Divine Son Reincarnated With A Domination System

Chapter 6: The reason and... Sh*t, she's beautiful!

The system took its moment to answer.

[That question I can answer.] He spoke. Just then, Tang Yin heard the voice in his head, so he immediately became interested.

--"So, are you the Administrator?" He asked with interest.

[Yes, but more importantly, don't you want to know why I call it the Domination System?]

--"Of course, that was the question I asked."

[Hmph, that's easy enough. The first name that was given to this System, was the System of All Things, just as you've seen before. I can't say much, but, that name sucks. So, over time, I decided to adapt it to be a Dominant System. One that can instill fear, a Domination System!]

[Hence the new name.] The female voice replied proudly. She (or he) always thought her (his) idea was wonderful.

Tang Yin was then somewhat surprised.

He hadn't said anything that surprised him in a good way, if not in a bad way.

He had been surprised because the reason he changed it was ridiculous and stupid. But it seemed to make some sense.

After all, sounds awful the name 'System of All Things'

Just that moment, the rest of the places that had the name 'System of All Things' was replaced by 'Domination System' in real-time.

Tang Yin didn't care how it was done, so he didn't bother to ask.

He had long been amazed at this thing called a system, but he had a lot of things to think about at the moment so questions would be left for later.

In that way, he spent a whole hour thinking about different things.

[Hey.] Just that moment, the voice in his head brought him out of his thoughts.

--"What?" he asked.

[Why don't you put your clothes in the inventory?] He asked.

--"What am I going to put them in for? They're wet." Tang Yin replied coldly.

[If you put it in the inventory, it will dry faster.]

Hearing this and seeing the message appear in front of him, Tang Yin was stunned as he stared at the message.

For some reason, the more time passed that Tang Yin did not respond, the message seemed to get a little farther away, as if it was afraid.

About two minutes later, Tang Yin shouted.

--"Why the fuck didn't you say it before, you bastard!" he shouted as he continuously scolded the system, but the system didn't respond anymore.

Tang Yin then took a deep breath and put the clothes away in the inventory.

--"How long will it take to dry?" a while later, he asked.

[About 30 minutes, approximately.] It replied, and Tang Yin nodded.

--"We'll leave after it dries. I have no idea where there will be a city in this place, but if we don't walk, we'll never get there." Tang Yin said and started to look around for some things.

He grabbed several green leaves from different trees and some sticks from these, and in about 40 minutes, he was ready with a container that could hold water in a good amount, and that would allow him to walk for quite a while since it weighed nothing.

During the process of making it, he had to tear some of his clothes, as he needed to tie some things, but it fit well, and the water did not spill out.

About 5 minutes after he was done he set out on his way again.


And so, 4 hours of walking passed.

Tang Yin was already quite tired from all the walking, but he still didn't want to stop.

During his walk, he had heard different roars of wild beasts like Lions and tigers, but no Spirit Beast roar, and it made sense. Spirit Beasts would not go near the 19-level abyss, they could smell that dangerous scent and that was why they stayed away from this place.

That was good news for him, so he didn't stop a bit.

But walking with so much weight on him (the water), it wasn't so easy. It is fortunate that this body was well muscularly strengthened and had enough stamina, but it was not as much as Tang Yin expected.

After walking for 4 hours straight, he was already quite tired. A while ago, he had come out of one forest, and now, he was already entering another. He didn't know why this place had so many forests, as Ren Xiao's memory had no information about this place, but there was nothing he could do.

Although it was dangerous to enter these places because there might be poisonous snakes, but he had to do it. To his right was the 19-level abyss, and to his left, there were possibly the guys who killed Ren Xiao. Either of the two were existences that at this moment he could not offend.

He could only walk straight.

But, when he entered this forest and passed the first 40 trees, surprised by the fact that this place seemed to have endless trees, he was surprised by what he found on the other side.

The green illumination with the reflection of the moon surprised him at first, and he thought he had found a bamboo forest, but...

It was a little different.

--"Holy crap, a forest of Ancient Spirit Bamboo?" He said in shock but quickly ran towards it.

It was a small forest of Ancient Spiritual Bamboo. Everywhere it was full of bamboos of different sizes.

Because of the time that had passed since he last saw an Ancient Spiritual Bamboo Forest, Tang Yin was amazed by this place, as it was undoubtedly beautiful, even if it was small.

Ancient Spiritual Bamboos are, basically passive Spiritual Beasts. Being passive, they do not grant Spirit Bones if you 'kill' them, which in this case would be cutting, but they can be used for many things in Alchemy and Medicine, for example.

Also, because they are extremely hard, they are extremely useful as a secondary material for making External Spiritual Weapons or Armor.

Tang Yin tried to make a rough estimate of how much bamboo was here and was surprised by the fact that he saw over 500, some taller than others.

Although that number didn't seem like much if one thought about them being 'Bamboos', of which forests of them usually have thousands and thousands, but the truth is that it is quite a large sum because they are not normal bamboo, they are Spiritual Bamboos of the Ancient type.

They have special conditions for growing.

'Looking at each of them, they seem to be between 30 and 500 years old. Although the weapons that can be made are limited, but, if this place knows of their uses, they should be able to be sold at a decent price...' Tang Yin thought and began to think of some way to take some of them.

After all, they were quite difficult to cut if you didn't have a high enough cultivation. Since a 500-year-old Ancient Spirit Bamboo is equivalent to a 500-year-old Spirit Beast. The only difference between one and the other is that the Spirit Beast can attack and the Spirit Bamboo is a 'Passive type Beast', it has no attack power because it can't move.

But it is extremely tough, well, when they reach a very high cultivation level, yes, they can attack. But in this state, they are harmless and provide protection.

It was for this reason that Tang Yin quickly put his water-carrying basket in the middle of this place and quickly went to fetch dry branches from the forest.

He quickly gathered a good amount and some dry leaves, then grabbed a few stones and quickly returned to the place where the bamboos were.

--"It's a big change the environment in this forest and the environment in the small bamboo forest..." Tang Yin said with a smile as he returned. Of course, he was talking to no one but himself.

He then put everything he brought on the ground and prepared to light the fire, but just then he heard movement, so he became fully alert.

'Footsteps?' He thought and centered his ears to hear better.

'These footsteps...' He thought in surprise, as he felt the footsteps of a person running, he was not inside the bamboo forest, and he was running away from a beast.

For him, it was already a surprise to find movement in this place late at night. But, even more so, he did not expect that this person was being chased by a beast.

Although Tang Yin no longer had cultivation, he was trained in a very special way when he was in his world. He cultivated his senses to the highest level with the guidance of his master. In Tang Yin's words, his Master is a crazy bastard of cultivation and extremism and, he is right.

In fact, his Master had him train in a Forest with Spirit Beasts between a thousand and 300 thousand years of cultivation, with his Spiritual Energy sealed.

He trained his hunting ability to the highest level when he was chased by 300-thousand-year-old Spirit Beasts, without having a shred of Spiritual Energy in his body, because it had been sealed by his master.

Besides, there was no one supervising that moment, so one wrong step would cost him his life.

That's why it became easy for him to know who was running, and he even thought about what kind of beast it might be.

But, Tang Yin, seeing hope in finding a person who would tell him where there was a city in this place, immediately grabbed a stake he had gotten earlier for defense and ran silently towards the place.

As expected, this person was not running out of the bamboo forest but was running towards this one.

'A small wild Night Lion as expected, what is it doing in this kind of place?' Tang Yin thought as he hid so as not to be noticed.

Wild night lions are a rather annoying variant of lions among wild animals because they have an immense ability to sneak around unnoticed, more so at night, where it is their territory, but a night lion, even if it were wild, should be able to smell the dangerous scent of the Abyss, this is what made Tang Yin wonder why it was in this place.

But well, he didn't give it much importance he quickly looked at the person who was running.

It was a woman, and because of how fast she was running, he couldn't see her face, but he estimated that she should be about 20-years-old.

Tang Yin waited patiently for the girl to come up to him to go out and slay the wild lion.

'I thought I wouldn't eat meat tonight, but heaven has other plans.' Tang Yin thought with a mischievous smile, then quickly tied a piece of cloth on his face covering his wounds, which he didn't want to show to anyone, and tightly squeezed the stake he had.

'3... 2... 1... NOW!' Tang Yin shouted in his mind at that moment and quickly stepped out from the bamboo, rushing towards the Night Lion, who was taken by surprise, as he didn't expect there to be a person so close to him hiding, his reaction was quick and he tried to dodge him, but Tang Yin wouldn't allow him that.

It would be an insult to his title of Hunter.

So, he immediately pounced on the lion and drove the stake through the back of its neck from top to bottom, with great force, then immediately jumped hard from where he was to where the lion was, which didn't even have time to react, falling right on top of the stake, pushing it further in. The stake directly pierced the weak point of this lion and killed it.

Tang Yin smiled at the sight of this and pulled himself off the lion's crushed head.

The blood and brains of this critter were scattered all over the place, but Tang Yin didn't care.

After doing that, he looked over to where the girl was, who, as soon as she saw him and noticed what he was doing, stopped running and prepared to help him, but was stunned to see that the lion had died as soon as this man had appeared.

Tang Yin then smiled at her but was stunned to see his face.

'Shit, she's beautiful!' he thought to himself in amazement.

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