Collide Gamer

Chapter 740 – Augusta 13 – Royal Makeover

Chapter 740 – Augusta 13 – Royal Makeover


Despite his eagerness, John approached his queenly lover carefully. Intent on making not a single sound, he slowly opened the door. ‘How long did that take, three hours?’ he asked himself and confirmed that guess with a quick look at his phone. A long time in terms of this day, an extremely short time in terms of gaining just under 60 levels.

He arrived at the scene, where Beatrice stood. The passive maid had been an observer for the entire time, and through her eyes, John had occasionally checked on Lydia. As time progressed, more and more of the bottles had been emptied and the queen had been transformed the slightest bit. Now that the Quest was completed, he wanted to confirm things with his own… lenses.

All of the prepared liquids had been used up at this point, the bottles and other containers scattered over the nearby field. Undine was still spilled around Lydia, obscuring the view on the changes somewhat. The only thing that he could immediately make out was the fact that Lydia’s breasts had grown by one full cup size, being on the upper border of C now. It was accentuated clearly by the regal queen having opened the upper two buttons of her shirt, allowing a hint of cleavage to be seen. Droplets of sweat ran down the valley between them.

‘I guess this confirms that it is mostly martial arts that causes body perfection,’ the analysing part of John’s mind chimed into the situation. ‘Pumping massive amounts of ki through every fibre of your being would make sure that every last toxin and impurity is expunged. Having Undine heal through the entire process probably helps as well.’

A few more minutes passed by while Lydia burned through the remainder of the last bottle. ‘Report: her consumption of materials increased with time, while instances of taking damage decreased,’ Beatrice chimed into his thoughts. ‘Levels per time estimate: 1 level per 3 minutes 40 seconds average. First hour: 1 level per 2 minutes average. Second hour: 1 level per 3 minutes average. Third hour: 1 level per 6 minutes average. Projection for fourth hour: 1 level per 9 to 12 minutes. Data inconclusive.’

‘Thank you, Beatrice.’ John showed his gratitude by putting his hand on her lower back – and went a bit lower from there. Taking a step to the right, the passive maid nuzzled against him. Shortly thereafter, Lydia awakened from her trance.

It was sudden, her eyes flew open and she raised one hand in a sharp, commanding gesture. Undine flowed off her. Silent, Lydia rose to her feet, and stretched. John immediately noticed that she had gotten a bit taller, he had a very good eye for those things. Especially since he was so intimately accustomed to how she had looked previously.

Her breasts and overall size were far from the only change. The copper red of her hair was more intense than before, even if the overall complexion of her scalp remained in the auburn area. It’s texture had changed slightly, the waves growing more wild and ordered at the same time, creating that naturally perfect look that either didn’t require any effort at all or hours of styling in front of a mirror.

Under the white, sticky shirt, John realized further changes of her figure. Her waist had narrowed a little bit, while her hips (and ass, as he spied through Undine) had increased in size, stretching the fabric of her formerly perfectly fitting pants. This ‘problem’ (read: blessing) extended to her thighs. Her body shape had gone from a lean column to a slightly bottom-heavy hourglass.

Her face was the least changed. Since there was little to be improved, that was of no wonder. Only her skin seemed to be in better condition, smooth and glowing with her newfound power. “How are you feeling?” John asked, the continued silence making him somewhat nervous.

Lydia raised her hand and looked at her slender fingers with curiosity. Then she looked at John directly, causing him to notice a golden ring around her iris, surrounded by a sea of greyish blue. “…It is difficult to describe. Awake, as cliché as that word is in this context, perhaps?” She looked down at herself, noticed the changes on her body. “I require a bath, a mirror, a large meal and a change of clothes, in that particular order,” she announced and started walking towards John.

In a quick and definitive motion, she grabbed him by the collar. He didn’t struggle, not even instinctively, when he was pulled forwards into an intense and sudden kiss. Her lips and tongue greedily intertwined with his, as if they had been longing for each other from afar for years. A surprisingly intense moan reverberated from her. The kiss only grew more demanding, more heated.

John couldn’t help himself, his right hand sliding first over the intense swing of her sides and then down to her ass. His fingers felt firm, jiggly meat and he groped as intensely as he could. His left and right hand held butts of the same grade of perfection.

The intense smell of sweat that had bothered John earlier wasn’t present in any capacity. ‘God bless martial arts,’ John thought, as he groaned out loud, only for Lydia to push him back.

Flustered, the red-lipped royal smiled in her slight fashion. “Enough for now, my love,” she said and stepped out of his half-embrace. “Your reward for aiding me in my selfish wish to become stronger and beautiful will come to you soon enough.”

“I don’t think you can really say it was selfish if I was the one that insisted on enabling this now to make you more secure – also, I think I am the primary benefactor of you going from gorgeous to something above that.” John grinned, his left hand still fondling Beatrice’s behind, whose emotionless display slowly devolved into a turned on panting.

“Be that as it may,” Lydia dismissed the topic, knowing they would only have a lover’s quarrel over this, “I require to be clean to be comfortable for what follows. Do me a favour and Observe me, beloved, I am interested in the numbers your ability puts on things now.” Unlike John, she had no idea that she was somewhere around level 150. There was no ‘Quest Completed’ pop-up for her. Regardless of that, he was interested in seeing how specifically her Stats increases were allocated.

It had been a perfect landing for the Quest. All of her Stats had increased by a good amount, although her Physical Stats definitely had gotten the most of it. That her Charisma had increased was visible by her looks alone, but John found it most interesting that her Intelligence had gotten a sizable boost. Given the comment on the ‘Horny’ part of the Emotions segment, John could guess that her grey matter itself had gone through some positive restructuring.

Lydia’s eyes got stuck on something else. “I dislike Gaia just presenting omniscient snippets of my character to you,” she pointed out; there were several segments of the Observe window that she could have meant by that.

“You were the one that asked for an Observe,” John retorted. “You are aware that you can open your own character screen to check your Stats while you are in my group, right?”

Lydia raised her hand to her nose and pinched the bridge of it. “…As a matter of fact, I had forgotten about that rarely used feature,” she admitted, then opened the same to not have to look past John’s shoulder to see her own Stats. “Opening these with a matter of thought may be the usual for you, John, but I find it alien.”

“No need to justify to me, I didn’t say anything,” John said, trying (and failing) to keep a teasing smile from spreading on his face.

Struck by something else, Lydia mumbled, “No wonder my whole body is craving your attention, my Libido has essentially doubled.”

“I know, right?” the Gamer exclaimed with pure joy in his voice. “Wonderful world we live in!”

Shaking her head, equally amused and annoyed, the queen began to walk towards the front door of the house. “I’ll prepare to oblige that craving then, if you don’t mind,” she announced. As she strutted away, John got his first proper look of her improved butt. Where it had previously been slightly above average, it was now firmly placed in the upper echelons of wonderful.

The undersized pants dug into the gap between the round cheeks. Something that was probably uncomfortable, but nevertheless marvellous to look at. Her bubble butt was firm, but jiggled slightly with every step regardless. John couldn’t wait to press against it while fucking her ass in whatever manner she preferred today.

“Lydia!” he shouted after her, and she looked over her shoulder, auburn eyebrow raised. “Don’t masturbate until you see me after the shower!” he made that an official command, which was why he was so specific in his wording. It was a tiny, dom thing, but he really wanted to be the source of her first orgasm with her newly increased Libido.

Lydia looked a tad offended by this command. She also looked a bit guilty. Chances were she had planned to do exactly what he had just told her not to do, first thing after the water was running. She could ignore his command, of course, but now that he had said it, he liked to believe she would oblige. Lydia had always been a switch and, given his own tendencies and ‘training’ of her, that meant that she had a submissive side he could use to satisfy his own wants. An increased Libido should also help his desires in this regard.

Without an answer, the horny metal mage turned and walked away.

“Suggestion: use me for initial relief, Master,” Beatrice whispered into his ear, her hand sliding directly into his pants. She grabbed his cock and was already giving it a few pumps before he could answer.

“Impossible to resist when you phrase it that way.” They had some tangled engagements in the past three hours, understandably. As much as John had prioritized Velka, both because of the Quest and the novelty of the pet, he was still the Gamer and had spent more than a few minutes in the bedroom.

Which was also where they had to head now. As much as John was willing to have fun outdoors, he didn’t want to hear Mabirl’s nagging afterwards. The living room was the next possibility, but Velka was there. Asleep or not, doing it in front of the chick felt weird. Whether that feeling would change when she grew up, John didn’t know.

They went inside, passed by the kitchen (where Aclysia was working) and went upstairs. Once they had arrived at their destination, John sat down at the edge of the bed and undressed by pulling his clothes into the inventory. While Beatrice got on the floor and subsequently started worshipping his cock in a wordless manner, John opened his Class screen and checked out what that new Tamer Class was about.

That was exactly what he expected it to be. ‘Wish the Max Class Level came with a free level as well… oh, well, can’t be too hard to teach her how to sit, right?’ Actually, John wasn’t sure how hard it would be. He was sure he could motivate her to sit on command with a shiny. Whether she would obey even without a reward involved was the real test.

‘Well, I’ll work on that later,’ John decided, with later likely being after they were out of the time dilation. There was little reason to chase this during his optimal grinding time. Teaching Velka was something he had no urgency to do since she wasn’t and likely wouldn’t be part of his core skillset. She was a pet that happened to be tangled up with his mechanics. “You having fun down there?” he asked Beatrice.

The question was born out of the fact that she had only been kissing and licking his erection so far. She was worshipping his cock in the safe way, without sucking or deepthroating. “Yes, Master,” she answered in a matter of fact tone. Pushing his curiosity via their mental connection, he coerced her reasoning out of her as well. “I am using the time you need for Gamer activities to perform foreplay. Request: fuck my throat once your hands are available.”

“You’re pushing all my buttons today,” John hummed in a pleased fashion, while Beatrice resumed slathering his cock in her saliva. Then he read up on the next window, demanding his attention.

Gaia was right, she had aided him more than enough. He had wanted a ridiculous 58 levels, or the 6 Class Levels associated with it, and came closer to that then he had any right to in that short time. 2 Class Levels he had received through Quests, one of which had also spurred him to make the majority of the progress on his normal levels. Through those, he had gotten another Class Level the natural way. This grinding session had netted him a total of 13 levels and 3 Class Levels, so far. Finishing that Quest would require he pushed himself a fair bit, but it wasn’t impossible.

Then there was only one remaining thing to do. Closing the Tamer window and instead opening the one for Lover Boy. John invested the free level up he had gotten along with the Max Class Level.

John was already sure what he would be taking, but whatever his choice would have been was made irrelevant by the sound of someone trampling up the stairs. At the speed of a car on an inner-city road, Aclysia burst into the room. She flew at John and pinned him down on the bed. “You will take the first choice,” she said, her tone subservient in no way. “I – deserve – this,” she added, every word emphasized beyond a healthy degree.

If John had been a less wise fellow, he would have disagreed or at least teased her in some fashion. Looking into the depraved, lust-maddened, emerald sea that were the eyes of his favourite maid, however, the Gamer bit the inside of his cheek and kept the cheekiness for another hour. That was his choice anyway. Harem’s Love was the most applicable to his situation.

“You would have to let go of one of my arms so I can click it,” the Gamer told her. As if she was only now realizing where she was, Aclysia’s head snapped back ten centimetres. Her hair tickled his face. At the edge of the bed, Beatrice was licking the precum off his lower head, moaning at the delicious taste.

“Ehem,” Aclysia cleared her throat. “My apologies, Master.” She did her best to suppress the crazy. To no avail. Now that she had his assurance, the weaponized maid was giggling and squirming. She was straddled over his navel, her clothes retreating into her body and revealing her cunt. With every move, she coated a bit more of his abs in her sticky love juices. “P-please, do make the choice.” The excitement made her stutter.

‘Not much of a choice now, is it?’ John thought to himself, then confirmed the Harem’s Love option. Aclysia’s breathing accelerated further and her hands travelled to her groin, framing the area above her womb, like she had done a few days ago.

“Please, Master, I need it now,” she begged in a whining tone, her illusion of self-control shattered in an instant. “I’ve waited too long, I can’t anymore, not when I finally can have it. I need you to be etched into my body and soul, need you to wear my ring of magic on your skin.” The creepiness of those words was more than overpowered by the raw adoration and perverted lust she let out with every panting breath. “Do it, whatever consent you need you have it, jus-“

John cut her short by beckoning her down with a wave of his finger. Bending down, she took his face in both hands and kissed him. Magic formed inside him and rushed into his maid like a heartbeat. The marking process was inherently pleasurable – for both of them. Once the magic had taken root in Aclysia, it reverberated back into the origin, a strong echo filling John’s body and making its way to his hand. It was a series of small, pleasant jolts.

For Aclysia it was more, much more. The deep, psychological gratification she felt at finally receiving what she so rightfully deserved made her kiss an undisciplined, sloppy mess. Her eyes were unfocused, glassy and only barely open. John took control of the wrestling of their tongues. Despite still being the one who lay on the bottom, he had no problem dominating her by biting her lips and clawing into her silky hair. His midriff was getting soaked in repeated gushes from her pussy. All the while, Beatrice was deepthroating his cock, having started the second he confirmed the Perk.

Once the tingling of the magic ebbed away, their kiss broke. Aclysia sat up and looked down at herself. Above a glistening wet cunt sat the dark blue lines of the Lover’s Will mark, gently curving they formed the outline of a heart and other decorating shapes, right above her womb and the path of the fallopian tubes. Well, where those organs would have been would she have possessed them.

That last part was no hindrance for Aclysia to experience an orgasmic aftershock the second she saw it. “Yes.” The single word was high-pitched and gasped, completely in keeping with her deeply turned-on appearance. Her gaze flew to his left hand, where Rave’s and Lydia’s marks on her master’s body were. They found nothing, opened wide in shock. “W-where…?!” The panic and outrage radiated from her being. Seeing her mark on John was almost as important as receiving his.

“Over here,” John raised his right hand to calm her down. Around the ring finger of his right hand, the typical formation had appeared. A ring of dark blue magic around the base of the finger, some lines extending around, a particularly long one running down the sinew to the wrist. “Now we’re even closer, Aclysia.”

“Ah,” the weaponized maid sighed, the turmoil of lust and love inside her far beyond sane boundaries. “Master, creator, my John.” She looked over her shoulder, finding Beatrice’s mouth sliding off his cock with a wet, squelching sound.

A quick mental exchange happened between the two maids. John failed to listen in. Too distracted was he by the white-haired, Asian (at least in appearance) beauty on top of him. It only got worse when she rose and the light played over her athletic shape. Long, gooey strands connected her cunt to the place she had sat on.

“Fill me,” Aclysia gasped and positioned her pussy at the head of his cock. Both of them were lubricated enough that this would be a simple endeavour. “Carve your shape into me, make me writhe and bounce on your cock, Master!” She stayed above him, her pussy lips barely touching his cock. She was waiting for him to move and she looked like she would go insane if she didn’t get fucked by him soon.

They said to never stick your dick in crazy. John had always been terrible at following that advice. All he had managed to do was pick his crazies carefully. Since this one was all crazy about him, that was fine anyway though. ‘That is how this works, right?’ John asked anyone out there that might listen, but didn’t care for any answer he might get. After all of that display, he needed to be inside her as well.

He grabbed her by the hips. The moment she felt his hands pull her, Aclysia dropped down. A single stroke and any semblance of sexual endurance John had was already ruined. Her hot pussy engulfed her in all her wetness and with all her tight folds, all of it made to pleasure him and only him to the maximum extent he could feel. He was all the way sheathed inside her.

And came.

There was much fun to be had in the coming hour.

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