Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 37: Unleashing the Fury

The moment had arrived. Lucy took a deep breath, stepping forward with a determined gaze, her eyes locking onto the two massive tigers prowling before her. Each of their low growls echoed through the forest, a menacing reminder of their strength.

But as she stood there, something inside Lucy began to shift. Her breathing deepened, and her once calm demeanor darkened, replaced by a fierce, wild intensity that she had never felt before.

The first tiger snarled, its muscles tensing as it prepared to strike. Without warning, it lunged at Lucy, its powerful claw slicing through the air with deadly precision. But Lucy was quicker.

With a swift movement, she parried the attack, her hand meeting the tiger's paw with surprising ease. The force of her block sent a shiver through the ground, the sheer power behind her movement leaving the tiger momentarily stunned.

A wicked smile spread across Lucy's face as she looked into the beast's eyes, now filled with confusion. "Is that all you've got?" she taunted, her voice laced with an unsettling calmness. The tiger, undeterred, growled louder, its breath hot and rancid against her face.

But Lucy was no longer the same girl she had been moments before. She was something else—something far more dangerous. Her eyes gleamed with a dark excitement as she leaned closer, whispering coldly, "Eruption."

In that instant, the world seemed to slow down. The tiger's eyes widened in terror as it felt a sudden, searing heat within its paw. And then, with a violent burst, its right claw erupted, blood and bone splattering in all directions like molten lava from a volcano. The force of the explosion rocked the forest, the ground trembling beneath their feet.

The tiger let out a deafening roar of agony, stumbling backward as it clutched its mangled paw to its chest. Its once fierce gaze was now clouded with fear and disbelief. It staggered, wounded and vulnerable, unable to comprehend the sheer power that Lucy had unleashed.

The second tiger, its fury ignited by the sight of its mate writhing in pain, let out a ferocious snarl. It quickly assessed the situation, realizing that Lucy was far more dangerous than it had initially thought.

With a low, menacing growl, the tiger decided to change tactics. Its eyes narrowed as it shifted its gaze away from Lucy and focused on Lucas, who stood a few paces behind her. To the beast, Lucas appeared defenseless, a far easier target.

The tiger crouched low, its muscles coiling like springs ready to unleash their deadly force. With a powerful leap, it sprang forward, charging straight at Lucas, its jaws wide open and fangs gleaming.

Lucas, caught off guard by the tiger's sudden shift in focus, watched as the beast closed in on him. He felt a flicker of annoyance mixed with resignation. "So, it thinks I'm an easy target," he mused, his expression calm despite the impending danger. "I guess I won't be able to keep my power hidden any longer."

But before Lucas could even consider making a move, a voice shattered the tension, slicing through the air like a blade.

"You dare to hurt my little brother!"

The voice was filled with an icy fury, and it was unmistakably Lucy's. Lucas barely had time to register her words before she moved. In a blur of motion, Lucy's speed increased exponentially, her form becoming little more than a streak of light as she crossed the distance between herself and the tiger in the blink of an eye.

The tiger, focused entirely on its prey, barely had time to react before Lucy was upon it. Her eyes burned with an intense, almost feral rage as she delivered a crushing punch to the side of the beast. "Eruption!" she roared, her voice reverberating with the sheer force of her anger.

The impact was immediate and devastating. The second tiger's body convulsed violently as a massive explosion erupted from within, the force of the blast ripping through its flesh and bones in a gruesome display of power. Blood and viscera splattered across the forest floor, painting the scene with the remnants of the beast's life.

The tiger's lifeless body crumpled to the ground with a heavy thud, its eyes wide open in a final expression of shock and disbelief. It had been utterly destroyed, its form unrecognizable from the ferocious predator it had been just moments before.

Lucy, now overtaken by an uncontrollable, berserker-like rage, fixed her gaze on the first tiger, still writhing in agony from its earlier injury. Her eyes narrowed, burning with a cold, unrelenting fury that seemed to swallow any trace of the calm demeanor she once had. The tiger, sensing its imminent demise, let out a pitiful growl, but it was too late for any form of defense or escape.

Without a moment's hesitation, Lucy launched herself at the beast with terrifying speed. Her movements were fluid yet fierce, her entire body propelled by the raw power coursing through her veins. As she closed the distance, the tiger managed a feeble attempt to raise its head, its eyes filled with a mixture of fear and desperation.

Lucy's voice, dripping with wrath, cut through the air like a thunderclap. "You should have never crossed us," she hissed, her tone as cold as the death she was about to deliver.

With a force that seemed impossible for her frame, Lucy's fist connected with the tiger's skull, the impact reverberating through the forest. "Eruption!" she screamed, channeling every ounce of her anger into that single word.

The effect was instantaneous and brutal. The tiger's head detonated with a violent explosion, the sheer force obliterating it in a grisly display of power. Blood and fragments of bone splattered across the surrounding trees, the air thick with the scent of iron.

The once-majestic beast crumpled to the ground, its life snuffed out in a grotesque spectacle that left no doubt about Lucy's newfound strength.

Lucy stood amidst the carnage, her breath coming in heavy, ragged gasps. Blood dripped from her hands and clothes, staining her from head to toe in a macabre testament to the violence she had unleashed. Her chest heaved as the last remnants of her rage began to subside, leaving behind an eerie silence in the wake of the battle.

She looked down at the lifeless body of the tiger, her expression hard, devoid of any remorse. "This is what happens when you threaten my family," she muttered, her voice low but laced with a dangerous edge.

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