Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night

Chapter 22: The Last Laugh

While Ryan and Mr. Diaz were searching for medical supplies in the nurse's office, there was another group of survivors running through the halls of the High School's primary building, searching the cafeteria for supplies. Where Ryan and Mr. Diaz had one been.

Mr. Watson waddled through the cafeteria, not even willing to get his hands dirty, as he ordered the former students of the high school which he was in charge of to do all the work on his behalf. There was a particularly foul expression on the middle-aged man's face as he thought about Zane's sudden rise to power.

"You just watch Mr. Graves… Once I am done with you, you will be begging for me to spare your miserable life. Besides… There is no way I can let a boy like you have those two beautiful ladies to yourself!"

The two students rolled their eyes at the lustful old man, but did not say a word against him. They didn't want to hear another lecture from the penguin looking mother fucker. Instead, they continued to pile what remained of the food and liquid supplies into their packs. Hoping to escape back to the second building as quickly as possible.

And then, out of nowhere, there was a sudden scream. It was not a shout of rage, but a blood-curdling scream of someone getting murdered. It appeared to have come from upstairs, and it immediately sent the trio on edge.

After all, they were convinced that everyone inside the primary building was already dead. So where exactly did this scream come from, and who was being killed? But before they could even ponder about what was happening, they saw a young man with a bunch of bags all over his body run down the stairs and towards the exit that led to the gymnasium.

Naturally, as the high school's biggest star, Mr. Watson knew exactly who Ryan was, and was surprised to see the boy was still alive. He was, of course, not aware of the other group of survivors held up inside the gymnasium. Because of this, he expressed his shock aloud.

"Mr. Parker?"

Of course, shortly thereafter, Mr. Watson saw Keith lumbering after Ryan, running as fast as the enormous abomination could after what appeared to be its prey. Mr. Watson was short enough to escape notice from the creature and sighed in relief once it was gone.

However, unfortunately for him, Keith wasn't working alone, and Mr. Watson had intruded upon the domain of the Stalker. Who appeared just behind the School's principal, as well as the two students with him, without any of them noticing its presence.

The Stalker, however, did not reveal its existence like Keith had, instead it severed the head of one of the students on the spot. It was only after the two survivors were splashed with the student's blood did they realize what was happening.

Turning around to gaze upon the hooded and clawed beast with horror in their eyes. Mr. Watson quickly grabbed the nearest bag of supplies and began to run for his life. Not that he was a particularly fast runner.

Meanwhile, the other student tried to catch up to him, but the moment he turned around, he found that a large clawed hand was protruding through his chest. Holding what appeared to be his own beating heart. That was the last thing that the student saw before his vision faded and his life force with him.

The Stalker, however, did not chase after Mr. Watson, finding the short, fat, and balding man rather amusing as it bit into the student's heart as if it were the most tasty treat in the world. It then began to butcher the two students it had killed while it turned its back to a fleeing Mr. Watson.


Mr. Watson arrived at the entrance of the Second building, stepping over a pile of corpses as he pounded on its doors demanding an entrance.

"Let me in! Let me in right now!"

Zane had of course seen them an approaching, though the sun had begun to set, he still kept a watchful eye on the surroundings of the building, in case the Stalker or Keith showed themselves. In fact, Zane had seen Ryan enter the building with Mr. Diaz, and leave alone. All the while the obese monstrosity chased after him.

Because of this, he was prepared for Mr. Watson's arrival, and thus opened the door rather quickly. Allowing the aging little man inside. Where Zane frowned upon seeing that the man had returned with only a single bag of supplies. In fact, he was so disgusted that he voiced this thought aloud, albeit with a cold and indifferent tone in his voice.

"This is it? This is all you managed to bring me?"

Mr. Watson grew flustered, his face turning red as he was overcome with anger. He immediately began to berate Zane, attempting to explain what had happened. But all he managed to do was make Zane even more angry with him.

"Watch your tone, young man! I was with the others, they were filling up the bags while I was …. Err, keeping watch. Yes, that's right! Anyway, this thing appeared out of nowhere and killed the both of them! I just barely managed to grab this bag and escape with my life intact!

You should be on your knees kissing my oxfords you ungrateful little shit!"

Zane did not care for his former principal. In fact, he never had. The man was full of himself, and arrogant in ways that were irksome to most people. And Zane had decided to make a show of force to remind this little bastard just who was in charge here.

Zane reached out with his hand and gripped the short penguin looking man's fat throat, squeezing it tightly as he slammed the man's head against the wall. There was a look of complete and total indifference in Zane's eyes as he issued a warning to his former principle.

"I'm really getting tired of your shit old man… In case you haven't realized, you are no longer in charge here. So you should show some respect to me, because the only reason you are still alive is because I have chosen not to end you yet… But one more word out of your pathetic little mouth, and I will bash your skull in, understand?"

After saying this, Zane released his grip, and walked away from Mr. Watson, not wanting to dignify the sad little man with another glance. As for the man who had been dubbed "The Penguin" by his former students. He was seething with impotent rage as he stood there and caught his breath. The last thing he said before walking away from the entrance of the building was a curse on Zane.

"We will see who has the last laugh…"

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