Divine Son Reincarnated With A Domination System

Chapter 8: Pitiful Girl...

She then opened her right palm and showed her Spirit Weapon.

'Hm, it looks like a normal Scepter, but its bronze color and those golden lines give it a nice distinction, is it a mutated weapon?' Tang Yin thought as he looked deeply at this thing.

It was also at that moment that another system window appeared right above the scepter, and Tang Yin panicked for a moment.

'Shit system, can you stop appearing every time you feel like it' Tang Yin thought angrily he was staring so intently at the scepter that when that system window appeared he had received a fright for a moment, he thought it was some kind of attack. Thinking that he is so weak now, any attack could kill him.

[Haha, what an idiot. Once you stare at something, the system will think you are asking it for information, so it will immediately give you all the information it knows about it. Don't be a child and stop freaking out about everything]]. Replied the 'system'. Well, rather, the Administrator, his voice sounded mocking.

Tang Yin made a mental note of what the Administrator had said regarding the information and ignored the rest. He only knew how to talk shit that Administrator (Tang Yin thought), so after calming down and avoiding Huang Feifei's doubtful gaze, he began to read the information given by the system.

When it said it was a system of all things, it didn't seem to be wrong.

That thing knew a lot about different things.

This was not an inherited Spiritual Weapon, but it was a Spiritual Weapon that could be inherited. From the information given to him by the system, this Spiritual Weapon came as a result of Huang Feifei's parents and ancestors they have always been fond of being Merchants.

They love their work more than anything else, even more than their children. They have felt so much love for their work that in this generation a new Spiritual Weapon was created which so far has only one bearer: Huang Feifei. It's just that Huang Feifei has no love for the work of Merchants and loves cultivation more, so the weapon is temporarily dormant.

The way to make her wake up is quite simple if you look at it since she only has to do two quests. The first one is that she must earn her first 1,000 spiritual gold coins, and the second one is that she must get the first Spiritual Bone those are the only two requirements for her spirit weapon to wake up.

Now, Tang Yin has no idea how much 1,000 spiritual gold coins can be, so he doesn't know how complicated it is to earn such an amount.

But Tang Yin was not worried. It was not he who should awaken his spiritual weapon, so naturally, he would not worry. Although in this case, he found a way to fulfill that first mission given to him by the system since, if he helped her in this, maybe he could make her his disciple.

But the truth is, the description of the spirit weapon had struck Tang Yin dumb.

'My god, what the hell is this nonsense?' He thought, 'How is it possible that there are people who love money so much in this world?' But in the end, he could only shake his head.

'Well, loving money so much served them to create a King Grade Inheritance Spiritual Weapon, which is already amazing. But... It's really unfortunate that this beautiful little girl was born into such a ridiculous family like that.' He thought.

For him, someone who was raised under the love of his parents, sisters, and brothers, he didn't know what it might feel like to be born into such a family, but he knew that it might be painful.

But well, he couldn't do anything, so he just mourned for her in his mind, and after looking at all that, Tang Yin looked away from the Spirit Weapon and moved the meat a bit so that it would cook on the other side. The warmth of the fire pit was tucking them in tonight, so it felt pretty good.

But then Tang Yin looked at her with an embarrassed smile.

Yes, he was embarrassed by the topic of why her spirit weapon was born.

--"Your spirit weapon... How should I put it, is it quite special?" Tang Yin said. He didn't know how to express himself regarding this spirit weapon.

And that confused her even more.

--"Is there a problem with my spirit weapon?" She asked with some pain. She always knew there was some kind of problem because her spirit weapon didn't seem to be of any use, but Tang Yin shook his head.

--"No, that's not what I mean. It's just that your spirit weapon is very special, it's a King Grade Spirit Weapon, called the Merchant King's Scepter." Tang Yin said and looked at her a little.

She was astonished when she heard this.

A King-Grade Spiritual Weapon!

That's amazing!

It's a high-grade Spiritual Weapon with good potential for future development.

'Do I really have something like that?' She thought, and Tang Yin seeing her confused, asked.

--"You didn't know the name of your Spirit Weapon?" He asked doubtfully, and she smiled somewhat embarrassed.

--"I didn't know it, I asked the different Halls of Records, even the Hall of the Divine Sun and they only said that I had the Spiritual Weapon: Bronze Scepter, in its first stage." She replied, and Tang Yin nodded.

It made sense; this place should be a lower world than his world. In their world, with the mere glance of any halfway strong cultivator, they could already tell what grade a spirit weapon was, and with some research, they could discover its real name. But in this place...

It shouldn't be the same.

Tang Yin smiled and reassured him a little more. If it was still in some world on the same plane as his world... It would be really troublesome.

--"It's true that it's similar to the Bronze Scepter, but it's different in several ways. If you ever have the chance to be tested by a high-level Grade Stone, you might see that indeed your spiritual weapon is very special." Tang Yin said without taking his gaze off her.

He wanted to see her reaction to his naming the high-level Grade Stone. This is a tool that exists in your world and is common but extremely useful does it exist here? He thought.

She was then a little surprised.

--"A high-level Grade Stone? Only the Great Sects have such a thing…" She said in astonishment, and Tang Yin then nodded.

He didn't expect that, but if they existed, then it was a good thing.

At least it means that he won't be so lost in this world.

--"It's okay, for now, it's not important. Your spirit weapon right now is dormant and to awaken it, you need to accomplish two quests: earn 1,000 Gold Coins with your own effort, and obtain your first Spirit Bone. That's all you need to do and then you can use Spiritual Energy." Tang Yin said firmly.

She looked at him in surprise but quickly smiled broadly and bowed to him.

--"Thank you so much for telling me this, Young Master, it's very helpful!" She said with a big beautiful smile that showed her beautiful white teeth.

She had been mortifying herself so much to understand how to use Spiritual Energy that she was about to give up on being a cultivator. But this was her passion, how could she give up?

And here came someone who saved her and also gave her this valuable information!

It was a blessing from heaven least she thought so.

Tang Yin then smiled and nodded to her.

--"It's okay, you don't need to thank me. But I have a question, why are you here, are you here to hunt or to look for some ancient bamboos?" He asked, and she nodded.

--"My parents told me that once my grandfather passed by this place, and found an ancient spiritual bamboo forest, that was about 100 years ago.

Since they are not cultivators, they didn't come back to this place, and they didn't want to hire anyone from outside, because they might leave with the bamboos, that's why, when I awakened my spiritual weapon and started cultivating, they wanted me to cultivate in the hope that someday I can come and find this place and then we could sell some products from the Ancient Bamboo, as you know, Ancient Bamboo is really expensive." She said, explaining a little here and there regarding what she was doing here.

In a nutshell, she came to look for Ancient Spiritual Bamboo to sell. As the daughter of merchants, that was normal, but...

For some reason, Tang Yin felt a little bad for her, as he knew those guys wanted the money more than her.

Sending her to this place, without her being able to exert spiritual energy? That made it more than clear that they wanted was the money, and didn't care about anything else.

Tang Yin didn't want to get into this, but it was really hard for him not to say anything in this situation.

He wanted to say something like, 'Miss, you are being used by your family so that they can get richer, don't you see?' But he couldn't do it.

It was when he was thinking like this that Huang Feifei smiled helplessly as she picked up her legs and hugged them.

--"They told me there were no dangers here, but when I came here I encountered several herds of wild beasts. They know that I can't use Spirit Energy... I don't know why they would send me out like this..." She said helplessly, as she hugged her legs strongly.

Tang Yin then looked at her and shook his head with a sigh.

'If she figures it out on her own, so much the better.' He thought helplessly and raised his hands to grab the pieces of lion meat.

--"Here, try it. Even if it's night lion meat, I assure you it tastes good." He said and began to eat.

Then she did the same.

It was the only thing she could do now that she was sad.

Just as she took the bite she was surprised by the taste.

--"It's really delicious..." She thought. The food didn't smell bad at all, and it tasted even better than it smelled.

Didn't she remember that night lion meat tasted horrible?

'How come this one so tasty?' she thought.

And Tang Yin smiled.

--"Hehe, not to brag, but I'm a top-notch chef." he said as smiled, then ate another piece.

Then she turned to look at him and nodded.

--"Yes, I didn't expect Young Master to cook so well, it's delicious..." She said and started to eat more. Tang Yin then smiled wider, although she couldn't see him because of the 'bandages' on his face.

It always felt good to be praised by a beautiful lady, he thought.

And so, they spent those hours eating and laughing while talking about a few little things here and there. After that they both slept lying down among the bamboos, although it wasn't comfortable, the truth is that it wasn't a bad night.

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