Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

Chapter 537: 537

Chapter 537: 537

Throwing Stones!

Many years later, those who witnessed that scene were still fresh in their memories.

It was as if it had happened yesterday.

Whether it was the surviving members of the Empire’s fleet nearby, or the high-ranking officers, officers, mages, generals, and commanders of the various navies who were observing the battlefield through Eagle Eye, atmospheric vision, or even observation magic devices, these elites of the World Navy Club saw a terrifying scene that could overturn their naval experience.

They witnessed with their own eyes and mouths agape that a 150-meter-long warship with a displacement of several thousand tons instantly crossed the battle distance and teleported to the vicinity of the enemy fleet.

This steel fortress stood side by side in a majestic manner. At the extreme distance where it was about to turn into a boarding battle, it stood side by side with the Black Pine Forest. As the raging waves surged, the distance between the two ships was less than 20 meters.

On the boundless sea, the distance of 20 meters between two Ocean Strongholds with long-range attack power was close to zero. Such a distance usually only appeared in the upcoming boarding battle.

However, everyone knew that on one side was the Verloin Battleship that had been corrupted by the fallen dragon, while on the other side was an unprecedented steel fortress. The two sides were facing each other side by side. Kant’s goal was definitely not to engage in a battle.

That was because the terrifying magic alchemy turrets had already turned to the left.

At this moment, the navy elites of the various countries thought of a kind of inhumane and cruel punishment from the mysterious East, but it was praised by many people in private.

Its name was…Ling Chi.

They had already realized what was about to happen.

In front of the Anthony’s atmospheric perspective, Captain Neola seemed to be in the clouds, looking down at what was happening below. From this perspective, the two warships, one white and one purple, were just two planes in the aerial view. Around them were other aberrant warships that were gathering.

In an instant, the master understood Kant’s intentions.

Kant clearly had superb mobility and long-range precision attacks. He could have torn the enemy into pieces within a safe range, but he chose to warp and engage in close combat. It was a crazy and unwise choice. However, he knew that Kant’s actions were definitely not reckless.

He muttered,”Intimidation…”

In the next moment, blazing flames burst out from the huge double cannon at the stern of the warship.

As the warship warped, the aberrant dragon had already reacted. However, it did not expect this situation. The weapons on the ship had just opened fire, and it needed to prepare for the next shot. Although the people on the ship were well-trained, they had been parasitized by the aberrations and had been delayed. The ballista tower quickly turned, and Luz, who had his upper body coiled on the rear deck, sprayed out poisonous flames. He also flapped his wings to help the ship dodge and seize position.

But Kant would not give them another chance.

The twin 122mm howitzer towers placed on the hangar were replaced with armor-piercing warheads.

Kant had already obtained the Paragon Engine. The energy shield that had once blocked most kinetic weapons was now like a tile. It had lost all its defensive capabilities in front of Kant.

With a roar, two armor-piercing bullets shot through the air like divine arrows. The sky flashed with illusory shadows. In an instant, the sharp ram broke through the shield and hit the dragon’s distorted scales. The violent impact ignited the fierce fire at the head of the bullet. The violent explosion pushed the blazing metal jet out. The powerful kinetic energy melted the hard distorted dragon scales and drove them in!

In the blink of an eye, the mutated dragon roared at the sky. Its disgusting body that had already expanded infinitely expanded further. Holy golden light flashed from the cracked skin, vegetation, eggs, and even every hole. Small fragments and scorching metal shot out from its body at high speed. After a bone-chilling loud sound, the upper body of the mutated dragon was instantly torn apart, and blood and flesh flew everywhere!

But it was not dead yet, because most of Lutz’s flesh and blood had already fused with the ship.

But it didn’t matter!

The attack of the twin 122mm howitzer towers was only a command to fire in full force. After the Distorted Dragon’s body that was entrenched on the rear deck of the warship shattered, the multiple M61A1 Vulcan Cannons had finished pre-rotating. The four 23mm anti-air cannons began to fire. The AGS-17 automatic grenade launchers with a firing rate of 65 rounds per minute rang out. The rockets swept across the sky, and the 76mm ship-borne rapid-fire cannons roared and fired. At a distance of 20 meters, even an inexperienced rookie could not miss. Furthermore, Horus was in charge of the overall fire control!

The Hawkeye Officer let out a scream. His view was too close, but Captain Niola was no longer in the mood to pursue his subordinate’s loss of composure. He stared at the cloud map on the elemental crystal plate.” Oh gods…”

He saw blazing flames shining on the steel warship, and a large number of ballistae bolts pouring down on the deck and the hull of the Black Pine Forest like a storm. Countless hollow metal shells of different sizes were thrown from the turrets onto the bright hull of the ship, leaving a trace of smoke. The net of death spread out from twenty meters away.

From the cloud map, one could only see the rotating turrets constantly changing directions. A series of death rays cut back and forth. Exploding debris, broken masts, and holes in the deck, as well as flaming arrows with flaming tails crisscrossed in the air, leaving thick smoke behind. In an instant, every inch of the Black Pine Forest’s body was ravaged. The deformed flesh, the hard hull, and everyone on board were swallowed by the fair fire of death.

As the flagship of one of the sub-fleets of the Imperium, it only took about three minutes for the famous warship of the Imperium, which was classified as a second-class battleship, to be shattered into pieces.

His body was shattered into pieces.

Even in the history of the world’s navy, there had never been a warship that had been sunk so thoroughly.

A terrifying massacre occurred in Goethe’s territorial waters. The Pride of the Fourth Fleet and all the members of the ship disappeared from the sea. The remaining three warships that were parasitized by the mutated dragon had already turned their cannons, but their dying struggles were only a part of the deterrence.

The cannons turned, and the light of death spun and swept. The cannons in front focused their fire on the target in front, and the rocket nests at the back poured out the rain of extermination, covering the other fallen warship.

As for the last one, which was also the closest one, Horus climbed all the way to the bridge and transformed into a huge and powerful mechanical arm that latched onto the top of the bridge. It made a simple catapult and was strengthened by Kant. It swung in the air several times and threw the projectile, which was a powerful Jedam missile, out in a spin.

The huge 2,000-pound bomb even bounced a few times on the sea surface like a rock. The 76mm automatic cannon blasted a hole in the protective shield, and the heavy bomb flew in.

A one-ton iron lump was enough to smash a hole in the wooden deck, let alone a one-ton bomb. The blazing light rose into the raging sea, and the thick smoke and airwaves shattered the warship from the center. After everything dissipated, all memories, honor, and pride were gone.

The six battleships of the 4th squadron of the Holy Empire no longer existed.

The mutated monsters that were parasitizing it and killing it were also reduced to ashes.

The sailors of the Imperium on the remaining two battleships and the other frigates, fast ships, and special ships were still screaming and fighting in despair and madness not long ago. In an instant, the steel fortress that was like a divine warship descended from the sky and killed the enemy that made them feel despair without any hesitation. They also sent their officers, friendly ships, and compatriots to the bottom of the sea without any hesitation. They watched everything in a daze, and none of them felt angry.

It was confusion and fear.

Because the pungent smoke was spreading in the sea, it was like the smell of sulfur from hell in myths.

It was even more shocking to see it up close. When the huge steel warship sailed past not far away, every wave seemed to be filled with majesty and holiness. The thunderstorm-like lightning and loud noise from before still lingered in their minds. The dynasty’s sailors looked at each other, panic rising in their hearts.

This was because this might not be the oracle who saved the disaster, but another more terrifying enemy.

They had just gone all out to protect themselves, even fighting the battleships controlled by the Aberrant Dragon. However, after witnessing the scene of destruction and end, their hearts of resistance had already dissipated.

He couldn’t win.

They even felt that this ship could destroy the entire Imperial Navy.

The exhausted sailors fell to the ground.

No matter what happened next, they chose to lie flat and face it.

In the next moment, the ear-piercing sound stopped. Then, the human common language swept across the sea.

Kant is here.”

They were confused by the name at first, but then they remembered that the name belonged to a Chinese man, the Easterner whom they had called a few hours ago a useless gigolo who must be good at his job and bluffing.

A calm voice came through the raging waves.

” All Imperial Navy soldiers who have trespassed into the Goethe Sea, you are captured. All ships, turn around immediately and sail to a place where you are not in the way to surrender. Don’t f * cking block the way.”

There was no command to ‘not connect with each other’ or the threat of ‘death for escapers’. The warship had only declared victory and captured the enemy. It did not care about its own fleet at all. The waves it raised almost lifted two single-masted ships that had been frantically dodging away and sailed into the distance.

“Big… Grandmaster!”

“The Kant warship is already heading towards our fleet!” the Hawkeye officer shouted.

“I saw it!”

Neola looked at the few battleships on his side that were occupied by the mutated giant dragon. His face was ashen, and his gaze changed. He sighed sorrowfully and finally gritted his teeth.” Communication!”

Amidst the roaring of the engines, the steel behemoth approached on the waves. Kant’s voice was transmitted from afar.” All Council fleets that have trespassed into the Goethe Sea illegally, you are captured. All ships that still retain autonomy, leave the battlefield immediately and sail to a place that is not in the way to await surrender!”

A moment later, Master Neola’s voice was also sent far away by the elemental wind.

” Greetings, Your Highness Kant. The Azure Fleet is grateful for your help and is willing to listen to your orders. However, please allow me to ask you on behalf of the Council. There are still brave soldiers fighting on our corrupted warships. The Council will remember your friendship today. Can you use a more intelligent and benevolent method to wipe out the enemies and save the lives of these brave soldiers…”

Before the captain could finish his sentence, a calm response had already arrived.

“It’s none of my business.”

I’ve already taken out my ship and cannon, and you still have the right to talk about friendship with me.

These words resounded clearly in the bridge. Master Neola’s face was flushed red. Endless shame and humiliation weighed down on the heart of this arrogant Spell Caster. He was so angry that his body trembled and his eyes were red. However, might was right. This was the principle they believed in, and it was precisely because of this that the powerful Azure Fleet came into being.

Their original goal was to force Kant to lower his head and admit defeat with their powerful strength and humiliate the madman who dared to challenge the honor of the Council. Kant had disdained their request and friendship. He was merely following their logic. There was nothing else to say.

Therefore, the spellcaster let out a deep sigh again.

He knew that this was deterrence, punishment, and revenge.

Therefore, Kant crushed the six dynasty battleships, including the surviving members on board, but announced that the remaining dynasty fleets that had not been corrupted were all captured.

Such an action was undoubtedly a slap to the emperor’s face.

I sank six of your battleships and killed six of your soldiers, and I still have to make you thank me profusely and say that it was a good fight. I also have to make you pay money to redeem the remaining people and ships.

This was a response to the dynasty’s fleet intruding into territorial waters and forcing Goethe.

Master Neola didn’t think Kant would think highly of the council.

Hence, the Canglan Fleet was treated the same way.

Concealed Cultivator, Frost Spear, Elemental Justice…The fate of these new warships and loyal and well-trained soldiers was already decided.

As the commander of the fleet, as their commander and leader, he could do nothing.

“Abandon the ship! Abandon the ship!”

He had already sensed Kant’s stone-hearted nature, and he also knew that the people of Aurora had no intention of easing their relationship with the Empire or the Council. There was no way he could protect these ships.

But at least he had to fight for any chance of survival for his subordinates.

“Abandon the ship immediately!” Master Neola ordered the corrupted warship. Stay as far away from the ship as possible, but don’t board your own ship! Hurry up! Kant is coming!”

In the next moment, the few battleships that were parasitized shook with a loud bang. The half-bodied draconic beast that was entrenched at the stern of the battleship roared in anger. The purple flesh and blood that had spread to the battleship flowed back and converged, transforming into a distorted form again. The mutated dragon flapped its wings, and strong winds flowed as it struggled to break free from the attached battleships. The viscous vegetation separated from the blood web!

“Captain!” the Hawkeye Officer shouted in horror. Why do they listen to you!”

“F * ck you!”

In an instant, he turned from a commander who was worried about his subordinates ‘lives to a rigorous and calm spellcaster. He could send living things, the source of disasters. If such creatures escaped, the consequences would be unimaginable!

“Kant! These monsters are running away!”

” Attack!” Neola shouted without hesitation.” Azure Fleet, attack with all your might!”

At the same time, the Twilight Moon Fleet roared.

The aberrant dragon that had occupied a warship separated and struggled away. The other monsters that were blocked by the elves ‘powerful anti-air firepower and arrow formation also rushed into the sky. They no longer wanted to continue fighting and prepared to retreat!

These dragons still had intelligence. They had heard Kant and Niola’s conversation clearly. The encounter with Lutz and his companions had just happened. Even though they had lost their minds, they still realized the strategic misjudgment they had made earlier and the extreme disadvantage they were in at the moment. They were no match for Kant in a head-on confrontation.

Even if all the battleships in this area were infected, they would still be nothing more than a pile of broken wood under Kant’s powerful firepower. If they stayed here and fought to the death, they would only die.

Tracis had died in the Realm of Gears and the Paragon Engine. They were holding on to the last order and instinct in their minds, preparing to create mass slaughter, chaos, and extinction. Their previous intention of controlling the fleets of various countries to bombard Goethe had been miscalculated. Kant had come with great power. In that case, they could only choose another path.

One by one, the mutated dragons charged into the sky against the dense anti-air firepower. They let out vicious curses and charged into the distance, allowing their bodies to be blasted into pieces by the blazing spells and ballistae.

Even if Kant had powerful firepower from the ocean, he would not be able to chase after them if they retreated far away. He would be even more helpless if they flew to land. If they scattered and fled, he would not be able to chase them.

Concealment, infection, parasitism, assimilation, spreading chaos.

The outcome was still to come.

No matter what, they had to complete the instructions of the voice in their minds.

Tracis was incompetent, but they still had a chance to regain the praise and favor of that person.

The elf commander’s voice came from across the sea. He could not let such a depraved evil escape! The elven fleet will do their best to pursue them. We will be responsible for the three in the southeast…”

At the same time, Neola said something similar.

“.. Humans and elves are very complicated creatures.”

In the bridge, Kant watched as the aberrant dragons fled in all directions. Even though two of them were circling around the distant harbor, he did not show any signs of anxiety.

You want to run after offending me?

Do you know how far we earthlings can throw rocks after thousands of years of practice?

“Is it done?” he asked calmly.

Horus ‘voice was metallic, filled with killing intent and experience.

” Connecting to the PAAMS system. EMPR phased array radar is turned on. Scanning complete. All high-threat targets have been locked. Firepower channels are sufficient. Aster-30 missiles are ready. The cover of the drooping device is open. The Paragon Element is fully charged. Father, the launch button is here. We need a certain sense of ritual.”

Kant raised his fist and punched the red button.

He had wanted to press this thing for a long time.

This was human instinct.

The next moment, blazing flames spewed out from the front of the ship.

The cover was opened one after another. Within ten seconds, eight anti-aircraft missiles flew out of the drooping device with a whistling sound. They streaked across the clear smoke parabola into the sky and flew into the distance. Under the effect of the huge propeller, they accelerated continuously. Mach 1, Mach 2, Mach 3, Mach 4!

The huge fire mist and long smoke could be seen clearly even from the distant port.

The sword was unsheathed!


P.S. 1: It’s too early, too early. Sleep, sleep!

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