Divine Son Reincarnated With A Domination System

Chapter 33: She trusts him.

--"That's right, Young Master, why are you telling her to synthesize it in the column, if it's her first Bone? Clearly, that's bad." Jun Xilei continued.

But Tang Yin looked at them as if they were fools.

--"Is this your thinking or did someone else teach them to you?" Tang Yin asked doubtfully, though his tone of voice sounded a bit mocking.

Yes, it was a bit laughable for him to be told such a barbarity.

--"Young Master, it's not a bad thing. Everyone on the continent knows that. When acquiring the first Spiritual Bone, you should preferably seek it from the lower limbs. This is done so that you can maintain balance in the construction of the Bone Body." Jun Xilei said calmly.

--"In fact, this is a teaching that was left to us by the Great Researcher of the Supreme Academy many years ago and then verified by the researchers of the different sects. Our thinking obviously goes according to what they say.

They are the masters of the field." She continued, and Tang Yin smiled a little at that moment, in fact, a moment later, he couldn't help but let out a chuckle when he heard this.

--"Hahaha, sorry, ladies. I'm not laughing at you, it's just that teaching is really wrong." Tang Yin said, his laughter rooted in the fact that he was being told that the most important bone in the body might be the limb bone.

In his world, the idiot who said that would be bathed in a sea of spit from everyone who gave him proof that such a thing was not so.

And the last one to say so was more than 500 million years ago. To be exact, it was 750 million years ago!

Since then, the belief that limb bones were more important was completely eradicated by the new research and evidence that came in. The understanding of culture allowed them that.

How in the world could they have such stupid thinking? He thought.

Furthermore, this is an insult to many researchers in his world, as is his teacher, because starting with the limbs and completing the Spiritual Bone Body creates an immense talent deficit, in which many incredible talents from many years ago had to see death.

But the people here don't seem to know this.

That's why Jun Xilei and the 4 girls frowned when they heard him say that.

--"What do you mean, Young Master?" They asked, not really looking for information from what he said. They asked the question because they were angry at his reaction.

They did not believe that Tang Yin could know more than those great researchers. There was simply no way such a thing was possible.

But Tang Yin just shrugged his shoulders.

--"It's okay, I have no problem teaching them that. The researchers talking, they are not wrong in the fact that the lower bones should be prioritized, the problem is in the execution when it comes to obtaining them as the first Spiritual Bone, which is wrong.

The first Spiritual Bone is the most important for a cultivator, think for a moment, what is the only bone that, without its existence, the skeleton does not stand firm? Yes, the spine is the only bone that binds the whole body together, and without its presence, there is no skeleton, there is just a bunch of Bones.

Also, within the rank of importance of Spiritual Bones, this is within the Top3, but, at the same time it is the only one in the Top3 that must be obtained first." Tang Yin said.

--"There are many basic reasons for this to be so. Think for yourselves about what is inside your Souls before you get the column, remember?" Tang Yin asked after he had spoken enough and looked at them, but they frowned a little.

--"...It's not about remembering; we can see it. The spine is the Fifth Bone to obtain." Jun Xilei said, and Tang Yin looked at her in surprise.

'Fuck, how backward are these guys? Who was the bastard who dared to say such a stupid thing?' Tang Yin thought.

--"...You girls... *sigh* Really, you should start considering whether those who told you that want the best for you or are just making fun of you." Tang Yin replied helplessly.

That was what he felt, deep helplessness.

He thought that the one who had done such an investigation had determined that the column was the third Spiritual Bone to obtain, he did not expect him to say it was the Fifth...

But this confused the girls.

--"What do you mean, how could what the Great Investigator investigated be wrong? He was a person of great renowned for his wisdom!" they replied with a frown.

They had always admired him for what he did, as he created a revolution and caused him to initiate the stage where cultivators became more powerful.

At least according to them.

But Tang Yin was laughing his head off when he heard this.

--"Hahaha, ladies, please, such a person cannot be wise. A wise person would never say such a barbarity." Tang Yin said with some mockery in his tone, but this made the girls angry more, even Huang Feifei was surprised that Tang Yin acted that way.

--"Young Master, that is not appropriate! Even if more intelligent people appeared after him, no one can deny the fact that such a person created a revolution and changed the cultivation world for the better." Jun Xilei said coldly as she stared at Tang Yin.

Tang Yin then stopped laughing because he noticed the changes in the atmosphere and frowned slightly.

--"Hmph, if that's what you girls want to believe, then do it. I don't have time to waste." Tang Yin said coldly and then turned around and looked at Huang Feifei.

--"Miss Huang, please synthesize the column quickly. Believe me, this is the best option." Tang Yin said firmly, but Huang Feifei hesitated for a moment as the others said that was very bad, but after hesitating for a moment, she still nodded.

She trusted Tang Yin.

During this time traveling together, he had done some pretty amazing things. He saved her twice and even recently a third time when she was going to be attacked by that snake.

He, without any cultivation whatsoever, managed to kill 2 beasts that could be difficult even for Second and Third Realm cultivators.

How could he be wrong?

But Jun Xilei spoke again.

--"Young Master, I won't let you synthesize it if you don't tell me first. I don't want Junior Sister to ruin her future over something like that." Jun Xilei said as she stomped a little hard, and streams of spiritual energy rushed through the area, pushing Tang Yin a step back.

The latter frowned.

'Well, you wouldn't be worthy of the name if you weren't temperamental.' Tang Yin thought, but he was a little annoyed by this and looked at her.

--"Look inside you and tell me what kind of mess you have in your Spiritual Body of Bones right now. You are at the Second Level of the Spiritual Lord Realm, so you must have obtained 3 Spiritual Bones by now." Tang Yin said coldly.

--"If you say that the Spine Bone should be the fifth to obtain, perhaps you have obtained the Bones of the lower limbs so far. That means, at present, you have 3 Leg Bones floating next to several Collection Bones, do you think that's healthy? It's a mess and they are only like that because there is no presence of a Spine." Tang Yin spoke coldly.

--"Besides, don't you wonder how you keep them floating and they don't fall off? Surely you have been told that it is done naturally, that is false. To do so, a part of your spiritual power goes into your Spiritual Bone Body and keeps them floating in a dispersed manner." Tang Yin said and then turned away angrily.

--"This is why none of you can get the most out of your current cultivation level. Because a part of your spiritual energy is dormant in that place. Now, what happens when you get the column? Heh, I think even you know that.

Everything becomes normal and the power that was in that place, comes back to you, this gives the feeling that you become stronger than normal once you get the column, but that is also false, you were already that strong, it's just that now you just got it back." Tang Yin said culminating with what he was going to say and started walking towards where the snake was, he didn't give more importance to what those behind might say or think.

He only cared about what Huang Feifei thought at this moment, and she looked at him with admiration, so he was sure she trusted him. So that was it.

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