Commushou no Ore ga, Koushou Skill ni Zenfurishite Tenseishita Kekka


A-ah..I died huh

My life has always been on hard mode simply because I have a communication disorder. The reason why I died already.

For instance, I cant give good impressions to other people,or like how I cant tell others what is on my mind, or like how I cant look eye to eye with people. On those reasons, I didnt get to have such an easy life.

Well, since Im just thinking around before I die then Ill just leave it at that.

Right now I have something more important to think about and that is, what happens to people after dying.

I dont think I would be called back to heaven though

Even though this life of mine that I got from my parents was important, I have easily threw it out like garbage. Just for the reason of saving a crying childhood friend from danger.

But.I still have my consciousness, whats happening?

Even though I have communication disorder, I can still talk to myself. Talking to other people would be a sudden hurdle rise for me though.

First of all, I cant look eye to eye with people. On my childhood days, my teacher arbitrarily decided that I was deaf on a class discussion. Even at that time of Parent-Student-Teacher meeting, I couldnt speak straight.

Ive been told, Look at my eyes and speak to me for 10,000 times through out my whole life. Even my parents would apologize to the teachers for having a hard time with me.

it seems that all Im recalling is the past huh.

When I confirmed the place Im now in, First of all its pitch black. Also, even though my consciousness is here, my body isnt.

This feeling of being thrown out here and this weightlessness, I dont really understand. Its like in a games Thinking mode, its that sort of feeling.

(TL note: Gamers mind Han Jee-Han.)

There is a sense of sight but the body is nonexistent, Its possible to think but is impossible to move.

So this is what happens after one diesdammit, I really did die.

it seems that all Im recalling is the past huh.

If this was going to happen then I shouldnt have went outside. I should have just stayed inside and continue playing my game even though my account was hacked along with my belongings that were all lost.

Eternal MagiaThe game where I spent 1/3rdof my short life on.

On my elementary days, I couldnt have friends in real life. However, inside the world of Net Games, miraculously I could talk with other people there. Considering the quarter view MMORPGs, one didnt have to match eyes with other people just so that they could talk with each other.

Also with a keyboard, those things that I want to say but couldnt express for the reason that what I say and what I want to say always becomes different in real life. In spite of the fact that inside net games, I had high sociability.

Ah, that was dangerousI became depressed again.

Theres no point in being sociable inside a game if you cant speak properly in real life. I suddenly remembered another childhood friend of mine telling me that. This boy has been with me up until I died as a first year high school student. In other words, we have been together for 10 years.

That guy and this other childhood friend which I sacrificed my life in order to save with an I made it in time! were both the reason why I became a shut-in. Despite that, I didnt think of hating them. Please become happy for me, is at least what I thought.

Well, I did gave up my life to save her didnt I.

Yup, because I am a guy whose true feelings turn out to be different when articulated. That is why for the friend who tried to take me to the outside world when I was a shut-in, Im truly thankful butAs always, the words I say were different from what I truly feel.

To make a good report, shouldnt you make a deal with a teacher? or something like that. (Tl note: brain burn in this part ) (ED: Its very likely that this is a reference.) (TL: I see, thanks for that)

Im the most joyful in this place. To the people on the outside world, I wish you all a miserable life. Reality is Shit..

Nevertheless, you really understand dont you? The existence of you who has been thrown out and alienated by the society, Pitiful is the right title for you.

Uwah!?! Wh-what is that so suddenly, where did that come from!?

There was a voice who suddenly have been heard, thats why I became very suspicious of my surroundings. This is what I hate the most, like the moment Ive been talked to, or calming myself while dealing with people. Oh please dont talk to me.

Why are you so afraid of talking to people? Inside your heart, I cant even see a trauma that stands out though.

A-As I said, where the hell are you talking from!

In this pitch black spacious place, nobody is there but a voice can be heard. I do play horror games but I lower the volumes like those coward characters in a Moe anime. If there was a monster who came out of the screen, I would panic and hide while telling myself that Im not alone. Who the hell am I talking to?

(Tl note: Yar talking to me master kyaaaaa >////< hazukashi desuuu) If youll be relieved by seeing my appearance then..Here! So hows it? Whats this so hows it?, but before that, my field of vision suddenly became bright. Where is thisAre those clouds I see outside? This place looks like a Sky Templefrom the games Ive played. Anyway, Im in a place like a temple in those fantasy games. Nevertheless I still have no body. Also, in my presence is a woman standing before I was even aware. She looked younger than the me from when I was alive, she have beautiful silver hair also, her ears seems long. (TL note: ELFFFFFF MUST RAPE!!!!!) In the game I played Eternal Magia, There were also Elves who live in the forest parts and were great at using magic. She looked like those elves in my game. Good, it seems that you remember properly. Even though youre in Spirit state, you still have your memories so this talk will be faster. Normally in that state, no one would even remember themselves. S-Spirit What the hell.dont joke around, I dont understand this.. Though, to the me whose words are contrasting from what I want to say which was really I understand. I have different categories and kinds of communication disorder, like my Anyway, Im not skilled in speaking, expressing my will doesnt go well who is a leading factor of my communication disorder. Even though what I think about is this, the things that go out of my mouth is different from what I wanted to say. It is as if even though Im in a spirit state, I still cant change myself. Spiritis it. The manga I liked is what comes out of my mind so maybe its that. I understand.despite being really cautious, you panic and speak in a hurry when being talked to, in addition to that, you say aggressive words which are different from what you really think. In other words Youre having a hard time being true to yourself. (TL note: AKA Male tsundere + trauma + low self esteem) (ED: Im offensive and I find it like this) Wh-what the hell..Evaluating a person like that. Since you are in a temple like this, Are you playing god or something? Haha, dont make me laugh [However, she might be a god. But what does she want from someone like me? Its been so long since Ive spoken to other people and it makes me glad. Be that as it may, Im a very annoying guyshes beautiful, so I dont want her to hate me] Wh-what the hell is this. Even though Im only speaking in my mind, audible words are coming out from nowhere. Hehe..Im glad, shes beautiful. If you can think about that then you should clearly say it to the other party. You, its always like that right? You cant say what you really intend to say, have you not been misunderstood by other people? N-No.. [Perhaps Hina had also misunderstood.. because that girl uses the same barrette the whole time. She wears it often, the present that I gave on a whim. Isnt it childish? Like.. She isnt wearing others anymore after that. If that would be lost, perhaps,she would also go to Kyousukes place. Ahh~. Im the worst. What a bitter end] I-Im thinking all about this againthis is bad, all the things Ive been thinking is being sent to her. And this time, its about the useless me who has communication disorder. Hmmm..You like that Hina-chan dont you? That girl who got NTRd by the other childhood friend named Kyousuke. Furthermore, theres another unfortunate thing that happened right? You can see all of it huh.haa, so doesnt this mean that I dont need to say anything right? [When I became a shut-in, I thought of ways so that I wont be a burden to my parents. I thought of using the RMT method inside the game. I know that its a bad thing but I didnt have any choice. I made a deal on 10,000,000 yen but I was fooled by the same guild mate. My password was stolen coupled with my account being hacked.] At that moment when I logged in, My level and skills were still the same but all my items and money were gone. From the first time I logged in up till now, my total logged in time was 20,000 hours of play time, and all the fortunes I summed up were gone in a blink of an eye. Several days passed. At that time I didnt think that I would die. On a certain rainy day of a shut-in who hasnt gone out of his house for several days. There was a figure outside my house which belonged to Kyousuke and Hina who were having a fight. That Hina who ran away from Kyousuke after having a fight, I wondered why he didnt run after her. For someone like me who couldnt do anything, I went out of my house and ran after her. (TL note: I knew it, he has a brave heart. I respect this protag.) .Wait, I have something to say. The players of the game Eternal Magia will be sent from their present world to the Eternal Magia world Im handling. Eh..? [W-wait a minute, I dont understand anything right now. That wasnt just a game? Why the hell is there a Real and Fake of that world?] I dont need to give an explanation concerning that. You dying was outside of my expectations and thats why were having this interview now. O-outside your expectation. [The me on that day, where I went out of the house and saved Hina by dyingto a god like her, it was outside of her expectation] (TL note: As expected of my master) What Im saying in my heart and mind is transmitted to the other party means that this talk should be easier. Although its really embarrassing when youre heartfelt words are being transmitted, and it might become a 100% misunderstanding to the other party. If it was like this when I was alivenope, That would also be a hard life in its own way. Theres no other method in thinking about that. First of all, The person who played 20,000 hours of Eternal Magia out of all the other people who only played 15,000 hours. Only a single person has accomplished 20,000 hours and that is you, Morioka Hiroto-kun. You who was the TOP PLAYER of JAPAN. Your account was targeted to be hacked. Your play time was useless so they just took your money and items. DammitI was using level capped equipment, so how did they find out that I was saving all my items in a bank. Thats simple, its because of the abundant envy you collected from the surroundings. In Eternal Magia, there was a powerful guild and the leader of that guild was you right? My communication power in net games is Ultimately High. Not only to other characters but even those NPCs were kind to me. For the reason of being liked by many, I poured 100 bonus points on the skill Negotiation skill, level cap is 75 and 1 level costs 3 bonus points. Nobody other than me would level up their Negotiation skill to level 10. Bargain skill will be unlocked on level 10 Negotiation skill which is a useful active skill. Theres also a skill unlocked after hitting level 30 Negotiation skill and that is the skill with a small chance of success rate called Persuasion. That is why no on would use their points on Negotiation skill. Leveling it up would take a dreadful amount of time and you cant delete characters in Eternal Magia. Eternal Magia has several hundred variety of skills. Theres been rumors that there was someone who had all those skill and became peerless with power according to what was being heard in the net game. Eternal Magias status has a very hard protection that no one could tamper with the game. Even a popular hacker tried to analyze its game client, he couldnt even open the black box (TL note: Of course since the programmer is a goddess herself lel joking here xD ) Well aside from that, only I who have 100 points for the Negotiation skillknows of the other world. At that time when my Negotiation skill still isnt level 100, I had a talk with the king and bowed down his head to me. He begged me to defeat the demon lord. I proceeded to negotiate with him and got to employ some mercenaries as soldiers. I used those soldiers to sneak my way past the eyes of people and conquered a super hard Dungeon that no one has yet to conquer. I then offered information bit by bit to build up a number of friends. My companions increased by a great number and as a result, I was asked to establish a guild. I became a guild Master! A set of people in Eternal Magia called Capture group immediately took the information that I used as bait and defeated the Boss who re spawned from the dungeon I captured. Because I couldnt reveal my secret skills and build, I couldnt live up to the title of Guild Master. 2 years passed by and the fortune my guild had collected since then became 2 Trillion Etana (TL note: Etana is the currency in game i think?). I also earned some by Solo Playing. I became the figure of a guild masterbut I pushed off the management of the guild to another person. [Mikoto-san and Maromayu-san who became my assistants. No matter how much I wish to express my gratitude towards them, its still not enough. Despite the fact that until now Im still confused of Maromayu-sans name] You even neatly applied honorifics on their names on your mind. Dont you just have to speak in real life similar to how you type using keyboard? D-Dont say something so stupidSaying something like that when its already over for me. In case of the world of anime and games, even if you speak through the means of writing, its likely that a character like that would be permitted to do it. In the game world, I who was known as Amazing Solo player who gave information to all Most Respected Guild Master, I was permitted to become a character like that. Even though I became a burden to my parents and i died, I never once thought of regretting the fact that I became a net game player. Alhough I want to apologize to my parents for being a burden, I cant do it after all since Im dead already. S-so..Why me.. [Of all the people in this world, Why did a god like you call someone like me?] Although I havent seen her face straight yet, this god, shes truly beautiful. She is more cuter than Hina is what I thought, oops, my heart wavered there for a second. P-perhaps she is interested in what I thought. Because Ive been talking about games for a while now, maybe this goddess likes games too is what my mind have been conceiving according to what Ive analyzed from our conversation. Umm, Thats right. As I thought so, your head is really cut open. All the things youve thought are exactly true. Wha-what.Y-You can even read what Im thinkingand what the hell is a god who likes games, Thats impossible (TL note: Last time the goddess was reading his mind who was having a monologue in his mind which is represented with a [] but now she read what he was thinking which didnt have any [] ) [S-seriouslyDoes she really like games? Is there a god who picks up abandoned people? But if the Goddess is a beauty like this, damn, I want to be picked up please. Wait, why am I thinking about this.] As I thought so, even useless mind monologues like these are transmitted to her. Supposing that the other party is a goddess, a beautiful goddess or something like that, its amazing to just think about it.theres no helping it if I cant hide what Im saying in my mind. Ill omit some detailed circumstances in my explanation since it will be unfair to other people who will be transported later. However, Im really having fun having this Interview with a person Im interested in A-A person like me, why me.. The goddess smiled to me like a Western girl I saw in the internet who has long hair and is combing it so gracefully and majestically. Its because you were in despair. For someone like you who gave your all in playing Eternal Magia and lost it all in a blink of an eye .Ah..I see..the pitiful me. I was so pitiful that you got interested in me. Thats some good taste you got there. [So Im being sympathized here huh.Well certainly, in an objective view, I am really unfortunate, since I focused on Net Games and threw away reality. To a guy like that] I made a different world which is a replica of the game you enjoyed called Eternal Magia of which I am ruling right now. At least to you, who enjoyed the game candidly. I thought that you would like to go to the world I made which is the same as the world you enjoyed. Dont you think that the true meaning of your death is so that you will be reincarnated in that world? .Seriously? I who died will be able to reincarnate in that world.? The fascinated me didnt stop, there was a possibility that Ill be able to go to the world of Eternal Magia. .However, if its up to me, being reincarnated is much better than being transported there Yes, you will now be able to start over again. About Hina, its sad that you couldnt get her back again. For someone like me, Kyousuke suits her better than me. Wait, she didnt got taken away from me. We werent even going out with each other, so why are you talking like that? Are you stupid? [Besides, Im just stupid for even thinking about it. At the time when I heard from my little brother that Hina and Kyousuke were going out, that news inspired me to become a shut-in. I couldnt face them. Even up to when I died, I had no idea what Hina and Kyousuke were fighting over outside my house. That doesnt matter now anymore to me though. Yes.That Feeling of being deprived is another point about you that made me get interested. Those 2 unfortunate feelings that you possess and the last one, to repay the other party of your unrequitted love by protecting her with your only life. This will be the reason why I will give you some bonus points when you reincarnate to the other world. Wh-what.B-bonus points? Leaving aside Hina, I was just unfortunate and sad [The conclusion of my atonement huh. Protecting someone on my own accord and dying for her on my own volition. Im getting bonus points just because of that? Isnt this a bit too convenient?] Youre so serious after all.though that part of you is also a reason why I got interested on you. Putting aside protecting someone on your own accord and dying for her on your own volition, what do you think about how the side whos being protected feels right now? [According to what I know, Hina is a gentle girl. Though it would be good if she wouldnt blame herself] I should quickly forget the things about me. But.did I really save Hina? On that rainy day, she was about to be run over by the truck. I pushed her away.and my consciousness stopped there. About the answer to that, I will not tell you right now Wh-why..? [Why arent you saying the answer? I, did I just died for naught?] Even if you say Im a goddess, Im not here to teach you anything. I only came here to assess you. Though self introductions time went longer, Ill be starting now. I-I dont understand..What do you mean by saying to assess me. [Is she talking about the Bonus points when Im going to be reincarnated?] The goddess laughed happily and raised her hand in my presence. First of all, after you get reincarnated, you can call your Window menu like this. You can do all the things youve been doing in Eternal Magia in that world like what youre thinking right now .E-even if you say that. [W-wont I become a cheat like existence for being the only one that can use Window menu. What should I do if the NPCs and other people who will be transported there get suspicious of me..] You just have to see and test it yourself. If its you then you can understand your surroundings at once. Since the Reality that you know, which is Eternal Magia, is absolutely same with it. Shes not fooling around, this goddess is only saying the truth. Aside from myself in real life, I am just a gamer. Im much more skillful when it comes to games. However, Eternal Magia is the kind of RPG game to unite 2D and 3D, though the graphics didnt look that realistic.. Just enjoy those after youve seen it yourself. The simplified graphics shown in that game, just think that I made it all realistic. (TL note: Goddess Best programmer + High tech PC, please teach me.) Map and character, the system is the same..thats what she said. At first, I thought of an Eternal Magiaworld with ultra high graphics. Yes, its just like what you imagined. Compared to the world you once lived in, youd have an easier life there. ..Hmm [Well, that might be true..but, without the Negotiation Skill, I would..] After this, I will be giving you your bonus points. For the reason of being the top player of Eternal Magia and lastly, to you who have experienced misfortune in your past life. Wh-why is that even a bonus Usually, Bonus points are given when one does great deeds in his past what i thought. I looked over the words that had come out in the window and was being displayed before my eyes by the goddess. Morioka Hirotos bonus points assessment entry 1. The person whose one sided love(Childhood friend) got taken 96 points 2. Account hacked as well as his entire fortune gone in a blink of an eye 150 points 3. Got ran over by a truck 10 bonus points Total points: 255 Whwhat is it so many..and isnt the total wrong? [Also, why is being ran over by a truck treated like a freebie.Isnt that the most unfortunate thing in the list? If considered rationally.] Your bonus is capped to 255. Isnt it also like that in Eternal Magia? Although I could give more points. In the early part of the game, players get only 10 points so isnt 255 points already extraordinary. The points youve acquired in youre whole game play was 230 points.if that is still insufficient then you should just burgeon in my world. Am I unfortunate because my bonus points got capped in my new lifeaside from the misfortune, isnt there a lot of people who is working hard to live?. Anyways, even with a bonus points of 100, a person can already be considered as someone over powered if applied well. However, with 255 points, a person can be more over powered if used wisely. Only players of Eternal Magia will be transported to the other world. Of all of those people, only you who had experienced misfortune pleased mejust thinking about it sends shivers to my whole body (TL note: H-scene Flag! Tags: Femdom, Rape, Forced LOLOLOL) Wh-what the-!? [Now thats a strange hobby you have thats what you mean by being ran over by a trucks assessment to be low. Is that fine Goddess-sama? Though Im glad for the given bonus points to me.] Yes, take it all. Ill be living a life of a shut in and observe the Morioka Hiroto that Ive given a new life to. From now on your character name will be Hiroto Sigrid. Sigrid. The 3rd character I made in Eternal Magia who is also my favorite among all those characters. My guild which was called Starry Heaven had 1000 guild mates since 1000 was the limit of guild members. .Wait, is this a dream? The development of this happening is too convenient for me. Its like slowly opening my eyes then Ill fund myself looking up at the ceiling of the hospital, or something like that. Only my real intention is steady. While my tension was going up from being able to go to another world, I ponder about the bonus points were too convenient. Whether this is a dream or not, think about the way you assign your bonus points. You still remember your skill build right? Hmmwell, yeah. [Certainly.I still remember what skills I had assigned my points to. If I was really going to revive in another world then I really have to brood this over.] Even if what Im thinking is being transmitted to her, this goddess seemed to be in a good mood..Youre even interested on what I would do, huh. However, even if she said I could freely spend my bonus points on anything i want..Ill just get even more points once I leveled up. To myself who has a substantial knowledge of Eternal Magia, using those bonus points on trivial things isnt a possibility on the plans I have. To myself who needs this in order to Sigrid who needs this in order to survive Theres no need to think, I only needed one thing to survive cocom..COM! [COMMUNICATION SKILL!! First of all, I need to make this LEVEL 100] Albeit being unable to say it from my mouth, the voice of my mind shouts Mash on that Button. A reckless confidence could be felt drifting out of my mind. As I expected..I wonder what to do about the remaining 155 points? .this is ok for now I said shortly and afterwards I proceed to think again in my mind. Doing this would make the voice of my mind explain what I want to saythough its still embarrassing even if its convenient. [Though there is a mountain lot of strong skills, there are a lot of skills that are obtainable even if you dont spend any bonus points. If thats the case, Ill leave these bonus points for times when I need itI seem to be an unlucky kind of guy so Ill put some points in luck. 30 seems fine as of now.] Because bonus points can be allotted to any acquired skills later, Ill just save these 125 points for future use. Since Im someone fond of saving, I might not be able to use it later too. If you use 30 points for the luck skill, Good luck would be that right? Yes, as the first stage of Luck skill is released, Good luck will be unlocked which is good when used at the capital while gambling. Good luck also has other good effects so its a good passive skill. In Eternal Magia if you level up an acquired skill, you could get special attacks, magic, and other action skills like Steal and such. Just like Good luck which is always on effect, you only need to set the passive skill on for it to take effect. Even though I had some skills that werent good in my game play, Negotiation skill and Luck skill were perfectly useful. Those 2 skills were pretty useful when I was still low leveled. After that is what job I should take. its necessary to change the utilized I have to choose a job right? About jobs, when you get reincarnated in the other world, your job will be randomly chosen. Though theres a 90% chance of it being a Villager. The should have let me choose my job. [ Villager huh..when i was just a beginner, it was very hard to do a job change. I turned into a Super Villager in the end though. Well, theres no problem with that though. Aristocrat play is also good but there are many bindings if you become an aristocrat.] A Villagercan get all kinds of skills in Eternal Magia though a certain skill will be more effective if the job suits the skill. A Villager can neither be a Swordsman nor a Musician because the status also increases when getting a new skill. When leveling up, you also get 3 skill points. In which to be used for skills. There are all kinds of Character builds that have been done in this game. There are more than 300 kinds of skills and frighteningly, its been 6 years already since Eternal Magias release but the skills list hasnt been completed yet. The world of Eternal Magia is too wide and the assumed scenario was ten in all but the only scenarios that got published was 3. .I myself dont even know why its become like that. [Although I do think that the scale of Eternal Magia is too uncommon, I agree with how she chose the people who will be taken to the other world..nah, theres still no sense of reality in this world transfer talk.] To this world and my world, theres a small connection between them. Think of that as one of the main quests of yours. Reincarnate into that world and show me how you solve all the mysteries in there. To reincarnate to a different world which was the stage of the game which has become reality and take on the quest of meeting the goddess again. Though it doesnt sound badWell, for the time being, Ill live desperately. As a resident of a different world. I have for so long wanted to say that. therefore, To my death, I have no feelings or regret any longer. .Oh well [Im not thinking that I didnt die anymore. Its not like I regret offering my life to save Hina or anything. Just that, its not like I gave my life for you or anything, I just voluntarily died, is what i wanted to say to her.] Even though I made a joke like that, I didnt think that the goddess would laugh at that. Nevertheless, its too late, shes looking at me intensely while I burn in chagrin. Yes, Its not how you were unfortunate in your past life or how pitiful you were, I didnt get interested on you just for those things. Its because your smile shows how you are a kind person. That is the best reason why I like you .the heck [I want to correct you on that part. Im just a good for nothing guy.] With that answer I gave, I slightly looked at the goddess. Of course, Even if I didnt have a communication disorder, I still wouldnt have the guts to look straight at a beautiful girl like her. Its in the level of all beautiful moe girls in my games to be lessened to sub-heroines because her beauty outshines all others. To you who had hated real life, will now become Sigrid. I wonder how you will change..please enjoy yourself then. When the goddess held her hand up high in front of me, the display of the window changed [Do you want to reincarnate to a different world? Yes/No] A little, I hesitated only a little right now. After this I will be living in a world like Eternal Magia If Morioka Hiroto disappears then that means Im throwing away the parents who raised me up is what i thought about. ahh, I did make some money before my account was hacked, even though how I got that money was bad, I wanted to repay my parents kindness even a little. However, the truth was. I didnt want to regret that I played my games with my whole life. Anyways, after finishing the very long conversation I had with the goddess. My consciousness became distant from the temple of the goddessnext moment when I awakened. Congratulations! Its a boy. Uwoh.Its born! Thank you for your hard work, Remilia ha.ha.Honey.please show me the babys face. After the babys body was soaked in water, its body was wiped The baby who was being held by his father while his face was being shown to his mother. It seems thats me . For the time being, I cried terribly because I havent cried for almost a year now. A baby cries because its cursing its birth, is a story that Ive heard a long time ago. Seems like I really have been reincarnated to a different world, leaving the memories of my hateful past behind me, which now pleases me (TL note: he remembers his past but now hes facing his new life with a new determination meaning hes putting the past behind him. ) Now is the start of world conquering. Even though I only know the three scenarios from the gameregarding those other seven, I dont have any idea. There wont be a problem in proceeding with the 3 scenarios I know of. Those another untouched seven scenarios remaining as it is will likely pose as a problem. A chance to conquer Eternal Magia, such a happy thing like this truly exists huh? Honey..what will you name this child with? Yeah, this child to which we prayed and asked to the priests have finally been given to us by god. This childs name will be.. My father who has chestnut color hair and face who looks like a good looking man from an anime, he proudly spoke of the name of the child who god gave them. Hiroto Sigrid Wait a minute! The family name was Sigrid! Well even if I stare at this world and to my father with this sightless eyes, it wont work well. I could only shout on my mind too. By the way, the official language of Eternal Magia is called Elgear language. Basically its written in alphabet and if you know English then you can read it without trouble. When I saw my name written in cursive style, it reminded me of the time when I was going to school especially English class, and it made me feel something I cant portray. At any rate, my reincarnation is complete. Im finally alone after 3 days since my birth then I summoned the window in the space between my mother and the helper of my mother to check my status. Status after reincarnating Name: Hiroto Sigrid Human, Male, 0 years old, Level 1 Job: Villager Hp: 40/40 Mp: 24/24 Skills: Negotiation technique 100 Luck 30 Active skills: Bargain (Negotiation Technique 10) Persuasion (Negotiation Technique 30) Request (Negotiation Technique 40) Exchange (Negotiation Technique 60) Subordinate Assignment (Negotiation Technique 95) Passive skills: Charisma (Negotiation Technique 50) [Opposite Sex] Charm (Negotiation Technique 80) [Same Sex] Charm (Negotiation Technique 80) [Monster] Charm (Negotiation Technique 80) Choices (Negotiation Technique 100) Pick Gold (Luck 10) Pick Item (Luck 20) Luck (Luck 30) Remaining Bonus Points: 125

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