Divine Son Reincarnated With A Domination System

Chapter 180: Attack

That was the common thought among everyone, but wh they oped their eyes a few momts later, they were stunned by what they saw...

As soon as Tang Yin's sword skill activated, the deep flashes struck differt parts of Zhou Fo's body...

His right arm, severing it and sding the halberd forcefully backward. This attack completely cut off the powerful bloody spiritual ergy coming towards Tang Yin and shattered it.

But, at the same instant, the left arm and both legs also received a similar attack...

So Zhou Fo felt stunned as he felt a deep cold pain and noticed his body falling backwards to the g, unable to feel any of his limbs...

Zhou Fo's limbless body flew backward, and it was th that he could understand what was happing... Had his limbs be cut off? He thought in shock, unable to understand the turn of evts.

'What the hell was going on?' That was what was going through his mind, and that was wh Tang Yin moved quickly stomped his limbless body to the g forcefully, and nonchalantly looked at him.

But, right at that momt, everyone reacted and stood up all of a sudd...

"What the hell!?" shouted many of them in shock, and that's wh the elders came back to themselves.

They were so stunned by that terrifying attack that they didn't realize what was happing, and it was only now that they noticed it.

Just th, they saw what Tang Yin was planning to do, so they rose forcefully as they st their powerful spiritual ergy a as a powerful spiritual pressure, using their abilities fully.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" they shouted as they forcefully rushed towards the ara.

Tang Yin stomped his feet as he felt the spiritual pressure tight on his body and frowned as he felt two powerful presces heading towards him, so he jumped back, drew his sword, and swung it hard towards where Zhou Fo was stunned, almost lifeless as he was losing blood.

This attack hit him, and it was th that he was able to let out a deep terrifying scream, full of terror, fear, pain...

"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The scream was soon hindered by blood rushing up his throat and rushing into his mouth, making him vomit blood.

Just at that momt, the elders arrived in force and looked at the state Zhou Fo was in, they were stunned, but this caused a strong anger to come out inside them, and they looked at Tang Yin angrily.

"You dare to murder an elite disciple inside the testing ring! You will be severely punished and paralyzed, I will force the sect's rules!" one of them shouted angrily, and soon the pressure Tang Yin had felt before became more powerful making his body bd downwards a little.

'Shit, this bastard.' Tang Yin thought it was just at that momt wh Bai Lixue arrived at the ara and launched a strong attack to hinder this spiritual pressure.

"I've never se such a bastard elder!" she shouted angrily as she fell to Tang Yin's side right after her spirit spear had landed in the middle.

Tang Yin th felt the pressure being cut off for a momt, so he looked at her a little surprised, "What are you doing here? It's not a good idea to oppose the elders like this." Tang Yin said, and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't care." She replied and looked at the elders in front of them, who frowned.

"Hmph, two rebellious disciples who want to oppose the inner elders.

Looks like the external sect needs to be disciplined." Said the other elder who hadn't attacked, and soon the powerful spiritual pressure Tang Yin felt increased twofold with the addition of this elder, and both of them brought out their spiritual weapons forcefully, clashing the g, causing Tang Yin and Bai Lixue to feel deeply pressured.

She quickly summoned her spiritual spear, and under Tang Yin's gaze, she got into a battle stance.

She was clearly saying that ev if it was against the elders, she was going to fight alongside him. Which made him smile he gave her a little tap with his hand, causing her to look at him, and he shook his head at her.

Although she was confused, she slightly lowered her spear but kept her gaze on the elders while Tang Yin brought his hand to his sword and stared at them.

"Elders, clearly that person violated the rules first. He ev tried to murder me and you guys did nothing, you wt so far as to allow an elder to give him bloody buffs, and now that I have killed him, you want to force the sect's law on me? Are you elders or are you sile?" Tang Yin asked softly, and the elders, though angered by this, could only scoff, unwilling to answer.

Someone else did it for them...

"Arrogant! You dare to insult a sect elder; this really is absurd!" shouted a person from behind as he arrived with several powerful people, followed by a disciple...

'It's that guy again.' Tang Yin thought wh he saw him and frowned, 'Another elder...' Tang Yin thought as he saw the man who had shouted earlier.

"Kneel down!" shouted this elder as he released one more powerful spiritual pressure, which caused Tang Yin to stomp hard on the g to prevt himself from falling kneeling, the same wt for Bai Lixue.

This brought a small smile to the rectly arrived elder's face.

"Elder Executor, long time no see." Said one of the elders as he greeted this person with some politess.

"Haha, little Xi came looking for me this time to warn me that a disciple had brok the rules. It's unbelievable that our sect has fall so low." Replied the elder and glared at Tang Yin, who had not knelt, thus increasing the pressure on him.

"Hmph, you disobey this elder!? You're tired of living!" he shouted angrily, putting intse pressure on Tang Yin.


Just as he did that, an ev more powerful spiritual pressure girded throughout the place.

"It looks like my sect really needs a thorough cleansing... It's now two elders and could be three." Said a booming voice at that momt as it came flying in followed by another elder.

Wh everyone heard this voice, for a momt, they trembled and quickly bowed.

"Elder Destroyer." They said respectfully, and all the spiritual pressure that was on Tang Yin and Bai Lixue disappeared at that momt.

Furthermore, soon, an attack passed in front of their noses, and a scream from two people was heard above the ara as the two elders were slammed hard towards a nearby wall.

This left everyone prest in shock.

'So powerful?' They thought in a daze.

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