Divine Son Reincarnated With A Domination System

Chapter 28: Is there immortality?

A thing that can be omniscient is something that knows everything. From the history of the past to the present and everything that will happen in the future.

There is a belief in their world that is very mysterious that has never been able to be verified, and at this point, they treat it as a myth. It is something that has to do with omniscience.

Before that, you have to know that the mission of many of the people in the cultivation world is to achieve immortality.

But how could they do that?

First, the belief is different depending on the World and the Living Being in question.

For example, according to Tang Yin's mother, who is from a Lower World like this one, where the latter is currently located, everyone in her world had the belief that reaching the Cultivation Realm above a certain Cultivation Realm that was the greatest in their small world would make them 'gods' or make them 'truly immortal'.

This in itself is a reality but the same time a lie.

It is a reality because, as they enter the Cultivation Realm above the one their mother mentioned, their life expectancy expands vastly because they begin to understand divinity. Normally, they can live thousands of years, even if they are only 1 level above.

Also, the higher they go up in their cultivation, the longer their life expectancy will be, to the point where they can practically live hundreds of thousands of years or millions of years without aging. The truth is, that number of years is already enough to be practically immortal.

You can see so many changes in life and the fall and rebirth of numerous forces that you might even get bored with life.

But it is not true immortality.

No one in the Tang Yin World is a true immortal, no one can live forever. An example is the Great Ancestor of the Tang Yin Sect. Despite having reached the highest possible level, of which only a legend remains and which no one else has managed to reach, he ended up dying after his time had come.

But, despite that, in his world, there is a rumor that spreads through all the powerful Sects it is a rumor that, even when time has proven it to be false, still, none of the powerful have stopped trying.

The legend says that the only way to reach Immortality is either by absorbing the essence of a World or by going on an endless journey to the Mysterious and Beautiful Starry Sky to absorb the stars.

There is a reason why they believe this, firstly because worlds are immortal.

A World, whether it is a planet floating in space or a square Continent floating in space, is a living thing that can create life and is also immortal. It can live forever.

A clear example is the World of the Tang Sect.

According to historical records, it could be more than 10 billion years old and has never worn out, and shows no signs of dying. It is precisely because of this and this belief that has led many powerful Cultivators to enter the second most dangerous places in existence: the Cores of a planet.

In the end, they end up dead, as they cannot bear the terror that a planet's Core instills.

In addition, another reason why they believe it is possible to be immortal is because of an existence that occasionally appears in the worlds that make up the plane where Tang Yin lived.

The latter never got to see such an existence, but it is an existence that occasionally appears and makes a Divine Tree blossom in a random world, after that, it disappears.

There are records of such an existence in all the historical books of all the Sects, is a true immortal.

But what the hell is he? Nobody knows.

Now, what is certain is that this very existence is what creates the second belief that Immortality is found in the Starry Heaven.

Because after appearing, when it is its turn to disappear, it flies up to the Starry Sky and disappears into a star.

It is also here that the belief of omniscience is born. Everyone in his world believes that such an existence is omniscient and that he is the only immortal that exists since it is always the same one that appears.

It always looks the same and always does the same thing.

Furthermore, the tree that this being can make grow is a Tree of Wisdom and bestows a Golden Fruit, which is associated with many, many incredible stories.

It is from there that the belief is born that, in the Beautiful and Mysterious 'Starry Sky', are found the two most important things which every Cultivator of his world pursues: Immortality and Omniscience.

Virtually every one of the Supreme Sects has been created on a world chosen by that existence to plant the Tree of Wisdom. The only exception to this is the Tang Sect of Tang Yin. They, despite believing in that existence, have never had the urge to take over one of those worlds because they are already talented by nature and powerful by effort.

Tang Yin in his time, also became interested in immortality, and deep inside, this is his most longing desire since he needs to become immortal and has his own reasons to reach such a level.

But, to be able to travel to the Starry Heaven requires immense strength, which he has never been able to reach.

But, on the other hand, he never had it in his mind to become omniscient, first because he does not believe that such a thing exists and second because, if he knew everything, he would not be able to enjoy the beauty of this world.

The first is the most important reason why he has no interest in it. But now it turns out that omniscience really exists?

And does it seem to be related to itself?

'Is this a curse or is it that you want me to become the natural enemy of all living beings in my world?' Tang Yin asked in his mind after thinking this far, but the system didn't answer him.

'Hey, so tell me, does immortality really exist?' He asked quickly, but again, no one answered him, even when a full 5 minutes had passed.

Tang Yin then gave up on this and sighed. It had already happened to him that he asked complicated questions to the system, and it didn't answer him, so it was no surprise that this thing didn't answer him this time. Of course, he had his own thoughts on the matter and firmly believes that immortality exists, but he wanted to get the answer from something that seemed to know of it.

Still, Tang Yin continued a bit thoughtfully and then could only shake his head, and it was then that he noticed Huang Feifei looking at him quizzically.

--"Young Master?" She asked, as if for the ninth time.

Tang Yin then came back to himself and was surprised to see her like this.

--"Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Huang. For a moment I remembered some things and stopped unintentionally, let's go on. We should look for where to camp tonight, so we can eat quietly." Tang Yin said with a smile and started walking, Huang Feifei, although confused, did not ask anything and just nodded.

--"That's fine, Young Master." She replied with a smile and caught up with him again.

After that, they both walked for a couple more hours chatting and laughing, until they stopped at a nearby forest, arranged everything, made a fire, and started cooking meat and eating.

--"Miss Huang, do you know if there is any Spirit Forest in the vicinity of the border?" Tang Yin asked, and Huang Feifei looked thoughtful for a moment.

After thinking for a moment, she nodded.

--"If I remember correctly, there is a medium-sized Spirit Forest between the border of 4 Empires there. Practically from there, you can go to any of the empires.

If once you are there, if you cross it to the east, there is the Blizzard Empire if you cross it to the west, there is this empire, to the north is a Second Level Empire, quite powerful, and to the south is another second level empire, so, from there we can decide which way to go, besides, that Forest has Beasts between 1 year and 20 or 30 thousand years old, maybe more, Young Master." She replied, and Tang Yin nodded.

--"I see, of all those empires you named, which one has an Academy that interests you?" Tang Yin asked, and Huang Feifei thought for a moment.

--"I know all those Academies because the Empires usually have several tournaments of strength every year or every few years. If I had to say, the academy I like the most is the Northern Empire. There have been several geniuses come out of there that always stand out above an entire generation, but..." At last, she shook her head helplessly.

--"Maybe the Young Master doesn't know because he's not from around here, but my talent is mediocre even in the small town where I was born, I'm considered mediocre. And in that academy, I wouldn't be able to excel, besides, from what I heard, the Genius of Red Rain City went to this academy. He is a very annoying person and is a friend of Huang Liuji." She replied.

--"That's why I prefer Blizzard Academy, I once met a cultivator girl from there and she was nice, as well as very strong and talented." She said, culminating in what she had to say.

Tang Yin nodded at what she had said.

'If all goes well, I should have no problem getting her to the Third Realm before I have to leave...' Tang Yin thought.

--"All right, then tomorrow we'll head towards that Spirit Forest, then go straight to the Blizzard Empire."

And just like that, the night passed without a counter time...

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