Dual Cultivation: Beasts and Women!

Chapter 153: Second Fight in the Arena!

Following his discussion with Felicity, he devised a strategy inspired by her suggestion and proceeded with his affairs in City Thirteen.

Regrettably, despite engaging in five cultivation sessions alongside Electa and Mary, he remained unable to progress to the 2-Star level.

When it came to Grace, she was not easily accessible, even for members of her own faction. This made it even more challenging for Liam. He knew that attempting what he had done with Electa wouldn't be successful. Therefore, he decided to bide his time and wait for the evening event promised by Felicity.

He had already completed his weekly tasks with the Beasts Hall and the Battle Hall; so he didn't need to put himself in danger by going to the Arena or the coliseum. Focusing on his profession, he continued to work on his enchantments, once again using everything he had and needing to buy more resources.

He had more than a thousand gold coins in his ring, and investing another 370 gold coins wouldn't impoverish him.

In addition, he hadn't visited the Lotus Temple in those days because he didn't have enough merit points to use the building. He also could not enter the third level of the Library as he had limited his visits to that building to the second level, which only cost 10 points per entry.

Liam still had a lot to learn after only seven weeks in the sect. His progress was rapid, and he might soon have the opportunity to leave the headquarters. Therefore, he was eager to learn as much as he could about this world and the possibilities of cultivation, just as he had done with his profession.

Demon Gate had many problems, but the study materials were not one of the sect's issues. Not knowing if he would have a collection as good as the sect's when he started his escape plan, Liam could only dedicate himself while he had the chance.

Thus, he arrived on the morning of his fight, waking up before dawn.

Hurrying to start his day, he grabbed a bite to eat in his own dorm before heading to the Arena to face his opponent early in the day.

'I hope this works, Felicity. If not, we're screwed.'


As Liam entered the arena, Enos was sitting in one of the VIP seats in the grandstand, his eyes fixed on the fighting platform.

The look on the big Enos' face was not good this morning. After leaving the Infirmary, he still felt pain all over his body because of his defeat by Myles. But the fact that his group had once again failed to deal with Liam bothered him just as much as his injuries.

"Did you prepare everything with Rauf? Has he consumed the Demon's Awakening already?" He looked at Tristan, who was standing next to him now.

"Yes, boss. Everything is ready. Rauf has already taken the Demon's Awakening pill. He'll do his best to eliminate Liam Porter in this fight—no, he'll definitely succeed," the 2-Star Spirit Earth cultivator said.

"Be prepared to deal with the bloody Liam in the Infirmary." Enos' big eyes narrowed as he looked across the Arena, where someone caught his eye.

When Tristan saw his boss looking at Robert, the leader of Leopards, he understood what was on Enos' mind. But he didn't speak of it and said, "We already have one Healer ready to clear the way for us. If Liam gets to the Infirmary, we'll make sure he never leaves the place."

Enos nodded silently, his gaze fixed on his second biggest rival in town. He couldn't shake off the concern that soon this rival would surpass him. 'If Liam hadn't caught my attention, I might have joined forces with those two to bring you down.

However, with the resources that brat most likely got from completing the first phase of the Secret Hunt, I'll be able to take you down single-handedly and then handle those two.'

With one hand resting on the armrest of his seat, Enos gently kneaded the silver bar, a subtle smile playing on his lips. In that moment, he forgot about his physical pain, finding solace in the simple act.


Robert and Lazarus sat side by side in a VIP seat, their eyes fixed on the Arena as the match commenced.

Surveying the surroundings, the head of Leopards observed sparsely filled bleachers. Only a handful of spectators, barely reaching a count of 100, had settled on the fringes to witness Liam's upcoming match.

It was still early in the day, and most disciples only arrived at the Arena later on. Liam's fight, being less renowned than the Spirit Earth cultivators' match, only drew those who were familiar with him.

Felicity quickly joined a group of people who were sitting far apart. Meanwhile, Mary arrived in the area with Jane, while Electa stood alone in a different section.

Both Myles and Eleanor were absent and unable to witness the fight. Only their representatives were close by as the match official started introducing the competitors to the upcoming match.

As Rauf stepped onto the platform, the spectators' eyes narrowed as they all sensed a wicked aura around him.

His eyes glowed with a deep crimson, exuding a certain brutality that emanated an intense aura of fury. It was as if his very presence caused the air around him to warp and distort. Strangely, his aura didn't resemble that of a human, but rather that of a demonic creature in a unique state.

'1-Star of the Spirit Earth Realm...' Electa felt the power emanating from Rauf when she saw how dirty the members of Emerald Owls were playing against Liam.

However, Liam emerged onto the battlefield nearly simultaneously with Rauf, capturing the curiosity of those nearby.

Enveloped in an ethereal herbal aura, his eyes possessed a subtle green hue, while his body emitted an uncommon radiance.

Ignoring the Third Class items around his body, the onlookers noticed that Liam had consumed something as well. They couldn't sense his exact aura, but he, too, was under the influence of something.

Enos narrowed his eyes as he smelled a pungent scent coming from Liam. 'You're not going down easy, are you? Wretch, I have to admit, you're really hard to kill.'

Felicity kept a smile on her face. 'Looks like everyone thinks you've consumed something to boost your powers, too, hehe.' She looked around the stands and saw that even Electa looked surprised.

Liam couldn't help but hold back a smile. Felicity's plans had indeed succeeded.

The moment he recollected how she had suggested using a unique paste all over his body, capable of emitting magical fluctuations similar to temporary strengthening pills, he felt grateful.

Thanking the heavens, Liam knew he was fortunate to have Felicity by his side.

'Felicity, you really are smart. Who would have thought that something so cheap and common could be used like this?'

The Six Fragrances Paste was a product that had originally been designed to relieve physical discomfort. But it had the strange side effect of creating a powerful aura around the body it worked on.

It didn't have the power to increase the user's strength, but if one didn't have extensive knowledge of herbs and alchemy, it would be difficult to tell the difference between it and the Green Awakening Pill.

Out of the 100 or so spectators, only one person besides Felicity noticed the truth surrounding Liam.

'Brother Liam, why are you simulating a stronger aura?' Jane remained silent, in the dark about the fact that Liam was already a third realm cultivator.

The girl with green hair stayed quiet, her face filled with doubt, until the referee finally signaled for Liam and Rauf to call forth their Spirits.

As usual, only Thal'Korr appeared beside Liam. Meanwhile, Rauf summoned his two Spirits, a spider the size of a full-grown goat and a demon who seemed to be under the same strange effects as his master.

Rauf's purple-skinned demon had unusual bulges around its body, larger horns, and extremely red eyes. His essence seemed to have changed, and his original 7-Star of the Spirit Lord Realm cultivation had now reached the 1-Star of the Spirit Earth Realm.

The insect-like Spirit, the 12-legged demon spider, was only slightly stronger than its original 6-Star power; it now had an aura of 8-Star of the Spirit Lord Realm.

Liam controlled the Mana Mask, letting Thal'Korr's body spill only 9-Star magical fluctuation, while keeping his own aura hidden.

As he summoned his Spirit, he moved forward against the enemy, running with his Third Class sword in hand.

Rauf did the same, driven by the side effects of the pill he had taken, less rational than he would have liked to be. Inwardly, however, he was confident of victory, not only because he was stronger together with his Spirits, but also because he was armed with Third Class armor and weapons, just like his opponent.

Enos had prepared him well for the confrontation with Liam, and even though he was a Spirit Master who didn't normally engage in direct confrontations with his opponents, Rauf rushed forward, spear in hand, to attack Liam.

Liam looked into his enemy's eyes, seeing how foolishly Rauf was attacking him. He had already killed so many people that he no longer felt compassion nor remembered his old thoughts as an earthling. He continued with his plan to eliminate another member of Emerald Owls!

Rauf was nobody within the faction, but today he represented Enos' group. Liam wanted to kill him and once again squash on the group's reputation.

Ignoring the enemy's angry glare, he ordered Thal'Korr to entertain Rauf's demonic Spirit, a Rakshasa demon with powerful mental abilities, strength, and agility.

Liam saw the enemy spider spew its webs in his direction and moved to dodge, approaching the spider and the Spirit Master.

As he manipulated the creature's shadows, he paralyzed it just enough to cause it to miss at the critical moment of his attack.

With his sword over his head, Liam used the moment to his advantage, bringing his weapon down on the magical body of Rauf's weakest Spirit.

Rauf was four meters behind the dark red exoskeleton spider when Liam sliced the creature in half, before the Spirit's essence exploded into infinite beams of colored light.

"Bastard!" Rauf shouted in hatred as he felt a sharp pain in his head, a sudden headache that made him dizzy.

He almost stumbled in the middle of his attack, but barely stayed on his feet, spear in hand.

As he attacked Liam's body, the black-haired young man took two steps back, avoiding Rauf's initial attack as he prepared to dominate this match.

In a fairer two-on-two scenario, with forces temporarily on equal footing, Thal'Korr and Liam could now fight within what he had prepared for this match.

"Calm down, there are still plenty of blows to be exchanged, Rauf!" Liam smiled at last and then moved to begin the series of strokes he would swap with the enemy.

Rauf had reached his current level of strength through a pill and wouldn't last long in this state, especially if he was forced to fight someone as strong as he was now. But even if it wasn't as stable and a genuine breakthrough as Liam's strength, at least temporarily he would be as strong as a real 1-Star Spirit Earth cultivator.

Liam felt this when he dodged an attack that could have severely injured him, but also when he felt his enemy defending himself with that red spear while he was attacking, withstanding the force of his attack well.


As quickly as he had defended himself, Rauf counterattacked, using the non-sharp part of his spear to hit Liam's head, while at the same time coating his weapon with a sticky essence, the special power that came from his spider Spirit.

His mind sped up and his eyes glowed, transforming his appearance into that of the person Liam loved most.

At that moment, Liam found himself face to face with his Earth mother as he felt the illusory effects of a Rakshasa's power!

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