Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Chapter 72

A dark basement.

A bleak corner of a room where rusty water drips from the ceiling and blows on it, creaking hinges.

Inside, Lennok and Hina stared blankly at a man who was tied up and moaning.

“What about Eveline?”

“……Are you calling the team leader like a friend? Your liver is too big.”

Hina shook her head as if it was absurd.

“By now you must be busy playing head-to-head tug-of-war with the city council. It’s reducing our authority. Even so, if the budget is cut, there will be no answer.”

“Is that part not agreed upon in advance? I don’t understand that as it is.”

“Because even a mere bastard will go mad after realizing that his position is dangerous.”

To sum up, does it mean that Reisen, who realized that the agent’s movements are suspicious, is struggling to arbitrarily reduce the agent’s budget?

Hina’s remarks were a little more exaggerated than Lennok’s, but it was enough to understand that she had some kind of grudge against Reisen.

Instead of digging into the details of the situation, Lennok immediately turned his attention to the landscape in front of him.

“So what is that friend going to do now?”

The operation that took place at the Trade Center.

Sitting there is a shock-type mage that Lennok himself captured at the time.

Knocked it out and handed it over to the agent, then forgot about it, but didn’t seem to kill it yet.

“All preparations for the operation are complete. All that remains is to assemble the team members hired by us to the operation site.”

Hina calmly replied.

“I just want to get notarized by that wizard one last time.”

“This requires cross-validation.”

“yes. So far, I’ve beaten various interrogations, but my mental barrier is pretty solid, probably because I’m a wizard with some skill. There won’t be a big problem if you kill it right away… but I think it’d be better to relieve the awkwardness as much as possible before going.”


It’s not that I can’t understand that way of thinking.

Lennok was also quite accustomed to the way he handled work, wanting to leave no doubts while carrying out a life-threatening task.

It was just that a woman named Hina Oneil seemed to be openly expressing what she thought of Lennok, so I laughed a lot.

He responded by getting up from his chair.

“good. It’s only going to go through this once.”


The hounds of the city government would have well over a dozen torture technicians under their command, but does it make sense that one level 4 wizard couldn’t open his mouth?

Hina now suspects that Lennok is colluding with a terrorist organization because of the fact that he kept the wizard alive.

In a way to see if he can directly interrogate that mage or not.

He slowly raised his mana and looked down at her.

The deep blue eyes that pierced the dark room and scanned her entire body.

“Ibelin, who hired me directly, wouldn’t do something like this, so this must mean that it’s their own opinion. I can understand.”

“I don’t know what you mean…”

“But if you doubt me one more time, the deal is over.”

Of course, the reason Lennok agreed to collaborate with the agent was to borrow their power to find Craig.

However, on the surface, the reason Lennok cooperated with Ibelin was that he owed her his life in part. Not for the grandiose organization of agents.

If Hina Oneil had been properly aware of Lennok’s superficial circumstances, she would not have done this.

Considering her ignorance, I move once as she intended.

That was all.

Lennok turned his head after confirming that Hina was avoiding her gaze with a clearly withered expression.

Taking out a cigarette, I kick open the door of the alcove and step inside.


I’m blindfolded and my limbs tied to a chair, but that doesn’t mean I can’t hear the noise.

Hearing the annoying sound, the magician’s movements changed violently, but there was no resistance.

Lennok immediately removed the blindfold from the sorcerer’s eyes and met his gaze.

After blinking his eyes a few times, he looked around and finally recognized Lennok, and the sorcerer frowned weakly.

“…..Damn it, is it you again?”

“Long time no see.”

“I thought I would kill you so damn fast, but what are you dragging around like this? do it right.”

Lennok burst into a small laugh at the tone that was no different from before.

The indifference that makes you feel like it’s none of your business.

However, the heart that lives and breathes here is unmistakably his own.

Even in this situation where he is driven to a dead end, it is undoubtedly his innate temperament that allows him to maintain his composure.

Perhaps I would have become a much better wizard if I had met him elsewhere.

So Lennok smiled and told him.

“Hey, I don’t know how that sounds, but… I don’t hate an insensitive guy like you all that much.”

“…… What bullshit?”

“Then let’s go comfortably. When I can easily kill you.”

No matter how much the situation changes and blurs, Lennok never loses sight of the essence of the matter.

The wizard tied in front of his eyes is just a member of a terrorist organization called Falchion.

They must have killed dozens of innocent people, and they must have plundered, plundered, and destroyed them casually.

Lennok’s conscience is not thick enough to feel guilty or responsible for such an idiot.

“Since before, what have you been doing… Ugh!!!”


No further answer was needed.

I spread the shock magic from the bottom up and hit it as it is.

The magician’s body flew like a piece of paper and was splattered with blood as it slammed into the wall.

“Cheer, heoheo!!”

Looking down at the wildly gasping wizard, Lennok leisurely lit a cigarette.

“Tell me where your boss is hiding. Where is Ordis in Zaun?”


The wizard spat, bursting out with a sullen laugh.

“It’s a cub.”


With those words, the wizard rushed at Lennok with a burst of magic all at once, as if it were a lie that he had been lethargic until now.

Until now, he had been saving his mana just in case, but the moment he confirmed Lennok’s attitude, he completely gave up the possibility of surviving.

An extremely inefficient decision for a wizard who can’t wait for an opportunity after saving his numbers until the end.

But Lennok liked the spirit in its own way.

[Helix Wind]


Formless whirlwinds gathered in the invisible air pierced the wizard’s abdomen in an instant.

The flesh twists inward in a spiral, squeezing out the intestines and blood.

Although the wizard screamed inaudibly, he did not give up and somehow reached out his hand towards Lennok.

The shadow that emerged from the darkness was quicker to snatch that thin forearm.



The figure of the wizard hanging in the air in a grotesque posture with one arm raised was covered in blood in the blink of an eye.

“I will ask you one last time.”

Lennok asked.

“Zaun Ordis. where are you.”

“Hehehehe…!! Kill!!”


What we need to see is not the wizard’s cynical reply, but those eyes desperately trying to accept death.

Lennok nodded after confirming that the strong determination in his gaze was not a lie.

This is certain.

These wizards have no idea that the cryptographic keys they stole are fake.

There’s nothing wrong with the operation.

He exchanged glances with Hina and sighed.

“Whoa… yes.”

ineffective persistence.

But Lennok understood his decision.

He doesn’t know what kind of life the wizard in front of him has lived.

The magician’s strong mental strength, cheerfulness, and sincerity in not losing his attitude towards life even in the face of death may be possible because he belonged to a terrorist organization.

Although Lennok could accept that there was such a life and such a value.

I had no intention of being respected.


He raised his mana to the limit and shoved it into the drooping wizard’s mouth.

As the powerful stems of magical power that had not lost their roots penetrated deeply into the wizard’s body, his blood-stained face trembled.

He seized the source of the magical power flowing through his body and twisted it.

Indeed, it’s been a long time since I’ve used magic interference.

It is also an interference applied when two streams are in contact at the same time.

The powerful mana manipulation ability raised through steady research and the far-high mana sensitivity react at the same time, instantly putting all the mana possessed by the wizard into Lennok’s hands.

If you think about it in theory, it is practically the same as holding a person’s entire existence in your hands.

Apart from the growth of the magic that Lennok handles, his magic manipulation ability gradually expands toward a state that he cannot understand himself.

A vague conviction that you can distinguish what you can and cannot do. And a faint belief that there are more and more things that can be done.

The dominance that was growing based on Cheongo’s talent was now entangled with the roots of wizards of a similar level to him.

“Keugeo Eok…”

The magical power to exist as a wizard was completely taken over.

It’s probably the feeling of being in someone’s hands from head to toe.

The wizard’s face widened his eyes, unable to believe what had happened to him.

Lennok said quietly, looking down at the look on Lennok’s face as he searched for it even as it was out of focus.

“Tell me if you’ve lied to me since you entered this room.”



momentary silence.

And the flame of life that burns wide the moment death is on the threshold.

The wizard looked up at Lennok’s face with a clearer gaze than ever before and nodded slowly.

“This was… magic.”


“Oh Master…”

Lennok closed his eyes.


The shadow trembles and another life dies in Lennok’s hands.

After trimming the hem of his coat, Lennok said to Hina as he left the room.

“The next contact will be made after the rendezvous point has been decided.”

“….of course.”

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