Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 295: The Strength of the Chosen

Chapter 295: The Strength of the Chosen

Everyone had decided to go all out keeping nothing back. Maybe it was easy for the Chosen to not have a problem with it since they ended up looking cool while bending elements to their will. But for the Infected like the Ivy's and Dwayne, the end results were a lot harder to stomach.

So when everyone finally entered the same boat, things became far more balanced.

Seeing this, Laz couldn't help but smile while focusing on Tommy.

"You think that just because you creatures have finally shown yourselves that you can win?"

"Yes. Yes I do. By the way, what happened to the normal humans who were covering the gate?" Laz asked kind of nonchalantly while looking around. Although Laz wasn't trying to piss Tommy off, he also wasn't going to not take the opportunity to do so when he could.

"Dead. Much as I can't stand you disgusting things, at least you are worthy for us to fight. As for mere mortals? They had no business here."

"You killed them?" Laz asked, wondering if he understood Tommy correctly. After all, the troops were all technically on his side.

"The ants wouldn't get out of the way fast enough thinking that your people were one of them. Therefore, it was just easier to attack everyone together."

"Those were your allies," Laz said, feeling something inside of him getting angry. Laz could understand the hatred between himself and Tommy, but to totally disregard life just because it was easier that way? That just didn't sit right with him.

"You, my old classmate, should understand something, even with your disgusting blood and horrendous appearance. And that is that humans are nothing more than a failed race. We have the strength of gods while they just crawl around on the ground like animals."

"What the fuck are you talking about now....?" Laz's voice trailed off as he watched the red lines on Tommy's body glow before several of them seemed to spread out, poking out of the back of his clothes and spreading out into the air. Then, as if by some strange twist of reason, Tommy started to fly up into the air.

"Like I said, we are now the gods of these people. And we are here to slay you devils while ruling over the masses. Be enlightened that your deaths shall call forth the new age of this world," Tommy said while laughing.

Laz had to admit, this was kind of cool.

And this was also going to be a pain in the ass.

Looking around, Laz noticed that all of the other chosen had also sprouted these strange wings from their backs and began hovering in the air while looking down at their opponents, causing everyone on Laz's side to back up.

"Now do you see? Now do you understand the powers of a god? When looking at your trivial strength, how are we ever comparable?" Tommy preached, his voice reaching out to taunt everyone. He was more than just giddy. This technique was something that Jesse had come up with and then distributed it out to all of their members. The one thing that the slightly less numerous chosen had going for them was that they were a closer knit group than the Infected. Like those gather today, there were many different groups spread out all over while the majority of the chosen were part of the children of god group that was founded by global sciences. The only ones that weren't were those that were way too crazy to even approach. In fact, most of those chosen were on a kill on sight list due to the bad press that would come about if they ever made it into the public eye.

'I have no idea how he comes up with this stuff, but it is fucking amazing,' Tommy thought to himself while hovering there. Although the more Tommy fought, the more the riled up he got, he was still clear headed enough to show off. And this also had a bonus effect of making Laz's groups morale drop.

"HOLY SHIT... TURKEY'S CAN FLY? WELL WHO KNEW..." Laz yelled out, his voice a mixture of surprise, shock and amazement. Even though things were getting serious, Laz's team couldn't help but laugh.

This was what Laz wanted. He knew that if they lost their cool, things would go south fast so he needed them to stay sharp and this was the first thing he could think of.

"Can turkey's actually fly though? I kind of thought they were like penguins?" Ruby asked out loud, playing along.

"Penguins are cute.".

"Penguins are cuddly."

"Penguins like shiny stones."

"Female penguins sleep with male penguins for shiny stones..."

Although their bodies were grotesque looking, their voices stayed the same as shockingly, the four normally silent Ivy's added to the conversation that started carrying on as though their opponents didn't matter.

"Did they just call these guys whores?" Dwayne asked as his oversized arm tried to scratch his disproportional head. He was honestly confused.

"Yes... Yes they did. I mean, look at them. It's like fem boy central up in here. I'm not hating on that, but I honestly can't stand guys who are more feminine that me," Jennia added.

"You? Feminine? I'm not trying to hate sister, but you should try controlling that temper of yours a little more," Helen blurted out without meaning to.

If one were to observe them, they would see that all of them had actually appeared to let down their defenses while chatting with each other. But upon closer look, one would also see that none of them had actually moved from their spots. Even their feet were still in the same place as though waiting for the blow up.

And they didn't have to wait for long.

"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" Tommy yelled as he and his men charged their attacks. In Tommy's case, the flames around him doubled in sized as red lights burst forth from his body. Just as he was about to focus the flames at Laz, Laz squatted down and jumped up, ending up meters above where Tommy was hovering.

"Too easy," Laz said as he suddenly started plummeting down. With his fingers interlocked, Laz brought his hands down in a chopping motion, making contact with the top of Tommy's head. The force from the blow caused Tommy's skull to sink in slightly before it was covered by a red glow. Despite blocking most of the force Laz used, it couldn't stop the impact from sending his body flying down hard onto the metal floor.

Laz wasn't the only one. Everyone seemed to have the exact same thought at the exact same time. Using their enhanced bodies to jump up and smash their opponents to the floor at almost the same time. If one didn't know any better, they would think it was staged.

"Like smashing an annoying housefly," Ruby said and smiled.

Despite catching them off guard, no one rushed in to attack either since everyone got the same feeling. Striking flesh is something that everyone here had experience with, at least everyone who was fighting. And except for Laz who was able to attack faster then Tommy could respond, everyone else felt like they had hit stone instead of flesh, showing that there was something still off about. Instead of rushing in, they wanted to see what was going to happen.

Tommy was the first hit and the first one to get up. He had blood dripping from his mouth and a murderous look on his face.

"I'm done playing... Time for you to die," Tommy said, his voice several octave's lower than before.

Laz could only watch on as the threads of red that had formed his wings grew longer and longer before wrapping his body like a cocoon. It then shrunk down, like a balloon deflating until the red threads were skin tight with his body like armor. Looking around, Laz noticed that everyone one of the chosen seemed to be doing the same thing.

Looking towards Tommy again, Laz realized that even his eyes were covered.

'Fuck,' Laz thought and jumped to the side, just in time to avoid Tommy's attack. His arm, covered in the red armor and emblazed with flames was slowing lifting itself out of the hole it had made in the metal floor. Tommy's head then turned to face Laz while the armored thread's around his mouth shifted into a malicious smile.

"BE CAREFUL!" Laz yelled out as he jumped again, narrowly avoid another attack.

Every one else was engaged as well, the strength of their battle forms being negated thanks to the multi-colored armor.

Laz retreated again and again while Tommy chased him. Tommy's power was more than just a step from where it was before. Laz could tell that getting hit just once would cause massive damage, even to his body.

Luckily, although Tommy was faster, it was still within the range Laz could handle. Even then, the best he could do was avoid and evade without being able to break away completely or find an opening.

'I wonder if there is actually movement techniques that I could learn? Like in those stories I used to read?' Laz thought to himself. After all, what was a movement technique in the end? Moving your feet in a way that confused someone who was looking at you? That seemed like a waste of time. Moving so fast that you could leave after images? Isn't that just moving fast, stopping and moving again? If you were fast enough, what would be the need for a technique?

'Still," Laz thought. 'I should look into it...' Laz once again avoided a swing from Tommy. Unlike the others, he had been going hard the entire time while they had been doing more of a stick and move kind of deal. Compared to Tommy, they all seemed to be saving their energy.

After noticing this, Laz then looked at Tommy and saw that his upper half seemed to be breathing far more heavily than he did before. It was only now that Laz understood.

'They can't keep this up for long...' And that was good. Most of the girls were ok overall, knowing how to move quickly and be agile seemed to be in their nature. Dwayne was getting his ass handed to him by the girl like guy, but his ability to regenerate himself kept him going long after he should have been dead.

The ones suffering the most were the less powerful of both the Council and the Vodun. The girls Helen brought with her had a natural speed advantage the others didn't have. As such, more than a few of them had been killed by Tommy's guys before running after the non combatant's.

It could only be described as a one sided slaughter.

Laz also noticed that it looked like Remi was facing off against two of the chosen herself. Just as Laz was about to look closer, he heard Tommy's tired voice from where he had just jumped away from.

"FINE... Since I can't catch you, I'll make you watch while I kill all of your friends, one by one..." Tommy said, changing directions.

It just so happened that he was heading towards Ruby.

"FUCK!" Laz yelled and charged forward. His plan of waiting until Tommy tired was obviously noticed by Tommy. Although Laz was fast enough to avoid him, there was no telling that Ruby would be able to handle her opponent and Tommy.

"RUBY! WATCH OUT!" Laz called out knowing he wasn't going to make it in time.

Just as Tommy was about to plunge his armored covered hand into her back, Ruby's body took on a transparent appearance before she disappeared, reappearing behind her attacker. Although he claws weren't enough to pierce his armor, she didn't need to. Instead, she pushed him forward towards Tommy who was still blindly charging forth, causing his blazing, armored hand to go though the other chosen's armored body and exit out the other side.

There was a moment of quiet when this happened as the large man with the hammer and brown colored armor looked down at Tommy. Just as he tried to move, Tommy simply spat out,


The flames around Tommy's arm grew in size, incinerating the man to ashes while everyone else looked on.

Tommy then turned his gaze towards a panting Ruby rushed forward, intent on finishing her off.

Laz arrived just in time having never stopped. He pushed Ruby out of the way, while Tommy changed his target, piercing through the center of Laz's chest with his armored hand.

"Too easy," Tommy smiled underneath the armor.

Ruby screamed, seeing her man being impaled. She was just about to jump on Tommy when Laz smiled at him. His golden eye's flared as though he had planned this.

"Time's up..."

Before Tommy could even ask what he was talking about, the dome shaped barrier of light that was the only sky they could see flashed once before disappearing. A strange and powerful breezed rushed through the area while sirens all over the place started blarring.


What everyone did understand was the earthquake like shaking that began as the barrier in front of the gate powered down.


Last came the roar that cause everyone's hearts to drop.

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