From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

Chapter 121 Good Job

Chapter 121 Good Job

The trainees once again gathered in the training room they had dreaded. Only one day had passed since they were given the songs, yet 'Rising Stars' already expected them to perform the whole song.

"Can you believe it?" Minho said to his other mentors, looking at the group of trainees coming in. "They looked like they've grown so much."

Bone chuckled as he observed Minho's fond expression. "Do you think of them as your kids now?"

"No," Minho defended. "I just feel like it's going too fast."

"Stop denying it," Jihyun teased. "You've become a fan of these boys, haven't you?"

Minho shook his head with an amused smile. "You're talking about me? I heard you went to the Azure headquarters when June was about to get kicked out. You're the fan here."

Jihyun raised her hands in surrender. "I'm not denying it."

Hyerin chuckled. "Not going to lie. June got me, too. But I bet Gun over here's the one he got the most."

Gun looked up from his phone and glared at them. "Shut up. I wasn't even saying anything."

"Which is strange," Woo-jin chimed. "You haven't bashed June ever since the second elimination. Did something happen between the two of you?"

Gun's face flushed as he remembered the shit incident in the toilet. Until now, he can't make eye contact with June and the janitor, who apparently held a grudge against him for "tainting" his lucky plunger.

With his lack of response, his fellow mentors started teasing him.

"You've developed a soft spot for him, haven't you?" Hyerin teased, nudging his shoulder.

Gun clicked his tongue and gently pushed her away. "I haven't," he defensively said. "And I'll prove it to you. Let's have them go first. Then, I'll let you know if I've developed a soft spot for him."

The other mentors appeared like they didn't believe him, making Gun roll his eyes. He then took the microphone and decided to disobey the script and have June's team perform first.

"Skateboard Ride, please come center-stage," Gun said, surprising the others. Usually, the highest-ranked team will perform last, but Gun was determined to prove his point.

Their team quickly rose up to their seats and lined up in front of the judges. "Good moning, mentors," Lin Zhi said as their leader. "We are team Risers."

"Risers, huh?" Jihyun asked. "Quite fitting for the song and this show."

"Thank you," Lin Zhi bowed, feeling proud of himself for coming up with the name.

"Don't waste any more time," Gun said, directing his gaze to June. The latter wasn't looking at him, which made him a bit annoyed.? And why the hell is this kid becoming more handsome every week? Is he drinking some kind of magical potion or something?

They started out with a loose formation, representing the carefree spirit of riding a skateboard.

"Riding through the streets, heart racing like a beat,

Love's a skateboard ride, unpredictable and sweet."

As the main vocalist, June sang the first lines. It was a first for him to start the song, and the audience was immediately enamored as he sang his lines.

As the lyrics mentioned falling down and getting back up, they mimed stumbling and quickly rising again, symbolizing a young boy's perseverance.

"But no matter how we try, no matter how we glide,

Can't seem to impress, even with our style.

It's like a challenge set, an endless uphill climb,

Fighting for a chance to make you change your mind."

The pre-chorus was a rap combination by Zeth and Casper, livening up the atmosphere. Although they only had one day to master the choreography and get the vibe of the song down, they were doing such a very good job.

June stood at the center during their lines, his movements smooth and confident, reflecting the growth of his skills.

"Skateboard ride, love's a wild ride,

Falling down the curb, swallowing my pride

"Boo, you suck," a little kid shouts.

Yet all that's in my mind is how to ask you out."

Even after the chorus, Gun's gaze was still focused on June. He frowned as he watched his movements, feeling confused by his sudden improvement.

June was one of the worst dancers at the start of the show.

But now, he doesn't look too weird with other ace dancers like Casper and Zeth. Surely, the others' movements looked more fluid and professional than his, but the progress within less than two months left him speechless.

"No ollie or flip trick can win your heart away,

Even as we spin and twist, I still can't find a way.

It's like a half-pipe dream, too high to reach the top,

But I'll keep on riding, never gonna stop."

For the bridge part, they split into pairs, mirroring each other's movements. June's partner, Xin, imitates a fall, and he extends his hand, helping him up.

It wasn't only a technically impressive performance. It was also fun and theatrical in a way.

June's stable vocal power shone as he belted out the lines, his voice capturing the essence of the pop song. If PCatt could hear his voice right now, he'd definitely feel satisfied.

Jihyun gaped at the performance before her. Her full attention was on June, and she feels that he's doing the best in the team despite having higher-ranked trainees with him.

For the last line, they formed a line resembling skateboard riders in a group, with fluid spins that seamlessly transitioned to powerful jumps.

"I'm just a skater boy, caught up in your snare.

You're the girl next door, with that twinkle that's rare."

As the song gradually faded, the room erupted into excited applause.

"Is it too late to give up?"

"Maybe in my next life, I'll be able to perform this song."

"They should have gone last."

Team Risers went back to their line formation, a bit out of breath, waiting for the mentors to give their comments.

The other mentors pushed the mic toward Gun, urging him to be the first one to speak.

June wasn't expecting a lot, especially since Gun was the first one to speak. He's probably going to pick on something from the performance.

Gun placed the microphone beneath his mouth and let out a deep breath.

"It was good."

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