Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 30: Winds of Change (8)

Chapter 30: Winds of Change (8)

Hi there! My name is Kirara and as you might have guessed, I absolutely adore everything that sparkles. My love for reading webnovels and light...

From the following day, petitions began to flood in once again to King Sejong. There were many who agreed with the crown prince’s opinions, but the forces opposing them, led by the chief state councilor and the great scholars, were not to be underestimated.

  • The crown prince’s opinion may seem good at first glance, but it is indeed a dangerous thought. If we follow his opinion, it means that if the goal is good, there’s no need to question the right or wrong of the means. This is a very dangerous idea. The means must be justified as much as the purpose.

Thus, a fierce debate began between the Great Confucians faction (Daerupa[1]), who agreed with the ‘multiple instruments theory (Dagiron[2])’ advocated by Hyang, and the Small Confucians faction (Sorupa[3]), the orthodox Neo-Confucian scholars who insisted that only the Neo-Confucianism is correct, which upholding ‘single instrument theory (Ilchigiron[4])’ instead.

As the debate began to unfold, it intensified with the implementation of Sejong’s ‘reformation’, and throughout Sejong’s sixth year (the Gapsin year, Wood Dragon Year[5]), countless petitions, resignations, and dismissals followed. This became the starting point of the Gapsin Debate, where the intellectuals of Joseon were divided into two factions and engaged in fierce battles.

The announcement of Hyang’s views and the ensuing debate with conservative officials soon spread to the people of Hanyang, causing a chain reaction. The victims of this chain reaction were the children of prestigious families.

“When our child begins his service, the crown prince will either have succeeded the throne or be holding real power. Considering the crown prince’s disposition, simply mastering the classics won’t be enough to take on important responsibilities. So, from now on, make sure to study not only the classics but also the various schools of thought.”

“Yes, Father.”

“The same goes for you. Where do you think the crown prince’s nature comes from? For the survival of our family, you must also make an effort.”

“··· Yes, Father.”

In the homes of officials and aristocrats who sought the prosperity of their families by analyzing the situation, they soon began to study not only Neo-Confucianism but also various schools of thought.

On the other hand, the anti-crown prince faction families were not just sitting idly by.

“We cannot stand by and watch the king and crown prince go down the wrong path! The only solution to bring the king and crown prince back to the right path is a thorough refutation! We must delve into the various schools of thought and find their flaws!”

“Yes, Father.”

“Why is this child not speaking? The crown prince is your age, and when you begin your service, it will be when the crown prince comes to the forefront. If you don’t make an effort now, you will disgrace our family!”

“This son is already working hard…”

“Is that so-called hardworking boy only now getting around to the Analects! Anyone! Bring me a cane right now!”

“Father, please quell your anger…”

“Bring it now!”

Thanks to Hyang, the calves of the sons of noble families in the capital city never had a peaceful day.


Around the same time, Hyang was reviewing a past debate.

“I just said what I wanted to say, which was refreshing. And it felt good that my father seemed to be on my side… ”

Hyang spoke with a tired face. According to the reports from the officials of Donggungjeon Hall, there were lines of petitions from ministers who agreed with Hyang’s views and those who opposed them. The number of petitions was so large that some officials in the Royal Secretary Office collapsed from overwork, and King Sejong had to send them special royal meals and medicine.

With a blank sheet of paper in front of him, Hyang burst into a faint laugh. “Am I lucky to be reborn in the early Joseon Dynasty? If I were reborn in the late Joseon Dynasty and had spoken out like this, I would have been called a ‘vandal of culture’ and possibly even been locked up as a wastrel prince. Anyway, it’s fortunate that there are ministers who support me this time, right?”

Hyang paused for a moment, tapping his fingers on the desk and looking towards Geunjeongjeon Throne Hall.

“The vaccination will begin soon. If the results are good, the balance will tip in my favor…,” Hyang trailed off, sighed, and looked up at the ceiling. “Ah, is it all about doing one’s best and leaving the rest to fate?”


King Sejong’s 6th year, the first month, the third day of the new moon.



At the command of the Minister of Personnel, many medical officials, female medical practitioners, officials conducting a simultaneous population census, and soldiers to guard them in case of emergency, left the palace gates and paired up to disperse in all directions.

“Hear the royal command!”

At the shout of “Hear the royal command!” from outside the private house, the whole family rushed out and knelt down. Seeing the bewildered expressions of the kneeling family members, the officer explained the reason.

“By His Majesty’s order, we will administer vaccination against smallpox. Everyone, line up! Men, go to this medical officer, and women, go to the female medical practitioner over there!”

“Eh? You can prevent smallpox?”

“Isn’t that what they say? Line up quickly. Ah! Has anyone here had smallpox before?”

“There’s none.”

“Then line up!”

“But, we don’t have any rice or cloth to count.”

The head of the household replied, and the official responded immediately, “It’s free.”


“Yes, you rascal! How dare you doubt my words!”

The head of the household bowed his head to the ground, frightened by the official’s scolding, and gestured to his family. “No, no, no. Line up quickly! Hurry!”

Following the head’s command, the family members lined up, separated by gender.

“Have you ever had smallpox before?”


“What about the other family members?”

“None of them have had smallpox either.”

“I see. Then take off your upper garment.”

Thus, the vaccination proceeded. Men were vaccinated in the yard, and women behind a folding screen in one corner. An official standing beside them recorded their personal information on a scroll.

“Hear the king’s command, we are receiving a vaccination that can prevent smallpox, and it’s free!”

As the rumor about the smallpox vaccination spread, Hanyang was buzzing.

“When will they come to our house?”

“In a day or ten days, you will have a fever and develop blisters on your shoulder. Prepare in advance. Do not burst the blisters.”

In houses where no one had experienced smallpox, adults were waiting outside, anxiously anticipating the arrival of the medical team. In houses that had already been vaccinated, people were busy preparing cold water and clean towels.

“Thank you for your hard work!”

“It’s nothing.”

“We don’t have much to offer, but please have some refreshments before you go.”

Those who visited the homes of the aristocracy or wealthier households received generous hospitality after the vaccination. As fine food and alcohol were served, the guests laughed and enjoyed their meal.

“Here, have a drink.”

As the homeowner offered a cup of alcohol, the official in charge of the team respectfully declined.

“I am grateful for your kindness, but I cannot drink while on duty.”

“I see…”

Offering food and alcohol to the medical team was not limited to the affluent. In neighborhoods with many poor people, they pooled together grains and food in a ten-to-one ratio to serve the medical team.

“You probably don’t have much to eat; are you alright?”

“We can eat sparingly if we lack food, but smallpox is different, isn’t it? It’s cheap compared to the cost of a life.”


Hearing the people’s responses, the officials sighed. Most of the young officials who had just started their careers were moved by the people’s words and felt emotional.

“Indeed! What could be wrong with the prince’s words?”


Not all residents of Hanyang welcomed the smallpox vaccination. A considerable number of doctors submitted a joint appeal.

“Generally speaking, when examining ancient and modern precedents, there has never been a case where humans and animals share the same illness. So, what is this bizarre method of using the pus of a cow to treat human smallpox? Is this really any different from bringing in shamans who believe in strange powers and performing rituals? Goodness!”

Reading the appeal, an infuriated King Sejong threw the document and shouted at his ministers.

“Do these people even know what they’re saying? The primary duty of physicians is to save lives and maintain health. To do this, they must constantly study diseases, practice new techniques, and seek out medicinal ingredients to devise prescriptions. What? Bizarre? Believing in shamans with strange powers? Can these people even be called physicians? Relay my order! Tell the Hanyang Magistrate to arrest these people right away!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Due to King Sejong’s furious command, all the doctors who submitted the joint appeal were imprisoned.

“It’s unfair!”

“We’re being wronged!”

The imprisoned physicians protested for their innocence, but King Sejong did not forgive them.

“Punish all the criminals with 20 strikes of the cane!”

Only after receiving 20 strikes each, by King Sejong’s command, then the physicians who submitted the joint appeal were released.

Meanwhile, smallpox vaccinations and household surveys for Hanyang residents were completed.

“After we tallied everything, there are a total of 103,328 people living within the four main gates of the capital, including both upper class and commoners.”

“You’ve done well.”

King Sejong was in the process of giving his approval after hearing reports from the Minister of Personnel and the Minister of Taxation when an official entered with a tray full of petitions.

“The Crown Prince has been quiet these days. Oh, what kind of petition is this?”

“It’s not about the Crown Prince, Your Majesty. These are petitions related to smallpox vaccinations. The petitioners are asking for vaccinations in their own villages.”


Upon hearing the official’s words, King Sejong quickly untied the scroll bundle. As he read the contents of the petitions, he unknowingly sighed, “Phew.”

The petitions, written by local officials and physicians from various regions across the country, were earnest.

  • Protecting the people from smallpox must be done promptly.
  • There are already several successful cases, so there is no need for further experiments. It’s just a waste of time.
  • Although the hope it brings may be as thin as a silk thread, the vaccination must be carried out without delay.
  • If there is a shortage of cows, we will release our wealth and gather all the cows within 100 li (approximately 25 miles) to vaccinate. There is no wealth more precious than human lives.

“Ministers, read these too.”


Following King Sejong’s command, the ministers took turns reading the petitions.

“What do you think should be done?”

It was an obvious question, but none of the ministers responded immediately. Even the Minister of Personnel and the Minister of Taxation, both known to be staunch supporters of the Crown Prince, merely looked around cautiously.

Although King Sejong was angry, he could understand the situation. The submitted appeals were only a small fraction compared to the number of scholars residing throughout the eight provinces of Joseon. Considering the cost of the widespread vaccination and the tasks to be carried out simultaneously, there would undoubtedly be significant resistance. Moreover, such resistance could lead to defiance against the royal authority, and it was highly likely that it would proceed as impeachment of the ministers as scapegoats.

“The Crown Prince…” King Sejong was about to call for Hyang but soon stopped himself.

Given Hyang’s character, he would have insisted on immediately implementing the nationwide vaccination without question. However, if the resistance against the widespread vaccination turned into a political move, it could become a significant stain on Hyang’s reputation.

In the end, he had no choice but to step back.

“Let’s take some time to think about this matter.”

“…Yes, Your Majesty.”

It was an uncomfortable conclusion for both Sejong and his ministers.

As Sejong and his ministers were contemplating a clear solution for the nationwide implementation of the vaccination, there were people cautiously discussing the issue in a large shop on Yunjeong Street[6].

“…So, what about the Crown Prince?”

“He submitted an appeal for the immediate implementation, but it was not accepted.”

“He must be very upset.”

“I heard he’s writing appeals every day.”

“Ah…” the old man sitting in the seat of honor sighed deeply as he listened to the report and became lost in thought. After much deliberation, the old man finally made a decision. “It’s time to use some of our wealth.”

  1. “大儒派” (Daerupa) was a school of thought or a group of scholars who emerged during the late Joseon Dynasty in Korea. Literally, “大儒” (Daeru) means “great Confucian scholar,” and “派” (Pa) means “group” or “sect.” The members of the Daerupa school were Confucian scholars who emphasized the practical application of Confucianism in society, rather than just studying it as an abstract philosophy. They believed in the importance of education and the need to cultivate virtuous individuals who could serve as exemplary models for society. They also emphasized the role of the state in promoting the welfare of the people and the need for officials to be accountable and responsible to the common people. The Daerupa school was influential in shaping the political and social reforms of the late Joseon Dynasty, and many of its members held important government positions. However, the school was also criticized for being too conservative and for obstructing more radical reforms.⤴
  2. “多器論” (Dagiron) is a concept that originated in ancient China and was also influential in Korea during the Joseon Dynasty. The term “多器” (Taqi or Dagi) means “many talents” or “diverse abilities,” while “論” (Ron) means “theory” or “philosophy.” The Dagiron philosophy emphasizes the importance of developing and utilizing one’s diverse talents and abilities to their fullest potential. According to this philosophy, every individual possesses multiple talents and abilities, and it is the duty of both the individual and society to cultivate and utilize these talents for the benefit of the individual and the community as a whole.⤴
  3. “小儒派” (Sorupa) is a term that was used during the Joseon Dynasty in Korea to refer to a school of Confucian scholars who emphasized the study of the classics and the theoretical aspects of Confucianism, rather than its practical application. The term “小儒” (Soru) means “small Confucian scholar,” and “派” (Pa) means “group” or “sect.” Members of the Sorupa school believed that the most important aspect of Confucianism was its theoretical framework and intellectual content, and that practical application was secondary. They were often critical of the more pragmatic and utilitarian approach of the Daerupa school, which emphasized the practical application of Confucianism in society. The Sorupa school was influential in shaping the traditional Confucian education system in Korea, but it was also criticized for being overly rigid and dogmatic.⤴
  4. “一器論” (Ilqiron) is a philosophical concept that originated in China and was also influential in Korea during the Joseon Dynasty. The term “一器” (Ilqi) means “one talent” or “one ability,” while “論” (Ron) means “theory” or “philosophy.” The Ilqiron philosophy emphasizes the importance of focusing on one’s primary talent or ability and developing it to its fullest potential, rather than trying to develop multiple talents or abilities simultaneously. According to this philosophy, every individual has a unique talent or ability, and it is the duty of both the individual and society to cultivate and utilize this talent for the benefit of the individual and the community as a whole. In practice, the Ilqiron philosophy has been applied in a variety of fields, including education, art, and business management, with the goal of maximizing individual potential and achieving excellence.⤴
  5. It corresponds to the 28th year in the cycle in the sexagenary year cycle.⤴
  6. Famous street in Hanyang.⤴


Hi there! My name is Kirara and as you might have guessed, I absolutely adore everything that sparkles. My love for reading webnovels and light novels is just as bright and shiny, and I have a passion for bringing these stories to life through translation. If my translations are your cup of tea, kindly consider fueling my passion by purchasing me a Ko-fi or subscribing for early access to advanced chapters of all my translated works.

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