Forsaken By The Gods, I Made A Contract With the Demon King

Chapter 37: Cocoon of Lunacy

As the world around Levi rematerialized, he found himself in a landscape strikingly similar to the previous floor. The same desolate terrain stretched out before him, dotted with strange, twisted trees. However, there was one crucial difference, instead of the disgusting larvae, each tree here bore a single, ominous black cocoon.


Levi's muscles tensed instinctively, his eyes darting from tree to tree. The cocoons hung motionless, their dark surfaces pulsating slightly in the dim light. He didn't dare to make a sound as he took a cautious step forward, then another, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger.

Minutes passed, and nothing stirred. No mind-bending attacks assaulted his thoughts like on the first floor, and no monsters burst forth from the shadows. Slowly, Levi began to relax, though he kept his guard up. There didn't seem to be any immediate danger around him, at least for now.

But Levi couldn't rest easy. His curiosity about the cocoons gnawed at him, so he cautiously approached one of the nearest trees.

As he drew closer, he could make out more details of the cocoon hanging from the tree's branch. It was a dark, twisted mass that resembled an oversized chrysalis. Its surface seemed to be composed of interwoven black feathers, creating erratic patterns that shifted disconcertingly as he looked at them.

Occasional flashes of light pulsed from within, casting an eerie, flickering glow on the surrounding area.

Just as he got closer, a notification appeared before his eyes:

[Cocoon of Lunacy]

[Rank: Essence]

Levi froze, reading the message. He didn't dare take another step forward. He had experienced hell on the first floor by underestimating the larvae, which were merely dormant monsters, and he wasn't about to make the same mistake again. He took a cautious step back.

The good news was that the cocoon wasn't doing anything—or at least, Levi hadn't felt it do anything. Another thing he found himself grateful for was that, judging by the number of trees, there were more than a hundred cocoons—each potentially housing a demonic crystal.

"So, in this floor, I just need to figure out how to kill these cocoons, and I might be able to evolve," Levi muttered, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes.

He glanced around at the other trees, each bearing an identical cocoon. Unlike the previous floor, he felt no pressure on his mind, no attempts to twist his thoughts or perceptions.

To confirm his suspicions, Levi did something that, in retrospect, wasn't his smartest move. He pinched himself hard, letting out a sharp yelp of pain.

The sound echoed in the eerie silence, but nothing changed. No hidden illusions shattered, and no mental attacks were triggered.

"Well, at least that's confirmed," Levi grimaced, rubbing his arm. "But what's the catch here?"

Even the larvae, classified as dormant monsters, were capable of inflicting mind attacks. There was no way these cocoons would stay still and let him kill them. There had to be something these cocoons were capable of, and Levi was determined to find out what it was.

Deciding to test the waters further, Levi searched the area until he found a long, sturdy stick from a nearby tree. He spent a few minutes sharpening one end against a rock, fashioning a crude but serviceable spear.

Armed with his makeshift weapon, Levi approached one of the cocoons again. He took a deep breath, steadied his grip on the spear, and threw it towards the pulsating surface of the cocoon with all his strength.

But what happened next defied all logic.

The spear suddenly stopped mid-air, mere inches from the cocoon's surface, as if it had hit an invisible barrier. Then, in a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, it slowly began to turn.

"What the—" Levi's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched the spear rotate in the air, its sharpened tip now pointing directly at him.

"Shit!" The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He had made a terrible mistake.

Levi barely had time to throw himself to the side as the spear shot back towards him with incredible speed. He felt the rush of air as it passed, missing him by a hair's breadth and lodging at the ground beside him.

Rolling to his feet, Levi's heart pounded in his chest as he stared at the now-innocuous-looking cocoon. What had just happened sent a chill down his spine.

"Fucking… Hell!" he cursed under his breath, finally realizing the danger!


Outside the Sanctum where Levi was currently trapped, a scene of tense anticipation unfolded. Around a hundred individuals milled about, each engrossed in their own tasks, yet clearly divided into two distinct groups. Numerous camps were scattered across the area, forming makeshift bases for those awaiting the outcome of whatever was happening inside.

At just a glance, anyone could see the two factions present, the warriors of the Makalani family, and the representatives from the Mercenary Federation. Both groups eyed each other warily, the tension palpable in the air.

"Everything has gone to shit," Kai muttered, standing beside his own camp as he observed the growing number of people gathered around the Sanctum. The irritation in his voice was unmistakable.

William, standing beside Kai, merely nodded in silent agreement.

They had tried their hardest to keep the situation under wraps, gathering the Makalani family's warriors discreetly. While they had succeeded in assembling a force of 37 experts to encircle the Sanctum's black entrance, their initial intention to keep it all a secret had been completely ruined.

For two days, they had managed to maintain the secrecy of the Sanctum's existence. But when, after those two days, the Sanctum remained uncleared with no one emerging from within, Kai knew they were dealing with something extraordinary.

Any lingering doubts he had about the sanctum were dispelled. Recognizing the significance, he had immediately called for reinforcements.

And that's where he made his mistake.

The Mercenary Federation noticed the unusual behavior of the Makalani family. Their stealthy surveillance led them to uncover the existence of the special Sanctum within their territory.

In response, they acted swiftly, blocking any further entry of individuals from other influential families, especially those from the Makalani family. They also began gathering their own experts around the Sanctum.

The news spread and even more people began to gather around the Sanctum.

Now, nearly a hundred experts from various households and the Mercenary Federation were waiting for the Sanctum to be cleared. All of them were eager for the opportunity to enter, waiting for the current occupant to fail so they could seize their chance.

The majority of these experts were from the Makalani family and the Mercenary Federation, two of the most formidable factions present.

But so far, their wait had been in vain.

Seven days had passed, and the Sanctum still remained unchanged. No one had emerged, and there were no signs indicating it would be cleared anytime soon.

Yet, despite the prolonged silence, no one was willing to leave. The prospect of an unranked Sanctum, a treasure trove of unimaginable value, was too tempting to abandon.

"It's been a week. What the fuck is going on inside the Sanctum… Argh!" Kai cursed, frustration boiling over as he turned away from the gathering.

"Keep someone watching the Sanctum at all times," he ordered, his voice sharp. "Now that we have competition, we need to act fast to reap the best benefits."

With that, Kai strode back toward his camp, and William nodded before walking off to relay the orders to their people.

The area settled into a tense calm once more, the only sound being the murmur of conversations and the occasional rustle of movement. If Levi had known that it had been seven days since he entered the Sanctum, he likely would have cursed the gods and their grandmothers.


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