Commushou no Ore ga, Koushou Skill ni Zenfurishite Tenseishita Kekka

Chapter 9

After going up from the bathtub, I was placed inside the cradle in the living room while Remillia mama rocked the cradle gently.


Remilliahas sung the Babysitting songYouve became drowsy.

You felt that your eyelids have become heavy.

N-, not goodIm getting sleepy

Sleep a lot, and grow up faster alright, Hiroto. That would be a mothers best happiness

Uh, uu

Fufu, It seems like you can understand what Im saying a little bit huh.

Im giving it my all to look at Remillia mamas face through this time, and at last, I could now see her face so that she wont get lonely.

However, my pure mind is getting embarrassedwell shes still 18 years of age, which is my Mother. Her hair which was always tied up is now unfastened, which now gives her a little bit of a mature look. Though her looks is that of a westerner, she isnt too much chiseled either, but a beautiful woman with a soft impression. Her eyes are big, while her eyelashes are surprisingly long.

Now when I look with these eyes of mine compared to that time when I was given birth, a lot of information being given to me has increased. Since this isnt an effect from the skill raising, I now know that Im growing up.

Something is changing whenever Im sleeping or waking up. Is that what it means to be a baby?

I couldnt think any longer, so I dreamily shut my eyes. Remillia mama smiled, as she patted my head.


Ricardo opened the door.

Your drowsiness has been lessened.

Im back, Remillia, Hiroto. Oh, were you putting him to sleep?Sorry, for being so loud and all.

Because of the noise father made when coming back, I ended up not falling asleep. Though Im still feeling sleepy, I cant let myself to fall asleep today.

Fillianess was gone when I woke upis what I would say, youre too late. That was dangerous

I moved inside the cradle which is like squirming. And when I reached out my hands, Remillia-san with a wry smile, clasped my small hands.

You too darling, youd be sad if you come home and see Hiroto sleeping. This child of ours seems to understand too.

Da, da

Hahaha, youre right. Hiroto boy is so great huh, waiting for Papa to come back huh.

Before the large and rough hands touch me, Remillia-san passed a towel to Ricardo-san, and he wiped his hands with it. Though it seems like he didnt do some hunting today, there might be occasions that some animal or monsters blood would be attached to his hands. Since my resistance power is still weak, these two are careful in touching me.

Oh, hes gradually turning his face to my direction lately. Since youve been meeting a lot of people, have you become accustomed to it gradually?

Hes been looking at me too. Hes been calling me Ma-nma (TLN: Since babies still dont have too much control with their tongues, they use letter N in almost all their words. I know since my sisters are making me take care of their kids)

WHAT!?!h-how about me?Is he still not calling me anything?

Even in my previous life, I called my mom first who was always with me. To have come to understand dad, when was that, and my memories wandered a little bit.


Hmm, you cant say anything other than that huhhowever since you can already say that, only one more step and.. This is Papa, Im Papa~

Isnt it too hard to say Papa?Hiroto, this person is your Papa. Ricardo is what hes called.

iauo (TLN: iauo = wikaudo = Rikardo/ missing letters~)

OOOHHwait, dont teach him my name, I want him to call me Papa.

I could only pronounce vowels, Ma is the only word I can say with that limit. A little bit longer though months have only passed since I was born, so isnt this the stage where I should be learning to sit.


OOOOOHUmu, this child might be a genius, Remillia

SighWhat are you saying, darlingthough thats too much of an exaggeration, he might be able to talk soon. When I hear about it from the surrounding stories, in about or more months, he would start to hang on to stuff it seems.

Hiroto might already be too fast for a moment. Since, hes my son and all

Even though Im still a baby, my parents are already feeling proud of me. That trust of theirs to me, I dont want to ever lose that.

I reached out for the edge of the cradle, and firmly held onto it. And while I was practicing on moving, Ricardo lifted me up in his arms with the sound of [Hyoi~].

Though I still wish for you to stay as a baby for a little more. When wearing a diaper becomes unnecessary at an early time, If we bring you to the church then youd be treated as the Son of the Goddess

Thats rightHes not even crying when he needs anything but now hes just clapping his hands

Though my vocal chords are getting forged when I cry, my mana would decrease with it. Because of that, it came to a point where I use a various of signals to catch Remillia mamas attention. If she comes to me then, she would roughly draw her real intention.

Though it seems I can get along well it Father and Mother, the problem is, the time that Ill be needed to talk to the dwellers of this town. Though there are some children who are of the same age as me, if I cant manage to befriend them then, that would give my parents some worries.

However in the case of EternalMagia, my Communication hindrance can be compensated with great effort. Though I feel that to positively enter into a circle of people is a too high wall for me, but if its only 10 friendsno, 5 friends. If its 3 friends, then I might be able to do it. I want to manage to do that.

Though Mothers injury has completely healed already, when he heard about the event during the day, Ricardo papa quietly turned his anger towards Anton and his gang, while telling mother to be careful and take a rest too.

Then, I shall be excusing myselfIll be taking a rest right now so, if something happens then call for me. Darling, shall I take Hiroto with me?

Im fine, his eyes seem to be still bright, So Ill just let him play a little more. Well then, good nightRemillia.

Ricardo papa put his hand to Remillia mamas head with a pon sound. Though theres a word called patting for that, maybe this is why mama came to like papa, is what I thought from this exchange.

After mother went to the bedroom, Fillianess and her group went out from the living room. Theyre now making use of the visitors quarters right now, while they changed to the clothes that Remillia mama prepared. The appearance of the 3 knights who are now wearing cotton shirts and skirts, had a very good image change to village girls.

If only we have arrived a little bit earlier, noblewoman-sama wouldnt have taken any injurywe ask of your forgiveness.

No, youre wrong. Its very good that Sage knight-sama has arrived. If I was the one at the scene, it would have been impossible for me to useHolding back

Even if Ricardo papa was laughing, once he understood why Remilla mama got angry, there would be more reasons to not forgive Anton and his gang. Well, the guards have already arrested them and have taken them to the capital once they found them guilty, which means that they arent in town right now but.

Thats right. If I had used a mace to the fight a while ago, then it wouldnt end with just injuries for them

Please remember to use the way of holding back, Marle-san

Is it because you would acquire the passive skill [Holding back] with the skill Chivalrywith at least 50 points? To at least leave 1 HP for the enemy, is in fact very useful, but the difficulty of acquiring it is very high. It seems like Fillianess-san has already acquired it with her Holy Sword Skill.

AndRicardo-dono, Ive come here to Mizzere, not for other matters but(TLN: but I do this not for honorbut for you.)

Yeah, I understand. However, I have not heard about these two knights accompanying you. Well, for Margit-sans case, if I would be over my head then she would be stronger than me

In terms of physical strength, Marle-san is the best among the knights. I even wouldnt be able to win against her with strength alone

Of one of the companions of Fillianess-san, it became a topic in the game that the character had an abnormal strength when fighting against her. Its because of that that the Knights have gotten an image of being a strong group but it seems like it isnt so. Fillianess-san is the strongest in the whole kingdom while, Marle-san is the secondin which she is only outstanding in the terms of strength. Her physique skill level is also low , but if her Club skill rises to level 20, she would be able to deal terrific damage with the skillDouble Impact.

Since this is a story that we shouldnt hearW-we understand. Were sorry, then with the introductions being finished.

After Marle-sana and Aretta-san looked at me and smiled, they went out of the room. Fillianess-san, came to our house for an important discussionand by chance, I came to a situation where I am allowed to listen to theyre discussion.

We today, by the order of the highest minister, was given the role of Defenders to observe too, and I have come here with two knights accompanying me

I seeTo you who is the strongest of the kingdom, Ive felt that your numbers were too little to come to this country side town. Is it because other than you there are no one who fits the job, is what they thought huh?

To Ricardo-san who always uses words that seem a little bit unreliable, Fillianess-san seems to give respect to his words. With the tension that got heavy, my hands began to sweat.

Defenders, what would they be protectingwho would be that person?

That sword, Is it still safe, enshrined inside without being pulled out?

It is undoubtedly safe. As long as Im alive like this, I have decided to defend it

Ricardo papa answers without hesitation. The words As long as Im alive, I have felt it a little bit, the feeling of seriousness.

To it being necessary to offer ones life, A dangerous thingThat sword. Is that, what Ricardo papa is protecting?

Sorry. Since you are now living here peacefully with you family, that sword is now unsuitable for you to protect. I shall now receive it, so that Ill take it away as far as possible, and Ill seal it

So the King and the prime minister, wants that sword to be in the range of their eyessince Mizerre is only 3 day distant travel from the capital, theyd be relived for a little bit I guess. Fillianess-sama, in the interval of your task in the capital, you can also go here to show yourself just like this.

That isthough it might be so. What if the time came, that Remillia-dono, Hiroto, and the people of these town gets involved in an evil problem is what I think you should be thinking about

Fillianess-sans facial expression looked dark. The one who is called the strongest sage knight of the kingdom, who is 14 years of ageeven in the case of it being her duty, she wouldnt be able to give a clear explanation about it all.

And that girl is also worried about me and mother. Looking at a Fillianess-san like that, Ricardo papa laughed with a whiff.

Youre still young. Though Im not saying for you to get older like me, I realized the limits of my strength, and I threw away the knights path and spent my whole life to being a Defender. Its just that simple. Remillia also understands it too, of how much the danger of That is. Yet still her father, gave us this place that were now living in

Isthat so. I at the time when you all went out from the capital, I piled up my training to become a Sage Knight. And that me thoughtlessly couldnt speak against your resolution at that time is what I thought

I who only knows how to swing an axe, wouldnt be entranced on using that sword. Even with an odd knight like me, there was still a role that I was able to play

Even if I also obtain that sword, I wouldnt be affected by its entrancement. Even if its the same as a sword, that sword is still different from the ones I use. In that case, the role of the Defender, I should

To Fillianess-sans words, father silently controlled it. Stop talking, is what his face is saying.

A Sage Knight has the duties of being a sage knight. If I would be given time, then I would take that sword, and get away from the place where my wife and child are. However, right nowat least, until Hiroto grows a little more

I understand. However, I only have a single thing to ask of youTo the kingdom, to the great minister-sama, I do not want to press everything against you alone. If its the matter of That Sword awakening someday, then I shall obstruct it with my best. You shouldnt take it upon yourself alone, please ask for our assistance too

Yeah, I would be troubled if I do that. That is, because its beyond a persons control. That is why, no one will ever think that its in a backwater country like thisIf I say in addition, they wouldnt think of me as a knight, but just an ordinary lumberjack

To you who has reached the peak of being a sub knight leader, what are you even saying of yourself. On that moment when you discovered that sword, no one desired to be its Defender, and that you voluntarily nominated to be it is what Ive heard. With the honor of being a knight, you threw everything away.

My father might have been a former knight. To such a guess of mine, reality has exceeded my expectation.

Ricardo papa was the sub knight leaderwhile still being so young like this. And, he threw away his position, and moved to this town.

It wasnt fleeing from the capital. Father with his own will, tried to play something of an important role.

Someone has to do it. That is why, positions or statuses shouldnt be related to it.

Your resolution, I have firmly received it. All thats left is to confirm the safety of the sword, and after staying for a while in Mizerre, We shall return to the capital

This town is a good place, please have a look at it as long as you want. However I dont recommend on going to the interior of the mines alone. In the interior are lava, while the exterior has a den of strong monsters (TL: And 2nd best girl is in there nyohohohohoho ED: Dont spoil that much!)

I understand. If I become too much sweaty, at the time when I play with Hiroto, His nose might get wary from the smell

HahahahaThe sweat of a woman is different from the swat of a boorish man like me. Hiroto has succeeded my blood, thats why hell grow up to be a man who wouldnt worry about it. Isnt that right Hiroto, you wouldnt mind a sweaty sage knight right?

da, da

Father, youre being too frank. I dont know what I would react at that time too.

Well however, since pheromone is also included in the sweat, surely in the case of sage knight-sama wait, thats what you call a HENTAI. (TLN: Hentai = jk. it means pervert)

Somehow, I understand that Hiroto is the son of Ricardo-dono

Compared to me, this kid has more promise than me. Even though hes still 0 year old, how about you place a mark on him right now?The Sage knights Prohibition is, up to the age of 29 if I remember correctly. At exactly that age

Wha, what are you sayingabout my prohibition, Hiroto has nothing to do with it. Not to mention but I, have already decided to lay my life for the Goddess throughout my life. I would not have time took aside

Having a household is good to you know. This is not preaching, but what Im truly thinking about. While Im protecting That, my Ax skills would have gradually rusted. With Remillia, and thanks to Hiroto, it ended without becoming it so

When father held and raised me, he gently patted my back.

I began to feel like crying. I dont know what it is my father is shouldering, and without knowing the feelings of Mother who has accepted Fathers resolution, I just spent my time peacefully, requesting of my mothers milk.

I want to get to know more of Father and Mother. At the moment when I really want to protect them, I might end with me not being able to do anything.

Now thenShall we ascertain the safety of the sword?Ill guide you to its place

Is it in a place where it can be seen now?

Yeah. Its not like you cant see it because of the treesbut compared to just saying it, How about just seeing it for yourself. Hiroto boy, wait for me here ok

Father tried to unload me. However I hurriedly cling to him and didnt part from him.

Well this is bad. Though its alright if I take you with meYour Father has something important to do

pa, papa

WhatD-, do you really want to go that muchbut that thing, to let a baby see it is

Im now trying with all my effort to persuade my Father. If its a thing that a baby can do, Ill do it even if its anything.

Even if its not talking but just doing an action, it would still take a considerable amount of energy. However, I wont such a thing right now.

Fillianess-sama, may I also take my son?Ill still show you That Sword while carrying him

muWell, oh dear, a baby cant have a sword, and he might not be entranced by itI understand, Ill take the responsibility and will be holding Hiroto

I have been handed over to Fillianess-san by Father. This is the fragrance of soap huhand to that, as to what Father has said, Fillianess-san had an overwhelmingly good smell.


Charm has been invokedFillianess succeeded in resisting.

It has already been invoked 3 times, when talking about Fillianess-sans defensebeing a sage knight, did it have a hidden parameter of them having a strong resistance from getting charmed.

Haha, he became more obedient compared to his time with medid you get embarrassed, Hiroto boy?

Hes a baby, though I dont think he can understand anythingthis baby is what can I call it, Im not just a regular baby is what I think

Yes, youve said it well. That is why this child will surely become an important person.

When Father refreshingly laughed, he faced to the direction of the basement. Was That Sword in thereI who is being embraced by Fillianess-san also, went down there while being strained.

This is my first time entering the basement of our house. Though there were no rooms, after the stairs that we got off, a wide passage extended where 2 people in a row can pass. The atmosphere wasnt putrid as what I thought it would, since theres air that flows from somewhereThere was also sounds of running water.

This placewhere is it connected to?

The deep underground of the church in Mizerre. It is submerged inside the pond of consecrated water which has received blessing in the church, so that I tried to weaken that swords power even for a little bitoh dear, its just a consolation if I say so

Ricardo papa said that while smiling wryly. There were also passages and stairs alternatively, we went down bit by bit to the deep undergroundand then.

Is this, the place where that sword is enshrined. Its like so to speak, an altar of the Goddess

I also thought so at firstinside there is where the thing called the demon blade is sealed, its indescribably like a sarcastic story

Demon bladeN-, now way

That Sword If one would say That then I couldnt pin out what it is though, I couldnt help but react to the word Demon Blade.

In the weapons that existed in EternalMagia , Not one even for 1 player character could ever get a hold of it, The strongest weapon with just its existence. One of those includes the Demon Blade.

Sword, Spear, Rapier, Axe, Bludgeon, Katana, Bow, Staff. Demon was crowned to its name for each of all those eight weapons. Literally, they were the weapons that the Demon King had, and though various people say that those were the weapons needed to defeat the Demon king, A part of those weapons were only seen to be enshrined, which the items were not able to be obtained.

Though I have seen the Demon spear disaster, I have never seen the Demon Blade. Is it really that Demon blade?Is it really inside the town connected to my house in the underground part of the church?

Ricardo-dono, where is the Demon blade?I cant seem to find it anywhere

If you use this device over hereFillianess-dono, please take a look. The pond where the consecrated water is collected into

When Father operated the device from the corner of the room where he was, the consecrated water dripped downward from the container which was like a polished up marble that has divided into two, while the water dropped from above at a dash. Though dungeons would open up just like this, this was the first time Ive seen it after I have been reincarnated.

After the container became empty from losing the consecrated water, the thing that appeared wasit was sank into the water, a long sword hidden inside its black sheath.

This isthe most evil Demon blade, Calamity?

This is one of the weapons that the Devils have received from the Demon king for the purpose of destroying the world. It has been taken away by the Hero who subjugated the Demon kingIn the domain of the kingdom, to the place where the hero was assumed to live in, only this sword has been left. Good grief, what was that hero thinking when he decided to just throw this sword away

When Ricardo took the Demon Blade, he displayed it to Fillianess-san. Though I could only get simple information since I dont have the appraise skill, the information of the sword was confirmed by the log.


Name?Demon Blade Calamity

TypeLong sword


Offensive power

Not yet appraised.

It is cursed.

It is sealed.

Demon BladeRarity, Myth Class(God). It was really here

In the arms of Fillianess-san, I was staring at the Demon Blade. Though the sword was giving off an ominous feeling, it was sealed, so it couldnt display its prowess. However if a person who can equip that sword has it, they would be cursed and it would be equipped without their permission, and theyll fall into a state of Possessed.

Good griefIm trembling from this famous sword. But, this is not just an ordinary sword. If one would believe the legends, then this is a calamity itself

Its good that I have confirmed that its safe. In the future after this, it will be necessary to come here for the confirmation at intervals of several months. The ones who desire this, whether it be humans or monsters are a lot

Fillianess-san didnt touch the sword. Even though she doesnt seem to be a woman who can only equip rapiers, nevertheless, she is still a sage knight who would hesitate to touch it mischievously.

Father once again places the sword to its former place, the container returns to its origin, where it is filled with consecrated water. After seeing that, Fillianess-sans nervousness finally softened a little.

Im not saying that this place is safe at all either. Ill look for an opportunity, leave the town, and go out to travel is my plan.

As long as the power of the Demon blade will be controlled. Or, if its able to destroy it

Then Father would be liberated from the Defender role of the Demon Blade. However, if that was possible, then it would have been done earlier.

It is impossible to destroy it, and if it is shot to the ground, then somebody will be able to obtain it someday. That is why, it only needs to be defended

Im sorry. In the future after this, Ill be earnestly

Fillianess-san couldnt finish her words. Father just laughed and went out of the basement.

After leaving the two of us, Fillianess-san embraced me, and patted my back.

The Father of Hiroto is a man of great stature, we should remember that.

When she said so, we have left the basement too. I didnt even need to say it since I already understand my Fathers greatness.

However, thats not only it.

Do not allow anyone to misuse the Demon blade, it is necessary to be done. If Father went to travel alone with that swordonly to that, like the hero who threw away the sword, he would likely become the same thing like him.

Father is happy just being with Remilla mama. This life that were living right now, I will never let anything destroy it

My desire of coming to be able to walk increases.

Ill manage to control the Demon Blade Calamity, or destroy itI promised myself to accomplish that at any cost.

We went out of the basement and returned to the living room. Its slowly night time already and its time for sleeping.

Then Ill be taking Hirotonow.Youreunskilled in putting him to sleep right.

Thatstrue.SinceI seem to scare him a little,he seems to be strained in a way

Fillianess started to pass me tofather.atthat point I would remain in my condition if I let things happen as it is, a strong urge that says that its not good to let the situation go as it is drove me.

this is not good. As it is right now, the only way of showing what Im thinking while not saying anything is!

I hardly ever looked at her eyes up to now and I just waited for my charm skill to be invoked.Im only swinging from joy to sorrow just by looking at the log, as I hoped only to strengthen morebut, its different now.

Since its possible with other peopleCharm isnt the only useful skill that the Negotiation skill has!

I who was still at the arm of Fillianess, have invoked the skill Choices. With the sense of losing mana, the dialog was displayed.

Choices Dialog

Persuade Fillianess

Request onto Ricardo

Request onto Fillianess

Is these the choices of fateyesI did have Persuade and Request!

Those are not a passive skill, but a needed to be activated active skill. Even with me who couldnt speak, I could still use Persuade and Request , is what the choices are pointing out.

Since these choices only display effective actions, all the choices in there would give some effects. However the effects are different with each choiceI dont know if it will result in the thing that I hope for, but still, the possibility isnt zero.

I got no choice but to do this!


You have used Request onto Fillianess.


Hmmwh-whats wrong?For you to cling onto me that firmly

I-,its uselesswhen Im being looked at with a face full of doubt, the trauma of my previous life resurfaces.

I dont know what would be good to do. However, I still want to be together with Fillianess.

Even if my feelings are that I just want her skill, I still want the thing I want. That is why, I just need to ask earnestlyI can do nothing but Request unto her!

Look at her eyeswhile properly looking at her eyes, ask a request onto her!

babu(TLN: Hes saying GIVE ME YAR BREAST MILK, BITCH! ..Im joking..)

Wh-wh-whats wrong? for you to be looking at me with sparkles on your eyeseven a little while ago, this didnt happen though

Hahaha, I see I see. Hiroto isnt cutting corners anymore huh

Th,that iswhat do you mean by that? I would like for you to teach it to me

This son of ours, already understands the beauty of women at this age. Right, Hiroto boy?

T-to say that Im beautifulis that, really what he is thinking?

Its not like I can persuade women even if Im a 0 year old baby, but it was possible for me to ask a Request from them. I want something, is what my petition would look like, and they would understand me from their instinct.

I didnt turn my eyes away from Fillianess. My heart is beating with a *baku baku* sound which seemed like it could explode at any momenthowever, I wont run away.

In understanding the resolution of my father, if I still remain with this passive attitude, Ill become a nuisance to papa.

Since your mother will burn with jealousy, this father of yours will pretend that he has no knowledge of this. Hiroto boy, get spoiled as much as you can with this onee-chan here okay


As expected of father!(TLN: SASUGA DESU, OTOSAMA..!) [ED: I felt the need to add the jap romaji words]

Papa entrusted me to Fillianess and faced the bedroom. I who was left, stared at Fillianess-san with a clinging desire.

uuudont look at me with your eyes like thatits painful for my chest

abu(TLN: Hes saying FEED ME YAR BREAST MILK, BITCH! ..Im joking..)

kuI-I understand already, We just have to sleep together alright!Because my sleeping posture is untidy, I dont care if something strange happens to you okay!

*KARAN KURUN*, which the bell of blessing resounded.

I did itI DID IT. I can now sleep together with Fillianess!

Surely in case of thisNo, Ill restrain my skill for now.

I understand that I would be spoiled by people since I was a baby. But for a communication disordered person like me, I was able to convey my feelings to another person for the first time.

The success rate of Request would lower extremely if one would not pay the price. However, the system of the game is not the only thing affected in this worldbecause there were different kinds of emotions for each person in this world.

When Marle and Aretta gets up, what should I explain thisah

Fillianess looked at me like she noticed something. Thus, she looked down on her own chest.

Hi,Hirotoare you hungry?Id be bothered if you are butwh,what should I do?


Y-,Yes,I amhungry.Ifyou leave me to this hunger that I havent experienced yet, the way things are going right now, I wont be able to sleep peacefully!


Charm has been invoked!Fillianess succeeded in resisting.

N-no, its nothing


Wh-what is itI-,I didnt say anything!Please stop your dissatisfaction!

Fillianess-san is seriously having a fight with a baby. Well its true that my attitude of being dissatisfied is annoying, and maybe thats why she got angry.

However even if the charm didnt succeed, it seems like it was still possible to succeedhowever my mana is already 0 . Im sleepy.


HiHi-Hiroto!Whats wrong, are you sleepy!?


While hearing the voice of a surprised Fillianess, I lost consciousness. Why am I always this helpless.

I will only do what I must do. Seeing as the length of her stay isnt just 1 day, then theres no reason for meto give up.

Gently, my consciousness resurfaced.

What could be the time right nowthe vicinity was still dark. While I was dozing off, I tried to confirm my current situation.

Since I was entrusted with himI as well, am responsible

A small voice muttered so. And there was the fragrance of soap. Thisis Fillianess-sans.

Hmthe log seemed to flow in my head. Under this situationwhat would the choices be.

Choice Dialog

Fillianess is trying to use the active skill [breast feed] on you. Will you permit her to use it on you?

At that moment, my brain froze.

After that, a great wave of emotion overflowed within my body is what I understood.


In here, is a room where three female knights are stayingFillianess-san lay beside me, with her bare chest exposed, which showed an abundant large chest.

In a room which only moonlight goes through, mysteriously the girl who had a pretty face, was shyly concealing that certain pale colored part of her with her hands modestly, while I am watched.

while being in a hurry, since I shouted like thatmaybe thats why youre scared of me, so Im sorry for that

Th-,Thats not it though buti-is it really alrightis it really alright?

After I appealed that I was hungry, I worried about the fact of consuming all of my mana, but she seemed to manage it by breast feeding me to make me energetic againis what I think that happened.

How many have breast fed me without my charm even succeeding on them, but even though there were some like that but I thought that it would be impossible for Fillianess-san to also be like that.

Although this greatly shaped chest with a rich projection with it, in reality, is presented up to my presence.

O-or is itis it not this butanother thing like, or is it a different thing youd like?As expected, is it better to ask Marle or Remillia-sama

The deadline of the choices approaches.,,,,.

I have received your resolution. ITADAKIMASU!(TLN: Itadakimasu = what japanese people say before eating)

When the last count became 5, I moved. Including my inhaling, I opened my mouth, The point of the symbol of the presented maternity, I held it in my mouth as naturally as possible with a bite, however I couldnt help but be greedy no matter what.


mumu,mumuPl-please wait, To suddenlyyoure too roughAHN~!


You are now receiving FillianesssBreast-feed skill. Your Hp has been replenished.

You have a feeling that you are now able to acquire the Holy Sword Skill.

Fillainess took a long breath.

fu,fuuui-is it overeven with this body who I have dedicated to the Goddess, would it be permitted for me to give compassion onto this child

To decide what an honorable Goddess would thinkwhat a sinful Knight you are.

But the greater sinful thing besides that isI was not able to obtain the skill!


You have used Request onto Fillianess.


EhA-are you saying its still insufficientbut, though it seems that I can still give you some, however

munya munyaThunder god-sama, youre noisyguu guu



She got surprised at Marle-san and Aretta-sans sleep talking and Fillianess-sans face reddened while she suppressed her voice.

I without a moments delay stared at her face. If I become accustomed to her by a degree, after the passage of time from the first meeting, the shyness from strangers softens. Hikikomoris didnt have a chance to meet face to face with many different people.(TLN:

I-I understand, I understand already soDont look at me like that

This is the last timethis will absolutely be the last time so, please work!

With my praying like feelings, the opposite pair was presented to me, and I struck fast with a *paku* sound. While innocently drinking the sweet breast milk slightly, The log once again flowedand.


You are now receiving FillianesssBreast-feed skill. Your Hp has been replenished.

You have obtained the skill Holy Sword!

Fillaness face reddened.

nhfuyour making it look like its tastymy milk is not very delicious

Its so delicious that tears seem to come out of my eyesfinallyIVE FINALLY OBTAINED IT!

Fillianess who had both high Maternity and mana, didnt look exhausted at all even if getting suckled. Even if shes just years old.

In the beginning though I gave a clear cut explanation of the maternity system was a game like thing, I can now do nothing but admit it already.

This world is so wonderfulIts so great that I played Eternal Magia

Did you settle down at last?Since its impossible for me to sleep now, lets end it here

Fillianess fixes her clothes on her chest and patted my cheeks. I was full already while having a satisfied feeling.


Charm has been invoked!Fillianess failed to resist and has entered in the state of Charmed.


*Biku*, is the sound that was made from the trembling body of Fillianess. The color of her eyes in seeing me changed, and before my presence it changed.


Fillianess gazes at you.

Fillianess became glad.


Even though Im very sorry to Remillia-samafor this to be only for this day is regrettable. While were staying here, can I sleep together with you again?

Fillianess-san stared at me with feverish like eyes. Since I already gave up on what happens in between my sleeping and waking time, the understanding of my head cannot follow.

The charm which didnt succeed so much, has finally won. And thus, she is now lying beside mewhich means.

As of now, there is still some time before the daylight comesHiroto

Fillianess-san began to expose herself out from the clothes she just wore a while ago. While looking at that ,I remembered the name of my own Guild.

Stairway to Heaven. That exactly, is the spectacle that existed in my presence right now.

Fillianess is trying to use the active skill [breast feed] on you. Will you permit her to use it on you?

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