Climbing the Tower to Be a God With 10x Gacha System

Chapter 132: 19th Floor (2)


James grabbed his head tightly at the sound of the voice and began to moan in pain.


Wh James screamed, he realised the blood on the floor. Wh he touched his face with his hand, he saw that his nose was bleeding.

[Protect your head with mana!]

James suddly saw the message from Nyx and directed his mana to the head area, seeing the pain in his head suddly disappear.

At the same time, Miracle, who had tered James' invtory to sleep undisturbed, suddly came out and looked angrily in the direction of the sound.

James had discovered this method while trying to strgth his body on the 7th floor and realised that he could sd Miracle into his invtory to sleep.

This proved quite useful.

The little girl Miracle's gaze did seem to radiate death.

"Hmm, come, cross the forest and reach me, I'll be waiting for you, avoid danger, kill and come to me!"

James heard that perfectly weighted voice again and this time avoided harm by protecting his head.

However, he realised that the weight on his body had completely disappeared and as he tried to think about what had happed, he gtly held Miracle and th said, "You may have saved my life, little lady, well done."

Miracle gave her father James a big hug and th wt back to the invtory with slow steps and wt back to sleep.

[He can't kill you ev if he wanted to, he's not authorised to kill you until you've failed his test].

James found another message, tilted his head to the right in surprise and asked, "What do you mean, my lady, what was that thing?"

[That person, James, is your examiner. Three paths, three differt attdants, and three tests of varying difficulty. Butterfly, spider and snake, the three masters of poison. I can't believe this is the test you have be giv, I can only say good luck, please be careful, you have chos the hardest one].

James took a deep breath wh he read this message and th started to move forward with light steps. The fact that there was no weight on his body made everything ev easier.

He didn't know exactly what the test would be or how tough it would be, but he had a guess, ev Nyx herself had made it clear that she would have no choice but to wish him good luck.

James had to be careful, or he would lose his life.

As he tered the forest, he realised that he could hear voices this time, and as he looked back at the forest behind the clearing he had come through, he realised that the clearing must have served as a boundary.

I think the examiner had already put James through the first test, to see if he could withstand it, or rather to see if he could withstand the boundary itself.

James smiled and realised that he was starting to joy himself, he didn't know what kind of person the examiner was, but he was sure that he was a respectable person, with a valuable personality.

Having abruptly removed Clart from his invtory, James had his sword and guard in good condition and was moving forward, constantly looking a and checking for any approaching noises.

After only fifte seconds he realised that something was approaching and th he was in a position ready to attack.

Suddly out of the trees came a gorilla, taller than him, quite large in stature and looking like a goofball. Ev though James could not understand what was happing, he could still feel the feeling coming from the gorilla very clearly.

The gorilla was saying, "I'm dangerous."

As soon as James used his dark step ability, the gorilla realised what had just happed and jumped at James with an angry expression.

James was thrown into the trunk of a tree before he ev realised what was happing.

"Puah...." Wh James spat the blood flowing from his mouth on the g, he started to look at the gorilla with surprise, he was able to realise how fast the other personality was.

There was ev a small spark from the friction where the gorilla stepped.

James had activated the Void Ring he wore with it, the gorilla seemed to have be fooled this time, and James' presce was completely erased.

He activated his dark step ability and th stabbed the gorilla in the chest with his Clart.


The gorilla fell to the g with a great scream and th lost its life.

James took a deep breath, thanks to his automatic healing he was already healed, but the fact that his body hurt so badly did not change.

After stretching his body, he started to move on and th he heard a voice.

"Two done. Four to go, you're close, young man!"

The big voice was coming from the examiner, James heard it quite normally and continued onwards at full speed, he didn't know what it was, it was ev harder than some of the high-grade climbers he had fought in the gorilla ara he had just fought in.

It deserved the title of the most difficult path.

After a short while James came to a clearing, and this time he saw two tigers. The tigers with their fur were looking at James. One tiger quickly moved to the back of James and the other waited where he was, ready to attack to hold James in place.

James started to hold the sword Clart ready to attack and waited for the tigers to attack.

He waited where he was and watched the movemts of the two tigers with such atttion that he could ev hear the sound of water falling from the suring leaves.

The two tigers were circling James as if they had found a prey, James seemed to realise that they were not going to attack and so he started to use his dark step ability again and attacked.

He started to fight with the tigers, which were many times stronger than the gorilla just now.

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