Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 39: Siblings' Promise

Lucy, who had just brutally killed the two tigers, slowly began to emerge from her berserk state. The intense fog of rage and bloodlust that had consumed her lifted, leaving behind the chilling realization of what she had done. Her breath quickened, and panic gripped her as she clutched her head with trembling hands.

"No... no, this can't be happening," she whispered, her voice quivering with fear. The reality of her actions crashed down on her, and she began to shake her head violently, her eyes wide with horror. "How could I become like this? A... monster?"

Her voice broke on the last word, filled with disbelief and self-loathing. As she looked up, her teary eyes met Lucas's steady gaze. He was walking toward her, his expression calm and determined, a stark contrast to the turmoil she felt inside.

Seeing him approach, a fresh wave of panic surged within her. She stumbled back, raising her hands as if to keep him away. "No, Lucas, stay back! Please don't come near me!" Her voice was desperate, almost pleading. "I'm a monster... I don't want you to see me like this."

"Lucy, please... don't chase me away," Lucas cried, his voice cracking as he buried his face against her back. His grip tightened, his body trembling with sobs he couldn't hold back. "I don't care what's happened to you—I don't care at all!"

His words, though shaky, were filled with an unwavering resolve. "No matter what you are, you're still my sister. Whether you're a monster, a human, or even a demon... I don't care! I just... I just want my sister!"

Lucy, feeling the warmth of his embrace and hearing the raw emotion in his voice, felt her own tears spill over. She turned her head slightly, catching a glimpse of Lucas's tear-streaked face. Her voice trembled as she asked, "Are you really sure about that, Lucas? Even after everything?"

Lucas nodded vigorously, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Of course I'm sure!" he choked out between sobs. "You're my only family, Lucy. If you leave me... if you push me away... I won't have anyone.

Please, don't leave me alone."

His voice cracked with the last words, a cry full of pure, childlike fear and desperation. Lucas clung to her even tighter, his small frame trembling as if he were holding on for dear life, terrified that she might slip away from him if he let go for even a second.

At that moment, something within Lucy shifted. She realized just how foolish she had been to think of leaving her little brother alone because of what she had become.

How could she have ever considered abandoning him when he needed her the most? Her heart ached with the realization, and her grip on Lucas tightened as she fully grasped the depth of his love for her.

Lucas, sensing the change in her, sniffled and tried to smile through his tears. "And... and also," he stammered, his voice still shaky, "I... I kind of like this side of you, Lucy. You're so much stronger now... and you can kill enemies really easily."

He wiped his face with the back of his hand, trying to sound more cheerful. "You can protect me now... and... and we won't have to worry about those creepy guys who used to bother you all the time."

His words were clumsy, but his tone was light and reassuring, as if he was trying to convince both her and himself. "As long as you're kind to me... that's all that really matters, right?"

Overwhelmed by his acceptance and love, Lucy's tears flowed freely. She turned to face Lucas fully and hugged him even tighter, her own sobs mingling with his. "Okay, Lucas," she whispered, her voice filled with love and determination, "I will never leave you. No matter what happens."

She pulled back slightly to look into his tear-filled eyes and made a solemn promise. "I promise, whatever I become, I will always love you as my brother. And even if you ever change—into a demon or whatever—you will always be my brother. I'll never stop loving you."

Lucas, moved deeply by her words, nodded vigorously, his tears falling even faster. "And I will always love you as my sister, no matter what you become," he vowed, his voice trembling with emotion. "Even if I change... I will always love you as my sister."

The two of them stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, both crying and promising to never let anything come between them. They were siblings, bound by an unbreakable bond, no matter what the future held.

The two of them stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, both crying and promising to never let anything come between them. They were siblings, bound by an unbreakable bond, no matter what the future held.

After a while, Lucy gently pulled away from the embrace. "I need to absorb the corpses of the two tigers to break through," she said, her voice steadier now.

Lucas nodded, wiping away the last of his tears, and watched as his sister focused on her task, her hands trembling slightly as she began the process. A small, proud smile tugged at his lips as he observed her.

[Well, well, well, look who's quite the actor! Who knew you had it in you, huh?] the system chimed in suddenly, its tone laced with mockery.

Lucas frowned. "What are you talking about?"

[Oh, don't play coy with me! That tearful performance? Absolutely brilliant! You really sold it, and it kept your sister from spiraling into madness. Bravo, kid!] the system remarked with shameless pride.

Lucas couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Of course I'm a good actor."

[Ha! The fact that you're owning it just makes it better. But seriously, are you really committed to that promise? Always together, no matter what happens?] the system pressed, as if challenging him.

"Absolutely," Lucas replied without hesitation. "Sure, I cried to help her calm down, but everything I said was true. I came back to this life with one purpose, and now, with you and this power, we're far beyond being mere humans."

[Can't argue with that,] the system said, its tone almost smug. [But I've got to say, you two are turning out to be quite the duo. You've got power, you've got resolve, and now, you've got a sister who's ready to take on the world. What's not to love?]

Lucas watched Lucy as she continued to absorb the tigers' energy, her expression calm and focused. "So no matter what, Lucy will always be my sister," he said, his voice filled with unwavering conviction.

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