Demonic Dragon: Harem System

Chapter 201: Why do you fight? What brought you here?

The battle betwe Strax and Kryssia continued to escalate, each strike and block echoing like thunder across the battlefield.

They moved like blurs in the air, Kryssia's feet floating with grace as her blades danced a her like a whirlwind of steel and death.

Strax, in turn, wielded his massive sword with surprising precision, as if perfectly in tune with the very rhythm of the fight.

I'm starting to run out of ergy... with Persephone's help, the one minute I had is lasting much longer than expected.

The g a them was a landscape of destruction—craters oped by blows, shattered stones, and the air thick with the tsion of battle.

Kryssia's excitemt only grew, fueled by the power that Strax was showing. He was no longer the weak and uncertain oppont she had faced before. Now, he was a force to be reckoned with.

She's completely a battle maniac... I don't ev know what I can do to tone down her craziness...

"You're evolving fast, Strax!" Kryssia exclaimed, her smile wider, her breath heavy but animated. She paused for a momt, watching him like a predator admiring its prey that had finally become worthy. "Faster than I imagined."

"Ah... ah..." Strax was panting too, but his eyes remained locked on her, his pupils now glowing with a fierce crimson light.

He could feel the intsity rising within him, a new ergy seeming to flow with every movemt, every block, every counterattack.

But there was something more.

No matter how much stronger he was becoming, no matter how accustomed he was to the new power he possessed, it seemed Kryssia hadn't reached her limit.

And that was becoming increasingly evidt.

The differce in cultivation is becoming clear again...

Suddly, Kryssia exploded into action, moving with a speed Strax could barely track. Her blades cut through the air with deadly precision, and no matter how hard he tried to block or evade, she was always one step ahead.

Strax barely had time to lift his sword before he was struck in the shoulder, the metal tearing through his scales and flesh.

The impact st him sprawling backward, sliding across the g until he slammed into a rock. He gritted his teeth, feeling the searing pain shoot through him, but quickly got back to his feet, ready to continue. However, something had changed. Kryssia was no longer just testing him or having fun. Now, she was fighting to win.

"Aahhh!" he screamed in pain, feeling his ribs crack from the force of the blow.

"Is that all you have?" Kryssia taunted, her voice still playful, but with a dark determination underlying it. "You've evolved, Strax, but it's still not ough. I said I wanted to see your true pottial, but it seems I was wrong about you."

She lunged again, this time with overwhelming force. Strax raised his sword to block, but the impact was so violt that he felt his arms tremble.

Her strgth was insane, colossal.

He had faced powerful emies before, but Kryssia... Kryssia was differt. She fought like someone who had no fear of losing. Like someone completely at ease in the chaos of battle.

"AHHH!!!" he roared.

Strax tried to retaliate, but Kryssia was always ahead, her movemts almost impossible to predict. She attacked from every angle, like a storm of blades that never diminished in intsity. With each strike, Strax was pushed further back, barely able to maintain his

She laughed, a wild sound full of pure joy. "You're tired, Strax. I can feel it. The ergy you have... it's incredible, but you hav't mastered it yet. You're still adapting.

Meanwhile, I..." Kryssia raised one of her blades and pointed it directly at his chest. "I already know all my limits. I already know what I'm capable of."

Strax stepped back, feeling a bead of sweat roll down his face. Kryssia was right. He could feel the weight of exhaustion starting to set in. The power flowing through him was still new, not fully controlled. And Kryssia... she seemed like she was just getting warmed up.

"I can still go on... Ah... Damn..." Strax muttered, panting, gripping his sword tightly. He couldn't afford to lose. He couldn't afford to fail, not with everything at stake.

'Samira... I hope the girls can help her...' He thought of his injured wife... 'I've got to keep going...'

She struck again, and this time, Strax couldn't block it. Her blade slashed deep into his side, blood spilling as he dropped to his knees. The impact made him dizzy, the throbbing pain in his body now all too real.

"You're strong, Strax. Really strong for your cultivation level. But strgth isn't ough to defeat someone like me." Kryssia walked slowly toward him, her blades gleaming as she moved, imposing, like an angel of death. "You have power, but you're missing something. Something I've long since learned."

Strax tried to stand, but his muscles screamed in protest. He could feel the warm blood running down his side, the weight of the battle finally taking its toll. Kryssia observed him, her expression now calmer, more introspective.

"And you know what's funny, Strax?" she asked, her voice soft, almost like a whisper. "As much as I love to fight, as much as I love the feeling of being alive in a battle like this... I wonder what brought me here. What made me... this?"

She paused for a momt, her dark eyes seeming lost in distant thoughts. "I used to fight for something. I used to have a purpose. But now... all that's left is the thrill of the fight. All that I am is this." Kryssia twirled her blades slowly, watching her reflection in the silver steel.

"Is this who I am? Just a warrior who knows only battle? Or did I lose what truly mattered somewhere along the way?"

Strax remained silt, his strgth waning as Kryssia continued her monologue. She was slowly approaching him, her eyes still locked on the gleam of her blades, as if searching for answers there.

"And you, Strax?" Kryssia suddly asked, turning to him. "Why do you fight? What brought you here?" She began to raise her sword, ready for the final blow. "Are you just another warrior fighting for the sake of it? Or is there something more? Something...

you still hold onto?"

Strax lifted his head, his body aching, but his mind now clear. He looked straight into her eyes, his lips curling into a faint smile.

"I..." He began, his voice hoarse but firm. "I'm a man... who loves his wives very much."

"Your... wives?" Kryssia murmured, her voice soft, as if trying to grasp the meaning of that.

Strax, despite the pain, held his gaze on her. "Yes... my wives. Every one of them. They're the reason I keep fighting. They're the reason I get up, ev wh I'm at my limit.

I don't fight just for myself. I fight for them. To protect them. To stand by their side. That... is what defines me."

For a momt, Kryssia stood in silce, her sword still raised but unmoving. She looked at him, and something in her eyes shifted. The wildness, the thrill of battle, had faded. Her once lively smile now seemed... sad.

"You... love?" she repeated, almost as if the word was foreign to her.

Strax nodded slowly. "Yes. I love."

Kryssia slowly lowered her sword, her eyes still fixed on Strax. The battle, which had once be a fight to the death, now felt like something more. Something much deeper.

"I... used to be like you, you know?" Kryssia murmured, her voice now lower, almost melancholic. "I had someone too... someone I fought for. But I lost that... a long time ago."

She stepped back, her body relaxing as her expression softed. "And now... I don't think I know who I am anymore. I'm not the warrior I used to be, and... maybe I hav't be for a long time."

Strax watched her, still cautious, but feeling the tsion betwe them dissipate. Kryssia seemed lost in her own thoughts, battling inner demons he couldn't see.

For a momt, silce hung betwe them, th Kryssia took a step forward, extding her hand to him. Strax, hesitant, accepted the gesture, using her strgth to pull himself to his feet. They stood facing each other, swords still in hand, but in some way, the fight was over.

"You made me realize something today, Strax," Kryssia said softly, her smile returning, but now softer, more human. "Maybe I need to rediscover what made me fight in the first place. Maybe I need... to remember who I really am."

'So suddly? What a strange woman...' Strax muttered to himself.

"Maybe... we'll meet again, Strax," Kryssia said with a light smile. "And who knows, next time, the circumstances might be differt."

With one last glance at him, Kryssia turned and began to walk away, her blades vanishing in a cloud of ergy before disappearing completely. The battlefield was now quiet, except for the gtle sound of the wind passing through the devastated trees.

Strax watched as Kryssia walked away, his thoughts drifting to his wives, to the reasons why he fought and why he would continue to fight. And although the battle had be intse, he felt like something deeper had be gained that day.

"I hope they did their job, or I'm going to die," Strax said, looking toward where Samira and the girls had be, but there was nothing there anymore.

"Well, at least I know my next target... Kryssia, huh? Well, who cares. She'll be mine anyway."

[Time's up. Assimilation ded.]

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