Devouring Monarch: Rebirth of the Profane Phoenix

Chapter 139: The Growing Family.

Two weeks soon passed after the battle ended. A black carriage raced down the dirt roads leading towards the Phoenix Glade.

Although it was slower than a military carriage or airship, it allowed people to rest and view the countryside while travelling. It also avoided many dangers on the path and was easier for nobles to travel because they could protect themselves from monsters in the carriage.

A young woman with long white hair and a pink tint sat atop the carriage. She wore a pure white dress that revealed her shoulders and covered her hands with long gloves and boots that matched the dress's colour.

The woman glanced down at the scenery as she held onto a parasol with one hand to block out the sun. On her head, two curved white horns bent towards the sky while soft pink scales covered the sides of her cheeks and neck.

The carriage could open and close the roof, and since it was sunny, Xavida travelled with it open, with Lucretia dressed in a black dress ahead of her. Five maids sat with them, two on each side of Xavida, with a fifth beside Lucretia. The fifth maid drove the carriage and protected them from attacks from monsters.

Lucretia glanced over her shoulder at Xavida.

"Are you that excited to meet lover boy again?"

Xavida smiled sweetly at Lucretia before responding, "What does it matter if I am? Are you not eager to meet him as well?"

Lucretia discreetly turned away, hiding her face from Xavida. "Maybe, as an instructor."

"Heh... clearly as a woman, you liar," Xavida teased. Lucretia huffed while turning away and didn't respond. After the battle ended, Lucretia spent most of her time travelling. It was their first chance to talk since then.

Xavida prepared for the trip and thinking about Asura. She would have travelled sooner, but she couldn't leave until after things calmed down and preparations were complete. It caused her pain to hear that her kingdom suffered damage, but the fact Asura won made her happy, like a sweet and sour toffee.

The carriage continued through the Phoenix Glade, stopping only to change horses and rest for food. The trip was uneventful. Monsters rarely attacked carriages because they carried strong guards. Most people also didn't attack carriages out of fear of retribution.

It was likely because of the aura of both women on the carriage and the maids being Stage Four. The dragon's scent of Xavida scared away most monsters; not only did her scent change since meeting Asura, but now it caused monsters even more terror as a pregnant dragon was one of the most terrifying existences in the monster or beast kingdoms.


A large city, filled with smiling people and guards, came into view as Xavida opened her mouth wide, seeing the beautiful fountains and clear water flowing through the entire city like a piece of art.

Although she had seen it once before in books and documents, the beauty of the real thing still astonished her.

"Milady, we're almost there!" the maid driving the carriage called out while Lucretia smiled, looking around as well.

'Mmm... finally, I can meet you again. Asura.'

"Are you nervous, dragon girl?"


"What if he has new women? Are you sure?"

Xavida blushed, hiding it with her parasol as Lucretia smirked, poking fun at Xavida.

Although Lucretia said cruel things, she was just as nervous as Xavida. She didn't know why. There was a strange feeling since she came to this city... Something within the mansion seemed to call her, creating a resonance.

The carriage rode up to a large mansion. Two maids wearing black dresses walked up and bowed to Xavida, Lucretia, and the others.

"We've been waiting for you. Please come inside."

Lucretia stood first, getting off the carriage with Xavida following. They followed the maids into the mansion. Inside, the floors were clean white tiles with red carpets leading towards the centre of the room.

Then, as if offering a grand welcome started, ten old men in armour stood with their swords held high, with Garret Fenix standing at the bottom of the stairs beside Asura and Ophelia.

Xavida felt her heart beat faster the moment Asura's eyes met hers, a warm smile appearing on his face. She couldn't hold back as her folded wings suddenly unfurled and flapped significantly, sending her flying into his arms. Asura caught Xavida, holding her tight as Lucretia rolled her eyes. She blushed slightly seeing the sight while Ophelia grinned happily.

"I'm back," Xavida whispered as she nuzzled her head into his chest, breathing deeply. Her Draconic nature demanded she rubbed against him to show affection and scent to mark him. However, Asura did not seem to mind her actions.

Ophelia coughed lightly, covering her mouth to hide her grin. His mother, Ophelia, wore a beautiful red dress with a woollen shoulder cape to keep her warm. Her silver hair and pretty eyes glistened under the mansion's light as she smiled softly.

Garret Fenix wore simple armour compared to his previous appearance, although it was still well-crafted with a slight shine.

"Welcome back, my wife."

"Mm, I missed you, Asura."

Xavida kissed Asura before hugging him tighter. Asura smiled softly while Ophelia nodded, happy it was a light kiss. Garret Fenix watched quietly with a complicated expression.

However, it was then that Agatha Estan entered while wearing a blue dress. She tied her hair up over one shoulder, identical to Lucretia, who wore a black dress in a similar style. The instant she saw Lucretia, it felt like a jolt shocked her body; a strange feeling of her magic resonated.

Lucretia stood frozen, her eyes widened in shock as Agatha approached her with a friendly smile. There was a feeling in her stomach she couldn't control or stop, like butterflies. Her magic danced around her veins as if meeting someone important.

"Hello, there. I am Agatha Estan. May I ask who you might be?"

Lucretia clenched her fist tightly before responding, "Lucretia..."

Agatha froze slightly at those words, and everyone turned to look at Lucretia with confusion. Only Glade felt a strange sense of duality upon hearing her speak, his mana less sensitive than his wife, but he also felt a strange disturbance upon meeting this girl.

She looked closely at Lucretia; the feeling became stronger as they gazed at each other.

"Is something the matter, Glade?" Garret whispered to his long-time friend and brother. Glade shook his head.

"It is nothing. Let us introduce ourselves first, then discuss later."

"Ah... alright," Garret agreed, but Glade continued watching Lucretia, whom Agatha pulled to the side, as he saw her smile in a way he had never seen before, speaking constantly.


Not long after the greeting, Asura sat beside Mu Xue, Xavida and the Princess on a large sofa, with his parents on the other. Lucretia never returned, but Asura didn't seem to worry. He knew Agatha wasn't an evil woman, and it was nice to see his instructor smile so softly.

Garret Fenix watched Asura carefully, scrutinising every detail as Ophelia glanced between them. Finally, Ophelia spoke up.

"It is our pleasure to meet you, Xavida Bahamot. Asura told us everything."

For a moment, Xavida looked shy; she stood from the sofa and stepped towards Ophelia, giving a gentle bow, her steps a little awkward as she turned bright red. "M-Mother-in-law!"

Ophelia laughed softly. "Come now, don't be formal! We're family here. If you want to call me mother, then feel free. You may call me Auntie as well, if you prefer that."

"Mm... Mother, hehe, I have a new mother..." Xavida seemed lost for words.

Asura smirked while Mu Xue grasped his hand and leaned against him, slotting his hand on her thigh.

Asura explained the situation to his father and mother before she came, who agreed to let them stay together. Although Ophelia wasn't happy that Asura married so quickly, she understood the situation.

Mu Xue looked at the shy Xavida, who enjoyed Ophelia fawning at her and felt a little jealous, yet remembered the weeks she enjoyed the same treatment.

"While they are busy, Asura, I received confirmation. You will enter the tower of death, but they sent their conditions."

"Conditions?" Asura frowned, knowing they would not be easy.

"You must enter with the heiress of the duchess Verana. That is the only requirement. She set the date to be next week."

"Next week? Isn't that a little soon?" Asura sighed.

Mu Xue smiled, kissing Asura gently. "I think you should take it. At least you'll get the chance to go this year. It will make your power grow, right? Besides, you're strong enough to handle anything inside!"

Asura thought for a moment and nodded. "Alright, I guess we shall prepare for next week then."

Ophelia, Xavida and Garret Fenix all turned to listen to their conversation, but the business didn't last long before it became a more familial atmosphere; all the women present were Asura's future wives; even the princess came downstairs after hearing the noise.

She even stole the seat beside Asura from Xavida.

After some time, Mu Xue left the room, preparing a room for Xavida, who glanced at Asura anxiously before Ophelia dragged her away.

Garret Fenix watched Asura for a long time, contemplating what to say to his playboy son. Like before, he felt jealous that Mu Xue performed her role as his maid while the princess cut his meat and served him during their meals.

Asura turned to his father with a complicated expression.

"Father, you don't have to glare at me. I understand why you feel jealous, but this is how things have become. Mu Xue and I are already married, and the princess and I have a contract. Don't forget you have my mother, haha."

Garret Fenix snorted coldly, glancing at the door where Ophelia took Xavida, then at the princess.

"So what?" Garret Fenix said, looking at Asura seriously.

Asura smirked, placing his hands behind his head while leaning back. "Nothing, Father. I just wanted to say that. No need to look so depressed!"

"Asura, I think we should have a nice, friendly sparring session between father and son!"

Asura froze, sitting upright in the chair as he gulped, seeing his father's eager expression.

'Oh, fuck...'

He ran away as fast as possible while his red-haired father grabbed his gigantic sword and chased him through the mansion until Ophelia scolded them and took away their meat for dinner.


"Darling, what do you think of Lucretia?" Agatha asked Glade that evening, the two lying in bed wrapped in a blanket.

Glade sat beside Agatha with a complicated expression as she rested her head on his lap, gazing up at him lovingly.

"I... am not sure. When she came, I felt something strange. It was as if my mana called to her. She seems very similar to you when we first met, darling."

"Mm... her name and past too..." Agatha whispered.

Glade glanced down at his wife; the soft moonlight covered her naked body in a faint glow.

"You think she might be?" Glade questioned curiously.

Agatha hesitated, her eyes turning distant as she spoke, "No... Maybe... I want to check."

"Check?" Glade frowned.

Agatha nodded. "We can use blood magic to find out if she's..." Agatha trailed off as Glade's frown deepened.

Blood magic was a taboo practice among nobles. To cast it, they would need Lucretia's blood, which meant harming her. Even though Glade felt curious about Lucretia, he would not allow Agatha to hurt her.

"Darling, I know what you're thinking, but she would heal from such a minor injury. Blood magic only needs a drop to check her origins. I promise." Agatha reached up, touching Glade's cheek.

He could see the tears forming in his gentle wife's eyes, and he felt it. Glade desperately wanted to agree and ask her to proceed with the spell.

"If you want it, let's proceed. I will take the blame."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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