Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 36: Mistaken sister for a sister? (1)


A heavy sigh escaped Wang Xiao's lips, visible in the chilly night air as a misty plume. The biting cold of the night seeped through his padded jacket, an unwelcome guest that the jacket failed to repel.

The clock displayed the unforgiving hour of 2:45 am as he finally stepped foot into his abode.

He could already anticipate the morning - a storm of reprimands awaited him.

Despite the frigid night, an odd mix of discomfort and familiarity settled within him, anchoring him to the spot.

It felt like peace... An enduring, tranquil peace...

'This could be the end; your body is already freezing, you fool.'

The internal warning jolted him, rescuing him from the sudden suicidal thoughts. He shook his head and discreetly moved past the inattentive guard.

The guard, neglecting his duty, didn't warrant any comments from Wang Xiao.

Clutching the spare key to the main door, Wang Xiao made a quiet entry. He navigated his way inside, carefully ascending the stairs, each step a cautious effort to avoid stirring anyone from their slumber.

Only when he stood outside his third-floor apartment did he allow himself to breathe a sigh of relief, reflecting on the surreal events of the day.

Wang Xiao felt strangely detached from the whirlwind of events that had unfolded, as if it were all just a passing breeze. There was no sense of achievement left, no lingering regret—almost as if he were on the verge of forgetting it all, rendering it inconsequential.

Upon unlocking the door and stepping inside, he was greeted by an unusual darkness. Typically, Wang Mei slept with lamps on, so the absence of light surprised him. Nevertheless, his senses quickly confirmed her presence.

There was a body sprawled across his bed, facing away from him, the rhythmic breathing a clear giveaway.

Despite his fatigue, Wang Xiao couldn't shake the stickiness of his skin. He shed his clothes and made his way to the shower, and as he stripped down completely, he took a bewildered look at himself in the mirror.

His frown deepened as he observed his own reflection, his back marred by a series of long scratch marks, some of them still bleeding.

There were also reddish marks, unmistakable faint hickeys, adorning his neck—an unexpected revelation.

He couldn't even recall when or how he had acquired them.

Such marks had never appeared during his time with Lin Xue, and some of these scratches were worryingly deep.

His gaze returned to the cold water streaming from the showerhead, and a sense of foreboding washed over him.

He knew all too well that the contact of water with those injuries would bring a painful sting, one that he couldn't ignore.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Xiao stepped into the cold shower, his body flinching as the icy water cascaded down his skin.

Despite the stinging sensation on his back, an inexplicable urge held him in place. The pain had an oddly addictive quality to it, drawing him in.

As the frigid water continued to flow, his head gradually started to feel numb, the freezing sensation seeping into his thoughts.

Eventually, he stepped away from the shower, emerging with fresh, thin clothes that only seemed to amplify the biting cold.

Despite the heater's persistent hum, the chill still managed to creep its way into the room.

Wang Xiao's eyes fell upon the figure cocooned beneath the blanket on his bed, a mischievous smile dancing on his lips. He had found a way to keep himself warm.

Without a word of warning, he slipped under the covers and wrapped his arms around Wang Mei from behind.


Suddenly, Wang Mei's eyes shot open, startled by the sensation of someone catching her from behind.

She lay there frozen, unable to respond, a rush of emotions and confusion swirling within her.

Her hands, unexpectedly swift, shot up to intercept Wang Xiao's advance.

However, his hands persisted, defying her resistance and slipping beneath her clothes, finding a resting place near her abdomen, where they caressed with a slow, deliberate touch.

A sudden chill ran through Wang Mei as his cold fingers danced on her skin, causing her to shiver involuntarily.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Xiao's actions became brazen, as he pressed his face against the nape of her neck, planting kisses with audacity.

Wang Mei's head jerked in surprise, a reaction to halt his unwelcome advances. But Wang Xiao, catching her awareness in his gaze, realized she was already awake, and thus, he felt no need to restrain himself.

His hands moved deftly, venturing higher towards her supple breasts, their touch tender yet invasive, shaping the softness with a touch both possessive and unsettling, lightly flicking a sensitive nipple.

A sharp gasp of surprise escaped Wang Mei's lips, and she instinctively closed them, her astonishment immeasurable.

Wang Xiao, now aware that something was amiss, halted his actions, the sudden change in atmosphere undeniable.

The object within his hand felt far larger than anticipated.

It wasn't exceedingly large, but when compared to Wang Mei, the difference was undeniably significant.

He decided to test its size with a gentle squeeze.


Wang Xueying's body trembled, her eyes welling up with tears from his touch.

Her breathing became shallow, her mind thrown into disarray, as his sudden advances caught her off guard.

Wang Xiao's expression shifted, his voice laced with suspicion, "Mei...?"


Wang Xueying's breathing hitched as she slowly turned around.

In the dimly lit room, her face was visible, her eyes shimmering with a delicate sheen, tears threatening to spill, a stark contrast to the darkness around them.

The sight of her face, the soft glow in her eyes, caught Wang Xiao off guard, changing his expression. "Xueying?" he murmured, stunned. There was no mistaking those eyes.

They were stunning even without glasses.

Wang Xueying's emotions erupted in a sudden, frustrated outburst. With a burst of energy, she launched a feeble punch toward her brother's chest. "Stupid brother!" Her face turned crimson with embarrassment.

Wang Xiao, clearly taken aback, posed the question that had baffled him since his abrupt entrance. "What are you doing here? Isn't this my room?"

His fingers flicked the room's lampshades to life, casting revealing light across the space as he scanned for any indication he might have mistakenly intruded into the wrong room.

With growing confusion, he confirmed that, indeed, he stood in his own room. His gaze returned to Wang Xueying, his expression a portrait of bewilderment.

In the uneasy silence that followed, Wang Xueying struggled to find her words. "W-we were waiting for you," she finally managed, adjusting her disheveled clothing.

"We?" Wang Xiao mumbled, his eyes scanning the room but finding no sign of anyone else's presence.

"Wang Mei was here as well... she must have left," Wang Xueying explained, her eyes sweeping the room for any trace of her sister, but she came up empty.

Both of them had succumbed to slumber while waiting for him in his room, and it appeared Wang Mei had roused earlier and made her exit.

Curiosity brimming, Wang Xiao pressed further. "What were you two waiting for?"

The shadows in Wang Xueying's expression deepened as she answered. "Dad was absolutely furious when you didn't return home all night. We kept the spare keys, just in case," she clarified, recalling the tension that had gripped them both.

In anticipation of Wang Xiao potentially finding himself locked out, they had both kept their phones ready to respond and open the door once he reached out to them.

Wang Xiao nodded in sudden understanding.

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