Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 179: Unexplainable Changes

A few hours had passed, and Silas no longer felt the weakness he was experiencing previously.

He slowly got down from the bed and did a light stretch to loosen the stiffness he was feeling. After spending three months in the Evolution Capsule, lying in a single position, it was naturally unavoidable that he would feel stiff.

After he finished his light stretch, he took the new clothes that had been prepared by Luna and walked into the bathroom—that had been installed in the warehouse—to take a bath.

Once he was done with his bath, he stood in front of the wall mirror in the bathroom and started checking his body to see if there were any noticeable changes.

He saw that there were not many visible changes on the surface, as he looked almost the same as he did before he entered the Evolution Capsule.

No, his appearance before his first evolution metamorphosis and after it were completely different.

If his previous look could be described as masculine handsomeness, then his new appearance could be described as perfect.

Silas had no way to explain it. Maybe it was just his perception, but that was how he felt about his new look.

"Maybe it's time I get myself a girlfriend. I've been single for so long." He couldn't help but smile at his words.

After he finished checking out his body, he put on his clothes and walked out of the bathroom.

"Luna, let's go check out the construction site of the bank," Silas said as he stepped out of the warehouse.

As he stepped outside, he saw a group of buff men in black suits in front of him.

There was no need to ask Luna, as a glance was enough to tell him who they were.

He smiled at them and started walking toward a fleet of luxury cars that were parked at a distance, and Luna quickly followed behind.

The men in black—his security detail—took a defensive formation around him and Luna, positioning themselves strategically.

Silas smiled even brighter when he saw this. He never knew he would feel so good when seeing a group of people guarding him.

It felt like he was receiving VIP treatment or something.

Before Silas got close to the fleet of cars, one of the men had already opened the door of a blue Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Silas got into the car, followed by Luna. After they were seated, the security guard closed the door and got into the front seat of the car.

The cars drove off slowly toward the location of the new bank building. It took them a few minutes before they finally arrived.

Silas opened the door and stepped out of the car. He took a good look at the massive building in front of him and smiled proudly.

The bank building was something that he designed. Even though it looked somewhat like a miniature version of the Burj Khalifa, he was proud of his design.

Silas smiled and walked into the bank building.

The construction of the bank building was already completed, with only the furnishing left to be done, and that was what was currently ongoing.

Silas walked into the building, and he was impressed by what he saw.

"Not bad. Not bad." He was pleased with the work that the construction workers had done on the project.

He was also aware that it was with the help of his machines that they were able to complete it quickly and perfectly.

He started looking around the building, and he was impressed with everything he saw.

The building was perfectly constructed down to even the smallest detail in his design, and he was impressed by this.

Additionally, the building's security system had already been installed, and Silas applauded Luna after he reviewed it.

Of course, he knew that with Luna overseeing the construction work, there was nothing to worry about.

He took his time to inspect the building, and after he was done, he walked out of the building and got into the car.

He was done with the building, and it was time to go home to his family. Although he still had other things to do, like checking out the progress of the lab facility construction, that would have to wait for later.

Silas wanted to check out the lab facility once its construction had been completed. Besides, it had been three months since he last saw his family, and it was time for him to return home.

The fleet of cars drove off toward the airport. As they passed through the streets of Venezuela's capital, they drew the attention of everyone who saw them.

As they drove, Silas asked Luna to update him on everything that had happened while he was in the Evolution Capsule.

{Nothing notable happened. Except for the incident I caused when I went to rescue President Yusmaorobis' daughter, the world has been just as boring as it always was,}Luna responded.

Silas felt both disappointed and relieved that nothing major had occurred.

{There's something interesting that happened recently,} Luna said, piquing Silas' interest.

"What is it?"

{The organization experienced a breakthrough in their experiment.}

Silas' eyes widened in surprise, and a smile spread across his face.

He knew that the organization would succeed in their experiment, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon.

This news made him very curious. He wanted to know how they were able to achieve it and to confirm whether it was similar to a method he knew from the memories in his head.

From the knowledge in his head, Silas understood many things, and he knew that the artificial awakening the organization was pursuing was a ticking time bomb.

The only known way to artificially awaken someone was through the GES, which was the standard method, but there was another way, and it was extremely risky.

The second method involved using the Parachronic genes of one person to stimulate the Parachronic genes of another, creating a catalyst to kickstart the awakening of the dormant genes.

This method was risky due to the extreme volatility and sensitivity of the Parachronic genes. Also, anyone who awakened through this method could never increase their superpower through dark energy absorption, even after taking the GES.

This was because the Parachronic genes would have undergone intense stimulation that they were never meant to experience, leaving them in a constant state of extreme excitement.

The Parachronic gene was something incredibly complex, and for someone who knew nothing about it to try to tamper with it was like playing with nuclear weapons.

Silas had no idea what method the researchers at the lab facility had used, but he felt it wouldn't be much different.

The experiment may have been successful, but Silas couldn't help but smile when he thought about the surprise awaiting them with their artificially awakened subject.

{Master, do you want to know who the mastermind behind the experiment's success is?} Luna asked, and Silas smiled.

There was no need for him to be told. He already knew who it was.


Luna nodded in confirmation.

{Guess the subject?} Luna asked, and Silas looked at her curiously.



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