Divine Son Reincarnated With A Domination System

Chapter 178: An improvement?

Not only was she stunned, but everyone was.

"What the hell just happed!?" Some of them asked, alarmed by this incredible show of strgth.

Ev Tang Yin was shocked.

'Shit, the emperor's pose?' Tang Yin thought in amazemt as he looked at Bai Lixue's ultimate battle stance with her spear.

'This girl was able to make the emperor's stance, having no knowledge of it? Moreover, her destruction has advanced drastically. She seems to use my same combat style as well.' Tang Yin was stunned looking at this but soon smiled broadly.

He hadn't expected to get a gius of this magnitude, who could learn so quickly just by watching it.

This is... 'It's gold...' He thought with a smile.

And Bai Lixue th, stepped out of the ara a little surprised as she walked towards him.

"This... Tang Yin, am I that strong now?" she asked in a daze, and Tang Yin smiled as he stroked her a little.

"I'm proud, you're stronger than I expected. Besides, you managed to do the emperor's pose without having practiced it before, or had you already practiced it?" He asked, and she looked at him doubtfully.

"Emperor's pose?" She asked doubtfully, "What is that?" she asked again, and Tang Yin smiled.

"The d stance, don't you know what it is?" Tang Yin asked, and she shook her head.

"I saw you do it once and you looked great, so I wondered if I could do it and so I tried it, did I get it?" she asked in amazemt, and Tang Yin nodded.

"It's called Emperor's Stance. Although it's only the first phase, if you can master it, your spear attack power will be more powerful." He replied and th walked past her as he walked to the ara, leaving her stunned for a momt.

'Was it something like that? I just thought it looked cool...' She thought doubtfully, but not quite understanding what was going on, she could only sigh a little and look at the fighting ara.

Tang Yin's oppont came up shortly after he was in the ring.

As soon as he came up, he snorted with his head in mockery.

"Hmph, little one-armed man, wer't you very arrogant before? Let's see what you'll do now." He said and swung his hand forcefully horizontally, in a rather exaggerated motion that brought a huge halberd to his hand which he th slammed against the g.

This created a strong pressure throughout the ara, but Tang Yin didn't ev flinch.

He simply looked at him as if that guy was stupid.

Just th, the ara referee announced the start.

So, Tang Yin slightly moved his hand to the right and forcefully hit the g as soon as his spear appeared in his hand, th lightly glanced at Zhou Fo.

This guy had a smirk on his face, but he didn't want to waste his time.

He had a task to accomplish, so he would not keep his 'big brother' waiting.

Therefore, as soon as the start was announced, he took a strong leap to deliver a powerful vertical punch to Tang Yin from above.

Tang Yin th looked up, 'This guy is an idiot.' He thought and slightly moved his hands on his spear to clch it tightly while fully imbuing it with spiritual ergy, th quickly moved it upwards, coinciding with the momt wh Zhou Fo came with a strong punch from above.


A small burst of spiritual ergy occurred at that momt, but it was quickly quelled by Tang Yin's destructive power that slightly pushed back Zhou Fo.

"Little guy, if you come in here, you must fight." Tang Yin said softly, his voice sounding a bit bored, he th took a step forward and punched his oppont's leg, scaring him for a momt and sding him backward for several meters in the air.

"Don't show me a stupid show like this. You have many opings in your attack, who the hell do you think I am?" said Tang Yin looking at him.

Zhou Fo was shocked, he never expected that Tang Yin could defd so easily from that attack, and ev more so, hit him so easily, 'Is this guy really at the Spiritual Lord Realm?' He thought to himself in surprise.

But he was strongly angered wh he was reprimanded like that as if he was a child.

That was why he let out a snort.

"Hmph, if you wish." He replied. He was not only angry at his rebuke but also at how easily Tang Yin was able to fd off such a strong attack.

While, the elders were shocked by it.

"Blue hair, is he Tang Yin, the one who won the number spot in this year's trials?" one of the inner elders prest asked, and the one who had se him before nodded smilingly.

"Yes, the elder destroyer seems to have his eye on him. But I don't understand why he doesn't take him as a disciple." He replied and th continued speaking, "He is talted. I saw him personally, it wasn't long before I saw him fight, but from what little I managed to see, I can be sure that he is almost as strong as the girl just now.

It's a pity he got Zhou Fo this time." Said the elder smiling, and the other two nodded.

'Hmm, the Young Master has issues against this boy... Otherwise, he wouldn't have done that.' One of the elders thought doubtfully and smiled mysteriously.

In the ring, both of them were oblivious to what the elders said or thought about them.

Zhou Fo quickly rushed to meet Tang Yin while swinging his halberd sharply horizontally to hit him on his left side, which is where his currt weakness is.

But Tang Yin simply summoned one of his spiritual bones imbued with powerful spiritual ergy, thus forming a shield, and placed it on that side to withstand the impact, th quickly swung his spear forcefully towards Zhou Fo's left shoulder in a simple and direct, yet dangerous attack.

Zhou Fo smiled wh he saw this, he was not worried about that attack, how could such a small attack break through his powerful defse? That's what he thought. Therefore, he put all his strgth into the attack that was aimed at Tang Yin's left side...


An intse explosion occurred the momt the halberd hit Tang Yin's protective shield, made of a spiritual bone, with force.

This left Zhou Fo a bit stunned, 'Didn't it break? Shit, that bastard has the spiritual bones in the gre grade!?' He thought in shock, and just th, Tang Yin's spear attack hit Zhou Fo's left side hard.

He wasn't worried, but...

The next thing he felt was his eyesight and body spinning in the air as he was pushed back strongly and fell on the g rolling.

'So powerful!?' He thought to himself in shock.

And Tang Yin looked at him a little surprised.

'This is an elite external disciple? Fuck, he doesn't have a shred of combat experice!' He thought to himself in shock as Zhou Fo stood up from the g.

Everyone prest was in shock seeing this, 'What the hell? This guy has such tremdous strgth?' they thought.

"Hey, that little fluctuation wh there was the explosion, is it a bone in the gre aptitude grade? Did I feel it right?" one of the elders asked doubtfully, and the one in the middle nodded dazedly.

"A little disciple who is just a few months old here, already has spiritual bones in the gre grade?" he asked in shock after seeing their nod.

Still, they and Zhou Fo were the only ones who noticed this.

Tang Yin summoned his spiritual bone and used spiritual ergy to cover it, thus giving the impression that it was a low-grade spiritual bone. That is why no one could notice it.

Still... Tang Yin felt very dazed, 'Is this really this guy's strgth?' He thought, 'I have become more powerful?' Tang Yin thought a little dazed. He hadn't felt any improvemt or anything, he had only moved up a few levels to the ninth level rectly.

Although it wasn't impossible for him to beat this guy, and from his combat experice it should be simple, but for it to be so simple like this?

'Is it my eyesight?' He thought as he focused his gaze. Noticing that his eyesight had improved slightly, this left him stunned, 'Wh was it?' He thought, but just at that momt, he saw a small unusual movemt in the person in front of him...

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