Divine Son Reincarnated With A Domination System

Chapter 15: Teaching a beauty

He was about to blurt out, 'My God, with so many clues, and you still don't understand? Are you stupid or what?' But he quickly restrained his urge to do so.

If he did, he would be dead possibly.

It's better to do things right.

--"What do you do when you're afraid of something?" Tang Yin asked instead of answering her question.

Xie Meiyu thought for a moment.

--"Run away?" she answered, but her answer carried a question because she didn't understand what Tang Yin was getting at with that question.

And Tang Yin nodded at her good answer.

--"Exactly, when you put the Bamboo in the oven, even though this Bamboo is no longer alive, it still instinctively runs away from the fire and, if after that you throw several fire herbs at it, you scare it even more. Why do you think Bamboo is the material that you should buy the most when making this pill?

It is precisely because it is the one that burns the easiest and it does not burn easily because it has a lot of fire nearby, it is simply because it feels fear. If you burn Bamboo separately, you can see that it is even harder to burn than the fire herbs you throw at it." Tang Yin said calmly, explaining something basic within his knowledge.

--"Well, I'll tell you that in order to create that pill you need to put any Ice attribute Spirit Herb that is of the passive type into it, as it will freeze the Bamboo and then you can burn it as if it's nothing." Tang Yin said, finally revealing the 'mystery' behind this supposed pill recipe.

It is a pill that he has always seen as useless, which is why he does not consider it a pill recipe that he is saying. There is a better option that he can create without so much trouble and with only 2 ingredients.

But, for Xie Meiyu, this was new and very important knowledge.

She had never thought before about these things that Tang Yin was saying. She always thought along the way Tang Yin was telling her not to think, moving further and further away from the truth.

Well, although it is not confirmed that this is the truth, but this is precisely why she got up from her seat.

--"Young Master, I am going to try what you just told me, can you wait for me? I won't be long, 2 hours at the most." She said quickly.

Tang Yin raised his eyebrows when he heard 2 hours and looked at her.

--"It takes you 2 hours to make such a simple pill?" Tang Yin asked in astonishment.

'My goodness, is your alchemical talent low, or is it that this world has no alchemical knowledge at all? That's the simplest pill among spirit-grade pills, for goodness sake!'

But she was surprised by the answer she received.

--"This... Simple? Young Master, I am one of the fastest within my age range making pills, isn't that a bit rude of you?" she asked, that annoyed her because it hurt her pride, and Tang Yin was surprised.

'Oh my god, is this continent so backward at the alchemical level?' he thought in astonishment and stood up.

--"Forget it, would you mind if I see you? 2 hours is a long time to spend here thinking and drinking tea." Tang Yin said.

She didn't mind as long as Tang Yin didn't leave and let her buy his Ancient Spiritual Bamboo she wouldn't mind even if what he had just said regarding the recipe was a lie.

Bamboos are expensive, and buying them in this city was cheap that's why she was here.

Although she couldn't find much, at least she didn't spend too much money.

After that, she took him to her own Alchemy Room which was on the top floor.

--"Young Master, please wait here, I'll be doing alchemy." She said with a smile and went to the side of her cauldron.

Tang Yin simply watched her from the side.

She picked up each material and this time grabbed an icy spirit herb of the passive type to try this new recipe.

The cost of this herb is very low, and it is almost not used, but Tang Yin told her that that one might do, so she would use that one.

After that, she started to put the herbs in the oven.

Just as Tang Yin said, she first put the bamboo and the frost herb in, then she lit the fire and put them together so that the frost herb would freeze the bamboo.

After seeing that it was frozen, she threw in the other herbs and started the actual process.

Thus, two hours passed and it was almost ready.

Seeing that it was almost time and that she was going to succeed, Tang Yin looked around the room.

He was bored of watching such a horrible procedure to form this pill, so he got up, grabbed a paper and a pen, wrote down a few things, and then fetched two herbs and put them on a tray.

Just at those moments, he heard her put out the fire and Tang Yin turned to see the beautiful and mature Xie Meiyu staring at the 4 pills in her hand, seeing that it was only 4 pills, Tang Yin sighed.

'She still doesn't understand the how-to. Her control of fire is exquisite, after all.' But, making 4 pills at the same time was already something amazing to her.

She had never done this before, so she was practically crying at this point.

Tears began to roll down her beautiful cheeks.

--"I really did it... And that's 4 on my first time." She said with a big smile and happiness.

Tang Yin then approached.

--"See, this is the right way to make the failed recipe." Tang Yin said with a smile.

Because yes, in his eyes, that thing is a failed recipe. It was useless. It lowered the number of pills you could make and greatly increased the value. On top of that the difficulty was higher.

It's a failed recipe.

Xie Meiyu smiled broadly and looked at him.

--"Hahaha, Young Master, I really made it..." She said happily and, Tang Yin seeing her happiness, couldn't help but congratulate her.

--"Congratulations, it looks like this is the first time you've made a pill of this grade, that's pretty good." He said with a smile and she was still smiling broadly in happiness as she stared at her freshly made pills.

They were still warm...

But Tang Yin didn't want to waste his time watching an emotional scene for making something so small with a failed recipe, so he immediately put the tray in her sight.

--"Miss Xie, follow the procedures of that recipe and use those two materials. Then you will understand the reason why I say that recipe you know is a failed recipe." Tang Yin said.

Xie Meiyu then came out of her cloud of joy when she heard this and looked at the recipe.

--"This is it?" she asked.

--"Recipe to make that same pill, just do what it says and you'll see." Tang Yin said and then went to sit where he was before.

Xie Meiyu was stunned when she heard this but did not question him.

She would soon thank him for teaching her how to make that recipe the right way. She could now consider herself an alchemist with one foot inside the Spirit Grade, something she had longed for a few years ago.

She then began to perform the recipe Tang Yin had said...

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