Eaten By The Tyrant I Raised

Chapter 5 - At One’S Touch

Before heading back, they replaced the wet handkerchief which had fallen on the floor. Thanks to that, Nabel and Rone were able to keep their hands joined the whole way. Nabel stared alternately at their hands and Rones face.

Youre not hurt?

Nabel nodded in response. The one she should really be worrying about was herself. Nabels lips pressed into a thin line. He did not hold hands with others. Nabel looked at Rones hand again as he dwelled on that thought. He now disliked his own hand.

Just as the rest of his dead family had.

Its fine, isnt it?

A warm voice called out in Nabels head. He looked again at his hand clasped in Rones. That was the source of the voice. The white light that only he could see twinkled again.

Nabel thought of many people. People who did not know the meaning of clasping the hand of another could have. Their heads were full of nothing but lies. Just lies and their disgusting inner desire. People who lived for nothing but their own gain.

But not Rone.

Such a strange person.

Rone, to whom prioritizing herself first did not come naturally, was a very strange person. That was why he could not stop thinking about it.

Magic doesnt work on me.

That was what she had said The scent of dried roses, matching her dusky pink hair, had come from the words which were whispered in his ear.

Sit down here, my Lady. As soon as they arrived in Rones room, Ryne brought out a first-aid kit and cast her eyes over Rone Do you not have any burns?

It was only the magic that did not work on her; she had still felt the fires heat. Rone began to shake her head when Nabel, who had been staring continuously at Rones hand, rolled up her sleeve.

Ah. Without even realizing it, Rone had been concealing a red burn mark from below her hand. It was the instinct of someone who did not wish to show it when they get hurt.

The people from that household secretly rejoiced whenever she, who dared to reject the gods and not be affected by magic, was injured.

Isnt it just a punishment from the gods?they would say. She detested their laughter. That was why she hid in front of others.

But there was no such need for it now. Rone, who had started to pull her sleeve down, dropped her hand. Nabel.

Nabel widened his eyes in surprise at her tone as she called his name. Rones voice reverberated strangely in his ears. You told me you were dangerous, right?

Ryne said nothing and started to apply ointment on Rones arm with a sad expression. Watching her, Rone continued, Youre not more dangerous than this place.

At her words, Nabel clenched his fists unconsciously.

Hey, let me take a look at you too. After carefully checking Rones whole body, Ryne turned her gaze on Nabel.

Nabel shook his head slightly in refusal, but Ryne was already fussing over his singed sleeves. Burn scars dont fade easily, you know. Hurry up. Ryne took Nabels hand and started to lift it. The moment she touched him, Nabel recoiled from Rynes touch instinctively.


! Ryne was startled by his aggressive rejection.

Ah! Nabel appeared surprised too.

Shes not going to hurt you, Nabel. Nabels hard breathing settled at Rones words. Her voice calling his name got stuck in his head strangely again.

Im fine, thank you. I will say something if it hurts. Nonetheless, he still rejected Rynes hand. He spoke far more politely than before. It was the same as accidentally treating someone who had done you some kindness roughly.

Perhaps she was able to tell that he was sorry from his softened tone, Ryne nodded her head. She thought nothing more of it than that it seemed like the young boy had been surprised.

Fine, Ryne replied to Nabel and bowed her head to Rone. I will bring you some fresh clothes right away, my Lady.

Thank you.

Once Ryne had moved far away, Rone turned to Nabel. Nabel was rubbing at the spot on his hand where he had bumped earlier after he had pulled away from Rynes hand.

Do you dislike people touching your hands? Rone asked. It was the only explanation she could think of.

Nabel shook his head and stayed silent. Then he looked up at Rone. Its a secret.

It could only be a secret.

Rone turned away respectfully, but Nabel was not finished speaking yet.

But Ill tell you since its you. Nabel took a step closer to her, who was sitting on a chair. He placed his hand lightly over hers.

If I touch someones hand like this, he said, his quiet voice reverberating, I can hear the other persons thoughts.

What?Rone, with her eyes wide, had not said a word. But Nabel smiled as though he had heard her.

Your surprised, questioning voice. I can hear it. And the deeper the touch Nabels hand moved slightly from the back of Rones hand to her palm. The deeper the thoughts I can hear.

Rones lips parted. Nabel smiled at her surprise. Im only telling you. If anyone else finds out about this, someone will die.

At that instant, Rones shadow had darkened. Neither of them saw the pointy ears nor the defensively bristling tail that manifested there once again.

Not you, but me.

How could he kill his saviour? Nabel had enough enemies to know how to repay kindness.

He heard Rones thought that she would absolutely keep his secret through her hand.

Im someone who holy magic doesnt work on. There ought to be people with other abilities too, I suppose.

And her acceptance.

Wouldnt an ability like reading thoughts be highly coveted by others?

And her worrying too.

Why are you telling me something thats dangerous to know?

Because I know that you truly trust me, Nabel responded. He paused for a moment and then continued quietly, Because I wanted to tell you a secret that you could hold over me.

So that if by any chance, I ever betray you, you can wield it over me.

That was Nabels vow that shackled himself: though such a time may never come, to never betray Rone, who had been kind to him.

Ah? Rones eyes widened while Nabel smiled. Their hands met once more. Rone did not know it, but her hand was the first hand Nabel had ever held on his own free will in his life.

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