Cooking with Wild Game (LN)

Volume 12 - Ch 3

Ah, Asuta, you are finally here!

The next day, 12th of the White Month, after renting the stalls from the Kimyusus Tail Inn, we visited Uncle Doras stall along the way to buy vegetables and were welcomed by him.

W-Whats the matter? Did something strange happen again?

Alright, come over here! Let me tell you properly!

I was brought under the shade of his stall.

Tara who was standing by his feet looked uneasy too.

Asuta, are the rumors that Forests Edge denizens will leave Genos true?

Uncle Dora leaned his panicky face towards me while holding both my arms.

Upon hearing that, I understood what he meant.

No, Forests Edge denizens are just getting ready to face the noble with this kind of resolve. We are just trying to come to a mutual understanding and consensus, and will not leave Genos so hastily.

Which means, if you cant find an acceptable path forward, you guys will leave Genos? Thats going too far!

Uncle Dora was very agitated; it was rare seeing him so worked up.

Tara started tearing up too.

No, leaving Genos is our last resort. No one in Forests Edge wishes for such an ending. And, of course, I dont want to abandon Genos either.

But, its impossible for the nobles to admit that they are wrong. Right from the start, we are not from the same world.

Uncle Dora was very anguished and had a scowling expression.

If Forests Edge denizens get exploited by the nobles, you wont be happy about it either, right? But, isnt the entire matter over? The culprits are dead, so theres no point in arguing about this further.

In just one night, Uncle Dora already grasped the entire story.

Speaking of which, Zashuma said he often saw Uncle Dora at the taverns he frequented. Since there were overlaps in the places they visited, this situation was only natural.

I finally realized my negligence. I knew that Kaslan Lutim planned to spread this news in the Post Station Town, so I should have informed my friends about it in advance.

Im sorry, Forests Edge denizens wont obey the orders of the Genos landlord if they befuddle us. We hope to arrive at a conclusion that we can agree on and continue our work as a hunting tribe Can you believe us on that?

I want to believe you too, but the Turan Count might be more difficult to handle than the Genos landlord. Will Forests Edge denizens be fine?

I believe in the strength of the Forests Edge.

Uncle Dora gave a huge sigh.

At this moment, Ai Fa spoke.

Stall owner, thank you for your concern But its about time for you to let Asuta go.

Huh? Ah, sorry. But I want to continue getting along with you all.

Yes, Im glad there are westerners like you who open their heart to us. I never had the chance to tell you, but I think thats very wonderful of you. So As Asuta said, I hope you will believe and wait for us.

Uncle Dora turned towards the commendable Ai Fa and said weakly:

Can I put my faith in you? Im Im a little scared. I wonder if the nobles underestimated the prowess of Forests Edge denizens.

Ai Fa frowned in confusion.

I also didnt get him at all.

When Asuta was abducted, all of you were furious, right? Dozens of Forests Edge denizens went straight to the city gate, wondering if Asuta has been murdered inside the Genos city.

As he spoke, Uncle Doras big body started trembling:

And, of course, the city mustered many soldiers. But the denizens of Forests Edge were all armed, and if they clashed with Genos The city probably wouldnt stand a chance.

B-But, there are only 500 people in the Forests Edge, correct? And less than half are hunters

Asuta, can you picture Forests Edge denizens losing? I cant imagine it at all. Even if you lose Both sides would suffer heavy losses.

Uncle Dora unconsciously patted Taras head as she clung to his leg.

Back then, I think, the people inside the rock walls still didnt get it. The denizens of Forests Edge work wholeheartedly in their job because they are a proud tribe If you anger them, they can destroy a city easily. The nobles didnt understand this, and acted haughtily before the denizens of Forests Edge.

But, even if we do go to war against the nobles, we wont drag you into it.

Yes, I know. But if Genos is ruined, we will be finished too. No A new noble will build a new city here, and we will still make a living. But the denizens of Forests Edge will lose their place in the western kingdom, and will have to migrate to Mahildra, correct? I dont wish for that to happen.

Uncle Dora looked at Ai Fa with a needle-like gaze: I hope we could get along as fellow citizens of Genos. Im not the only one who thinks this way. So, please, dont be too hasty about it.

My father is the tribal chief of Forests Edge and might speak frivolously. However, he will bet his life and soul to carve out the correct path for his Forests Edge tribemates.

Ludo Wu overheard our conversation and walked up to us.

Morga Forest is our home. We wont abandon our home so simply. And we wont let the nobles toy with us easily, so please believe us.

Really? Will you continue to be good friends with Tara?

Ludo Wu looked at the uneasy Tara and laughed:

That runt Rimee keeps clamoring about wanting to see you. When this matter is over, I will bring her to the Post Station Town to meet you. You two can play together then.

Yes! Tara nodded.

Uncle Dora patted Taras head with an expression between a laugh and a cry.

I will pray to God and hope the nobles change their minds. By the way, one of the nobles sons supports the Forests Edge.

Ah, the second son, Polarse, right? Thats the son of the Count that oversees the farmlands, which was a surprise.

Thats right. He is known as the problematic second son, but he was a big help to Asuta, which made me feel a little proud by extension. After saying that, Uncle Dora showed an uneasy face that felt different than before. But, just what is that second son scheming? I heard the news that he wants us to farm more poitan, and to do that without letting the people from the city notice. Both are strange requests.

That might be relevant to the problem we have at hand, but I should refrain from commenting on it.

So thats true. If it will help the denizens of Forests Edge, I will plant as many poitan as it takes.

With that, Uncle Dora finally smiled, although it still looked a little strained.

After that, I chatted about this with some of the customers patronizing my stall.

The word had spread faster in the inns and taverns than I expected.

How reckless. You all might as well move to Jaguar right away.

Thats a good idea. Forests Edge denizens hail from Jaguar in the first place. If you are treated poorly in the western kingdom, you might as well go back.

The ones who told me that were the workers who used to work under Pops Balan.

Shumimaru also urged me to move to the eastern kingdom of Semu in the past too. I felt glad that my acquaintances invited me to their home countries.

But that was a different matter. Migrating to Semu or Jaguar wasnt that easy.

If the denizens of Forests Edge gave up on hunting kiba and left Genos, they would be branded by the western kingdom as traitors. Even if friendly states like Semu and Jaguar accepted them, this would still lead to an international crisis.

That was why Uncle Dora mentioned about us moving to Mahildra. After abandoning the western kingdom, Forests Edge denizens could only head towards the enemy nation of Mahildra.

Furthermore, changing ones faith wasnt easy either. Could the denizens of Forests Edge who changed their faith eight decades ago do so again? And would the enemy nation of Mahildra accept Forests Edge denizens? The denizens might get ostracized by all the countries and religions.

Anyway, leaving Genos wasnt something anyone wanted to see. We, the denizens of Forests Edge, also wanted to continue to live in Genos, in our homes in the Morga Forest. And so, we had to settle our differences with Pyschkurewuss.

The town seemed really crowded today.

Shortly before noon, Michael who visited the stall asked me with a frown:

You are finally facing off against the nobles, huh? The world sure is unfair.

Im very sorry. The matter will probably conclude by the 15th of the White Month.

I made Myam-roasted meat for Michael as I answered with a smile.

Michaels face was the same as usual. He suddenly looked over to the Kiba burger stall.

By the way Did that girl learn to cook from you?

Hmm? Yes, thats right. The dish over there is as good as in my stall.

I bought food from that stall when you got kidnapped, so I know that. You are a foreigner who learned to cook from your father, correct?

Yes. I was born in an island state called Japan; my father cooks for a living.

Im not too familiar with things overseas Anyway, your father is an outstanding chef.

Yes, hes the man I respect the most in the world.

I said without any doubts.

The subject himself wouldnt be able to hear this anymore, even though I should have told him this earlier.

Your cooking is different from others. And this kiba meat is a top class meat on par with karon meat, so its only natural for it to be well received.

He seemed to be implying that I needed to be wary of Pyschkurewuss because of that.

While I was at a loss on how to answer, something shocking slowly drew close. It was a large box carriage drawn by Totos heading here from the north The carriage belonged to the Count Taliem house.

The carriage quickly entered the marketplace and stopped. According to the rules in the Post Station Town, the driver needed to alight and continue on foot while holding the reins.

However, the carriage simply stopped there, and two people alighted. The two persons coming my way were the head chef of the Count Taliem house, Yang, and his bodyguard.

When he saw the lavish clothes of someone from the city, Michael backed away with a sour face. Yang and his bodyguard then stood at that emptied spot:

Mr. Asuta, the karon milk from Dabag has been delivered. Lord Polarse instructed me to share some with you if you need it. What say you?

His every word and action were formal and polite.

However, he was an elder older than my father, so I felt a little uneasy.

Thank you very much. I can just take any excess milk you might have.

Alright then, would sharing one white copper plate worth with you be enough for you? After this, the meat merchant will deliver milk once every few days, so you can procure your desired amount by placing your order with him.

Im grateful for the help. Erm Can the people in the Post Station Town buy from him too?

Of course. He is a merchant that delivers meat to Genos anyway. When my food goes on sale from tomorrow onwards, anyone will be free to buy karon milk.

In that case, I could further improve the menu for the Kimyusus Tail Inn. After finding kimyusu eggs and fuwano powder, a new ingredient joined the lineup.

Alright then, theres a pot filled with milk in the carriage, could you

Yangs expression froze mid-sentence.

He turned his head to look at Michael who was eating a Myam-roasted meat.

Could Could you be, the head chef of the White Dress Lady Inn', Mr. Michael?

Michael looked impatiently at Yang.

I have nothing to do with people from the city, just leave me alone.

I-Im Yang, formerly employed in the Selva Spear Inn, and currently the head chef of the Count Taliem house. Pardon me, but I heard that Mr. Michael already left Genos

Didnt you hear what I said? Im just a bum working in a coal shop. If you want to buy coal, take your money and visit my shop in Turan.

Both of them had just passed their prime years, but Yang seemed to be a little older.

Yang looked at Michael with eyes of reverence.

When I heard a chef like you lost your future and got exiled from the city, I was incredibly saddened. But after seeing that you are fine, I

You are really annoying, even the food tastes nasty now.

Michael said with a disdainful face and tossed the last bits into his mouth.

Mr. Michael, are you eating the dish prepared by Mr. Asuta? Are you and Mr. Asuta acquainted? So the reason why the daughter of Count Turan targeted this young chef is that

N-No, I only met Michael recently. Its not like what you said.

I shook my head quickly, and Michael grunted with displeasure:

A chef I know wont make food that tastes so incredible. You will understand if you try the brats dishes.

Yes, I have yet to try Mr. Asutas dishes Are they made from kiba meat?

Thats right. The kibas loin and chest meat was used and got roasted with fruit wine, myam, and Tau sauce.

Yang looked troubled.

Michael laughed at him with contempt.

The tongues of city dwellers are so pampered that theres no reason to eat kiba. I dont know why you are here in the Post Station Town, but if you dont want to upset your stomach, scamper back to the rock walls and eat your karon meat.

No, I

I still have work to do, I have no time for you.

With that, Michael turned and left.

Yang still looked troubled as he watched Michael leave.

Michael must have been a famous chef.

Of course! The White Dress Lady Inn' isnt big, but when Michael was their head chef, their reputation was on par with the 'Selva Spear Inn'. To me, he is one of the best chefs in Genos. Yang explained passionately and then slouched his thin shoulders depressedly.

He met with such misfortune because he got headhunted by the Turan Count Mr. Asuta, you dont have to hide how you feel. I cant forgive Count Turan who treats chefs like tools either. Thats why I still decided to help Sir Polarse even if I would get admonished by Count Taliem.

I see. Im glad that I could work together with someone like you.

That was my sincere thought.

The thin head chef looked at me with renewed vigor in his eyes:

Mr. Asuta, can I buy one of your meals?

Of course, its two red copper plates for one.

I used the meat I kept warm at the edge of the griddle to make one Myam-roasted meat.

This was probably the first time a city dweller tasted kiba meat.

After hesitantly putting my Myam-roasted meat into his mouth, Yang stood in place stiffly.

So this is kiba?

Yes, it is; is the taste to your liking?

The texture is as good as karon breast and loin meat. A brighter light shone in Yangs eyes. And this was made with ingredients that can be procured in the Post Station Town, correct? The ingredients are cheap enough for the product to be priced at 2 red copper plates.

Yes, I only added a dash of Tau sauce.

This is astonishing. I need to rethink the food that I will sell in the Post Station Town tomorrow.

With that, Yang pointed to the carriage parked by the street: Please take some karon milk with you. I have to hurry on back to the manor.

Understood. I will buy food from your stall tomorrow too.

Yang said determinedly: I promise that I will make a dish that wont disgrace me


The work for the day ended without incident too.

After several days of absence, I could finally cater the Kiba saut- Arrabbiata style and Meat Chachi. Including the food sold at the stalls, we sold more than a hundred portions. Business was better than before the break.

Thanks to Zashuma spreading the news in the Post Station Town, there was quite a number of customers who came to inquire about the situation. However, most of them were southerners and easterners, with their primary concern being Can you continue your business?

The guards in town just glared at us with sinister looks and didnt come near. No assailants appeared before us, and the bandits disguised as denizens of Forests Edge also went into hiding after I escaped from the Pyschkurewuss manor.

Things sure are peaceful.

Ai Fa said quietly from right behind the drivers seat of the wagon.

On the wagon were the three girls from the Wu clan, Rii Sudora, and a youth escort from the branch house. Two hunters rode on Lulu, and the other two rode on the Totos they borrowed from the Lei house. Zwei and Emma Min Lutim went back on foot under the guard of the six escorts who came in the afternoon.

The conference is three days away; I hope there wont be any other incidents before.

Yes, I hope things will stay peaceful after the conference too.

Not just Uncle Dora, Milano Mast, Neil, and the others were worried about the future of Forests Edge too.

The resolution between Forests Edge and Pyschkurewuss would probably decide the future of Genos. This was the claw mark left behind by Zattsu Tsun and his collaborators.

Yo, you all came back safely today too.

Upon reaching the Wu clan village, we headed to the kitchen of the main house and found Barcia chopping wood behind the main house.

You are going to prepare dinner right away? Let me watch too.

All the hunters aside from Ai Fa and Ludo Wu already left, and the rest went into the kitchen. Aside from the absence of Ryada Wu, this scene was similar to yesterday.

However, the ones on cooking duty would change from day to day. Today, Grandma Ditto Min and Rimee Wu were scheduled to prepare the dinner.

Actually, Lala is supposed to cook too; do you want to switch with Shela Wu today as well?

Rimee Wu, who was waiting in the kitchen, asked, and Lala Wu said with a red face: You have a problem with that?

No. Shin Wu will definitely be happy too, I think its good!

Rimee Wu was all smiles when she said that.

She said the same thing yesterday too, which showed how innocent and pure she was. So Lala Wu couldnt get mad at Rimee Wu and only blushed quietly.

So, what are we making today?

Rimee Wu who made her sister dumbstruck was still smiling as she clung onto my chest.

I plan to make a completely different dish today. So I want everyone to try it, and see if the denizens of Forests Edge will like it.

Really? Thats great!

Rimee Wus red hair brushed against my chest. After I got back from Pyschkurewuss manor, Rimee Wu got more clingy towards me.

Hey, runt Rimee, Asuta is a man too, so dont cling on him so much.

Ludo Wu sounded a little angry, but Rimee Wu buried her head in my chest and stuck out her tongue cutely.

You are annoying. Rimee will snuggle against whoever she wants!

Ludo Wu scratched his head.

In order to keep the peace, I said: Lets get to work.

First was the ingredients for tomorrow.

I started cutting the meat for Myam-roasted meat just like yesterday. One hundred portions might be a bit much, but it wasnt difficult.

After finishing that, I started on the dinner preparation.

Today, I will finally challenge deep frying kiba steak and make Kiba cutlet.

So, hows the fuwano?

I inspected the fuwano powder I left on a plate yesterday.

As Polarse said, the fuwano was completely dehydrated.

It wasnt to the extent of being rock hard, but it was dry enough not to budge when poked with a finger. Since it was about a centimeter thick, the inside was completely dry too.

Okay, this will do. Leina Wu, Shela Wu, if it is not too much trouble

Before I could finish, I saw them working hard on their jobs and looking at me curiously.

Hey, hey, hey, what is that used for?

Rimee Wu grilled the poitan for dinner as she asked innocently.

I will be breaking this back into fine powder.

I then took out the mortar and the shell of some shelled animal I bought in the Post Station Town.

I could turn the fuwano easily back into powder form with this tool. It might be primitive, but its very convenient to crush the tough fuwano.

I made a small pile of fuwano powder on the counter.

And then, I will heat it up in a pot without adding any oil.

Instead of telling Rimee Wu, I was actually teaching Leina Wu and the others as I worked while explaining.

With this, the fuwano turned into completely dry powder. It was a little yellow, but it looked just like a substitute for breadcrumbs.

Next would be the meat. I will cut the meat fibers and tenderize them with a stick. I need it to be more tender than grilled steak, so I have to beat it with a stick thoroughly.

I decided to use loin meat.

If I was concerned with calories, I should have used the tenderloin or thigh meat, but I heard that it was easier to control the oil with loin meat.

The thigh meat and tenderloin that didnt have much fats would absorb the oil when deep fried The one who taught me this trivia was my childhood friend Reina.

So I want to eat fried loin meat, not fried tenderloin!

The image of Reina eating my fathers pork cutlet with an innocent smile flashed across my mind.

Taking the advice of a high school girl at face value wouldnt be wise, but there was another reason I chose loin meat instead of tenderloin.

Because of the shape of the meat.

The tenderloin was long and thin, and would usually be sliced into small pieces.

But being small meant the coating would be relatively larger and absorb more oil.

I was trying to let everyone understand the deliciousness of deep fried cutlet and to make a dish that was different from the usual.

Anyway, with the above reasons in mind, I decided to use the tenderloin meat.

I thoroughly tenderized a piece of flat tenderloin. I wanted to let as many people try this as possible, so I chose a 500 g piece of meat. The tenderizing was done after it became 3 cm thick. At this thickness, it would be cooked in no time.

Okay, lets crush the Pico leaves together with salt and make the coating.

I opened the cloth bundle I placed on the counter.

Rimee Wu gasped in awe as she continued grilling poitan.

Whats that? It looks really cute!

These are kimyusu eggs. Kimyusu is the name of the bird eaten by the people in town.

I bought these eggs from the kimyusu shop that raised kimyusu and sold their meat.

The diet of Forests Edge denizens had plenty of animal protein, and I didnt see anyone sell these eggs in the marketplace too, so almost everyone was seeing these eggs for the first time.

Crack it open into a plate and mix the yolk and egg white together. Coat normal fuwano powder onto the meat, pour the egg onto it, and then sprinkle the grilled fuwano crumbs onto it. Be careful not to make the coating too thick.


The voices of Leina Wu and Shela Wu answering came from a distance.

And now, its time to use the oil.


The oil extracted from the kiba. The denizens of Forests Edge usually make candles with the oil, correct? This is the same oil.

I asked Ai Fa to bring over the oil that we made in the Fa house some time ago. Ai Fa rode on Gilulu back to the Fa house every morning to manage the kiba meat in our food store and brought over ingredients I would need to use.

The oil was usually kept in leather pouches, but recently I started keeping it in a jar with a cover that was more airtight. The oil couldnt rot, but it would turn sour with time, so I added a layer of fake rubber tree leaves on the underside of the cover.

When I opened the cover, the milky oil was very thick, and several strings of it stuck onto the cover I removed.

I used a spatula and poured enough oil to submerge one piece of meat into the pot.

When the oil is heated up, put the meat in. The hardest part about this is to maintain the heat So I will teach you again when this dish is officially accepted.

I heard some voices saying Yes.

I added more firewood into the stove, and the oil quickly turned translucent, and the surface started to waver. I kept the fire at medium and waited for a few minutes.

I poked with my krilee chopsticks, and when the bubbles in the oil were about the right size, I added in a small lump of fuwano powder.

With a crackling sound, the fuwano powder floated on the surface of the oil.

It was almost ready. To avoid the meat and coating from absorbing too much oil, I didnt intend to deep fry it for too long. It would be prudent to maintain the oil at 180 degrees.

Alright, lets start frying. Ah Rimee Wu, sorry, but can you lend me a few skewers?

Rimee Wu just finished grilling her poitan and quickly answered my request.

After laying fake rubber tree leaves on the plate, I place the skewers over the top of the plate. This was a substitute for a wire mesh to hold the fried cutlet.

I took a piece of meat covered in a coating and slid it into the pot.

The oil crackled intensely this time.

Uwah, amazing! Rimee Wu cheered.

Ai Fa, Ludo Wu, and Barcia looked on it intriguely. Leina Wu and Shela Wu who were working some distance away seemed anxious.

At this moment, the fragrance of deep-fried meat spread in the kitchen.

Fufu, this is another incredible dish after you made the hamburg steak.

Grandma Ditto Min who had finished preparing the kiba hotpot walked over with a smile.

The color of the coating was starting to change too. When it turned golden, I picked it up with a skewer.

It will be done when the excess oil is drained off. Rimee Wu Can you get four or five men here?

Men? But why?

Well, like what Ditto Min Wu mentioned, this is a special dish, just like the hamburg steak back then. I want some hunters who are more stubborn than Ludo Wu and Ai Fa to try it, and see if this is to the liking of Forests Edge denizens.

Is that so? But the men have gone out to set their traps. Ah Then I will get Ryada Wu! And Mida, and the men who just came back from the Post Station Town!

Rimee Wu dashed out of the kitchen.

I didnt think Mida was hard headed at all, but he seldom had the chance to try my dish, so it was fine.

Asuta, we have finished our work here too.

Leina Wu and Shela Wu walked over.

This is an incredible dish that could rival hamburg steak. I have been feeling excited all the while.

This is the first time I tried making this dish too, I hope it turns out well.

I needed to check if it was cooked, would it suit the Forests Edges palette, and if this dish was harmful to the body.

I had not been this nervous since the first time I let Donda Wu try steak and roast kiba.

Asuta, sorry for the wait!

Rimee Wu made it back before the cutlet turned cold.

Thank you.

I was speechless after that.

Ryada Wu was here, and beside him were his brother Donda Wu and nephew Jiza Wu.

Behind them were Shin Wu and Mida.

They just happened to be back from the forest! In the Wu clan village, Papa Donda and Jiza-nii are the most stubborn! So if they say it is tasty, it must be true!

Rimee Wu puffed out her chest proudly.

I concealed my timidness and bowed at them:

Im sorry for taking your time. Rimee Wu must have told you already, can you help me do a taste test?

What weird dish did you make this time? Donda Wu said in a slurred voice: Is this really kiba? It looks like a lump of mud to me.

This is meat from the back of the kiba; it is covered with fuwano powder and kimyusu egg. I will cut and divide it by our numbers

Not counting Ai Fa, Barcia, and me, there were six men and five women. Thus, I had to break the dish into 14 parts. This was a large 500 g piece of meat, so everyone could get a share.

I split it down the middle and confirmed that it was completely cooked. There werent any red bits, and the entire thing had a pretty ivory white color. The juice from seeping out from the meat and the coating looked really appetizing.

I divided the meat according to our numbers and sprinkled shiru fruit juice that acted as a replacement for lemon juice.

My goal was to recreate pork cutlet, and the final product was flawless.

But the problem would be the evaluation of Forests Edge denizens.

Please try some. No This is my first time trying this dish; allow me to test it first.

I picked up a piece of Kiba cutlet.

And put it into my mouth to chew. After feeling the crispy sensation, I felt a warm juice spread in my mouth.

The thickness of the fuwano coating and cutlets texture were perfect too.

It was probably due to the animal oil that the dish had a deep flavor.

This was actually the first time I made cutlet with animal oil. But I heard that many street stalls used animal oil to deep fry their food, so I gave it a shot.

I wondered if the excellent texture was because of the kiba meat or the kiba oil? The inside of the coating was full of the fragrance of meat and wasnt too greasy. The strong flavor of the kiba meat became even thicker as it spread in my mouth.

The sourness of the shiru fruit was very pleasing.

I thought this cutlet was the most delicious cutlet.

So I didnt need to worry about how others thought about this.

Im very satisfied with this. Everyone, please try some too.

The women picked up the skewers, while the hunters shoved the food into their mouths with their bare hands.


Ludo Wu exclaimed.

He looked at me in surprise, but couldnt speak as he was still eating.

Rimee Wu opened her eyes wide.

Leina Wu and Shela Wu had serious expressions.

Donda Wu had a blank face.

For some time, the kitchen was filled with the sound of eating.

I couldnt stay calm and looked back at Ai Fa.

Ai Fa was chewing quietly with her eyes closed.

Erm, how is it?

It was just a bite, but no one swallowed.

And finally, Rimee Wu answered me:

Its very yummy!

Her big round eyes were sparkling.

This is the best dish that Asuta made! Ah, but The vegetables are great too. I wonder which is better?

She fell into deep thought.

I felt relieved by her cute reactions.

Everyone then started to give their opinions.

This is delicious.

Yes, I was so surprised that I didnt know what to say.

Thats right, its the first time I tried something so tasty.

Shela Wu, Ditto Min Wu, Ludo Wu, and Barcia gave their compliments.

Ryada Wu and Shin Wu listened quietly to them with calm faces.

Leina Wu closed her eyes and seemed to be in her own world.

And then, I turned to Ai Fa.

She was expressionless and closed her eyes just like Leina Wu.

Erm, what do you think, Ai Fa?

Ai Fa opened her eyes and looked at me.

Her gaze was incredibly peaceful.

It tastes great. This might be the most delicious dish you have made.

My heart skipped a beat.

I couldnt hold back and leaned into Ai Fas ears and asked:

So I finally made a dish for Ai Fa that surpassed Hamburg steak?

Ai Fas face turned red, and she pouted to hide her expression:

Hamburg steak is in a different category.

Its not in this category, huh.

I smiled cheekily.

Ai Fa kicked my leg angrily and suddenly looked Midas way:

Hey, dont cry, okay?

Yes Mida wont cry Mida stood at the entrance of the kitchen with his face quivering: Asuta Its very yummy

I wanted to thank him, but a voice came from the opposite direction before I could say anything.

This Of all the dishes I tried so far, I could feel the energy of the kiba the most from this dish.

I turned back.

It was Jiza Wu.

I dont understand why. Even though you used fuwano and kimyusu egg, ingredients that the denizens of Forests Edge would deem unnecessary I could feel the strength of the kiba becoming a part of me.

This might be due to the kiba oil. The coating around the meat absorbed a lot of kiba oil. After explaining that to him, I grew tense: Hence, it has more nutritional value than simply after grilling it. The only thing that worries me is the balance of the nutritional value

Donda Wu said in a thunder-like voice: Useless worries. Isnt nutrition the source of strength?

I looked his way nervously:

Yes, but excessive medicine will be poisonous too. In my hometown, many people fall sick due to nutrition imbalance And as I mentioned last night, organ illness in Genos might be caused by overly consuming luxurious food.

Hmmp, its the illness of that aristocrat Pyschkurewuss, huh. Needless worry What we need is powerful strength.

Donda Wu stared at me with his blue eyes:

The head of the Fou house also said that after eating the dishes their women cooked for them with your method, their entire body was filled with energy. It has nothing to do with taste It was simply because the dishes are full of nutrition, correct?

Indeed The only seasoning used by the minor houses would be the salt in their jerky. Aside from jerky, I use salt, fruit wine that contains sugar, and vegetables like myam in my other dishes, which helps in building a healthy body.

Telling us all that detail is pointless though. Are you saying that eating food with too much power might be poisonous to the denizens of the Forests Edge?

Donda Wu said in a strong tone, and I tried to recall:

Well Hamburg steak does have its dangers. Like how eating hamburg steak would weaken ones jaw, this dish is nutritionally unbalanced too. So in my hometown, we eat some vegetables and something sour alongside this dish.

So we just need to eat it that way?

Thats correct, I plan to do that too. When serving this dish for dinner, I plan to complement it with plenty of vegetables like tino, tarapa, and gigo. I added shiru fruit juice to stop the body from absorbing excessive oil.

I pondered as I answered:

Most importantly, we shouldnt keep eating the same dish, just like hamburg steak. Even if we consume kiba oil, it wont have any adverse effect on our body if we control the amount taken in by our body Thats what I think.

I see. In that case, your strength would become medicine and not poison. We need the power to fight against the nobles of Genos. Asuta of the Fa house


Donda Wu seldom addressed me by my name. He looked at me with a firm gaze as I unconsciously straightened my back:

Since you are a member of the Forests Edge, give us strength with the correct form of diet. That is your duty as a denizen of Forests Edge.

Yes, I understand.

I looked him straight in the eyes and nodded.

Donda Wu also nodded and then said something stunning:

Then, permit me to give this order as the tribal chief of Forests Edge. Two nights later, cook dinner for the Wu clan main house. Not as a helper like last night, but prepare a meal fitting for that night with the help of the women.

A meal that befits that night?

Two nights later would be the eve of the conference with Pyschkurewuss.

What would happen on that night?

I will bring the seven former members of the Tsun clan to the conference venue. Zuro Tsun, Diga, Doddo, Aura, Zwei, Yamiel Lei, and Mida So they will be gathered in the Wu clan village one day prior to the meeting. I command you to make dinner for the Wu clan main house members and the seven of them.

Understood I wont have any complaints about your orders But, what is

They are also a part of the Forests Edge. That is also true for the villain Zuro Tsun who will be facing the death penalty. These people will be meeting the nobles three days later as members of the Forests Edge.

Donda Wus voice was very deep, filled with strength and dignity.

Mida and Yamiel Lei already tried your dishes. The other five only ate the food made by the women that were taught by you. What you have contributed to the Forests Edge, why are you doing business in the Post Station Town These people need to understand further. Thats why I want them to try your cooking.


An indescribable excitement boiled in my body.

If I didnt clench my fist, my body would start to tremble.

Let me make this clear, I dont plan to pay you any remunerations. Since you are a member of the Forests Edge, show your conviction and pride to the other members of the Forests Edge. Thats how the Wu clan are.

Understood. Thank you very much.

Donda Wu grunted, as if he was asking why I was thanking him. His hunters cape then fluttered in the air, as he turned and pushed aside Midas gigantic body before leaving the kitchen.

Jiza Wu left right after him, and the place turned quiet.

I dont really understand. But Asutas cooking might let those lost souls recover their strength.

Ludo Wu said in a casual tone, as if he was chasing away the silence.

I couldnt tell Donda Wus true intentions. The only thing I could do was to complete my work as a member of the Forests Edge, which filled me with excitement.

But, I wondered how they felt about the Forests Edge as kins of Zattsu Tsun, and the resolve they had to obtain to face the crimes committed by their family. I felt obligated to see this through to the end.

If Donda Wu thinks my dishes would help others understand all that I have to do my part.

It will be fine.

A quiet voice reached my ear.

I turned back and saw Ai Fa looking at me with determined eyes:

Asuta, you will be fine.

Ai Fa said again with strong blue eyes and an incredibly calm expression.


The next day, the 13th of the White Month, after Rii Sudora replaced me in the afternoon, I left the stall a little excitedly. I was planning to visit the stall Yang had set up when I make my trip to the inns.

The members were the same as yesterday, Leina Wu, Ai Fa and Ludo Wu, and four other hunters. Ai Fa who was beside me asked:

Asuta, why are you so excited?

Hmm? Do I look excited? Im just looking forward to the stall opened by that chef Yang.

Looking forward? But why?

I dont know how to tell you I have a lot in common with that chef, and Im curious about the food he will make with the ingredients from the Post Station Town.

Yes, Im intrigued too.

Leina Wu smiled brilliantly in agreement.

Ai Fa muttered Is that so quietly after seeing Leina Wus smile.

He is your cooking rival, but since he opened a stall in the Post Station Town That means he is also your business competitor.

Huh, Ai Fa, you know that term too? Well That will be even more reason to learn what kind of dish Yang is making.

This was a bold and crazy scheme to let the people in Genos understand the deliciousness of grilled poitan.

From my meeting with Yang yesterday, he took up this challenge because he felt obligated to as a chef.

The value of a dish doesnt depend on its ingredients I was looking forward to what sort of dish Yang would make with such a conviction.

Asuta, is it that stall?

Leina Wu tugged at my sleeve.

I looked over and saw a mob at the place we were headed in. It was between the marketplace and the inns, and to our right.

There were 40 to 50 people gathered there, taking up half of the 10 m wide paved road.

Yes, thats probably the place.

I suppressed the excitement in my heart and walked towards the crowd.

Suddenly, the fragrance of warm nyuushi entered my nasal cavity. That was enough evidence to indicate that Yangs stall was there.

Uwah, there are too many people and I cant see anything. This is more crowded than I imagined.

I see. Want to ride on my shoulder to take a look?

Ai Fa asked me with a serious face.

She then bent her knees, and I answered hurriedly: Its fine, its fine!

Lets queue up properly. I wanted to buy one of Yangs cookings anyway.

Is that so.

So our group joined the end of the queue.

But we were a large group with six hunters. The customers who didnt understand the situation all left the outer circle after seeing us. From their reactions, most of the customers were westerners with ivory or yellowish brown skin.

I feel bad, am I disrupting his business?

But thanks to that, we finally saw the stall hidden behind the mob.

The pushcart was just like ours. A young woman was attending to the customers with a smile.

Yang, who was dressed in white, cooked right beside her, and there were two guards standing beside the stall. They were guards from the Count Taliem house, and their attire was more lavished than the town guards. A Count Taliem house banner was also displayed at the stall.

Amazing, he is not hiding about being a chef of the nobles at all.

There were guards at the stall too, so I thought the townsfolk would stay away because of the tight security However, business at the stall was booming instead.

This was the southern end of the marketplace, so they couldnt rent this spot without greasing the hands of the renters. It was right beside the inns and had great foot traffic. It was almost noon, which was the peak period for the food stalls.

However, this was the first time I saw a stall that could gather so many people, which was comparable to my kiba stalls during the morning rush hour.

Ohh, its you, Mr. Asuta. Thank you for gracing our stall.

When it was our turn, Yang who was focused on making the dishes raised his head.

He was wearing the same white attire that I was forced to wear in Pyschkurewuss manor and had a conical hat on his head. His skinny but healthy face was sweaty from the days work.

Thank you for your hard work. Its great that business is flourishing.

Yes, its not bad for the first day.

Yang nodded with a serious face:

Pardon me, there are still people waiting in line, so please place your order.

Alright then

I then locked eyes with the woman beside Yang.

She had her long brown hair tied behind her head and wore a scarf-like thing on her head. The sleeves of her blouse were long and an apron covered her front. She was an elegant young lady.

She was probably afraid of the hunters around me. Her ivory colored face was a little pale as she smiled meekly:

Welcome. It would be one red copper plate per piece. Which color would you like?

Huh? Color?

The lady nodded and pointed to the right side of the counter. There were three different colored poitan on display there.

They were around 15 cm wide, thus one size smaller than the wrapping I used for the Myam-roasted meat, and were flat and round.

What surprised me was their color. One was a normal cream color, while the other two were light orange and green.

Gigo is added to the white one, the red one contains neenon, while the green one has nanaru. They all cost one red copper plate per piece, please select the color you prefer.

I was shocked, so the coloring was from the vegetables.

I was the one who taught them that adding gigo would soften the texture. But gigo and poitan were both cream colored, so there wasnt any visible difference.

Neenon was a carrot-like vegetable, and I had not used nanaru in my cooking yet. It seemed to be a vegetable similar to spinach.

Its one red copper plate per piece.

From the size of the wrapping, this was a reasonable price. It was about half the size of the Myam-roasted meat that cost two red copper plates.

When I first tried a Kimyusu meat bun in the Post Station Town, a small one cost one red copper plate. One was enough for a child, but an adult would need to eat two. They probably thought that by reducing the price, customers visiting for the first time would find it easier to accept.

Erm Which one would you like?

The lady asked with a wavering business smile.

I answered: One red and one green.

I decided to buy one for Leina Wu and me.

Thank you for your patronage. Please wait a moment.

This lady was definitely an associate of the Count Taliem house from the city. I had never seen someone who attended to the customers so politely in the Post Station Town.

Inside the stall was a big pot, with brown colored paste cooking inside. I caught a whiff of karon, nyuushi, and a fragrance of some herb.

The thick brown ingredient was covered by the poitan wrapping. It had the same shape as the Myam-roasted meat, triangular just like crepes. It was easy for the round wrapping to be folded into this shape.

Thank you for waiting.

Thank you. Well then I will give you my feedback next time.

Alright, thank you for coming.

Yang bowed at me with a serious face.

He probably never served any customers directly in the city. He was serious and stubborn, with focus entirely on his work. However, his distrust towards Forests Edge denizens had reduced after meeting Michael. I could feel the rude part of his hardworking and rude attitude was gone.

We left the stall quickly after getting our target product. The stall was then mobbed by customers again. We stood at a spot some distance away and watched them in relief.

It smells nice. Is this the fragrance of karon nyuushi?

Leina Wu asked with a serious gaze as she held Yangs cooking in her hands. Leina Wus share was orange, while mine is green.

Thats right. It also has the fragrance of karon meat and some herbs.

Is that so? I feel a little tense about eating meat that isnt kiba.

However, Leina Wu already ate kimyusu and karon when I was teaching Milano Mast to cook in the Kimyusus Tail Inn. Skinless kimyusu meat and karon thigh meat tasted bland Leina Wu already knew how we made them into dishes, and she was now trying this dish with that in mind.

Lets dig in.


We bit in at the same time.

First of all, the butter like nyuushi and the fragrance of a herb I never tried before entered my nasal cavity.

It was a sweet smell that compliments the nyuushis fragrance. To me, it was similar to cinnamon.

The karon that was cooked into a mush and the fragrance of vegetables spread in my mouth.

The karon thigh meat had just the right chewiness. I wondered what vegetables were used here. Anyway, I could taste the sweetness of the neenon, aria, and many other vegetables.

Since nanaru was added into the poitan, there should the bitterness of vegetables in there. However, that was mitigated by the taste of the fillings. On the other hand, because gigo wasnt added, the wrapping was a little dried. The filling was juicy, so that wasnt a problem.

Anyway, the theme of this dish seemed to be sweetness. The sweetness of the nyuushi, karon meat, and vegetables That cinnamon-like herb was probably used to bind all this taste together.

Aside from this herb, there didnt seem to be any other seasoning. The karon thigh meat was probably marinated in salt, but there wasnt any obvious saltiness or spiciness about it. Maybe the salt was used to bring out the sweetness of the dish.

This taste is probably mixed with the nyuushi as the main ingredient.

With seasoning other than salt so sparse in the Post Station Town, my dish was seasoned with the fragrance of the myam, the sourness of tarapa, and the sweetness of the fruit wine. Together with salt and Pico leaves, I managed to cook dishes that were satisfactory to me.

On the other hand, Yang used nyuushi and an unknown cinnamon-like herb to create this taste.

It was shockingly delicious. Personally, I found it hard to get used to a dish that emphasized sweetness. If it was me, I wouldnt go down this route. However, his skills in bringing out the sweetness of meat and vegetables, and using the fragrance of nyuushi and herbs showed his outstanding culinary prowess and taste.

To be honest, this was very well done. This was the first time I ate a dish that was so complete in the Post Station Town.

Leina Wu, who still had a serious expression, said: Is this a dish made by cooking minced meat and vegetables?

Yes. He probably seared the meat with nyuushi and cooked it together with the vegetables after the meat turned soft. He used aria and neenon And maybe tino and chachi.

I think there is tino too. But its form is completely gone.

Ah, nyuushi was probably added when he cooked it. That must be why it has such a thick texture.

It was a small dish, but Leina Wu and I got engrossed in analyzing it after taking a bite. Ai Fa and the others kept watch on the street and werent interested in our conversation.

The color of this poitan wrapping is surprising, but it has nothing to do with the taste. In that case, wouldnt adding gigo make it tastier?

Thats true. This is probably done to attract customers. Can you taste the neenon?

I think it didnt change the taste of the poitan. Or maybe I just cant tell.

Its fine, I cant taste the nanaru either. Why dont we try each others share?

Leina Wu suddenly blushed, and someone kicked my leg from behind.

I turned back and saw Ai Fas unhappy face.

Erm, Asuta Im sorry, but non-family members sharing a portion is something that Forests Edge denizen mustnt do.

Ah, t-thats right. Sorry for being careless.

I remember sharing my hamburg steak with Rimee Wu, and Ludo Wu sharing a meat bun with Tara. So children were exempted from this, huh.

In any case, I was in the wrong this time. I will treat the pain in my leg as a sincere reminder.

Ludo Wu didnt take his eyes off the street as he said: The smell is appetizing. Leina-nee, can I have a bite?

Leina Wu said Okay. without a second thought and gave the half-eaten portion to her brother.

Ah, Ai Fa, if you dont mind

Im not eating.

I had no choice but to take a second bite.

After taking a bite of his sisters portion, Ludo Wu said in a muffled voice:

Is this good? I dont think its bad though.

This is impressive after working on this for just two days. But the taste is a little too simple.

I dont understand! I think the food cooked by Leina-nee or Asuta is the best.

That was because we had the advantage of kiba meat. At the very least, I thought Yangs dish was on par with the Kimyusu meatball and 'Fried shredded karon" served in the Kimyusus Tail Inn. And, of course, Yang had the advantage of using nyuushi, but the fact remained that he developed such an impressive dish.

The colorful poitan wrapping and fragrance of the nyuushi attracted the crowd, and the price was just one red copper plate. All this was part of their strategy. In the Post Station Town where there werent any chefs, Yang showed how capable he was.

Oh, you really came.

Someone called out to me with a laugh.

He was a tall westerner wearing a hood and a grey cloth covering his mouth, the guardian Zashuma.

Ah, hello. Things seem to be going smoothly.

Thats right. This is crowded enough for the first day. The people have calmed down now, but in the beginning, many of them were surprised about that being poitan.

Zashuma smiled behind the hunters:

A chef is on a different level. You cant find a stall with such a delicious dish in the Post Station Town. I prefer snacks that go well with wine

Oh, so you tried it too.

This is part of my battle too. Sorry for not trying your cooking yet

Its fine, you dont need to worry about it.

The yellow-skinned Zashuma was probably born around Genos. Maybe he detested the Forests Edge too.

Polarse said he didnt dare to eat kiba, so it couldnt be helped. We couldnt really complain since he was willing to ally himself with the Forests Edge despite his status.

However, there was one other thing that bothered me.

Speaking of which, it seems that only the westerners are gathered around Yangs stall.

Yes, and the southerners and easterners crowd around your stalls. Isnt it great that both of you have a different target market?

In terms of sales, he was right. But our goal was to let the westerners understand the taste of kiba. In that sense, Yangs stall might be my greatest competitor.

And I will have to compete with him head-on.

I also needed to keep in mind that all the stalls would have access to nyuushi, so the dishes in the Post Station Town would improve too.

I could also use nyuushi, and also the new ingredient, kimyusu egg. If I was to get the manpower, I could add another stall and sell new dishes.

However, that would be after settling things with Pyschkurewuss. If we couldnt get an acceptable result, all the work to promote kiba would be wasted.

Anyways, the chef of a noble opening a stall in the Post Station Town is unprecedented. Just this fact alone is mind-blowing. And they are showing the family crest of the Count Taliem house proudly, so this is a good thing.

Zashuma said with renewed vigor:

News that the Count Taliem house was the one who helped you when you got kidnapped by Count Turans daughter had spread in the Post Station Town. Those who detest the denizens of Forests Edge will definitely avoid stalls affiliated with the Count Taliem house. On the flip side Shops with Count Turans crest in plain view wont do so well now.

Yes, that means

Of the westerners present, half of them wavered at the sight of the Forests Edge hunters. But they didnt really hate the Forests Edge either.

The conflict between Forests Edge denizens and Pyschkurewuss is the talk of the town, and there are people who think Pyschkurewuss is in the wrong. That Kaslan Lutim from Forests Edge has a firm grasp of the situation. I dont mean that in a bad way Im really surprised that the Forests Edge settlement has such a talented man.

Yes, he surprises me often too.

I feel really comfortable chatting with him. When this troublesome matter is resolved, I will have a drink with him Zashuma stopped mid-sentence and narrowed his eyes. Just kidding, now isnt the time for idle chatter. Im going now, take care of yourself.

Huh? What do you mean

Before I could finish, Zashuma mixed into the crowd. I looked around for a while and saw Ai Fa staring at the north.

Ludo Wu, thats a soldier working for Pyschkurewuss.

Suddenly, the hunters around Leina Wu and me tightened their perimeter around us.

Denizens of the Forests Edge, its fortunate that we see you here.

An important looking figure came from the north and stopped before us. Wearing white leather armor and a thin sword by his waist, this person was one of the guards from Pyschkurewuss mansion.

You must be Asuta and Ai Fa of the Fa house. Im the captain of Count Turans first guard team, Jimon. Is there anyone from the tribal chief Wu clan amongst you?

Im the youngest son of the Wu clan main house, Ludo Wu. Tell me what business you have with us.

Ludo Wu walked to Jimon, with a hunters fiery burning in his eyes.

The pedestrians became rowdy when they saw a guard with the crest of Count Turan house facing off with the hunters of Forests Edge. Jimon said very calmly despite the noise:

My lord, Count Pyschkurewuss Turan, has a message for you, please relay it accurately to the tribal chiefs of the Forests Edge. Its about the conference two days later

Jimon then told us two things. When he mentioned the second matter, Ai Fas blue eyes erupted in intense fury, and she yelled: Dont mess with us!

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