Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 300: A Binding Oath

Chapter 300: A Binding Oath

The light from the girls kept building until it was almost blinding, but Laz tried his best to look on anyway. Their scant bit of clothing was blown off as the immense energy of Laz's blood raced through their systems. Not only that, but the hum that Laz swore he could hear was getting louder and louder, almost sounding like a faint, but powerful song that couldn't be ignored.

As the brightness of the light reached a climax, the girls bodies seemed to be floating above the bed, each of them with their heads back, arms hanging limp at their sides while their legs were curled downward but loose.

Laz had no idea what was happening.

Suddenly, the girls heads shot up while their eyes opened, a white light projecting outward as a faint figure appeared behind them. Laz couldn't even make it out before the light and the figures were gone and the girls dropped weakly onto the bed, panting as though they had just exhausted themselves.

As Laz looked at the girls however, he noticed that the scars on their bodies didn't disappear, but they looked extremely awkward. The girls noticed that the scar on each other were still there as well, and then collectively sighed, thinking that it had failed.

The change might had escaped them, but it didn't escape Laz.

He reached forward with both his left and his right hand towards Death and Famine who were the two who had been up near his chest and using his fingers, he rubbed bits of their scarred skin. The skin effortlessly peeled away in a large swath, revealing the snow white and flawless skin underneath. Death and Famine saw this and had to cover their mouths, not believing what they were seeing.

Laz then sat up more and reached forward again, this time peeling off large chunks of skin from War and Pestilence who had been next to his thighs.

"Seems like it did work," Laz said, seeing that the girls couldn't even get a word out.

As opposed to checking their own bodies, the girls instead reach over Laz to peel the dead scar tissue off of the sisters across from themselves. Seeing it effortlessly flake away, they all almost broke down crying.

Without another word, the girls got off the bed and starting with the oldest sister, Death, they circled around her and peeled all of the dead tissue off, revealing her unblemished skin underneath. They then repeated the process until the four peerless and now completely matching beauties were standing on the floor in front of the bed, totally nude with skin as smooth and white as the day they were born.

They broke down into tears as they hugged each other, unable to believe their eyes.

Watching this, even Laz was brought to tears. He could only imagine how much pain the girls had gone through, not only having gotten those scars, but also the last trauma it caused them having to live with them every day. There wasn't a female Laz knew of who wasn't concerned with how she looked. And even more than that, the judging gazes and stares people would give to those who were different wasn't something anyone wanted to experience.

Perhaps the girls worked in the bath house of the Heaven or Hell restaurant, but they would only be seen with the white coverings that hid their scars, never actually revealing their bodies to anyone out of shame. Never had they even thought of letting a man close enough to them to reveal their bodies to them. After all, they couldn't even have normal sex, so why would a man even want to see their bodies? As for their bath house job, they only every spent time with the females of the restaurant, ones who knew about them but wouldn't judge them.

But now that was all behind them. And they knew who they had to thank for that.

Collecting themselves, they stood up and cleaned off the bed. Just before they sat back down again, a faint but powerful voiced echoed through the room.

"The price has been paid. The contract has been established. All things are now the will of heaven." And with that, the humming and voice disappeared. But on the girls now flawless bodies, a mark appeared on their skin above their hearts. It was a black crescent moon, around which tribal lines spread slightly in a circle, almost making it seem like the moon was within a sun.

Their bodies shook from this as they lost feeling in their legs and feel onto the bed.

Laz also felt something change and looking down, Laz saw that on his own tattoo marking, four miniature tribal suns could be seen around the blood red moon while the black, withered tree remained unchanged. Laz felt like if he closed his eyes, he would be able to feel the heart beats of the four girls in front of him.

"What the hell?" Laz said to no one in particular.

-The contract was made of their own free will. They will serve you for life, or until they get strong enough to break away.- A voice in Laz's head explained before going silent. Laz wasn't sure, but it almost sounded like the voice of his dead teacher, Rak'sha..

"Huh...." Laz knew that whatever it was, wasn't lying. Laz felt like if he willed it, the girls in front of him would die with just a thought. It was quite a scary feeling.

"We are now bound to you, our master!" The girls all said at once with a smile on their faces.

"I'm sorry... you had just gotten rid of your scars and everything and now this..." Laz said while looking at the marks on the girls. Despite saying that, he couldn't help but feel slightly excited about basically having branded their bodies with his symbol. Unlike the blood red crescent moons on the four girls that marked them as an equal, these pitch black marks were like a slave symbol.

The girls all shook their heads and smiled at the same time, even going so far as to touch the symbol with a gentle tenderness.

"We will always be yours now to do as you please." Death commented.

"But we have no regrets." Famine added.

"We have been freed from a prison of scars," Pestilence continued.

"And that wouldn't have been possible without you, master," War finished up their thought.

"Well. I'm glad I could help." Laz said that, but he didn't sound so sure. Perhaps for many people, have four beautiful, identical girls call you master would be the blessing of a lifetime, but Laz felt a bit troubled by this. He already basically had four girlfriends which was already a miracle in and of itself. But now, he had four more girls who would be attached to him.

Still though, looking at their beautiful black eyes, their long, silky black hair and their ivory colored skin, Laz wasn't going to feel too disappointed.

And thinking back about it, Laz remembered a conversation he had while in bed with Ruby and Malene about his... faithfulness.

After the last time they were together, before Malene left and Ruby and Laz went on the gate adventure, Ruby and Malene had let Laz know their feelings about him and how they didn't mind that he had multiple girlfriends. The reason they gave actually made Laz feel a bit down until he understood he was just being stupid.

"Look Laz. We're not saying we want you to find more girls. After all, we sisters are perfectly content being your only ones. But that's because we all get along well together." Malene explained.

"Yeah baby. We all have our own lives we are leading. We don't need a man in them to make things difficult. You males can be amazing one minute and immature brats the next. So although we all like spending time with you, we have each other to lean on and take care of one another. For us, having each other is a blessing we never dreamed about. I've never had sisters who I could trust with my life."

"I feel the same. So you do you boo. We have each other. And when we feel drained and in need of some special love and care, we will come find you for that," Malene said with a wicked smile on her face.

"There aren't any others like you baby, so don't be worried. But baby, if you end up in bed with some girl we don't approve of... well... just know she might go missing and you will never know the truth, ok?" Ruby said with a smile that was pure evil. She basically told him that if he goes and cheats, they will end up removing her from the equation.

Laz couldn't help but gulp down whatever words he was going to say back in response to this as he instead hugged the girls tighter to him.

Getting back to the present, Laz was once again surrounded by four naked beauties who had pledged themselves to him in a way that seemed binding until the end of time... or until they became stronger than him. Considering he was at the peak of the foundation realm and they had just entered it, it probably wasn't going to happen right away.

But still for now, Laz was feeling a bit drained. The blood he had given them was enough to heal and strengthen their bodies in ways they would have never dreamed up. This was what Freya wanted from Laz as well, she just didn't know how to ask. Although their energy had increased a bit, the real benefit from his strong blood had been their bodies. But it was also because he had gone so far to give them such pure blood that he was now feeling a little drained. Had it just been his normal blood, it wouldn't have been an issue to loose tons of it. But his pure blood, the blood straight from his heart that held his strongest aura of Asura... that wasn't going to be something he could fix quickly, but he would heal from it in time he felt.

And what he didn't know was the benefits this was going to bring to him long term wasn't what he expected.

Laying back on the bed, Laz smiled while taking some deep breaths. The girls now noticed that he looked a bit paler then normal and realized it was because of what he had done for them. Had he tried to invoke his Asura from right now, he would had found it impossible due to the drop in density of his Asura blood.

'Ha. To think my blood would actually be such a powerful medicine,' Laz thought to himself while the girls sat on the bed next to him while wondering what they could do. The Ivy sisters have had a lot of experience with fighting, killing, and things of that nature, but when it came to helping a sick person, they had only ever taking care of each other. Seeing Laz be weak due to helping them left them at a loss.

'In the past, because I was weak, at most my blood would just act like an aphrodisiac that would send women into heat. But now the life energy in it is so strong... Still though, my normal blood is powerful enough, but not enough to warrant using it on a regular basis for healing. And using my Asura blood, even just four drops, was enough to leave me feeling this weak so I can't really think about using that much either... I guess that in extreme circumstances, it would be useful. Assuming I wasn't dying myself. Still though, considering the strength of my blood, I'm surprised it didn't have any other effects on the.... oh fuck me....' Laz's inner thoughts were quickly interrupted as he noticed the girls looking at him with slightly crazed eyes.

'Fuck I didn't think... even just one drop? Or maybe it was because it was one straight drop and not just the smell of it that they are like this? They wouldn't try to **** me while I can barely move.... right?'

Just as that thought cross Laz's mind, the girls ended up pouncing on him all at once. Death and Famine went for his mouth while Pestilence and War attacked his other head. To be fair, his massive meat stick had been standing at attention for a while, ever since the girls had their glowing while naked episode. It just wasn't a focus before now so it was being ignored. It wasn't like Laz was going to ask the Ivy sisters for sex just because he was hard.

Of course now things were very different as a smell of sweet honey floating through the room while the girls attacked Laz with a vigor like they wanted to devour him.

'Damn.... I so don't have the energy for this... I can't believe I am saying this so early in my lifetime.... Now what the fuck am I suppose to do?'

Laz wanted to see if he could stop the girls, but looking at the half mad look in their eyes while they kissed, rubbed and touched every inch of his muscular body was enough to show him that he wasn't getting out of this any time soon.

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