Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 302: To Conquer War

Chapter 302: To Conquer War

Perhaps many have dreamed about such things. Several partners at one time in a hot mess of love making and down right scream fucking until everyone is passed out satisfied?

That really only happens in your dreams. In most cases, someone gets ignored, there is tension, someone wants to tap out early... or...

'I seriously can't feel my dick...' Laz thought to himself, wondering how the hell he ended up on the floor in the first place. He just remembered that he finally gave up trying to pay attention and just let his body go wild. He had been enjoying things for quite a while but once these girls got started, the end result was that all four of them were like starved children finally being offered a meal. They ate until they couldn't eat anymore and in this case, Laz was the main dish.

He turned over to see that Death had passed out on top of him at some point, her body covered in a mix of fluids ranging from sweat to.... well, you get the idea. There was even some blood stains on various parts of her snow white skin, the painful end result of the girls getting more and more aggressive as they got used to it.

Even Laz wasn't spared from this. The strange part was they they had been just as violent to each other as they were to him, something that caused him to not be sure if he should be turned on or frightened. It was easy to forget that these young women, just a few years out from being teens with snow white skin, dark silky hair and sensual bodies were also killers in their own right. They had killed humans before and quite a few of them. For such people, pain is just another form of peasure.

Taking stock of his current situation, Laz noticed that although Death was passed out on him, Pestilence's head was right next to his own, such that when he turned his head away from Death, he could feel her hot breaths on his face. Famine wasn't far away either, as Laz just had to move his one hand a little ways and he could have touched her sleeping face.

War was actually right next to his one foot, such that her hair was draped over his feet and strains of it were between his toes. It almost tickled a little.

In an effort to regain some feeling in his battered body, Laz stretched out his other leg which then came into contact with the mattress. The strange thing was that a small dribble of liquid seemed to escape from the sheets and slip down his leg. As Laz tried to stretch out against the bed farther, he felt like he was kicking a wet sponge which allowed him to remember why they were on the floor in the first place.

The mattress and bedding were soaked to the core.

Imagination could probably answer why that was, and it would be right.

Laz also noticed at this moment that he still smelled like sex, his entire body emitting an odor that at first could be considered sensual but that once left to go stale just smells horrible. Even he could barely stand it.

'I need a shower in the worst way,' Laz thought to himself while looking at the girls sleeping soundly. He didn't want to wake them. Or more like he didn't dare to wake them.

Using his spiritual sense, Laz quickly discovered a huge shower area down the hall way from the room.

Using gentle movements and a hint of his power, Laz was able to silently get away, stopping only long enough to throw his previously removed clothes into his spatial pouch before making his way to the shower room.

Considering the entire building looked like a remodeled factory, Laz wasn't surprised that that shower area had more that one shower head. It kind of reminded him of the gym showers from back when he was in school. The only difference was that the room was large with brick walls, steel beam lined windows that were about shoulder height and frosted glass and only tile on the floor along with the drains. The shower heads themselves were metal poles coming out of the floor arranged in circles. Laz estimated that around fifty people would easily be able to shower in here at the same time.

Oddly enough, four of the shower heads had steel wire baskets hanging off of them with different gels, shampoos and even cute little furry animal sponge toys.

Laz couldn't help but smile while seeing this.

Choosing a shower head at random, Laz turned on the water. He was half tempted to take a cold shower, just to calm himself down from the days 'activities,' but felt like he needed the heat to scrub his skin. After messing around with it for a while, Laz could only sigh in disappointment as the water just didn't seem to get hot enough.

'Maybe it's just me?'

Laz understood his body was far from normal so even if the water was hot enough to boil a lobster, he probably wouldn't feel it.

Letting the warm water flow freely down his body, Laz couldn't help but look out of the frosted glass window and see a cool round orb floating in the distance. Considering he was in a city, he supposed it could have been any number of lights, but felt like what he was seeing was the moon, indicating that it was indeed still night time. For some strange reason, Laz started to feel homesick. Even if that place was a run down apartment in the middle of nowhere New York, at least there was family close by. His Grandpa, Bill and Grandpa Chu were probably the three people he had felt closest too since even the memories of his parents seem to be fading with time..

The day that quiet life all changed was when he truly felt like his life began. Perhaps some people would envy his abilities and his freedom. But when you wake up day after day in a different room looking at a different ceiling, you start to finally understand what you lost.

Just as Laz was absorbed in these memories, he felt a gentle pair of hands begin scrubbing his back. He didn't even bother to check to see who it was and instead just stood there, warm, wet and naked with his eyes closed while he enjoyed the feeling.

"You're still so tense master," the soft, melodious voice commented while continuing downward to wash his legs.

"Some things just don't disappear so easily," Laz said in a voice that sounded old and foreign to him.

"Yes master. I agree with you about that." The voice moved from the back of Laz to the front and began to wash his strong chest and arms. Laz recognized that it was actually War who was washing him.

"You can't sleep?" he asked, wondering. He hadn't forgotten how this particular sister ended up being the most wild, causing about fifty percent of the sex injuries such as bruises and flesh cuts, all of which had already healed.

'Of course when I think about that, she also wanted to be handled more roughly as well,' Laz thought to himself while watching her work. He was surprised to notice a smile on her face.

"I can't," she said while scrubbing the area between Laz's fingers.

"Why not?" He asked.

"It's because of what's happening out there," she answered, after thinking to herself for a moment. Laz noticed something that had escaped him before. Although he was probably one if the few people in the world who could tell the sisters apart based on their aura, there were also subtle differences as well. War, for example, seemed to be much more lively than the other three. It wasn't by a margin that could be measured, but something that Laz understood after having spent 'time' with her. In fact, all the girls had slight differences that you would never noticed unless you looked really hard. If you didn't, then all four girls seemed to be exactly the same in almost everything.

"Out there?"

"I feel it, close and far. Battle, bloodshed, anger, strife. So many different things going on all at once. I'm surprised sister death can sleep, but I guess she's far more used to it than I am," She said while scrubbing Laz's muscular chest.

"Used to what?" Laz didn't understand, but had a feeling.

"WE can feel things when we are close to them. She feels every death that happens around her, I feel every conflict, Pestilence feels every illness, injury and suffering, while Famine feels greed, hunger, envy..."

"It's not just limited to...?"

"Of course not. You think famine just means to be hungry? Or Pestilence just means disease? Nothing is ever that cut and dry, master..." War said with a strange smile on her face.

"How does it affect you?" Laz wondered.

"Well... it kind of feeds us... like a simulant. A tonic to our bodies, so to speak. As long as there is conflict, it allows me to grow faster than being somewhere peaceful. It's not a huge change, but it is noticable. And when the emotions from it hit, then I can either block it out or let it wash over me. The problem is that when I let it in unrestrained, I can be very violent. It's why we don't let it happen often. It has a huge effect on our moods."

"A double sided knife," Laz voiced.

"Very much so," War said with a smile before dropping down to her knees on the tile floor. She then took the time to gently wash and scrub the rest of Laz, spending extra time and effort on his manhood. The way War was looking at it and touching it while cleaning it was enough to make even Laz's sore member stand up again. After all, his recovery ability was already somewhat legendary.

"Sorry," Laz said, a bit embarrassed. He was enjoying the treatment and felt like getting erect in her face while she was being gentle was a bit ungrateful.

But War shook her head at his apology.

"That's ok. This is what I wanted," she said, standing up.

"More?" Although Laz wasn't keeping track or even paying attention for the most part, he felt like with the number of times all the girls climaxed, there was no way they could have been unsatisfied. Maybe that was his ego talking, but he did have some experience to base it off of.

"Master. Perhaps we haven't told you this. Us sisters have a very particular set of goals we wished to achieve for ourselves, ones that were the driving force that keeps us sane. And now that our biggest goal has been achieved, to be reborn, it will be time to move on to our next goal. So after we go our separate ways, we will be leaving for a while, with your consent, of course," War laughed, but continued.

"We never thought that we would have been able to be made whole again so soon or perhaps we would have planned things differently. But since we all agreed to it and signed a pact in blood, we must carry it out. So that means that this is our first and final night with you for a while master. Please don't hate us for this..." War's eyes got a little teary at this, showing that she truly meant what she said. She didn't want him to be angry, or to hold them back. But if he wanted to, they knew that they would comply for him.

Laz had no intention of doing that though. Nor was he going to ask what they were doing or if he could help. It wouldn't be right of him to barge into their lives, even if they were now his slaves. Perhaps it was because he wouldn't be able to view them that way even if he tried.

"I don't. Honest," Laz said, bring a smile to War's face.

"I'd hoped for that. But master, before I go, I have something selfish to request," War said, still smiling.

"And what's that?" Laz asked, wondering just what she could want.

"Please hurt me...?" She said, straight faced.

"Uh...?" Laz blanked.

War then turned around and leaned forward causing her ass to jut up into the warm, misty air as hot water ran down her body. She then reached backed and spread herself, laying bare every bit of her.

"I am war master. For you to truly be my master, you must first conquer me. Make me submit to you." War swung her head around with a smile so hot, it could cause water to boil.

Laz, having recovered from the blood loss, didn't even try to control himself.

"Oh...OH? AHHHHH!!!!!!" With sound that was part moan, part scream, War felt Laz spread apart her dark opening before ramming himself inside.

"It's.... so.... arg..... big...." War moaned as Laz slapped her ass several times for good measure.

"YES... MASTER... MORE..." She begged.

Laz obliged. Reaching down, he wrapped his arms under her thighs and lifted her slim body in the air causing her full weight to push her down farther on his rock solid member.

She couldn't help but shudder from the experience.

Laz didn't stop there. He raised her leg up farther and wrapped one strong arm underneath her knees, supporting her. He then used his other free hand to reach between her legs and inserted his two middle fingers inside her unused honey pot. After a moment to get his posture right, Laz proceeded to grip tightly onto her puss like a handle while slamming her ass with everything he could muster.

War's mind started going blank as her arms reached up and gripped Laz's shoulders and neck, digging her sharp nails into his flesh as hard as she could while hanging in.

It was just enough to draw blood.

Over and over again, War's body convulsed in climax after climax as Laz's hand was covered in her juices. More often than not, Laz just pulled his hand out and rubbed her little nub, causing her to spray all over the place before mercilessly ramming it back inside her.

There was no telling how long it went on as they both lost all track of time. Even Laz ended up spraying inside her ass more than once.

The battle finally came to a close when her body went completely limp and her hands fell away from his neck.

Strangely, Laz didn't notice at first. It was only when a soft hand was placed on his cheek that he gently let War down on to the shower floor and turned to see Pestilence standing there with a light in her eyes.

"You have conquered War master. But how will you conquer Pestilence?"

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