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Summoned after an unfortunate accident in hopes they could protect the world from a coming threat,... Read more Summoned after an unfortunate accident in hopes they could protect the world from a coming threat, Ben and his classmates are gifted another chance at life. With fame and fortune promised to whoever is willing to fight for the sake of the world it doesn't seem like a bad deal, there's just one small problem. Ben wasn't blessed with any magic or combat skills, just crafting and enchanting. While the skills themselves aren't useless they also aren't seen as being necessary to the coming war. Now not needed and alone Ben tries to find a place in the world while meeting some of its colourful characters along the way. Collapse Adventurers, Alchemy, Alternate World, Artifact Crafting, Artifacts, Artists, Blacksmith, Character Growth, Crafting, Demi-Humans, Demons, Friendship, Game Elements, Gods, Heroes, Magic, Magical Technology, Slow Growth at Start, Special Abilities, Spirits, Summoned Hero, Transported into Another World, Underestimated Protagonist, LitRPG, Weak to Strong Will there be a romance or a harem, someone please tell me because I don't like reading something that has a harem or romance there is romance, no harem I'm not reading about no useless deadweight mc He's not really a useless trash protagonist you'll sometimes see in a lot of light novels. He's just starting from level 1 while everyone else is level 50 or something. To make up for it, the MC levels incredibly fast and has a much better foundation than all the other reincarnators once he catches up. He even has a much higher kill count than most reincarnators despite being a crafter.One caveat you have to deal with is that the author loves to make the MC suffer and constantly throws into dangerous situations. pretty sure the cube he worship is the same cube in hellraiser The novel has potential in the concept, but downright trash in execution of the storyline! This is probably the most uncreative Craftsman mc I've ever read. The dude didn't even make weapon to protect himself he's weak asf. Im already passed 100+ chapters but i didn't even see some magical technology as mentioned in the tag because this retard always bent on doing anything not related to his main skill. He didn't even use the advantage of having modern knowledge aside from making toys. It's disappointing man i really like this kind of novel but the mc is so not that creative. Thank you fellow daoist, I was about to read it, but if Author and MC do not make use of main skill of MC what is the point. Story started out ok but it dropped rapidly to scratching your head trying get through it Ben wasn't blessed with any magic or combat skills, just crafting and enchanting.By which world's logic that works like that ??Logistics , equipment , etc are one of the most important things out there. You reach a moment where increasing your capabilities by even 1% becomes extremely hard. At that moment equipment can allow you enter a whole new level. Not to mention a country having a grade higher crafter/enchanter than another country can mean the difference between winning or losing the war.I am tired of seeing *obviously stupid reasons for the MC to become an outcast* just for the sake marginalizing the MC. It just shows that the writer is a newbie. The writer doesn't know how to research things Not sure I want to read a novel where the author didn't even bother to research anything about the main tag. It's not about research. It's about common sense. Even irl craft are part of pillars of society: science, health, creating things, delivering things, entertainment. Even very little skill in these fields grant some respect in little groups... the whole point of the countries summoning the humans and the other outsiders was because from the second they came over they would have 'awakened' or third tier skills which are like a step up from normal skills that are incredibly difficult to get. them being created at this level means that they are inherently at the level of the children of gods. the mc was summoned with completely normal crafting and echanting skills which although somewhat uncommon is completely worthless to the higher powers, they all have their various level nine enchanters or even awakened ones.. not only that but he isnt 'marginalized' he just doesnt get any offers from the kingdoms. no one laughs at him and even in the newest chapters he is hanging out with his earth friends more like he's cursed with trash magic affinities, which ment in the begining that his enchanting is basically disabled. leveling in this book is a bit diffrent, by which I mean until you fulfilled certian conditions you can only level by doing your job, so combat classes can be power leveled but crafting classes cannot( you can't power level by comleting a craft above your level but you can do so with killing). ¿Como la elaboración y el encanto no son útiles en una guerra? ¿Qué se pegan con palos?.