Endo and Kobayashi’s Live Commentary on the Villainess

Chapter 2 - Just How Red Can She Be…?

Ignoring Liselotte, who didnt know what was happening, I pulled her close to me and

Planted a deep kiss.

That said, it was just on the cheek.

Well, is that satisfactory, Coebyashayshan?

Of course, I refrained from impulsively stealing a kiss from her lips.

Since I wasnt told specifically how to kiss her, I supposed that should be alright.


After a moment of evanescent silence, during which I pondered just how soft Liselottes cheek had been, the voice of Cobeyasheshan pierced through the quiet.

Under my palm, Liselottes cheek was growing hotter by the second. Looking back at her, they had grown a bright shade of red. Tears were welling in the corners of her eyes. Her entire body seemed like it was trembling.

Just who is this cute creature?


Suddenly, Cobeyasheshans voice turned into a shockingly loud shout.

C-Calm down, Kobayashi-san!

How!? Could!? I!?!? Because! Sieg and Rize-tan just!! Smooch! Even if its just on the cheek! Smooch! The smoooch!! Rize-tans so kyuuuuuute!! Oh gosh, having seen this, Id be fine dying right now!

Please dont! Im not sure why at all, but it seems like he really can hear our voices, right? In that case, why dont we do our best to help Sieg avoid the final boss and the witch and stuff? Lets do our best doing that, okay!? So stop smacking me on the back, okay!?

Thats it!

As Cobeyasheshan shouted, the two venerable Gods began to hold a conversation I could barely comprehend.

Not wanting to rudely interrupt the two deities, I waited quietly. When they talked about Liselotte being cute, however, I couldnt help but agree.

Usually, Liselotte was as stubborn as a mule, and headstrong to boot.

I am the fiance of the Crown Prince, Siegward. Regardless of how many people would approach her and comment on her beauty at social occasions, she would tell them that line and coldly brush them aside with a glare, so it was hard for me to even consider believing that the same girl would turn completely red and speechless from having simply been kissed on the cheek.

Just what happened to her usually brusque attitude? I was prepared for a scowl that reached below zero temperatures for what I just did.

Instead, her whole face was No, even her neck and ears were completely red. Just how red can one person be?


As I was standing, fascinated by Liselottes face, the Goddess coughed loudly.

Oh, had they finished talking?

I took my hand off Liselottes cheek and attempted to straighten myself.

Umm, well, for the time being, even if we dont really understand whats going on with being called Gods and such, well just go with it.

Thus declared Cobeyashayshan.

Looking towards the heavens where she must dwell, I nodded in response.

Such is the will of the Gods.

I know the scenarios that Um, that is to say, what shall befall the country, centered on this academy.

As expected of a Goddess.

Ummm, but it would be sort of spoiling things if I suddenly said everything, and even if I told you everything right now, it really wouldnt make any sense to you Moreover, I still want to keep our club practice going, so with that being said, from now on, we will continue providing play-by-play and colour commentary!!

All I could do was stand in silent confusion as Coebayashayshan ordered an entirely incomprehensible commandment.

Play-by-play and Colour commentary?

Umm, Im, uh, I mean, my name is Endo, I handle the play-by-play.

My name is Kobayashi, the colour commentator.

The Gods officially named themselvesEndow of the Play-by-Play]and Coebayashay of the Colour Commentary].

Perhaps they only use Kuhn and Shan when talking to each other? I must have been exceptionally rude.

In any case, I inscribed their names upon my heart.

Ah, I should write it down too. I need a pen and paper Does anyone have? Ah, I can use Finnes. She had some, right? Ill borrow her notebook Wait, when did she sit back down on the bench?

Well be commentating on the events that are coming up, and most of all about Rize-tans Err, I mean, Liselottes feelings. Ill be giving a detailed commentary on them. Ah jeez, it feels like Im going crazy by talking to myself like this, but anyways Sieg, just listen and think carefully, and this should all work out. It feels weird talking to someone in a different world too. Whats more, Sieg, youve been kind of out of character for a while now, so its fine if you dont talk to us. Instead, you can just listen to what we say instead. Does that work?

Out of character?

As I looked back at Liselotte and Finne with the Goddess words in mind, I could see that both of them were staring at me with worry evident on their faces.

Ahh, right, even though I was technically talking to Gods, Liselotte and Finne could only hear my voice. I must have seemed insane. To all of the onlookers, it must have looked like Id made a brilliant transformation into a madman.

It wasnt just those two either; nobody outside of the royal family can hear The Voice of God]. Talking to Gods in public might cause some troublesome misunderstandings.

Just listen I had my reservations about how discourteous it was to ignore the Gods, but their proposal was a great relief to me all the same.

Thank you very much for your benevolence.

With a final word to the heavens, I bowed deeply once more and turned back to Liselotte and Finne.

Thats right, I was supposed to be in the middle of a conversation with the two in the first place.

Do your best, Sieg! Dont give in, Sieg! As Sieg returns to this tense situation, will he be able to safely overcome this difficult event!?

Since Liselotte has already become well-boiled after what just occurred, is it possible? It would be nice if all three of them were able to study peacefully together.

That would be nice.

I agreed with Coebayashays statement, but I refrained from vocalizing it.

With her face still flushed as red as it was when I kissed her cheek, Liselotte was absent-mindedly playing with her loosely curled hair. The fire with which she had strode into the courtyard was completely gone.

I didnt really understand what Endow meant by Event], but its clear that this situation would have played out completely differently if it wasnt for the intervention of the Gods.

Ive already finished receiving the commandments of the Gods. Now, why dont the three of us study together? Liselotte, you should join us too.

Trying to bring the two confused girls to their senses, I beckoned towards the bench, taking the dazed Liselottes hand to gently sit her down.

We sat down with Liselotte in the middle, Finne on her left, and me on her right.

It seemed like Liselotte didnt have the energy to go after Finne like she had before. However, even if she sat awkwardly at first, it didnt take long for Liselotte to regain her elegant posture while Finne smiled bashfully in her direction.

Then I guess this seating arrangement is fine?

If I had sat next to Finne myself, it might cause Liselottes pride to flare up again. Whats more, it could cause some malicious onlooker to spread rumours.

Now then, Finne, which parts didnt you understand?

Finne had looked a little relieved that the discussion about the Gods was over, but now she flicked through the textbook hurriedly, her expression slightly confused.

It seemed like the place that she was tripping over was, in fact, the very fundamentals of magic.

Most of the students in the academy would have already studied them before attending school.

But, as a commoner without a family name to call her own, they were hardly something she could be expected to know.

Oh, oh my, you do not even know this much?

Turning towards Finne, Liselotte said that as if she were looking down on her. Although having said that, she was leaning in closer to her, as if she intended to start teaching.

It cant be helped if she never really had the opportunity to learn.

But in order to help teach Finne myself from where I sat, I had no choice but to lean over Liselotte to point out things in the book.

When it comes to this part

As I began to talk to Finne about the contents of the book, I was conscious that as I leaned past Liselotte, I was but a hairs breadth away from touching her back.


She must have been aware of it too, as her back stiffened up whilst her neck, ears, and no doubt the face that I couldnt see were shining in a brilliant shade of red that I could only describe as cute.

I realized that there were a number of things I could get away with and play off as accidental.

Should I let a little bit of my breath tickle those flushed ears?

Or should I brush down her shoulder through her back with my fingers?

Actually, even if I hugged her suddenly from behind, that would be fine, right?

Seeing for my own two eyes the wisdom freely imparted by the Gods that Liselotte is a Soon dRey and actually likes you was a divine truth that filled me with a deep and indescribable joy.

As I kept teaching in a happy mood, Liselotte looked flustered and confused by my sudden change in attitude. Meanwhile, Finne could barely suppress her smile as she looked at us. It seemed like the Goddess Coebayashay forgot to provide commentary, as the God Endow cried outOuch ouch ouch, s-stop it, Kobayashi-san

Just what could have been transpiring up in their heavenly kingdom?

Hey there, thanks for waiting. I kind of have an obssession with having the illustrations before starting so I waited for the LN to come out to continue. From now on, Ill be posting chapters daily until I run out of backlog, then Ill aim for semi-regular releases. In that vein, though, there are two good pieces of news.

As mentioned, I have those illustrations now, and you can view the first of them here Ill be updating this page with the illustrations as they appear in the novels story.

The second piece of great news is that this series will be getting a manga soon! As well as the manga cover below, Ive posted the character designs of the manga here . Not quite sure when the manga will be out, but Ill keep you all posted.

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