Ghost of Culture

87 Undefendable Ghostly Style

I eventually pop the question. No. Not the "please marry me" kind of question. Although, having talked and listened to Kaguya for so long, I would not mind sealing the deal with some body on body actions, for she is one hell of a conversationalist.

That is not the only thing that I like about Kaguya. She is also a milf. A very hot milf, and what is better than a milf? A busty milf, of course! To which Kaguya definitely is.

Unholy shit, her knockers are huge, like super huge. Cannot wait to stuff my face between those juicy titties. Stuffing my thick junior too. Stuffing in more than that. Hah!

The question is how. There are actually many ways to claim Kaguya from what I can understand of her personality and character. Talking and listen to a girl definitely pays off more than one way, especially one who really wants to talk and listen to you.

Kaguya definitely wants to talk and listen to me, for I am her son in her mind, and strangely enough, I am starting to see her as a motherly figure.

No one can truly replace my mother in my mind. But having a motherly figure caring for me and loving me is not a bad thing. Nope. Not a bad thing at all. That is why milfs are so attractive to perverted like me. Aside from their skills and abilities in bed, of course. Hah!

In any case, the shortest way as well as the most useful way to claim Kaguya is to have her teaches me some fighting techniques.

Just from her speed alone, Kaguya is far more powerful than anyone that I have met in this setting.

Asides from the other players, of course. I am not too sure of their levels and powers. I am also unsure of what they are doing at the moment, and I do not really care at the moment. Not when I am so close to scoring another beauty.

"You wish to unleash the full power of the Black Dragon?"

Kaguya asks while thinking about something else. Nothing actually relates to the question she had just asked, however.

It is all related to me. More correctly, relate to her son. Like any caring mother should. I wonder if this is some sort of maternal instinct that every mother has. Probably.

"Yes. I want to have the strength and power to defend and protect everyone that is important to me, mum. Even you."

I tell Kaguya and earn a beautiful smile from those lovely lips of hers. It takes a lot of effort to stop my urges. The urges to lean forwards and capture her lips within mine. Doing that might work, but it might not.

And since I am completely unsure of the outcome, I rather stick with the original plan.

"Thank you. That means so much to me, and I will release the power of the Black Dragon for you, but only if you can prove that you can handle such powers in the first place."

Kaguya answers, and I have expected she would request something of the sort. If she did not, I would have asked her anyway. It is just so I can pound some sexual points into her, just so I can pound her.


Smash until I can smash them. That is the way of the Ghostly Style. Hah!

This awesome power is awesome, and I am going to abuse the shit out of it. Ghostly Style can turn any woman into worshipping my cock, and I would be stupid to not use it with every chance I get.

And due to Orvis, I know it is effective against a spirit, which Kaguya is at the moment. I wonder if the energy remains even if Orvis is no longer Orvis? Well. Only one way to find out. Right after Kaguya, as there are plenty of masters to smash.


"I only know a few techniques, mum, and I do not think they are effective against you in a proper spar, and from your speed alone, I will never be able to hit you."

I make my worry known. While my Ghostly Style is awesome, it is utterly useless if I cannot hit anyone due to my speed or otherwise. I am certain that I would not be able to hit Kaguya, not even once.

Hell, I could not even hit Mito properly, and I have to resort to using cheap trick in order to beat her.

Would be nice if I have the power to win a fight fair and square. Just to prove a point to myself, but it is not necessary right now, considering that it is probably not possible for me to beat Kaguya in a real fight at all.

Not until I get some insane powerups.

"In that case, I will not move or avoid your strikes. Just hit me with all you have, and I will know where you stand in term of abilities and techniques."

Kaguya offers and takes her stance. Despite a simple stance, I can feel power radiating from her body, and it is quite suffocating. I guess this is what it feels like go up against a real master. Kaguya is actually a master despite her age.

She is also a genius at fighting, and she had only ever lost once in her life. Well. More correctly to say that she had lost to only one person. Badass grandpa does not count, obviously.

"Alrighty, here I come, mum."

I announce before taking a stance. I have learnt a few techniques from Orvis to add to the illusion, and I do think my Ghostly Style supplements Ryoden Style. Well, Ghostly Style is just a technique of sending my sexual energies into others, so it will work with any style.


Kaguya smiles as she examines my stance. She could tell my strength from my stance alone, and from that, she knows how much strength she has to use to defend against me.

I charge forwards and hammer against her guard as fast as I can, and with each strike, I transmit about 3SP into her body. It would be more if I kick her but doing that will reveal my lack of skills immediately.

Unlike Mito Scarlet, Kaguya notices that I have sent something into her body with each strike, but she does not know what it is, and since it is not harmful, she ignores it for the moment.

After about a dozen of punches, Kaguya bats me away and frowns deeply. Her mind is full of questions, especially about how I can be so weak despite having trained with grandfather for years. That means Hayate is actually pretty strong himself, but he is not strong enough to take on everyone in the whole school.

"What have your grandfather been teaching you!? How can your technique be this unrefined!?"

Kaguya questions, and it cannot be helped.

The moment that I fight her, Kaguya would know my level, but I must fight her in order to prove that I have the strength to wield the true power of the Black Dragon of Annihilation.

Becoming her son just to prevent her from killing me outright, and it works. She is very lenient towards me, considering that she believes I am her son.

If I am someone else, Kaguya would not. In fact, she would not even talk to me. She would even try to kill me if she knows I have stolen Orvis from her son. Better to keep that secret to myself. Heh.

"I am sorry, mum. You know how grandfather is, always running off and doing his own thing, so he did not really teach me much. Even if I might not have the techniques or the skills like you have hoped for so long, I do have the strength and the tenacity."

I speak up and pull myself up from the ground. Good thing that this is the mindscape, and any form of injuries would instantly be healed.

It also a bad thing, considering that Kaguya did not even hold back when she slaps me away.

If she had done that in the real world, I would have broken several ribs. That is just how powerful she is. How insanely powerful she is, but that does not mean she is invincible. I will wear her down slowly, one punch and kick at a time.

"Oh? Prove it to me then. If you can make me use my legs and move away from this spot, then it is my loss, and I will acknowledge your statement. However, if you cannot, you will have to go back and train properly under grandfather."

Kaguya requests as she reaches out her hand and invites me to try. The bells around her waist ring as she does so. There is this arrogance aura surrounding her, and it will definitely be her own undoing. It also due to her handicap, as she considers not moving from her spot at all.

"Let's make it more interesting, mum. If I manage to defeat you and make submit to me, you will have to do whatever is say regardless of whatever it is, okay?"

I response and take in a deep breath and steady myself. I do have another ace up my sleeve, and that is how I defeated Mito.

It is not just being indecent that brings me victory, but without being indecent, that ability would not have worked as effectively as it did.

Kaguya blinks comically at my announcement before smiling rather smugly.

"You have much to learn, my son."

She responses before blocking my punch. Once more, she feels a strange energy enters her body, and it is completely unhindered by her own energy. She blocks another punch and then another and then another before sending me away with a powerful claw strike against my abdomen.

Unholy shit!

I instantly go flying for almost a mile while screaming out in pain. Unholy shit! If I was in my real body, there would be a hole in my gut. Unholy shit!

Alright, calm down Ghostly, you cannot really die again, at least not like this. Well, I do really hope so, as I do not want to die for something like this. Not when I am loving my life at the moment.

Panting heavily, I pull myself up from the ground and look at Kaguya. She is extremely worry about me due to the strike, but she does not move from her spot until I admit defeat.

However, Kaguya she finally sees me get up, she could not help but be proud of me. Proud of her son for able to brush off her attack and continue fighting. To her, a loss is truly a loss when one is rendered unable to fight.

"Yes, baby. Come at me. Show me how much you have grown. Make me proud."

That is what going on in her mind.

Of course, I am definitely going to cum in her and show much of a man I have become. Hah! Hang on, I am seriously hurt, so let me take a breather for a moment. Shit. My ghostly organs are a mess. If they exist, I mean.

In any case, I charge at her once more and get my ass beaten with a single strike. That obviously does not stop me from coming back for more, all hoping that those sexual energies are working their magic, but she has incredible resistance.

More so than Orvis, but Orvis is severely depowered thanks to all the seals on her, just so she doesn't hijack the host and go on a destructive rampage.

Despite her resistance, Kaguya eventually feels the effect, as she fails to block one of my punches.

The powerful blow against her chest almost forces her to take a step back, and the follow up does not connect since she sends me away with a palm strike. An extremely powerful palm strike.

"What did you do?"

Kaguya questions as she felts her body heating up. Like really heating up. With so much sexual energies floating around in her body, there is no way she would not feel the effect.

I pull myself up and charge at her once more, but I am unable to break through her guards even though I am sending more sexual energies into her body. Due to knowing my prize is within reach, my strength and speed increases.

Like I have said, perversions make me stronger, and I am super perverted. Hah!

Of course, Kaguya manages to send me away once more, but the effect has reached a critical point.

Kaguya is sweating profusely, and the sweats run down her face, sliding along the top of her beautiful busts before entering the chasm in between. There are sweats running along her bare legs as well, but I think it is better to see some cum. Hah!



Kaguya calls out as she realizes something is seriously wrong, but her words are not heed. Same reason that I am not answering her question. She has no choice but defends herself while remaining standing in the exact spot.

This is actually her greatest law, for Kaguya refuses to submit to anything or anyone. The same reason that she marries that asshole because he has managed to make her submit and admit that he is much stronger than her.

"No way, mum, you are about to lose to me."

I tell her and then finally resort to kick. The power from kicks is much stronger than punches, and with her current aroused state, she cannot defend herself properly. She eventually steps back, thus moving away from her spot.

That shocks her, and before she can say anything, I pummel her, sending more and more of my sexual energies into her body, making her extremely aroused.

And just Mito, her grunts turn to moan, as Kaguya cannot helps herself. It is probably time to reap the benefit. The awesome benefit of smashing a powerful master like her. Hah!

"Stop. Please stop. What did you do to me?"

Kaguya calls out while panting heavily. Her legs are squirming, as she feels wetness between them.

Now. I can tell her exactly what happen, or I can bullshit my way, citing that I do not know and earn a lot of cuteness point from her. It is probably better too, considering that I am a novice in everything.

I do not know anything. Yup. Definitely, and not knowing means that Kaguya will teach me. Hah!

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