Commushou no Ore ga, Koushou Skill ni Zenfurishite Tenseishita Kekka

Chapter 4

Story 4: Skill raising with three girls

Even though i have been marked by Remillia-san because of what happened with

Sarasa-san, that still wont make me give up on raising my skills is what I concluded.

Excluding Sarasa-san, some friends of Remillia-san who also live in the neighborhood also frequently visits here.

And I also learned one thing.

Even if a woman doesnt have a child but is in the right age then her [Maternity] skill would also be level 20 and this case, there are many women who can be proof to this statement.

Three young women came to our house today to have a tea party.

The tea of our house is considerably valuable and since our familys income is alright then Remiria-san wasnt very stingy towards her friends.

Since Remillia-san is a noble woman at birth then social intercourse like this is serious business for her.

Remillia, Can i take a look at your baby?

Yes, its alright. Though I think hes asleep right now.oh, hes been facing to the other side there.

Maybe hes nervous since there are unknown people who came to his house?

Although I have anxiety over strangers, its hard to hate a baby like me.

Though i still didnt know the names of those 3, Ill just check it on the log that will appear when they get near to me.


Charisma has been invokedTanya, Monica & Firones attention has been obtained

Charm has been invokedTanya failed to resist and has entered in the state of Charmed

Charm has been invokedMonica succeeded resisting Charm.

Charm has been invokedFirone failed to resist and has entered in the state of Charmed

I see, the amorous one with a sauvage hairstyle is Tanya-san & the very short one with a boyish impression is Monica-san.

Thus the girl who was a little bit plump and who always wore a smile on her face is Firone-san which was a very cheerful woman.

When I looked at their status, Tanya-san and Firone-san were [Villagers] and it showed that they had different kinds of skills.

Though Monica-sans job was [Hunter], my [Charm] skill didnt work on her.

If its like this then I cant do anything about this.

In the viewpoint of a skill raiser, I wanted to receive Monica-sans [Hunter] skill through suckling her but..Even though her [Maternity] skill was 21, it is very difficult to make her listen to my requests since [Charm] wasnt effective on her.

Hiroto-kun is what youre called right?.I can feel the same elegance like his mother from him even though hes still so small.

Tanya-san who was at me who was in a cradle was praising me.

Although I raised my [Elegance] skill with 3 skill level ups, I didnt think there was any effect butjust having this skill can change the impression of others of you.

When the [Elegance] skill reaches 10 points then the [Manners] skill would be acquired which i believed was insignificant.

..Um, Remillia-san, Is it alright if I cuddle this child of yours?

Eh, yes its alright.

Firone, whats wrong? Your face is red all over.

The Firone-san who was in a [charmed] state became conscious about my existence.

Because she was a plump woman, her chest was quite rich & her [Maternity] level is 20.

Still, even though the skill didnt go up, isnt just getting breastfed by unmarried women make this sexual harassment..

Ah, the hot water is boiling now.Please wait for a moment, everyone.

Ill be making some tea now.

Remillia-san stood up from her seat.

Thereupon Firone-san held me up to her stop, suddenly being carried up makes me feel dizzy.

Ugya, Ugya! (TL note: Surprised baby noises)

Ah!, Its alright its alright, sorry for suddenly surprising you like that

Firone, isnt the way you carry him wrong? Hand him over to me.

Ah.Wa-wait a minute there, Tanya!

I was plundered by Tanya-san.

Never have I thought that the day would come where I would see women fighting each other for me.

At the time when i was a guild master, other than the fact that i was a solo player, for the sake of hiding the advantages of the [Negotiation Technique] skill, I didnt get along with any girls at that time.

Though it was possible for me to have a communication exchange with someone with the means of a keyboard using a business-like way of talkingAh, no, I think there was one time that happened though.

There was a time where I was hunting with someone and was told [Isnt this a date?].

Though Im not sure if that player was really a girl in real life so Im not sure if that time counts.

If I just didnt seclude myself indoors and went outside then it would be possible for me to go on some offline meetings.

I couldnt even discover the true face of Mikoto-san and Maromayu-san who helped me raise up my guild before i died.

And while i was thinking about those things, Tanya-san and Firone-san were glaring at each other.

Monica-san who didnt have any clue on why those two were fighting made her bewildered by what was happening.

Wh-whats wrong you two? Just carry him by turns. Hiroto-kun looks like he isnt liking whats happening too.

Th-that is..Besides that Monica, you too want to carry Hiroto-chan dont you..

Firone-san who was cheerful a while ago is now scorching with jealousy.

In other words, in the [Negotiation technique]s skill [Charm] is used as an aid in having the upper advantage in negotiations is what it was supposed to do but now its helping me out too much

And while I was thinking that, I noticed that I set my [Good luck] on.

When [Good luck] is activated, one would be able to get an unconditional victory in gambling and the probability of other activated skills would have an absolute success rate and those are its effect.

However, [Good luck]s activation rate at present is still 3%..I think theres much more hidden for this skill.

From here on will be just my conjecture but, in regards to a baby and a woman who has [Maternity], it seems that their resistance rate against my skills gets lowered.

Otherwise, succeeding like this would be too easy.

F-for me.Though I thought I want to look at the child a while ago, I didnt think of anything other than look at it.

Even though youre talking like that..With a cute child like this, it wont end with only looking!

(N-no, Isnt it alright to just look?W-woah.)

Witnessing the dispute between Monica-san and Tanya-san made me apologetic for a momentwould I be able to undo the [Charm] skill in the future is what I formulated as a target goal in my thoughts.

Tanya-san who was carrying me suddenly looked at me with gentle eyes.

Th-This is.!!!


Tanya is trying to use the active skill [breast feed] on youWill you permit her to use it on you

(E-even a woman who doesnt have a child..The approach of a woman in a charmed state towards a baby will always entirely be that ..!?!)

Hiroto-kun, looks like youre a little bit hungry so..Onee-san will for a little bit.

Geez Tanya.Sigh.

Well, lets go by turns then. What would you be doing Monica?

I-Im fine. You two are acting a little weird you know?

Dont go running to me afterwards okay.

Monica-sans words were justifiable.

Its exceedingly natural to stop a friend from suddenly breastfeeding another womans baby.

Ho-however..since Tanya-san who is showing her chest to me, its surprisingly big.

Im not saying that Remillia-san was small but this towns women seems to have an excellent physical development.

When I observed her age, she was still 19 years old though.

Even though my skills wont go up, my HP would still be replenished.

Then Ill just!


You are now receiving TanyasBreast-feed skillYour Hp has been replenished.

You have acquired the skillPhysiqueHp increased by 12 pointsYou feel more stronger

Tanya is entranced.

(Se-Seriously..Drinking the breast milk of a [Villager] would raise my [Physique].!)

My sight matched up with Tanya-san in which I immediately turned my face in another direction but then suddenly i was struck with shock that made me tremble a little.

What I did looked like I saidIm already fine so go away after I finished suckling on her breasts is what I thought while being apologetic.

Even though the person is a merchant but their job was really [Villager] is how it feels like. In other words, its an ordinary person

Since I cant raise my [Physique] from a noble woman like Remillia-san then

My choice shall be

Choices Dialog

Order Tanya toBreastfeed you

Permit Firone toBreastfeed you

Order Tanya toBreastfeed you

The choice of getting breastfed seems to collapse gradually in my mind..and its not really significant but since Im agitated on not having anything to use with my mana and that is why I just used [Choices].

Since it cant be undone then this time, Ill just have to request for Firone-san.

Tanya-san gently gave me to Firone-san and Frione-san exposed her breasts to me like it was the most common thing to do.

Hmm, it looks amazingly looks like a large marshmallow is what i feel.

Though I cant touch it.

Ah..Whatever shall I do? I dont even have my own child yet


You are now receiving FironesBreast-feed skill

Physique skill rose

Firone smiled.

If I do this every time then maybe my [Physique] skill would rise sometimes.

Since it becomes more difficult to raise the skill after each points then I as a baby will just get several points would be the only choice in this case.

(uh.Th-this is risky.

Because my Mana is consciousness is..)

Ah.Hiroto-kun doesnt seem to be finished. Hes sucking so amazingly

Monica, The two of us cant feed him anymore so you should feed your milk.

Th-Thats, I-I.

(..My mana wont be replenished even if you breastfeed me.but..I want her. [Hunter] skill..)

I who was feeling lightheaded looked up at Monica-san.

This isnt a kind world even more for an unfriendly baby to let someone breastfeed him..

.I-I understand! But just this once okay.


Monica-san took me from Firone-sans hands and sat on a chair then rolled up her clothes.

Its purpose is to put down the bow and slowly removed the Sarashi that was suppressing her breasts while making a Shurashura sound.

(TL note: Sarashi =

The released chocolate colored mountains relaxed itself while it shook.

So there was also sun tanning in this world

I now feel excited for the future!

I couldnt hold off my true self now.

I-Its my first time so Im not sure if i can do it properly.

(Note: Log Translator has lost his sanity and took a Quick Break ( ) )


You are now receiving MonicasBreast-feed skill

You have acquired the skillHuntingYou can now gather what you hunt

Firone is having a tender and gentle sensation.

Charm has been invokedMonica failed to resist and has entered in the state of Charmed

(.What the hell is this amazing combo)

I lost my consciousness in the arms of Monica-san. Though I think having an afternoon nap is alright..

Apparently, immediately after being [Breastfed], the favorability rose and it seems like [Charm] has been successfully used.

With this, it is now possible to get the cooperation of Monica-san for skill raising in the future.

But for now I can do nothing but sleep.

The delight of acquiring a new skill and being apologetic to these girls is what i was thinking before I fell asleep

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