Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 308: Gathering

Chapter 308: Gathering

Agent Wallace was still watching the channel where the live stream had gone on. It was now dead and all transmissions from this spot had ceased. Although they could track the people who did it if they had a signal, but these people seemed to have cut off every link they were using.

Agent Wallace should have been the most upset by this, but he wasn't. Compared to the representative from the local Church of God, Agent Wallace just had to put on a front. He knew that the person responsible, that masked figure, would be long gone by the time they got here. In fact, because of how long it took to track the signal, they didn't even have time to send a drone. What's more than that, the entire thing, while looking bad for the government, looked way worse for the Chosen.

And that was what he had wanted from the beginning.

Although Agent Wallace wanted power, he was starting to realize exactly how dangerous it was to work with the Chosen. And how useless they were. A weapon that couldn't be controlled wasn't useful.

"Agent Wallace, what the hell were your people doing? How could you let them stream for so long without stopping them?" The Chosen yelled at Wallace, getting his attention.

"We started tracking them as soon as we found the stream. We even put in a request with your branch to have help on standby since there was no way we would be able to take this infected alive with our firepower. Not someone who can kill these monsters with one hit."

"So your saying this is our fault?"

"I'm saying that we took all logical and effective routes. We were just too slow in getting here," Agent Wallace finished up. He wasn't going to blame this Chosen even though it was them they were waiting on. Agent Wallace had gather some intel about them and had passed it along at his bosses requests. The Chosen were, in fact, blessed. They got stronger and stronger without having to put in any effort. The never had to do anything and their bodies were just going to keep adapting to allow them to channel larger amounts of power. But due to this cheat of theirs, they were, all of them, lazy as hell. Their egos were not only their biggest faults, but also the easiest way to control them. Agent Wallace, by not blaming the man standing in front of him, made it so that he no longer wished to blame Agent Wallace either. Due to that, the man settled down quickly while Agent Wallace and other officials gather what information they could.

"Sir. There are no traces left and no signals to trace. What should we do next, knock on doors?" One of the male agents came to ask.

"In this burned out husk of a city? We would just be wasting our time. Get me a map with all the spots that infected has encountered the enemy and see if there is a pattern. If there is, we might be able to figure out where he is going next," Agent Wallace ordered and the man took off with a simple nod of his head.

"Sir Chosen. This might be a bit presumptuous of me, but perhaps you should call in backup in case we find this man. From what I know, he was involved in the gate crashing earlier and seems to be one of the strongest ones we've come across. I am assuming your bosses, want to get their hands on him too," Agent Wallace suggested, without really ordering.

"Good idea. Our young master will definitely want to get his hands on him," and with that, the young chosen got on the phone, without saying another word to Agent Wallace.

Agent Wallace couldn't help but smile. He was starting to learn how to use this weapon with soft tactics.


An expensive limo drove through the gates and up to a ten story story hotel. The place wasn't the tallest, but from the inside out, from the gated entrance to the well maintained gardens with various forms of wildlife running around, one could tell that this place screamed of money. Out of the limo stepped four girls. One of the beauties had dark, raven like hair, an athletic build and well defined curves. Another one of them had red hair that ended in pink tips, a shorter, thinner build, but still sexy in all the right places. The youngest of the girls wore a knee length skirt, black stockings, with a white shirt and blue mid waist length jacket. Her dark hair had little highlights of white while he pretty face and developing figure revealed just how attention grabbing she would be in the future.

The final figure to get out of the car was a fairly tall woman with blonde hair, almost white in color, long legs and a chest that would force even the strongest willed man to have to sneak a peak. Although her clothing wasn't revealing, instead looking like a well dressed CEO, the charm her body gave off just couldn't be covered by layers of fabric.

Even as they were getting out of the car, employees of the hotel were running over to unload their bags from the trunk of the care while the girls took in the view of the hotel.

"It's smaller than the last one we stayed in on the way here," the youngest one commented.

"Well Vivi, I couldn't care less. I just want a bath. I can't believe we made this drive in two days," Malene commented back.

"Enough you two. We would have been here in one day if everyone didn't insist on wanting to sleep in a bed overnight," Leona scolded back.

"It's fine. From what I can tell, the big event hasn't happened yet," Kennedy assured everyone while walking towards the doors..

"Are you sure you can trust that old hag?" Leona asked, clearing reflecting disdain on her beautiful face.

"Yes. Although her personality leaves something to be desired, I can't recall her even being totally wrong before either," Kennedy responded with a sigh. She felt her agitation with the old woman.

"Still though, even though she's an old bitch, her powers are quite useful," Malene commented.

"Are we talking about the blind grandma with the fetish for young men?" Vivi asked, not knowing the whole situation.

"Where exactly did you learn about the word fetish?" Kennedy asked, looking at the young girl.

"Internet," was her one word reply.

"Why am I not surprised," Kennedy sighed again, wondering if the little girl had been corrupted already.

"It's fine. She's at that age. We were all at that age and remember the kinds of things we did?" Malene giggled.

"And exactly what do you think I was... You know what? Nevermind..." Kennedy was about to scold them both but then thought better of it. After all, they all knew about her past, especially with a certain someone.

"Anyway. This place seems pretty peaceful considering the anarchy going on in the city," Leona said as they all walked into the lobby.

"Well. That was the point. Plus with everything happening right now, tourism is way down so booking this place was cheap. Even if it isn't the high rise pent house someone else got the last time she was down here..." Kennedy said, looking at Malene.

"What? It was close to where I needed to be. You can't expect all of us to be as cheap as you big sis," Malene said, still giggling. And she was being honest. Kennedy was the most frugal out of all of them which was one of the main reasons she was the one who had the final say in the business. She knew how to have money, work through the money and not spend money. Everything a CEO needed to be.

"I can't wait to see big brother again. It's been a long time. You said he hasn't changed much, right big sis?" Vivi asked Malene.

"Yeah. Not really much at all..." Malene's face went red as she turned her head to look away, not allowing herself to make eye contact with any of the other girls.



Neither Leona nor Kennedy seemed to believe her. Although they didn't share the exact things that they did when alone with Laz, that didn't mean that any of them were stupid. Some things just didn't need to be said out loud.

"AYE! You're all here!" A voice came from the opening elevator. Ruby, dressed in a black dress with thigh high leather boots and a camo stylized jacket just got off when she noticed everyone.

"SIS RUBY!" Vivi charged up to Ruby and gave her a big hug which she returned.

"This little one is growing so fast, hmm? It hasn't even been that long. Come, my sisters. Your check in will be complete and they can bring your stuff up. I've taken the liberty to adjust our room so that we got a royal suite that has side bedrooms for all of us. So come on up!" Ruby said, waving everyone over. Leona and Malene couldn't help but laugh while Kennedy just shook her head in annoyance at the expenditure.

When the girls finally got up to the tenth floor, the noticed that there were only a few doors in the hallway and one set of double doors on each side. Ruby invited them into the double doors on the left, unlocked it and walked in, revealing a huge living room with one wall being nothing but massive windows, tinted to a perfect degree. The furnishings were pristine and comfortable, being just the right mix of artistic yet functional. Everyone was happy enough to pick out their own rooms as the staff brough up their suitcases.

Once they had delivered everything, the girls sat around on comfy couches and chairs and turned to look at Ruby.

"Alright. What's happening right now?" Kennedy asked, her face cold, having lost all the warmth and humor is had shown when they first arrived.

That might had scared most people, for her to go from one feeling to another in the blink of an eye, but the rest of the girls had the same looks on their faces as well.

It was time to get to work.


"They're in town mam," A voice broke Freya's concentration. Although she was the leader of her group, a good portion of her funding came from the Hearn group. Knowing that their CEO and other 'famous' members of the group were in town could only mean that something big was going down. Although not a branch of the Hearn group, due to them funding Heaven or Hell, Freya knew that if they made a request of her, she would have to fulfil it. This made her feel a bit like an underling.

She didn't like that feeling since she was the disciple of a goddess.

At the same time though, her honor wouldn't allow her to just blow them off either.

*Relax my child. They aren't here for you this time, but you must get stronger. Only then will we have footing on which to stand side by side to them. Or even in front of them. But you can only get stronger first.* A voice appeared in Freya's head, surprising her. She settled down as soon as she noticed it was the voice of her master.

"What shall we do then master?" She asked the air, knowing her goddess would hear here.

"Call back everyone and have them stop looking for those creatures. We need to get ready for what's next. Both for us and for this world.


The shadows on the wall faded from sight as Madam Cal took a deep breath. The dark room seemed strangely empty as Madam Cal got up from her seat and walked out the door. She went to find her husband who was sitting at his desk and going over some files. Noticing his wife come into the room, he got up, helped her sit down and got her a glass of water.

"Well?" Aaron asked.

"It's happening."

"What's happening?"

"I have no idea. But from everything I got, there is something big going down in this city. And soon."

"So then we leave. Get a hold of everyone, pack up and get out..." Aaron suggested, trying to think of everyone's safety.

"You can't baby and you know it. There are too many of us all over the place. We ain't like those vampyres or even the council back before most of their members died. This be our home. And we ain't be leaving. You know that." Madam Cal explained gently to her husband.

"Then what are we suppose to do?"

"Let everyone know and get everyone ready to fight. Besides baby.. At least this time, we ain't fighting alone."

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