Forsaken By The Gods, I Made A Contract With the Demon King

Chapter 82: Entrance Exam (2)

Levi glanced at his citizenship watch as the instructions from the staff member flashed across the screen.

Section 469 – Combat Trial Grounds.

Proceed immediately – Late arrivals will be disqualified.

Taking a deep breath, he began making his way through the crowded courtyard and corridors. The academy buzzed with energy, and as he passed groups of students, bits of conversation floated his way.

"Do you think they'll have us fight each other in the first round?"

"I heard last year they brought in live monsters."

"My cousin failed last year—couldn't even make it through the combat section."

Levi moved through the crowd, his ears catching the anxious chatter of the hopeful examinees around him.

"The entrance exam changes every year, so no one really knows what's coming."

"Yeah, just hope we pass."

They sounded hopeful, a bit too much hopeful considering only 500 among the twenty-five thousand are going to pass.

"They said only seven scholarships are available combining both combat and theory this time. Can you imagine the pressure?"

"Seven? That's insane! I thought there'd be more spots."

"I'm not worried about theory, it's the combat section that's going to kill me."

"I heard some kid last year had his arm broken during a duel. They don't mess around."

Levi's gaze wandered across the courtyard as he picked up more snippets of conversation.

"Apparently, they've brought in some new instructors this year—one of them's supposed to be a beast in combat."

"I hope I don't get paired up to fight against an instructor like that."

Another voice chimed in, "Honestly, I'd rather have a spar with the instructors than the monsters. Did you see what came out of the portals last time?"

"Someone told me they released a Shadowhound in the second round last year. Those things don't go easy on you."

Levi smirked slightly as he kept walking, pushing past the nervous energy in the air. There was so much speculation, so much fear—but also a flicker of excitement, buried beneath it all. Every student around him shared the same goal.

To successfully enter the Favored Ones Academy.

Levi, too, was confident.

Most of the students here were from lower ranks, like Followers or Priests.

That was because the academy was strict about who could apply—only those under twenty could enter as first-year students.

After that, they had to graduate to the second year before turning twenty, or they'd be expelled.

Although Levi wasn't the strongest among the entering freshmen, he was confident that he could hold his own. And that was without using his demonic transformation.

As for the age limit? No concern there.

He was only a few months into his eighteenth year.

So he would have plenty of time after entering the academy to think about promoting. Right now, he just had to focus on passing the exam.

And that's why Levi did, he followed the instructions on his watch.

The academy's size was staggering. Without the map flashing on his wristwatch, he would've been completely lost.

And everything here… well, it reeked of wealth and status. From the towering walls to the intricate designs on every surface, it was clear that whoever built this place wanted everyone to feel small.

"Damn bastards," Levi muttered under his breath.

As he continued toward the examination center, someone approached him.

It was a boy, maybe his age, with large ears and a nose that looked like a tiny potato. The boy was hopping from one foot to the other, his face twisted in desperation.

"Excuse me, do you know where the washroom is?" the boy stammered, his voice high with urgency.

Levi took a moment to observe him. The boy wasn't fat, but he was definitely chubby, and with the way he was dancing around, holding "you know where," Levi had to suppress a laugh. At least he managed not to show it on his face.

Honestly, Levi didn't know where the washroom was either—he was just finding his way through the academy himself. But he couldn't help but feel amused by the boy's situation.

A sly thought crossed his mind.

Levi pointed down a random hallway, doing his best to keep a straight face.

"I think it's that way," he said, a grin pulling at his lips.

The boy's eyes lit up with pure relief. "Thanks!" he blurted, rushing off as fast as his legs could carry him.

Levi waited until the boy was out of sight, then chuckled to himself.

'This should be fun.' he muttered, already anticipating what would happen next.


Tobin Hale.

A young man who many would call a genius for his age.

The Hale family wasn't exactly well-known, but they held enough power to be considered an elite household. Though they weren't dedicated to a single god, unlike other families, they had warriors who'd raised their status over the years.

Being the second son of such a family, Toby had access to all the resources that most would envy. Tutors, combat instructors, magical theory, rare treasures, artifacts, potions —he had it all long before he even set foot in Paradise.

And this year, he had turned eighteen. Following the custom dictated, he entered Paradise, beyond the black hole.

It seemed as though the lady of fortune was on his side.

He had succeeded in making a contract with one of the more prominent gods.

Not only that—he had obtained a rare trait. A gift that many would kill for.

But, like all blessings, it came with a flaw….quite a troublesome one….

Every time Toby used his powers, there was a rather... uncomfortable side effect.

An uncontrollable urge to relieve himself.

This flaw hadn't bothered him much during his first few tests of power. But now, on the day of the entrance exam, the problem had become urgent.

Very urgent.

Toby had carelessly used his abilities while traveling through the maze of the academy. Now, he was practically hopping from foot to foot, desperately looking for the nearest restroom.

He couldn't afford to humiliate himself by... doing the deed right here. Not in front of everyone on his first day.

Thankfully, a fellow student had pointed him in the right direction. The restroom should be close.

He just had to hold out for a little longer.

"Just a bit further," Toby muttered to himself, eyes scanning the halls. "It has to be here somewhere."

He owed the boy a thank you later. If he survived this crisis, that is.

But... where was the restroom?

The student had definitely pointed this way, hadn't he?

Toby frowned. Maybe it was just a bit farther ahead?

He leapt forward, quickening his pace.

Poor Toby. He had no idea what kind of day awaited him... thanks to a certain somebody.


Check out the Author's note for Monthly Goals ~

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