From Human to Skeleton: Revived with Infinite System Crystals

Chapter 127: The Race

Ty, with a hint of wry humor, raised his skeletal hand, displaying the missing index finger to Todd. "Let's just say you missed some things while we were apart," he said, a subtle smile playing on his bony jaw.

As they prepared to leave, Ty mused about the potential use of the armor the Demon King had given him. "Let's go ahead and get going. I might get a good chance to use the Demon King's armor he gave me. Though, I wish I would have had it ready when Erebos attacked," he reflected, his voice tinged with a mix of anticipation and regret.

Todd, understanding the gravity of Ty's words, showed his chest, carefully undoing some of the bandages.

The sight of two scars and a stitched-up wound, from which a bit of blood still seeped, was a stark reminder of the perils they faced.

"I'm still recovering myself, but they don't seem to care too much," he said, a note of resilience in his tone.

Ty, taking in Todd's condition, responded, "I see. I'll try to handle any of the heavy lifting." Their conversation continued as they walked out of the Medical housing.

Outside, Ty glanced at the sky and mused, "Two hours, huh? I don't imagine you can fly," he said with a slight chuckle.

Todd, taking out his device and inputting the same coordinates as Ty, replied with a playful challenge in his voice, "No, but how about we race towards the Southern Coastline?"

Ty's skeletal frame seemed to perk up at the challenge. "You're on!" he declared, his spirit lifted by the friendly competition.

"The first one there gets a free 12-pack of beer!" Ty announced, the green flames in his eye sockets dancing with competitive spirit.

Todd's chuckle rumbled in response, "I'm sure that means 12 free drinks, so I'll take that bet."

Their elbows slammed together in a solid, unified gesture, signaling the start of their impromptu race. In a playful yet strategic move, Todd shoulder-checked Ty, throwing him off balance. Taking advantage of the moment, Todd bolted forward. His green, enlarged feet thundered against the ground, kicking up a trail of dust as he launched into a full sprint.

Steadying himself, Ty watched Todd's rapidly receding figure. The sight sparked a memory of their past escapade - fleeing from the fire head captain on Todd's planet. It was a wild, adrenaline-fueled dash, much like this challenge.

Ty's grin widened as he focused on the challenge ahead. The green flames in his eye sockets flared, mirroring his determination and excitement.

With a sudden burst of energy, flames erupted beneath his feet, propelling him forward.

He decided to embrace the thrill of a foot race, and his competitive spirit fully ignited.

Glancing down at the device in his hand – his makeshift GPS – Ty launched himself off the ground. In mid-stride, a thought crossed his mind about Lady Nanako. 'I should have said goodbye to Nana,' he thought, but then reconsidered. 'No, she'd just get upset about me leaving.'

Just then, a streak of blue caught his eye, high in the sky. A smirk crossed his skeletal face. 'Never mind,' he thought. Raising his voice, he shouted upwards, his skeletal hands cupping around his bony lips as if to amplify his voice. "Tell Lady Nanako not to worry, I'll be fine!" The words echoed, carrying his message skyward.

"I'll be fine!" Ty's declaration rang through the air, his voice carrying upward as if to reach Lady Nanako herself.

With his message sent, Ty returned to his full sprint. To his surprise, Todd had gained a considerable lead, almost disappearing from sight. Determined not to fall behind, Ty summoned more fire beneath his feet, feeling the surge of energy as he began to close the gap between them. The flames added a burst of speed, propelling him forward with increasing velocity.

As he raced through the city, the GPS device guided him in a zigzag pattern, weaving in and out of housing complexes.

Civilians going about their daily routines stopped in their tracks, their eyes wide with shock and confusion at the surreal sight.

A giant green creature and a black skeleton sprinting at breakneck speed through the city was not something they saw every day.

Some of the onlookers appeared terrified, understandably so, witnessing such unusual and imposing figures moving so swiftly through their normally peaceful streets.

Others were simply stunned, unable to process the bizarre spectacle unfolding before them, with some kids looking on with excitement.

As Ty dashed through the city, his path intersected with a street vendor's cart brimming with food. With impeccable timing, a cart rolled between him and the road ahead. Reacting swiftly, Ty leaped into the air, vaulting over the cart in a single, fluid motion. Mid-jump, he called out to the startled vendor, his voice carrying over the din of the street.

"Sorry to scare you, but keep it up; your hard work will pay off, food man!" Ty exclaimed, offering a word of encouragement as he soared overhead.

Landing smoothly on the other side, he didn't break stride, continuing his relentless pursuit of Todd.

Behind him, the vendor, initially taken aback by the sudden intrusion and the unusual sight of a black skeleton leaping over his cart, paused for a moment.

His confusion turned to astonishment as he noticed three gold pieces lying atop his cart. Ty, in a swift gesture of goodwill, had left a generous tip for the unintended disturbance.

The vendor's eyes widened in shock and gratitude, staring at the gold pieces, then back at the rapidly disappearing figure of Ty. For a moment, the vendor's surprise and the hustle of the city faded into the background for Ty, replaced by the focus on the race and the mission ahead.

Ty, steadily closing the gap between him and Todd, watched as the green giant deftly maneuvered around every obstacle with ease. Todd's agility, despite his size, was impressive, allowing him to leap and dodge effortlessly through the cityscape.

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