East Meet West

Chapter 49: The Brown Book

Chapter 49: The Brown Book

49- The Brown Book


The white light continued for few seconds and then gradually the Brown book lost the light and returned to normal.

I used flashlight and opened the book, but the book was still empty. When I was thinking about what went wrong, the systems notification rang


Hosts cultivation level does not qualify to access the information from the book

After I read the message, I was stunned but soon came back to senses. It was just like I thought that it might not work. But I still had hope because right now my power is comparable to an Evolver stage human or monster. But the system said I cannot access the book as my cultivation level is not enough.

Is it because I am crippled and deprived of all the cultivation?

Looks like I need to hurry and get rid of poison and restart cultivation. When I restart cultivation, I can achieve multiple things like

- I can access the book. Which might contain lot of information. And I am certainly interested in the Posi-Nega-Tive sutra and would also like to know more about the old man.

- I will be multiple times stronger at the same level, as my strength will be combination of both my cultivation and system strengths.

As I am right now nothing but a mortal, & my strength is equal to an Evolver Stage human or monster and that is with the help of system. But when I reach the Evolver stage then the combination of both (Cultivation and system strength) will result in increase of strength to 10 times or even 20 times compared to now.

- From what I have observed, people are not able to understand my strength. Some think I am crippled or some think I have hidden my level.

For example, when the guards surrounded me, they thought that I was injured and Armelia thinks that I am an Evolver or a Demi-Human stage human. And they are partially right and wrong, because I am a crippled and deprived of cultivation right now, and the strength I am showing right now is obtained from the system.

So, in a sense I am equal to an Evolver stage human or monster but I dont have any cultivation. Although this might look like a good thing, but its not. As my strength increases, I will be meeting formidable opponents and also, I have to take revenge on my fiance & friends; and when that happens, if people see that they cannot determine my cultivation level, they will suspect that I have an extraordinary cultivation art or a secret, which will develop greed within them and I will have new problem and enemies.

I am not afraid of making enemies, but I dont like trouble.

- There is also one thing, that I want to experiment when I am able to cultivate.

(I will not mention this, you guys will have to wait and see. So, stay tuned.)


Hey, why is the book not working? Is the book broken or something, or did the shameless old man tricked us?

When I heard Armelia, I wanted to laugh because now she started calling the Old man shameless, but I held back my laugh and said,

It's not broken and old man did not trick us. It's just that our cultivation level is not sufficient.

I cannot tell Armelia that it was because of me that the book did not work, as I always have to guard any weaknesses I have, against the living things in this world. And I cannot let Armelia know I am crippled. Because I suspect that if she knows the reason, she might attack me or might try to probe the reason behind my strength, and both of which are not the things I want to face.

How is that possible? I am at Evolver stage and if I guess right you are also at Peak Evolver stage or may even be at Demi-Huma stage. And according to what the old man said when we drop our blood together on the book, we can access information equal to our cultivation level. But after we dropped blood, nothing happened. This is clearly being tricked or the book is faulty.

With that Armelia started taking deep breaths. And when I saw her taking deep breaths I got confused and asked

Hey are you alright?

Armelias expression changed and she quickly said

I... am fine. There is nothing wrong with me. It's just I am angry on the shameless old man for tricking us and I am also tired, as I had fight with that man earlier and I have not recovered completely, & now the whole days things made me exhausted.

Although I am starting to have doubts regarding Armelia, I did not show anything on my face and nodded, and said,

Yeah, I think we should have rest and try to recover soon, as we have long journey tomorrow and we have to be in top condition if encounter any danger.

Armelia nodded and walked away a little and leaned against the walls, took out a pill and swallowed it & closed her eyes.

Seeing her resting, I also found a place and sat down & closed my eyes. But I did not let my guard down and if I sense anything or any kind of danger, I will get ready to fight. And just for insurance, I added 10 Free stat points to my sense stat, to improve my senses.

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