Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 306: Introduction To The World

Chapter 306: Introduction To The World

Laz didn't do this because he was feeling guilty. He didn't decide to hunt down these cockroach like creatures due to some sort of need to be a hero, nor did he feel that he did anything wrong by letting them out of their world and into his. It was up to Laz to bring the people home who had trusted him with their lives and that was why he did what he did.

And he doesn't regret that decision.

The reason he decided to go after these creatures though was because they were causing havoc, injuring and killing innocent people and there was no telling what the long term effect of them would be.

What if they mated and dozens or even hundreds more of them sprang up?

That could be a problem.

Laz didn't think that it was likely since even for the children of god, that kind of ignorance would be way too out there even for them. So he knew that they wouldn't ignore this problem. In fact, they might already be launching some sort of live broadcast campaign to show them stepping up to destroy the threat. After the incident with Brian ended up everywhere, Laz knew that it was a possibility.

He was right about that, but he underestimated just how big they would let this thing get before stepping in to help. That was why there was still no resolution, even after 24 hours. The military was still struggling to kill off the ones they could find as although their weaponry was sufficient, locking the cockroaches down in a highly populated area was tricky. Especially when it came to moving troops on home soil.

And when it came to others, like the Vodun and the workers of Heaven or Hell, this wasn't a battle they should be involved in. Thanks to Tommy's orders, the watches on both groups had been dismissed, but that didn't mean anyone was keen to step into the limelight and put themselves at risk. These creatures were dangerous, and the guns that were pointed at their backs even more so.


"How long?" Agent Wallace asked, not even bothering to look at the agents who just walked in. He was currently watching posted videos that people had been live streaming as the creatures attacked what ever humans they could find. Federal, state and local agencies were moving out in organized groups in record number with federal troops arriving by nightfall. And to cap it all off, Wallace had been put in charge of the whole thing. This was the type of power he had craved, but things weren't going to plan.

And to cap it all off, Tommy, the one guy who could give him answers about these creatures, decided he would go take some time off until he was really needed.

"And when will that be?" Agent Wallace asked, chasing after him as he got into his limo.

"When ever I feel like it," was his response as he rolled up the window.

Agent Wallace then tried to see if any of these other chosen were around, but they had taken off even faster than Tommy, leaving the entire mess and the unclear situation for him to deal with.

"Sir. We were told to stop bothering them. They are monitoring the situation on their end and will respond when the time is right for maximum effect."

"They want the fire to burn bigger and brighter so that they can look better in the end. Fucking wastes..." Agent Wallace said, more to himself than anyone else. He was excited about this, but he had no idea that these people would be so hard to work with.

That didn't mean he wasn't still looking for the right bait to get them to join before they wanted to or before the city was destroyed.

"Any news about the gate?"

"We've sent people down to ensure that it was closed. After the fighting that occurred in the underground, most of our equipment was destroyed. But..."

"But those damn infected made it back as well?" Agent Wallace finished, not surprised at all.

"We had no idea how many originally went in, or how many came back. Perhaps they know, but they didn't tell us anything," his subordinate explained..

"Well... this is just... wait..." Agent Wallace opened an email with a link that sent him to a video posted on someone's social media. Watching it, Wallace hesitated for a while before sitting back in his chair. He folded his hands in front of him and spun his chair around, staring off at nothing. His subordinates just stood, nothing bothering him. They knew that when he was like this, he was thinking about something difficult. When this normally happened, he turned away from everyone around him so that they wouldn't see the faces he was making. He had gotten more than one complaint about how awkward his faces made others feel so turning away had become a habit.

"I'm sending you all a link now. Wait about twenty minutes then go call whoever you can get a hold of and let them know what's happening," Wallace finally said, turning around. He then forwarded the link before they could ask him what he meant. Pulling out their phones, Agent Wallace's subordinates then watched the same video he had watched without blinking. After it was over, they didn't say anything, trying to collect their thoughts.

"Why do you want to wait twenty minutes sir?" One of the female agents asked.

"Because that will give him enough time to do a lot more killing," Wallace answered as a matter of fact.

"But isn't that a bad thing that will make them look good?"

"That's the point. Since they didn't want to work with us when the time was right, I see no issue with giving them an even harder task that they can't dump on us," Wallace said and smile. His plan was simple. Let Laz go around and reduce the amount of those bug creatures, making it so that if the Chosen don't move out right away when they learn about it, it would just make them look more and more useless.

This would also lead them to take him more seriously in the future, or so he hoped.


Laz had just finished off the 8th cockroach creature he had found, but it was getting harder and harder for him to locate them. Even when he spread his sense out, he could locate dozens of people hiding in upper floor apartments, or behind the walls of a panic room. But when he tried to locate the very unique signature of these creatures, he found that there weren't any signs.

Looking around, Laz had no idea where he was. The one he had found here had consumed enough 'nutrients' to undergo it's transformation, causing it to go from a beast that was comparable to a condensation realm to one that was around the foundation realm. This change caused it's armor to be tens of times hard, it's speed to increase as it's strength to be astounding. Laz fought this creature head on, to get a feel for it, and even now his body hurt with bruises and fractures. Considering his skin wouldn't even break if he was shot by a regular hand gun, this type of damage indicated just how strong these creatures were.

With nothing to do at the moment, Laz sat down on the corpse and took some beef jerky out of his spatial pouch and began munching on it while thinking of his next course of action. With the hoodie on, Laz wasn't worried about revealing his face, but once he noticed two people approaching him, Laz reached back into the pouch and brought out a half face mask and put it on, covering the upper portion of his face. He then continued to eat the jerky.

"Excuse me... sir?" A rather strong but hesitant voice came from behind him. Hearing it, Laz could tell the person had a question. And what's more, they had been one of the ones he noticed who was filming when he fought. He had thought about it before and figured 'what did it matter?' if someone was filming him. As such, he didn't even bother to care, just hide his face.

Turning around to face them, Laz noticed a rather handsome man and attractive young woman walking towards him. They both had handheld cameras and stands and seemed to be talking while they walked.

"Do you mind if we interview you?" The woman asked, before the guy could.

"Sure," Laz said but with no indication that he was getting up. In fact, he continued to munch of the beef jerky while they spoke to him.

Laz was impressed by just how quickly these two got set up. The camera on the stand was in place in moments while they both had put small mics on their phones to interview Laz with.

"And we are recording," the handsome guy said before turning to the attractive girl.

"And live streaming is a go,"

"Awesome. Alright everyone and welcome to 'Attractive Faces Visit Awesome Places,' live here in wonderful... well... the war zone that is New Orleans. Yes. We can for the party and got so much more," the guy started out while looking at the camera. Laz almost choked on his beef jerky after hearing the name of their show.

"That's right. Exclusive to our youtube channel and podcast, we came here to have a wonderful time, get drunk and collect as many strains of cheap beads as possible, but it looks like we won't even make it to Mardi Gras. Instead, the city has been laid to waste by some of those nasty creatures we risked our lives to record earlier," the attractive female added on.

"But even more than that, from some of our friends located around town, the police and military have been getting their asses kicked by these things. The world has turned crazy and now they've even wrecked Mardi Gras. With all this happening here, we have no answers from anyone. Turn on the news, nothing. National danger alerts, ZERO!" Laz had to admit that even though they were going back and forth, they seemed pretty natural about doing it, like their brains were hard wired together and they had no trouble picking up where the other one left off.

"But now, us, and only us at 'AFVAP' have gotten ourselves an exclusive interview with someone who not only knows what's going on, but is fighting to make a difference. If you've been following the web and keeping up to date on the crazy that is happening, then you've already seen video's of the one they are call '#Exterminator,' cause he is guaranteed to kill these bugs dead. And fortunately for us, he chose to take a small break right in front of our hotel,"

"That's right. Without further ado, we bring you, 'THE EXTERMINATOR!!!!" The guy introduced Laz and then jumped to the side, allowing Laz to be in full view of the camera. Although they had hyped it up this much, Laz just couldn't find the same energy. As such, he just gave a small wave and then went back to eating.

"The strong, silent type. Perfect, isn't he? And I know. You all are doubting if this is the guy since he's normally moving around so fast that it looks like nothing more than a blur most times. But I will bet with my life that this is the guy. And I am, in fact. Because if he wasn't here, I would still be in my hotel room right now, shooting from the balcony," the female said as a matter of fact.

"But seriously people. Who uses a dead mutated beast as a chair? This guy, that's who. This is the first one we've had the chance to get a close up view on and look, this thing really is ugly..." The guy was using the camera by hand to do a quick sweep of the dead creature Laz was currently resting on. Even if the viewers didn't believe that Laz was the guy, the creature was all to real with actual fluids leaking out of it's charred corpse to be a fake.

"What the hell is that?" Now that the rush of doing this had worn off a little, they both realized how grotesque this thing was.

"It's an alien, actually," Laz said, almost laughing at the disgusted looks on their faces.

"Alien cockroach to be more precise," Laz added on.

"You... know this for sure?" The guy asked, stumbling a little. Now that reality was catching up, he was having trouble adapting.

"Yeah," Laz responded and patted the thing. It's hard shell had been roasted from the inside out so it gave off a hollowed out like thud.

"It's dead though so don't worry."

"Where did they come from?" The female asked.

"Another planet via a gate. Let me explain." Laz launched into his story with what happened, keeping aside the fact that they had been responsible for the creatures coming here.

When he was done, the two amateur film makers didn't know what to say.

"So wait... wait a second. Hold on...."

"Stuff it. Let me ask first. If what your saying is true, then does that mean that our sacred Chosen decided to run off even though people are being killed?" The female asked, cutting in line.

"Stop. That's not the most important thing right now,' the guy shot back, stood up and almost fell backwards.

"Oh? Then what is? " she asked impatiently.

"If all of the chosen of god ran away, then who exactly are you?" The guy asked while backing up.

"Me?" Laz smiled for the first time, a smile that showed he was amused.

"I'm the bad guy."

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