Endless Horde: Through the Eyes of a Godking

Chapter 203: Vacation


Cedric received the e-mail for his promotion about an hour after he was done with the challenges.

It also informed him that he, along with other students who were successfully promoted, had a month's worth of vacation. Once it's over, they'd be returning as sophomore students of the Starlight Royal Academy.

Cedric thought about going back to the Black Thread City since he has a home there. It's been a year since he left that place, and although he hired some people to clean it every now and then, the house would still deteriorate somehow without him.

It would be nice to return, but was it necessary? Not really. For all intents and purposes, life within the Academy wasn't that bad, he'd even say that it's way better and it's absolutely safe here.

Black Thread City was too small for Cedric, and although he had people there who helped him out when he was just starting, he already returned their kindness with interest after attaining the 1st Rank during the entrance exam. They've received all sorts of benefits due to their relationship with him so they're even. He doesn't owe them anything or vice versa.

"Hey...you're not paying attention!" Erica complained as she poked his cheeks.

Cedric lowered his gaze and saw her wearing a cute pout on her face. They're lying on the bed with Erica's head resting on his bare chest. She was telling him a story but he got a little bit occupied by his current thoughts.

"Sorry...I was just thinking." Cedric replied before planting a kiss on her head.

"About what?" She asked, she lifted her head and rested her chin on his pecs.

"How I should spend my vacation?" Cedric answered, "I mean, I could return to the Black Thread City but there's nothing much for me there aside from the house I owned - which I'm thinking of selling since I don't need it anymore, or at least renting it out."

"Aside from that, I've nowhere else to go. The academy has been my home this entire year and I'm okay with that. I don't feel stuffed either so I don't think there's a need for me to go out at all, but at the same, I also like to go out and explore. I don't know, I'm confused...what exactly do I want to do?"

Chrissy and Erica weren't strangers to what Cedric was feeling. They've been there so they could sympathize. In fact, the reason why they joined the Outer World Expedition Team was because of this.

"I know what that is like." Erica hummed, "The cities feel too small for us, not to mention, because of your fame, you'd be recognized everywhere. There would be people who would undoubtedly try to manipulate you into doing their bidding. They'd drag you into politics and use you to get what they want."

"Politics can't touch me, Babe." Cedric replied off-handedly, "I'm a 1st Class Army Officer remember? I outrank City Lords, Region Governors, and even the Noble Titles. Only the Azure Terra Army could order me around."

"...right, I can't believe I actually forgot about that." Erica groaned as she snuggled deeper into his chest. "Well, if you go out, you'd be chased by that Lighthouse Cult."

"Cult...?" Cedric trailed off, feeling a little bit shaken by the term.

"Yeah, I mean the House of Light." She replied, "I've been out and around, I saw some of them still waiting for a chance to meet up with you. They still haven't forgotten your deed - the one where you mimicked the sun. They still want to make you a member of their ranks."

Cedric looked as if he didn't even hear the majority of what she said. He just stared at the ceiling blankly as he recalled something.

"Cult, huh...yeah, that could work." Cedric muttered to himself.

"Eh?" Erica raised her head in surprise, "Really? You plan on joining them?"

"The House of Light? Well, it depends on their sincerity." Cedric replied.

Truthfully, he wasn't really against the idea. He does have the qualifications to join them. However, there's no way he's doing it for free. And it's not like they're a bad organization. What they do has some merit, but there are a lot of ways to improve it...Cedric could think of a few.

"Well, considering how much of a genius you are, I don't believe that they would dare to mistreat you."

Cedric looked at her before shifting his position. He rolled on top of her and caged her with his body. He inwardly reveled at the way she immediately became flustered, even more so when he pressed his very naked body to her equally naked body as well.

"W-what!? Again...I'm still coming down from the hi-yah~!!"

She couldn't finish whatever she wanted to say because his fat and hardening length pressed on her sensitive core, sending a delightful jolt of electricity up her spine.

Blush crept up from her neck to her cheeks and ears. She shyly covered her face in embarrassment and attempted to close her parted legs but couldn't since Cedric's lower body was there.

Chuckling at her adorable reactions, Cedric peppered her covered face with kisses and whispered: "Come on, Babe. Just a few more rounds, please? I missed you."

His kisses coaxed her out of her shell. She couldn't even gather up enough courage to deny him since she missed him too and she also wanted this, maybe even more than he does.

In the end, Cedric muffled her whines, moans, and cries of pleasure with his mouth while repeatedly rocking her world. Chrissy was on duty somewhere else so Erica had Cedric all for herself this entire day and night.

Obscene noises of their activity and the musky scent of their vigorous love-making filled the room. Erica passed out after the nth time she orgasmed, quivering in delight despite being unconscious due to how much pleasure was delivered and left on her body.

Staring at the mess he created, Cedric smiled fondly as he fetched a warm cloth to clean her up. He then took her in his arms before putting on the duvet.

Alone with his thoughts, Cedric continued with his thoughts earlier and plans began hatching on his mind.


In the end, Cedric still decided to leave the Academy for his vacation. He also planned on going back to the Black Thread City to check on his house, but that's not the main point of his visit.

No, he didn't plan on visiting the City Lord, Arishem, nor did he plan on going back to the RMC to reminisce on his past.

His target was the cult...no, not the House of Light - or as Erica calls it; The Lighthouse Cult. He's referring to the 'Cult of the Demon Saint'.

Cedric's got unfinished business with these people. He still hasn't forgotten their transgressions; converting his only best friend - Harold, into a Centaur Demon, infiltrating the civilization and siphoning vitality from the few active leylines of Azure Terra, making people believe that Demons could give salvation, etc.

Cedric was too weak to deal with them before so he could only maintain a low profile and leave it up to the authorities to deal with as he enters the academy.

Now, he's confident that he could deal some serious damage to their operations. He had to thank Erica for reminding him of their existence. If she hadn't, who knows what sort of bad things could do?

With his speed, he's faster than any commercial vehicle so he didn't even bother getting on one to return to Black Thread City. It only took him 30 minutes and he's already there. More specifically, at his home.

He neutralized the arrays he left and entered the place. As expected, some parts of the house got all dusty. The cleaners are only allowed to specific rooms after all.

Cedric grabbed some of the things that held value he left here. The rest was ready to be discarded. He already made up his mind to sell this house so he made proper arrangements for that. The process only took a couple of minutes thanks to modern technology and the accessibility provided by the system.

Cedric didn't even bother taking the furniture with him. He could leave that as donations for the next owners of this place. He also removed the arrays he left, making every single corner of this house accessible to the next owner.

He also dismissed the cleaners since they were no longer needed, though he did give them a bonus pay for their diligence.

Once all of this was settled, Cedric released a sigh before giving one last look at the house. He hadn't stayed here for long yet he still had some fond memories of it. Sadly, he had to move on.

After silently bidding farewell to his old home, Cedric silently left and appeared at the tallest building within the Black Thread City.

He stood at the peak with his arms crossed, scanning the entire city with his senses carefully, making sure that nothing escaped his sight. After a couple of minutes, he released a sigh and muttered:

"Well, well...it seems that the cult has been rather busy during the past year."

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