Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 310: Earth God

Chapter 310: Earth God

Laz felt a wave of energy surge over him as soon as the giant hand broke through the basement of the cathedral. Even with the things Laz had experienced up until this point, the energy wave left him feeling a wave of fear that almost rattled him down to his bones.

But Laz took a deep breath and turned his head, facing towards the epicenter of the wave.

There was no one advising Laz at this point. He had no one to tell him what to do, where to go, to fight, not to fight. He was basically just going along at his own pace. The only reason he had stuck around after the Ivy sister's left was because he felt responsible for releasing the creatures on innocent civilians. He didn't want to admit that, but he knew in his heart it was true.

And now he knew that this thing had awaken due to the blood of those same creatures being absorbed into the earth. The golden drop of blood had shown him that those circles he encountered were like an automatic draining system to get the blood to the creature. The bug type aliens were rich in life energy due to the world they came from despite a good portion of the worlds energy being used by the base. Those creatures were a much better solution than waiting for the energy of this planet to catch up.

And for this sleeping creature like many of the others, the sooner they rise, the sooner they reign.

So now, Laz was kind of stuck in a dilemma. Did this thing come back to life as a result of his actions?


Was it his fault?


Did that mean he had to put his life on the line to fight it?

Fuck no.

This thing would have come back at some time or another with or without Laz's help. The only thing Laz did was set off it's alarm clock a bit earlier than expected.

Despite this line of logic though, Laz couldn't turn away from this rising menace no matter how badly he wanted to just be on his way. Something about it was triggering to him. Like an inch you can't scratch but you want to.

And this itch was just a few miles away.


Tommy sat up from his seat in the field tent and walked to the flap, brushing it aside and looking out.

"Why am I...." Tommy had a hard time expressing into words what he was feeling right now. He felt like he was being drawn or summoned towards something. And the way he was looking just so happened to be the place where the creature was rising up from the ground.

Just as Tommy was going to shrug it off and go sit back down, he saw several members of the local children of god racing towards him, including the two white haired twins and several others who had taken part in the gate hunt.

"Young sir."


Everyone said at once, the two white haired individuals being the strongest among them leading the way..

"What?" Tommy asked, annoyed.

"Sir. We are all feeling this strange draw... as though something is summoning us," one of the white hair men said, causing Tommy to frown. As they observed him doing this, they stayed silent.

"So we are all feeling the same thing?" Tommy asked them, a bit hesitant.

"Uh... yes. Yes sir!" They finally said, understanding that Tommy was feeling the same way.

"This might be dangerous, but we should probably go look into it anyway. You two, go get that Agent on it. We will need a military escort within the next twenty minutes. Everyone else, get your equipment ready and meet me at the base entrance in twenty minutes. Say nothing to anyone about what this is about."

"Yes sir," The children of god said as they rushed off to do their jobs or prepare.

"I feel... invited, more than drawn. I could ignore it if I wanted to, but I don't think they feel the same way.... Hmm..." Tommy then went back inside his tent and kicked the huddled mass of flesh that was cowering in the corner. If one looked closely enough, they would see that it was a woman who's body was cut, scared and bruised in several places. One of her legs was even bent at a funny angle, but every now and then her body would shudder and the leg would twist back into place, just a little more.

"Wake up piglet," Tommy said, bending over the woman who was once his homeroom teacher. He undid the gage in her mouth, causing droplets of blood to seep out of the now freed orifice. Her eyes were swollen shut so much so that Tommy didn't even bother keeping a blindfold or leather mask over her head.

"Erghhhhh.... " was the only sound the poor woman could make once her mouth was freed.

"You'd better find your voice in time to answer my questions otherwise I might make you loose the ability to speak permanent," Tommy threatened. He then went to get get his shoes and put them on along with grabbing a few odds and ends and throwing them into a back pack before sliding his chair over to the collapsed woman.

"Now then. Tell me.... do you feel that? What's out there right now? Can you feel it as well?" Tommy asked. Although the woman looked like she wouldn't be able to move, she was just barely able to lift her head and shake it up and down for yes.

"What does it feel like for you?" Tommy then asked.

"... fear..." Her voice was so soft that it almost seemed like she hadn't spoken at all, but the words defiantly made it to Tommy's ears.

"Fear? Really? Then between that feeling and me... which causes you more fear, hmm?" This question didn't have a real point. Tommy just wanted to remind this woman in front of him that she feared him the most. That was one of the things that would arouse him to no end.

Tommy wanted to be feared. After he had gotten out of the gate, he went back to his hotel room where his little 'piglet' had been kept and decided he was going to take out his aggression at having been beaten back by Laz at the exit of the gate. That is what led the woman to be in the condition she is right now.

Despite that though, he wanted to make sure she feared him more than anything else in the world.

"I fear... it... you... can.... only.... kill.... me...." Her voice was non existent, almost like a breeze. It was so weak, it was almost impossible to hear it. But Tommy did. And Tommy was pissed.

"You're right. But yet... what's wrong? Have you forgotten that daughter of yours? The one who you'd do anything to protect? Don't you remember why you ended up in this way in the first place?" Tommy pulled out his trump card. The reason he had been able to control this woman for so long was because of the threat he made concerning her daughter who was only around three to four now. She knew this perverted bastard would do everything he said he would to her and more. Even when he threated to have her arms and legs removed, she would do so to save her daughter.

At some point though, this poor woman began to feel strange about things. She hadn't heard from her daughter in a while, long enough where it casted doubt on some things. In the beginning, she would hear from here once a week, while the daughter still thought her mother was away working. But for the past several months, ever since they left from up north, she hadn't heard from her once. And no matter if that was a good or a bad indicator, she meant it would no longer be of use to control her.

And that was why when Tommy brought this up to her, the woman did nothing but shake and laugh with a hoarse, pained voice.

"Fuck... You...."

The blood choked laughing continued, enough so that Tommy had the strong desire to lash out and destroy this woman more, but he held back. He knew they healed quickly, more so than regular humans making them extra valuable as sex toys if you could find a way to control them, but that didn't mean they couldn't die. And Tommy knew enough to know that this former teacher of his was almost used up.

Instead of pursuing the subject with her, he decided to leave her locked up and get going to where the call was coming from.

Whatever it was, he could not ignore it for much longer.


"Get things ready. I want all teams in position in ten minutes," Kennedy yelled and hung up her phone. All of the rest of the girls were almost dressed and going to be waiting on her shortly. Although things like body armor were fairly useless, that didn't mean that some things didn't have purpose. For example, Leona, Malene and Ruby's current battle gear was made out of various layers of kevlar along with a few other materials to make them fairly stretchable. There was no padding for the kevlar and the layers were thin, but that was because their bodies were strong enough to withstand the impact of regular gunfire, assuming it didn't break the skin. On top of that, Ruby's outfit was more dress like in design allowing for the fact that she turned into a snake like hybrid when they fought, where as the rest still maintained human like forms, at least for now. Leona and Kennedy both grew tails when battle ready and while Leona's was thin, long and black, Kennedy's was a fluffy white color and shape.

As for Vivi, her battle form was a massive wolf that would shed it's clothes the moment she changed and there was nothing they could do about that. Instead, the choker she commonly wore was actually a storage device that could, in fact, extend up to about 100 times it's own size.

Everyone was relieved when they had finally found that particular storage device. None of them wanted to see this little sister have to go naked every time she finished fighting and in fact, she would usually just revert to her small wolf form. But that also had it's own problems.

"Big sis, did the Vodun or the Vamps say anything?" Ruby asked. Although, technically, she was the oldest of the four of them, due to Kenney's nature, demeanor and personality, she was always thought of as the 'big sis,' to the rest of them.

"The vamps are staying hidden but will send some people to help us at the meeting place. As for the Vodun, I wasn't able to reach anyone but left a message.

"You think they turned and ran?" Leona asked, her eyes darkening.

"No. It seems like a lot of signals are scrambled right now and no one knows why," Kennedy said, looking at her phone before throwing it into a large duffel bag.

"Then what's the plan? Malene asked.

"You feel that lingering sense of dreed that seems to want to drag you into the deepest pits of hell and torture you for all eternity?" Kennedy asked in all seriousness.

"Yes. We do," all the girls responded at once as if on que.

"Good. The plan is to head in that direction and kill whatever is there," Kennedy said as a matter of fact.

The girls could only stare at her in disbelief and she finished dressing.


The once historic building was in ruins. A giant, almost thirty feet tall was standing there, looking around at the huge stone, metal and glass buildings all around him. Although his head was still blurry, even he understood that what he was looking at was no longer the world he knew.

Laz stood a ways back and observed the bronze colored giant, standing in a daze as it looked around. There wasn't any noticeable damage in the area, indicating that there had been no fighting around here, therefore the giant was able to see the buildings and structures in place as they had been build to be.

Although the giant was taller than most buildings, he was still larger than others and his bronze colored skin reflected the various lights coming from street lamps and buildings all lit up as though a party was going on all night.

Which on a normal night, would have been the truth.

Just when Laz wondered if the giant was going to start smashing things, Laz even looked for but failed to see a thirty foot club somewhere around him, the giant instead raised a hand and traced the outline of a stone gargoyle gently feeling every small detail of the work of art.

Seeing this, Laz couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine as he finally understood something he didn't before.

This giant, was intelligent.

Just as Laz was planning his next step, the giant suddenly turned it's head, bits of dust and clumps of earth flying off from it's shaggy, brown and curly hair.

It then growled something that seemed to rattle Laz's brain as it stared right at him.


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