Extra's Death: I Am the Son of Hades

Chapter 144: City Of Reapers

"I can tell you where the next droplet is, but I want something in return."

"If you want me to share the blood, th I'm afraid, we can't have a deal."

"No, I don't need the blood."

The spider monster continued.

"The others places are more dangerous than here.

"I wouldn't have be able to ter those places ev if you helped me.

"Instead I want you to help me catch someone."

Neo thought about it.

It seemed like a good proposal.


Lysander and Alaric kept quiet.

Sela approached Neo and oped her mouth.

"What is your rank?"

"Awaked Demigod."

"No, not that one. What is your Reaper rank?"


"Wait, are you ev registered, or are you a rogue monster?"

Neo never heard those terms in his life.

The spider monster continued.

"Your Aura of Death is attuned to Underworld. That's only possible if you are a monster like us.

"Th how the hell do you not know about Reaper ranks?"


Seeing Neo's confused expression, Sele muttered.

"Did you lose your memories after you were corrupted by the Darkness?"

She explained to him in simple terms.

"Dead souls come to the Underworld.

"They are either tak by the Reapers to the paradise, or they remain in the Forest Of All Beginning.

"Those who remain here are corrupted by Darkness and become monsters. Like you and me."

Sele raised one of her leg and placed it on his shoulder.

"There is a lot to explain, but first thing first. Let's go to a Town.

"We need to get you registered before you can help me with the Hunt."

Neo nodded.

He felt a string of ergy trying to flow into his body through Sele's leg.

He let it ter.

Their bodies turned into ink and fell into the shadows.

Sela carried Neo through the Shadow Movemt.

They had to stop a few times on the way to let Sele recover her Divine Energy.

Few hours later, they reached the trance of a town.

Sele cancelled the Shadow Movemt Spell.

Their bodies returned to their usual form.

The place was filled with monsters.

An umbrella with an eye, a giant tortoise that walked on two legs, humans with animal-like ears and tails.

Other than the monsters, it seemed like a normal medieval human town.

They had stores, buildings, and the place was filled with the vibrancy of life.


"It's nice isn't it?" Sele smiled. "Welcome to Tartale, the first City of Reapers.

"Now, follow me."

Neo looked a the place with marvel.

He never expected to see a city in the Underworld.

The two tered the giant ancit building at the city border.

Sele pointed at the wall on the left.

"That is where you can see usual missions.

"They can be anything. From collecting herbs for the nanny next doors to hunting the ancit dragon that rectly woke up.

"By the way, the ancit dragon, Veldora, attacked Nemorax, the Wandering Giant, a few months ago.

"The droplets of blood fell during their battle."

"Nemorax?" Neo questioned.

"Yes, it used to just roam a. That's why it's called the Wandering Giant.

"Although it's a corrupted monster, it never attacked anyone.

"It suddly wt berserk a few months ago and Veldora also woke up at the same time.

"We don't know what the cause was. However, most of us think the incidts are related."

Neo nodded as if it was not his fault.

'I'm pretty sure both of them were after my blood.'

Sele pointed to the right wall.

"There you can find Hunt targets."

"Hunt targets?"

"Yes, they are the souls that come to the Underworld.

"The Reapers can't gather the hundreds of thousands of soul that fall into the Underworld every day.

"We do the task for them. We bring the souls — the Hunt Targets — to the Reapers and receive rewards in return."

"Still, calling them Hunt Target is quite unique."

"The name is perfect."

Sele and Neo tered a line at the reception.

While they waited for their turn, Sele continued to explain him about the place.

"No soul wants to go with the Reapers willingly. We have to hunt them down, quite literally."

"What about the souls you can't catch?"

"They are the unlucky ones who'll become corrupted by Darkness and become a monster."

The two reached the receptionist.

A flying skull without a body stood behind the counter.

It held a p and paper with telekinesis.

"I want to get this him registered."

"Name, time of death, place of death."

"He doesn't remember wh he died. He forgot everything wh he became a monster."

Neo did not correct them.

The truth was too bothersome to explain.

Besides, the word of him being Hades' bloodline could danger him.

Neo could ask for help from Barbatos and Paimon, sure, but there was no guarantee they would help him.

It was quite clear to him they were investing in him by helping him train.

But they never tried to protect him during his trials.

Ev if Barbatos and Paimon could help him, he did not want their help unless absolutely necessary.

Neo wanted to progress with his own strgth.

Unnecessary help would only impede his growth.

The flying skull looked at Neo.

"Boy, do you remember your name."

"Neo Hargraves."

"Fine. Now, put your hand over this."

It picked a black crystal ball and put on the reception table.

"What's this?"

"It's a contamination measuremt device."

The flying skull explained.

"0~% is for souls. They hav't be affected much by the vironmt of the Underworld.

"+ % contamination means you have become a monster.

"50+ % is wh you lose your sanity and become a corrupted monster.

"Wh you reach that level, a bounty will be put on your head."

The skull laughed wh it noticed Neo's expression.

"Boy, don't worry, we give Pills as reward for the quests and Hunts.

"They will help supress the spreading contamination.

"Of course, it's only a stopgap method.

"If you want to stop the contamination forever, you must become a Reaper.

"That's why everyone here works hard. Harr, Harr, they have no choice but to work if they don't want to become Corrupted!"

Neo nodded.

After receiving the explanation, he put his hand over the crystal ball.

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