a day of hard work is a huge gain. Call me whenever you need me, President.”

“Okay. I’ll call you again if I need you. Have fun playing the game.”

“Ba-bye. See you tomorrow~”


I waved to my deskmate and saw him off in the taxi.

After that, I also headed toward my home, the big red sun setting in the background as a beautiful scenery.

‘Today was fun.’

We had a lot of fun today.

I had a good grade, had fun with my friends, and even successfully finished distributing the Ghost Story Points.

It was a truly pleasant and memorable day.



Interpretation: Performance


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