Dark Fantasy Paladin

Chapter 39

Dark Fantasy Paladin Chapter 39

Episode 39

The moment they touched the seawater, Uriel and Iden turned into fish people.

Iden looked around in the water.

The brilliance radiating from the barrier gradually became lighter and thick darkness began to settle.

There was no sunlight in the deep sea, so it was impossible to see even an inch ahead. No matter how good Aiden’s eyesight was, it had its limits.

Light was essential because Jonah, who was memorizing the directions, was not there.

Iden lit up his halo.

If a sea animal attacked by its brilliance, I planned to tear it apart.

Of course, there were creatures that could not be tolerated, but those creatures only lived near unexplored continents.

There was absolutely no chance of meeting them here.

Iden wrapped his arms around Uriel’s waist and began to swim upward.

When I left the trench and looked down, I saw that the palace was slowly sinking.

It will go deeper into the sea and eventually break into pieces.

Iden immediately waved his arms and tail vigorously. Since Uriel’s condition didn’t look that good, we had to get to the surface as quickly as possible.

It would have been nice if I could go straight as quickly as I did when coming down, but I couldn’t specify the point where the rising tide occurs.

The only thing I could trust was my physical strength.

Using the cliff that marks the beginning of underwater civilization as a guide, I went back the same way I came.

While heading upward like that for a while, Yuriel’s spirit gradually came back.

She looked down at Iden’s arms wrapped around her torso.

I felt a tight pressure.

The feeling of being protected gave me a sense of security. Suddenly, I thought it would be nice to just stay like this.

I immediately became embarrassed.

‘I guess I’m crazy.’

I blushed and pushed Aiden hard, but he didn’t budge.

Iden slightly turned his head to look at Uriel, and then just looked upward without any reaction.

No matter how much I struggled, he never let me go.

A very strange feeling. It was a difficult feeling to understand as I felt both helpless and relieved at the same time.

After ritually tossing and turning a few more times, I finally gave in.

Yuriel lowered his head. For some reason, I was overcome with a sense of self-destruction.

As they headed to the surface, held by Aiden’s arm, the sea water surrounding them gradually turned blue.

It seemed to have reached the area where sunlight reaches.

The distance to the water is approximately 200m. If you do well, you may be able to arrive before the fish-man phenomenon is released. Aiden began to swim faster. The recoil of blessing hit my whole body as if it was going to split, but I suppressed it.

Finally, we reached a depth where we could clearly see the sea. It was that moment.

My eyes stung. My son-in-law, who used to be bright, turned gray as if a curtain had been put on him.

Uriel’s fins, which had once shined like gold, also began to lose their color. The gills on my neck gradually became lighter and breathing became slightly uncomfortable.

The seawater sucked into the mouth did not drain out well.

Aiden’s green skin also gradually became lighter. The hard texture gradually became soft.

Instinct began to warn me. Don’t drink sea water. When Uriel

realized that oxygen could not be supplied to the body, she felt afraid.

My heart was pounding. I quickly looked up, but it was a while before I could sleep. I was so scared that I thought there was no way I could endure it.

There was clearly oxygen left in my lungs, but I was out of breath. My hair turned white and my extremities became very tense. My muscles became stiff.

I was overcome with panic.

The moment I desperately shook my body and cried out for Aiden, sea water rushed into my mouth.

My airway was filled with water. As soon as I spit it out, they attacked again. I was in such terrible pain that I felt like I was going crazy.

Iden quickly turned his head.

He immediately pulled Yuriel in and wrapped his arms around her waist to prevent her from moving. I supported the back of her head with one hand.

When I put my lips together, she, who had been struggling, stiffened.

I took a breath.

Yuriel spit out seawater. Aiden caught it with his mouth and spit it out.

He kissed me again and gave me oxygen. Yuriel’s pupils dilated greatly.

Breath passes through the airways, penetrates the lungs, and spreads throughout the body.

I felt like life was circulating through my body.

Yuriel desperately began to inhale oxygen. Fussing like a baby, I sucked in Aiden’s breath and swallowed it.

It was okay for Iden to take as much as she wanted. Because I was able to last for a few hours.

Yuriel unconsciously wrapped her arms around Aiden’s neck. I pressed my body as close as I could and desperately wanted to breathe. When Iden exhaled, Uriel caught it and drank it.

So we exchanged breaths and headed to the surface.

As the carbon dioxide concentration became thicker, I could see the sun waving in the waves above.

The two did not separate their lips.

When Aiden felt a strange feeling, he felt a slight touch of flesh inside his mouth. The lips that were close together fell apart in an instant.

Their gazes crossed. Yuriel’s facial color gradually changed. In the end, it turned bright red and became so hot that it looked like it was about to explode.

She looked at Iden, frozen like a doll. He froze for a moment and then lowered his gaze.

Sleep was getting closer and closer. The lower parts of numerous ships were visible.

Uriel got away from Aiden and went to the surface first.

Iden immediately followed suit and pulled his face out of the water.

Dozens of ships were lined up on the sea under the blazing sun.

The sound of a song shook the heavens and the earth.

Wailing, crying, escaping from reality, shouting, screaming, lamenting mixed with madness…etc.

Iden was greeted by harmony created by knocking out all the negative voices in the world.

“I’ll get better!”

Daryl’s voice came through a scream. Euron and Jonah immediately threw down the net.

Yuriel approached the net as if running away. The moment I tried to climb, my injured ankle screamed.

Aiden immediately followed her and picked her up.

Yuriel’s desperate eyes turned to Aiden.

“Please put me down… please.”

“It’s not possible. “It will spoil.”

It was very difficult for her to look Aden in the face.

The emotions and texture from a moment ago remained raw, and I couldn’t hide my expression.

Uriel continued to plead, but Iden did not listen this time.

She was so resentful of the paladin. But still I couldn’t do anything.

“I will get better! “How does your face look like that?!”

Daryl was horrified to see Iden’s messed up face. Who on earth could turn Iden into such a mess? Daryl couldn’t figure it out.

Euron was equally embarrassed.

“Ah, Lord Iden, are you okay?”

Aiden handed Uriel over to them and boarded the ship.

Yona looked at Aiden with a puzzled look.

“Seo Paladin. “What if…”

“Elpis is dead.”

Jonah’s face was colored with shock. Because she also knew the existence of evil spirits. The final duty of the sea god’s direct descendants was to subdue Elpis.

If the plot follows the original story, Jonah will later become the liberator of Atlantis.

However, she cannot protect her people.

This is because Yona lacked the strength to confront Elpis.

It was a typical development for the church to form a punitive force only after half of Seirun was sacrificed to the awakened demons.

Jonah knew well the strength of the source. Iden’s accomplishments were not something that could be talked about so calmly.

“Is that really true…?”

“If you don’t believe it, go down and check.”

It didn’t sound like a lie. There seemed to be no reason to do that in the first place.

Iden motioned to Euron. I opened the box I brought from the ruins.

It contained a pure white mask and a Bible.

Among them, he handed the Bible to Euron.

“Tell this to the saint.”

“All right.”

I looked at Jonah again. She was moving her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Aiden returned not only by liberating his people, but also by rooting out the fundamental problem that depended on the survival of the tribe.

It wasn’t an issue worth mentioning just to say thank you. Before she could open her mouth, Iden spoke.

“I also had a separate purpose.”

There was nothing in particular that Jonah wanted.

However, Jonah’s thoughts were a little different.

Is this a problem that can be overlooked with such words? What I received was so great that I couldn’t decide.

Even if I repaid the favor, I didn’t know what to give.

Iden scanned dozens of ships. The humans who were mermaids were ignoring reality and wailing.

“More than that, did you inform them of the situation?”

“······I have finished your general explanation. “We also made them aware of the fact that if they head to land, they will die.”

Shin Wiju forgave them for their past sins, but if they still served the sea god, that was another matter.

They could survive only by converting to Varancheism.

In the original story, one-third of the tribe is burned at the stake. It was the result of keeping the faith.

Even Iden had no way to save their lives.

It would be best to reduce the sacrifices even a little.

“We stay in the strait for a few days. In the meantime, try to persuade him as much as you can.”

Jonah cautiously opened his mouth.

“Can I ask you one thing?”

As she nodded, she stared at Iden.

“I don’t understand why you are doing this. Aren’t you a paladin of the church? In your eyes, we are just pagans.”

“I hate the smell of burning people.”

After saying that, Iden turned to the cabin where Uriel was in.

Jonah looked at the back with a slightly dazed expression.


Yuriel was sitting quietly on the cabin bed with her pupils glassy.

She didn’t even open the Bible Euron brought her, but placed it on the blanket.

Rational thinking was impossible.

As the events from before suddenly flashed across my mind, my body went into a seizure. Bright red lips trembled slightly.

The woman of God kissed the paladin. It was at a time when God was opening his eyes again.

He was watching from heaven, but he committed disrespect as if to show off.

Shame and guilt tore into her heart.

It was not a problem that could be overlooked with the excuse that it was for survival.

Even if I died from suffocation, I shouldn’t have done something like that. Additionally, can we say with confidence that it was really for survival?

It was like that at first. There was no room for reason to come in, so he desperately sucked in his breath.

Even though Yuriel gradually came to her senses, her lips were locked with Aiden’s.

I wasn’t even sure who opened their lips first.

All of the moments that Yuriel experienced over the past few days did not feel real.

It was even more painful that even if someone asked me if I wanted it to be a dream, I couldn’t say no for sure.

Yuriel was able to sympathize with Elpis’s fallen heart to some extent. If I could shake off this guilt, what wouldn’t I be able to do?

The Bible came into the eyes of Uriel.

The man who had taken my mind’s eye and my lips had now given me something to take away my faith.

Unholy thoughts invaded my mind.

What if what Iden said is true? If God wasn’t the God she knew. Then, wouldn’t it be a little more comfortable?

Uriel’s hand slowly moved towards the Bible.

If he takes away his faith, what else will he ask for?

Yuriel was afraid.

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