Fall in Love with Mr. Nian Slowly

Chapter 136. You have feelings for her, don't you?

Chapter 136. You have feelings for her, don't you?

Come on, dont be a bad sport. Youve turned down so many women who have expressed an interest in you, but Luosang I know you well. You have feelings for her, dont you? Although I havent had the chance to interact properly with her, I can tell that shes not homosexual. Sometimes, its not all about your talent or your family background, you know? Women like romantic men, Xiao Si chuckled.

Nian Junting protested, How am I not romantic enough? I booked the entire restaurant just to have beef noodles with her

Well, beef noodles are beef noodles. You need some combination of steak and wine to be a true romantic. Besides, you didnt buy her anything, did you? At the end, your date even ended up drenched in the rain. What a downer. My main point is, well, you are way too abrasive and blunt. I dont hold it against you, and none of your subordinates at the company will either, but you should treat a lady differently. You have to coddle and compliment her frequently, explained Xiao Si.

These are things that desperate men do to chase women when they have difficulty charming them with their personality. Im used to ladies throwing themselves at me. After all, I am really perfect, Nian Junting said.

Youre talking as if you did manage to charm her, Xiao Si thought to himself.

You can wait for women to throw themselves at you then, Xiao Si rolled his eyes.

Im not attracted to any of those women, Nian Junting rubbed his forehead as he recalled the kiss in the rain. It was a heart fluttering moment and he wished that he could continue kissing her forever. How can you be sure that shes not homosexual?

Based on my instincts. Also, she paused for a good second when she first saw me which shows her primal instinct. She showed appreciation for a good-looking man, so I can be certain that she likes men that way, Xiao Si said.

Nian Junting looked even more grim now.

She paused when she saw you? Nian Junting stood up abruptly and broke into a smile, I understand now! She has poor taste, and thats why she turned me down. I think I better give her another chance.

Must he say such nasty things? Im trying to help him out here. I really want to throw a shoe in his face, Xiao Si thought to himself.

Enough, its getting late. Go home. I dont want people to gossip about our sexual orientation, Nian Junting dismissed him with a wave and then threw the car keys at him. Take the sports car, I dont think its suitable for me.

A smile was creeping up on Xiao Sis face. Nian Junting had told him that a few days ago. What a quick change of heart. Tingting, a word of advice on account of our brotherhood; always coddle and coax a woman. If you butter her up with honeyed words, shell be yours in no time.

Nian Junting sat quietly as he thought about the whole conversation after Xiao Si left, and twenty minutes later, he called Lu Kang.

Get me a couple of reference books on words of affection, as soon as possible, he said.

Lu Kang was silent on his end of the phone for a while, and then he whined, Mr. Nian, I thought you asked me to prepare a proposal for the noodle bar franchise. Which task should I complete first?

The books of course! Who am I going to gift the noodle bar to if I dont have the dating guides. Hurry along, and dont tell anyone about this, Nian Junting hung up quickly.

Later, he wondered if Luosang was alright after being drenched in the rain today.

He picked up his phone and dialed Lu Kangs number again, Buy some cough and flu mixtures to deliver to Yan Su at the college. She might have caught a cold from tonights storm.

Lu Kang was bewildered, Mr. Nian, didnt you just decide to start a romantic relationship with Miss Luosang? Why are you hitting on Yan Su now?

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