Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 321 Trouble, Maybe?

321  Trouble, Maybe?

The idol like girl who had just gotten hit in the head was as speechless as her two friends while Laz was actually feeling a bit embarrassed. Could he have stopped her? Yes. But that would have involved possible physical confrontation and that would be a big no that he had learned from his training. Unless he has instructions from upper management or he is working a job where physical contact is unavoidable, the policy is hands off.

At least for guys. For girls the story is a little different and quite a bit more complicated.

"I'm sorry. Are you alright miss?" Laz asked as the girl just kneeled there in shock.

Before she could answer, the girls behind her laughed and pulled her back to her feet before snuggling in close to Dean.

"I never would have thought... is this like a normal size?" The shorter girl with the big breasts and cute face asked as she started playing with Dean's massive member with her hands, almost like a new toy she had just discovered.

"This is way bigger than a regular guy," said her athletic friend who also decided that it was worth a few feels.

"Like you would know."

"Oh come on. Like you've never watched porn before, hypocrite."

Both girls couldn't stop giggling.

"I can barely get both hands around it," the shorter one said.

"How the hell does something like that fit into such a small space?" the taller one asked.

While they kept going on despite their idol like friend not saying anything, her face almost like a cold mask, Dean couldn't help but admire how sexy these three girls were. Each had their own perks that made them quite a bit different, but their naked flesh rubbing against his body was what really got a reaction.

"It's getting bigger..."


"Ok. That's enough. Now that you both got that out of your systems, can we go swimming now? You too," ordered their previously silent friend, dragging the girls and Dean back into the water.

While the girls started to ignore Dean and play tag or splash each other, Dean just sat down, enjoying the slight coolness of the water that was sure to warm up once the sun came up. Seeing the sun coming up over the horizon caused Dean to have a few tears in his eyes, although he didn't know why. Thankfully, since they were in the water, no one noticed.

Dean also didn't notice the girls whispering to each other before the taller one and the shorter one shoved their idol like friend over to where Dean was sitting.

With a beat read face, she ended up walking over, her body glistening in the morning light as drops of water were dripping down from her most sensitive parts. Her breasts were a good handful for even Dean's hands while her slightly tanned skin and tan lines were a good indicator of the fact that she had only been spending time in the sun recently.

She then sat by Laz with the water covering over her breasts and shyly looked away, playing with some of the sand at the bottom of the massive lake.

"Sorry... about all this," she finally said, breaking the silence.

"Well. It certainly isn't what I expected when you girls called out to me," Dean said with a chuckle.

"It was... something... I don't know. I guess that I'm just glad you aren't some kind of creep or perv. Cause we don't mean anything by it. It's... well..." She stumbled along with her musical voice, trying to explain something that only they understood but she couldn't voice.

"It's fine. I mean. I kind of need this job so I guess as long as it doesn't cross the line, whatever. Besides, it's not like you all are some sort of weird, old ladies wanting stud time," Dean said before shivering a bit and laughing. The idol like girl got the joke and laughed too.

While the mood was good between them, the idol like girl slid closer to Dean and once again, before he could stop her, reached down and grab him. Unlike the other two who seemed entranced with it, she just squeezed it a few times before shooting away, her face a bright red that could match the sky.

'I think I've become like a dare to them...' Dean thought to himself while watching the girls regroup. A thought that became further enforced when the girls decided to make a run for the shore and their clothes. Watching the three tight asses trying to run in the sand against the water made Dean not sure if he should be turned on or laugh, but he started to get the impression that they had lied about their age.

'It's fine if no one finds out. And there were much worse guys here they could have tried this with. Good thing I am a gentleman through and through...' Dean thought to himself before making his own way back.

Just as Dean got up on the beach and walked towards his shorts, the girls had already slipped on their bathing suits and took off, still struggling to run on the beach. Despite this whole thing taking around half an hour, Dean decided he still had time to finish his run before taking a shower and getting breakfast.

There would be a morning meeting at 8 for the day time workers which he didn't need to attend since his job started at night, but he sometimes came in for it anyway since breakfast was served with the meeting.

"Alright. Listen up!" A rather gruff yet muscular man stood at the front of the room and started to speak.

"Assignments for the day are posted. No surprises today. Make sure if your taking any vacation time off that you get it in three weeks in advance. As far as incidents go, us and the surrounding counties have been cleared, but there have been reports of a possible tide up north. Not that it's anything to worry about, but keep in mind that if it becomes an issue, travel may be closed off for a time until they can get some squads in to clear it out. Other than that, we will be having some VIP's over the next few weeks while they take some time off from recording their new album. They already checked in yesterday and their pictures will be posted to your emails so make sure to treat them as royalty, even if they are all only 16. Their manager and support staffs pictures will be in there as well, so again, make sure you know who they are and act accordingly." The gruff man finished his speech for the day and walked away, leaving everyone chatting while others started going through their work email to find out just who these musician's are that would be staying there.

"Holy shit... it's Cherry Bomb... Damn dude. I thought they were just some sort of grunge girl band until my sister introduced me to their music and that shit is tight..."

"Yeah. Their first album kind of bombed but that's cause they were only like 14 when it released. And yeah... what kind of emotion can a 14 year old put into song right?"

"Yo. It wasn't so bad though. I mean, nothing like their latest though, right?"

"Yeah. Two number ones already and they got that third one climbing the chart?"

"Still though. Some of their stuff is just like a remix of classic songs, isn't it?"

"Don't matter man. That stuff is just fluff, but their original stuff is what's taking off. Plus, they are hot..."

"Dude, they are illegal. Might want to keep that to yourself for at least the next year."

"Still, they coming here and you know they want to have a good time. Besides, with the kind of money they started pulling in, who's telling them no, right?"

"OH shit Dean. Homie. I didn't know you were there. Need to put a bell on your neck or something..."

"He never misses a meal yet he still looks like that. Fuck you Dean!"

"Love you too Jason. Hey, Stevo. Let me get a look at these VIP's man. I left my phone in my room."

"Yeah bro. Right here huh? Going to be real fucking hotties when they legal, right?" Stevo handed Dean his phone and Dean almost spit out his mouth full of eggs and potatoes. One of the girls he didn't recognize, but the other three... he couldn't believe it. Even worse... they were most definitely not of age.

"Fuck me..." Dean said, handing back his phone.

"I know, right?" Stevo said, misreading what Dean's thoughts had been.

'Fuck fuck fuckity fuck... I'll need to avoid those girls until they are gone... FUCK...' Dean's head was a mess as he took care of his tray before heading back to his room, not even bothering to finish his breakfast.

"You ever seen him fail to get a second helping?" Jason asked, watching Dean hurry away.

"Dude looks like someone just hit his grandma with a car or something," Stevo replied in agreement. After all, how could either of them know just how screwed their friend would be if what had happened this morning was found out by anyone.

"Hey. You want to do karaoke night this week?" Jason asked.

"Alright. I'll tell them to set us up. The bonus is kind of worth it after all," Stevo said as went to find the gruff man. They liked having a few live musicians every now and then for people to sing along to even though the club didn't think it was worth it to hire a full time band for the night. So sometimes Stevo and Jason would sign up to play and drag along their buddy Mike who was an awesome guitarist and loves showing off.


Since the girls had taken their private elevator, they ended up getting back to their room without encountering anyone else. As they entered the suite, the girls couldn't help bursting into laughter.

"I can't believe we fucking did that..."

"We can't tell anyone. ANYONE. Remember the pact..."

"Oh? Which pact?" Came the voice from the bathroom as a thin, skinny girl with dark hair and highlights walked out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around her body while she was drying her hair.

"Lyssa, AHHH," the girls screamed and surrounded their friend who had just gotten out of the shower as she tried to escape their lake water covered bodies.

"HO. NO. Come on. I just got cleaned... Now I've got sand in my hair," Lyssa complained as she scolded her three friends.

"You never have any fun," Mila complained.

"Seriously. Try living a little," Rain agreed.

"Yeah. You'd be surprised how alive you feel," Tia encouraged.

"You three can live all you want. I've got work to do," Lyssa sighed, trying to get the sand out of her hair.

"How was the concert?" The three asked as they sat down on the floor while their friend joined them. The suite was huge and just this one room alone was big enough for almost one hundred people to gather. So the four girls sitting on the floor and talking as opposed to sitting down on chairs seemed a little weird, but so where they.

"It was fine until someone figured out my connection with the band. After that, no one gave a damn about the music and just asked stuff about us," Lyssa complained.

"Ah. Sorry..." Mila said, feeling bad for her while the other two nodded their heads.

"It's fine. We all agreed to be a part of this so as long as our hearts are still in it, everyone else can just fuck off..." Lyssa said, causing the group to laugh.

In the past, Lyssa's piano playing would land her large audiences and praise, causing her parents such pride. It wasn't until she joined up with her friends and made the band "Cherry Bomb," that anyone even knew she could play the guitar, including her parents. After their first home made album failed to generate a splash, Lyssa's parents hoped she would again focus on the piano, but little did they know that their second attempt would bring them success and fame. Now, even though she did piano concerts like her parents wanted, that was no longer what her fans wanted, even the more respectable types.

"So... what did you three do? Go swimming alone?" Lyssa said, seeing them in their swim suits and towels. She had been late check in thanks to the concert for their two weeks vacation, so she wasn't here in the morning when they had snuck out without telling anyone.

"We went skinny dipping..." Tia said, excitedly.

"You're kidding. You all went? Did anyone see you?" Lyssa asked, somewhere between shocked and horrified. As the band's unofficial leader and someone who had seen a good bit more of the world, she understood how dangerous something like that could be for newly rising stars. Her friends had no idea.

"Just the lifeguard guy we had keep watch. But don't worry... we made him strip too!!!" Tia finished, obviously proud of herself.

Lyssa wanted nothing more then to smack her three best friends upside their dense heads.

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