Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 181: Three Months, Back Home

"Daniel?!" Silas was genuinely surprised.

Daniel was the last person he expected to become an experimental subject for the organization's research.

Silas thought of the last time he met Daniel and how their meeting went.

"Did I just create a villain?" Silas asked himself with a mischievous smile.

He found the situation hilarious. He didn't understand why Daniel had to go that far.

Silas thought of what he did to Daniel's father, and his smile widened.

"Luna, what superpower did he awaken?" Silas asked curiously.

He was eager to know what superpower the experiment helped Daniel awaken.

{It looks like pyrokinesis, but I'm not really sure. The organization doesn't have a way to determine the exact superpower a person has, especially when it can also be strengthened with the absorption of dark energy,} Luna replied.

"I really did create a villain. Let's see how long he lasts." Silas laughed when he heard Luna's response.

"Pyrokinesis, huh? How strong is his superpower currently?"

{The last time he used his superpower, he was able to create a flame that could completely cover his palm.}

Silas nodded when he heard this.

"That sounds good enough for someone artificially awakened through a very risky method. I'm curious to know how much he can improve before his parachronic genes start acting up due to their intense level of excitement," Silas said as he looked out the car's window.

"I should probably call Mr. Williams. I guess it's time for Lucas' trial."

He put a call through to Mr. Williams, and after two rings, he heard the familiar voice of Mr. Williams from the phone, filled with worry.

"Mr. Silas, it's been a while. I called your phone, but you didn't pick up. I thought something had happened," Mr. Williams said.

Silas could understand why Mr. Williams was worried, but he didn't fully grasp the extent of it.

He knew that his fiasco with Lucas was something daring from Mr. Williams' perspective, especially given Lucas' connection to Mr. Armando Silva, a member of the Black Hand Organization.

Silas remembered how worried Mr. Williams was the day Lucas was arrested.

Before, Silas was overestimating the organization, but now, he didn't care about them.

Although he wouldn't go looking for a fight with them, if they came to him, he wouldn't play nice.

Even though all his stats had been reset back to ten and he didn't yet understand what that meant for his strength, he wasn't scared, as he had more than enough cards up his sleeve.

"Mr. Williams, I've been very busy with some things lately, which is why I wasn't able to pick up your calls," Silas said, easing Mr. Williams' worries.

"Mr. Williams, are you calling me because of Lucas' upcoming trial?" Silas asked.

Williams sighed when he heard Silas' response. He had tried his best, but he couldn't seem to understand anything about Silas.

If it wasn't for his daughter, Chloe, who vouched for his character, he would be even more confused than he already was.

He didn't understand why Silas would still go against someone like Lucas, even after he explained how powerful his associate was.

He was actually surprised Silas was able to get Lucas arrested in Oakland—a city known as Lucas' backyard.

Also, how was Silas able to get the judge in charge of the case to fast-track it and begin the hearing in less than six months?

He thought of this and sighed again. He just hoped that nothing happened to Silas.

"Yes, I was calling because of that. The trial will be in a week's time. Though, it seems like the judgment has already been passed before the trial even begins," Mr. Williams said.

Silas wasn't surprised by this. There was no way Lucas was getting out of this one, except… Daniel helped him. But considering his character, Silas highly doubted Daniel would help his father.

Of course, Silas also had a way to ensure that even if Daniel became a variable, he wouldn't be able to change anything.

"Mr. Williams, I'll leave everything in your hands. You know what to do, right?"

"Yes, I'll take care of everything. Will you be at the trial?"

"No, I have other things to do."

Silas felt no need to attend Lucas' trial, as it would clearly be a waste of his time.

He planned to go home to his family and spend time with them until the underground lab facility was finished. After that, he would move them to Venezuela—if they agreed to it.

"I'll hang up then. Oh, and Mr. Silas, my daughter said that you should call her," Mr. Williams said, then hung up.

Silas was left a little confused by Mr. Williams' words.

"His daughter? Chloe? Why does she want me to call her?" Silas asked himself, curious as a sly smile broke across his face.

It had been more than half a year since he last heard from Chloe, and before that, it had been two years.

They did talk sometimes, but their relationship wasn't exactly close, and they weren't friends either. This was why he was curious about why she wanted him to call her.

He decided to call her when he got back to the U.S. Maybe he could invite her out for dinner. Who knows? Something might happen... right?

Silas chuckled at his own thoughts. He hadn't really thought of Chloe like that before.

Well, he hadn't actually thought about entering a relationship after graduating, as he had always been busy with work and life. But maybe now he should start thinking about it.

The car slowly pulled to a stop in front of the airport.

When Silas saw they had arrived, he pushed thoughts of his potential romantic life to the back of his mind.

The door opened, and he stepped out of the car, walking into the airport, followed closely by Luna and his security detail.

His entrance drew attention, as everyone turned their heads to look at him.

After maxing out his stats, his appearance had always drawn attention. He often noticed how people—especially those of the opposite sex—looked at him with peculiar expressions, but he had learned not to be fazed by it.

As he walked through the VIP terminal, he heard some people murmuring, but he paid them no mind.

As he passed the terminal and entered the jet bridge, Silas suddenly became curious about something.

"Luna, what was the organization's reaction after you saved President Yusmaorobis' daughter from the lab facility?"

He knew there was no way that group of old men would take what happened lying down.

{They asked President Yusmaorobis to hand us over. They threatened him. From my calculations, they are planning to do something that will force him to give them our information.}

"Oh... I'm very curious to see what they plan to do, then. Luna, keep watch on them and report anything important to me," Silas ordered, and Luna nodded.

By then, they had reached the end of the jet bridge. Silas boarded the waiting aircraft and took his seat.

After everyone has boarded the aircraft, it took off into the air and started making it to San Jose.

Silas looked out the window and smiled.

"It's been three months. Time to see Alex and everyone."

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