Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 31: Fu Yuxin lured (3)

"How was it?" Wang Xiao asked, his eyes alight with curiosity, as both Fu Yuxin and he emerged from the thrilling labyrinth of the amusement park.

Fu Yuxin couldn't help but beam with delight. "Perfect! Even better than I imagined!" She exclaimed, her excitement evident as she walked closely beside him, the world around them a whirlwind of vibrant colors and laughter.

In that moment, she found herself pondering why she had never ventured here before.

And then, like a light bulb flicking on, it hit her – she had never had a partner for such adventures, and her overprotective brother had unwittingly kept her from this joyous experience.

Wang Xiao's eyes sparkled with spontaneity as he suggested, "Let's head to Yu Garden then; we've still got plenty of time."

After a brief contemplation, Fu Yuxin nodded. "Okay."

Earlier that day, she had taken the precaution of informing her parents about her plans for the long-awaited winter break. She'd even coordinated with her friends, instructing them to cover for her in case she was late.

Today was her day of absolute freedom, and she wholeheartedly accepted Wang Xiao's offer, ready for more adventures and discoveries with him.

However, beneath Wang Xiao's seemingly genuine smile, there were hidden motives. After their visit to Yu Garden, he deviated from the usual path, steering away from the bustling Nanjing Road under the guise of grabbing a meal.

Conveniently, there was a renowned skewer shop nearby. Wang Xiao left Fu Yuxin momentarily, excusing himself.


Confused, Fu Yuxin watched him walk away, a question mark figuratively hovering over her head. She shrugged and decided to savor the treat.

The friend of her brother seemed really kind and courteous.

Wang Xiao's kindness was vast like the sea, but the waters weren't always tranquil; they could engulf you if you weren't cautious enough.

With a hint of excitement, Wang Xiao made his way to Shuangxue Bar, his posture slightly hunched and head angled downwards.

Like a sly fox, he slipped behind the deck where the DJ, Xia Bao, eagerly awaited his arrival.

"Wang Xiao!" Xia Bao's eyes sparkled as he greeted him with enthusiasm.

Xia Bao, mainly a friend of Fu Chao, had received a prior call from Wang Xiao, requesting specific materials for the night.

However, Xia Bao was no stranger to Wang Xiao and his crew. Their frequent visits with Fu Chao had etched their presence in his memory.

Today was no ordinary day; Wang Xiao was not just a familiar face but also a valued customer—a mantra upheld in the service industry: "A customer is god."

Wang Xiao had done some discreet research, uncovering information about drugs that could induce a mild calming effect.

Mixing them with alcohol could potentially impair cognitive abilities significantly.

Knowing that alcohol alone wouldn't deceive Fu Yuxin, he took a step further and requested Fu Chao to acquire potent benzodiazepines or similar homemade drugs.

Fu Chao directed him to Xia Bao, the man with connections.

Fu Chao found himself increasingly curious about Wang Xiao's motives; it seemed like Wang Xiao was playing a game on a level beyond his usual habits.

Skipping the usual vices of smoking and alcohol and jumping straight into narcotics was a surprising escalation.

Unbeknownst to Fu Chao, he was unwittingly setting up his own sister for a fall, and Wang Xiao had deliberately involved Fu Chao to amplify the sinister pleasure he derived from this plan.

After obtaining the narcotics from Xia Bao and secreting them in his pocket, Wang Xiao swiftly exited the establishment.

Being well-known in the area, he knew it was wise not to linger close to Fu Yuxin; too much time together could potentially let slip his intentions, and the last thing he needed was for Fu Chao to catch wind of his devious machinations.

As Wang Xiao returned, he scanned the surroundings, his eyes squinting in an attempt to find Fu Yuxin amidst the bustling crowd.

Fortunately, her unique winter attire made her stand out, and he soon spotted her engrossed in examining the jewelry at a nearby store.

"You like jewelry?"


A sudden voice interrupted Fu Yuxin, and she turned to see Wang Xiao, smiling slightly. "Only this one," she said, pointing to a specific necklace made of white pearls, its radiance setting it apart from the rest.

Wang Xiao nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. Thankfully, the necklace she had chosen was priced at 20,000 yuan, comfortably within his budget.

"Let's go inside," he declared suddenly, taking her hand and guiding her into the shop.

"Eh?" Fu Yuxin was caught off guard, helplessly pulled inside, now accustomed to his tendency to whisk her away to try new experiences. However, what followed took her by surprise, and she felt a hint of nervousness creeping in.

"Wang Xiao, what's going on?" Fu Yuxin's voice quivered with panic as Wang Xiao summoned the staff to present the pearl necklace.

Wang Xiao, with a nonchalant demeanor, replied, "Don't worry, my mom's birthday is just around the corner. My sisters and I have pooled some money to get her a special gift, and I think this necklace might be the perfect choice."

Fu Yuxin nodded, still somewhat skeptical but reassured by his explanation. "Oh," she replied, her anxiety momentarily subdued.

A keen-eyed staff member, who had been eavesdropping on their conversation, interjected, "Sir, we actually have the complete set available. Would you like me to bring it out?" Wang Xiao, inquired about the set's price and, after confirming, nodded in agreement.

Thankfully, the entire set was priced at 24,999 yuan, comfortably within Wang Xiao's 30,000 yuan budget.

Fu Yuxin felt a rush of astonishment at the cost, her heart fluttering nervously.

But when her gaze fell upon the stunning pearl necklace, accompanied by two pairs of matching earrings, all her doubts dissolved, replaced by a profound sense of wonder and admiration.

"Try it on," Wang Xiao encouraged.

"Me?" Fu Yuxin pointed at herself, a mixture of surprise and eagerness coloring her tone. "But I thought it was for your mother?" she asked, her longing to wear the beautiful jewelry evident.

Wang Xiao chuckled, "I just want to see how it looks."

"Oh..." Fu Yuxin hesitated, then eagerly agreed. She tried to maintain a calm exterior, but her hands trembled slightly with excitement as she delicately picked up the necklace and draped it around her neck.

Before the staff handed her the matching earrings, Fu Yuxin caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror and was momentarily awestruck.

"Beautiful..." she breathed, her eyes widening as she marveled at how the necklace perfectly complemented her outfit.

Wang Xiao couldn't help but smile, nodding in agreement; indeed, it looked good on her.

He smiled, satisfied that his plan had unfolded just as he envisioned.

A person unacquainted with vanity might not easily be swayed, but once introduced to the taste of luxury, they could become captivated.

This was precisely what he aimed for - to create an emotional connection between Fu Yuxin and this necklace.

And his goal was achieved.

"Pack it up," he suddenly ordered.

"You're really buying it?" Fu Yuxin asked, taken aback.

"Yes," Wang Xiao affirmed.


Fu Yuxin bit her lip, surprised, but refrained from voicing her thoughts. She believed Wang Xiao, though young, should consult his sisters before making such decisions.

Yet, considering they entrusted him with the money, she restrained from interfering and silently watched as the transaction concluded.

A bitter pang of envy crept into her heart, realizing that the necklace she adored and had been saving up for was now in the possession of Wang Xiao.

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