Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night

Chapter 307: The Great Escape Part II

After escaping from the hotel room and entering the lobby, Zane and Gwen were quick to find that the bottom floor of the hotel was infested with soldiers protecting every entrance. It would be impossible to open a door without garnering attention, even if they were practically invisible the two of them couldn't exactly phase through objects. They weren't ghosts after all.

Wait, a second… Ghosts, didn't Zane have one of those beneath his command? Because of this, though, he silently summoned Evilyn who appeared in front of Zane and Gwen with a wide smile on her face.

She was just about to make a comment about how dreadful it was to be relegated to the void when Zane silently communicated to her with the telepathic link they shared.

"I need you to go into one of the other rooms and cause a big enough distraction to get the guards in the lobby to run after it. And don't reveal your presence to these people. Do you understand?"

Evilyn was quick to respond to Zane's words with an almost too enthusiastic statement.

"You can rest assured. When it comes to causing a distraction, there is nobody better than me! I'll be back in a second!"

After saying this, Evilyn phased through the walls. Zane was just about to sigh and comment on Evilyn's unusual enthusiasm when he heard an enormous explosion occur outside of the Hotel. Radio chatter instantly erupted, causing the entire squad worth of soldiers who were guarding the hotel lobby to run out the door in search of the cause of commotion.

Zane and Gwen looked at one another with stupefied expressions when they heard Evilyn speak in their minds.

"Well, hurry up! This isn't going to keep them busy forever!"

It was only now the two of them realized Evilyn was responsible for the convenient explosion. How exactly she managed this, neither of them knew. But it was the excuse they needed to bolt out the door. Which they were quick to do.

Once in the streets of Pyongyang, they saw the sirens of the local firefighters as they made their way to a massive fire which was taking place nearby. Apparently, an entire building was being consumed in the flames, and the first explosion had caused a chain reaction as several smaller explosions were taking place.

This only further made Zane and Gwen curious about what the hell their companion had done to cause such a disturbance. Nevertheless, they did not waste the opportunity given to them, and quickly made their way south towards the DMZ.

It was a quick venture for Zane and Gwen, who by now were reported missing, as the authorities in Pyongyang quickly realized something was wrong, following the outbreak of the fire and responded by kicking down the door of their room only to find it completely vacant.

But by now, Zane and Gwen had made their way to the DMZ. Which they found was a disaster zone so as to speak. The Korean side of the infamous area was stacked with bodies of the dead. Whether they were undead corpses, or corpses of the living who had starved to death following the apocalypse it was impossible to say as they had all rotted the same.

Nevertheless, these corpses acted as a barrier to the undead that lay beyond the wall. Eternally trying their best to break into the area on Earth with the largest living human population.

Yet the North Koreans continued to batter the undead who got near, with a complex trench system filled with machine guns, mortars, artillery. And Most importantly, a large no-man's-land that was mined throughout its vast territory.

There was only one way in and out of North Korea, as the bridges that led into China had apparently been blown up to prevent the undead from crossing the river barriers. Not that Zane actually knew this.

Because of this, he was faced with the difficulty of passing through an area that could be targeted by artillery with ease, assuming he himself didn't step on a landmine and send himself prematurely back to his mother's embrace.

When Zane realized this, he was quick to regroup with Gwen to ask how they should proceed.

"Well, we escaped Pyongyang only to find that the DMZ is far more fortified than it was before the Apocalypse began. How exactly do you propose we make it safely to the South?"

Gwen took one look at the area and proposed an idea that Zane found preposterous when he heard it.

"I mean… Not for nothing, but we could just jump over it, right?"

Jump over it? Was she mad? The depth of that no-man's-land was over a hundred meters in length. Did she really think he was capable of jumping that distance? He was quick to mention this absurdity which Gwen only laughed at.

"I'm sorry you want me to do what now? I might be able to jump a few dozen meters in length and in height. But jumping the distance of well over a hundred meters? You may possess the ability to do that, but I certainly don't!"

Gwen wore an excitable smile that made Zane deeply uncomfortable when he saw it. Because, knowing her, he could accurately predict exactly what she was about to propose. And that he did.

"Well, I could always carry you big brother?"

Zane stopped dead in his tracks when he heard this statement. Carry him? Like a woman? What exactly did he look like to Gwen a princess? There was absolutely no freaking way he would climb into Gwen's arms as she leaped over no-man's-land as if she were a track and field star!

And Zane was naturally quick to express these thoughts.

"There is no way in hell I'm going to let you carry me! So unless you have any other bright ideas we're just going to have to risk the minefield!"

Gwen's second proposal was much quicker than her first, and yet Zane found it slightly more appealing.

"Well…. Okay then. If you're so opposed to be carried, then how about I just toss you over?"

Toss? It was slightly less embarrassing than being carried. But… It was still better than walking through a minefield hoping luck provided safety through it. Because of this, Zane narrowed his gaze with a stern expression as he forced Gwen to make him a promise.

"Do not tell the others…."

Gwen smirked at something devilish when she heard this. Before responding in a tone that did not remotely fill Zane with confidence.

"Not a word…"

After which she picked Zane up and threw him through the air like a shotput as he effortlessly crossed the no-man's-land without the North Korean soldiers being any the wiser. When he landed, he swore he was going to give Gwen the spanking of a lifetime the next time they settled some place safe.

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