Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Chapter 95

Episode 95 The Barbarian Trophy (2)

Opening meat and drinking alcohol.

Dirty hands are roughly rubbed on the tablecloth and wiped.

The reason for doing this is simple.

‘It’s what Baron Martoang wants. Anyway, doing this will help me too.’

The place where I am right now is the count’s banquet hall.

Since it is a gathering of many people, it is right to behave like a barbarian.

The more barbaric rumors pile up, the more.

I’ll be your shield someday when someone suspects that I’m an evil spirit.

“Hey, can I touch your forearm?”

“do whatever you want.”

“Kyaa! I really touched you!”

As I was enjoying a banquet possessed by a barbarian, curious nobles approached me and started talking to me.

I feel like I’m doing a part-time job wearing a doll.

“Hey, can you scream one more time like before?”


“Hahaha, how exciting!”

As I was demonstrating professionalism as much as I had been commissioned by the baron, more and more people gathered.

There were also knights among them.

There were a total of three, but all three had an expression of displeasure.

It seemed that I was jealous because everyone was paying attention to me and everyone treated me favorably.

“That’s why I’m going to call you a little clown, not a little Vulcan.”

“I heard that it got its name because it was small in the first place?”

“It seems that the pride of a warrior is all a thing of the past now that you’re farting like that.”

I pretended not to hear.

Not only does it sound like ‘apprentice knights’ who have only the level of a 3rd floor explorer’s level of strength…….

Isn’t there nothing to be gained by creating a dispute for nothing?

“Hahaha, are you here?”

Soon after, they filled their stomachs and played with the nobles, when Baron Martoang returned.

He looked around and smiled like he was really happy.

“I’m sorry to break the mood. I have someone to introduce, so I’ll take you away.”


The place where I followed the baron was the banquet hall inside the mansion.

The atmosphere was different from the outdoor atmosphere a while ago.

There, a band played cheerful songs and young men and women danced in the garden, but what about here?

‘Is this a meeting of real nobles?’

A room filled with quiet and soothing music.

Those sitting at the table and having a conversation are also holding onto their weight and keeping their bodies steady.

“Come here.”

As he moved along with the baron, he looked at his surroundings. About two hundred people were enjoying a banquet in the indoor banquet hall.

Most of them were direct blood relatives, such as the young son of Baron Martoang, or those with social status, such as bank presidents or guild branch heads.

“Among the people I’m going to greet, there are many people with a higher rank than me, so I’d like to refrain from being rude if possible.”

Afterwards, I followed the baron around to meet the titled nobles.

“Baron Martoang! Long time no see… Who is this friend?”

“You may have heard of it. The little Vulcan is famous among explorers these days.”

“Oh, Izaja? I’ve heard of it. But how did I come to follow you?”

Instead of answering the viscount’s question, the baron looked at me and winked.

It means to hurry up and do the prepared line.

“When I was in trouble, the baron helped me. In return, I decided to keep him for the time being.”

“Heh heh heh! I’m envious of hearing such words from such a strong-looking barbarian!”

“It’s not a big deal. I’ve told you several times that it’s not necessary because it’s my burden……”

The baron looked at me again with his words blurred.

“…A warrior never forgets grace.”

“Huh! It’s a true and honorable belief. Did you say Bjorn, the son of Yandel? I’ll remember your name.”

This kind of conversation has continued thirteen times since.

This was because there were only thirteen titled nobles, excluding the count who hosted the banquet.

In fact, a titled aristocrat with a fief in this city, even to the smallest degree, was a rarity in the game.

‘Somehow, it seems like I took a snow stamp on the nobles.’

Originally, participating in such a banquet would have been possible only if the reputation level had been raised considerably.

I just decided to be very careful.

If I say that I am not qualified to participate in this event, it also means that I do not have the strength to protect myself if I hate the titled nobles.

“Then, the greetings are over, so rest next to me until the Count returns.”

After the greetings on the tour, he stood still by the baron’s side and faithfully served as a trophy.

But is it because the baron is by his side?

Or was it through the warning from earlier?

“…… Tsk.”

I don’t know, but the butler just clicked his tongue and turned his head away when they met eye to eye, but he didn’t bother to pick up each one like before.

Is this the life of a barbarian?

‘I should have been like this a long time ago.’

Anyhow, it’s been quite comfortable since then.

Because Baron Martoan, a titled aristocrat, never got up first.

There were a lot of people who came to see me saying that they would get a slit even if I just stayed still, and I just had to show the baron my skills whenever he wanted.

“Oh oh!”

“As expected, the name ‘Little Vulcan’ is inferior to the name, Baron!”

Things like bending a prepared steel bar with bare hands and arm wrestling.

That was when time passed.

A familiar face could be seen among the approaching crowd.

“The star that rises at dusk will guide us. Nice to meet you. Baron Martoang and…” ”

This is Yandel’s son, Bjorn.”

“Haha I’m sorry. Sir Yandel, I’m not good at memorizing names.”

When I said my name, the paladin in white armor smiled kindly.

It was the person I met the other day after completing the sewerage request.

Late at night, she led Elisa Behenk’s body to him and had a brief sleepover.

The name must be…….

“Did you know Captain Crovitz?”

Paal Krobitz.

It was definitely that name.

By the way…

‘…the leader? Is this him?’

When I looked at the baron’s words as if I was surprised, the man scratched the back of his head as if he was embarrassed.

“I’m not good enough, but I’m lucky enough to have an opportunity and serve as the leader of the 3rd Holy Knights.”

“I see…”

He was very shy.

I hadn’t even thought about it because I came late at night to do chores like picking up bodies.

Are you the leader of the Holy Knights?

Doesn’t it mean that he is a monster with more power than an 8th floor explorer?

“If you need a place to lean on, please visit our school. As I said then, our school will never forget Sir Yandel’s exploits and will always remember them.”

Well, at the time, I thought it was just empty words.

Now that the man in charge of the general manager said this, I’ll have to listen to it later.

don’t you know

Even if it’s impossible now, if you build a little more relationship, you’ll send at least one priest to the team later.

“Hmm, what do you mean? Captain Krobitz, what does that mean?”

During the conversation, the baron interjected in a coy voice.

It was a look full of curiosity.

Well, he couldn’t have easily imagined that a barbarian would make a contribution to the church.

“Oh, I didn’t tell you that.”

Krovitz looked at the people around him as well as the baron and spoke as if he were reading a children’s storybook.

To sum it up, it was a good story.

The fact that I found the priest of Karui in the labyrinth.

Not even that was enough to find and punish the wicked woman hiding in the sewer.

That was the end of the story, but Crovitz was quite communicative.

“Huh! I’ve heard of it. An evil god’s attendant appeared. But I would have thought it was Lee Ja who killed the attendant.”

“Bjorn, the son of the little Balkan Yandel. They say he was born with the destiny of a hero…” When the

story was over, the people around him, led by the baron, exclaimed.

“It’s a good relationship bestowed by the stars. Our church also cherishes the relationship with Sir Yandel. Oh, then, I have a place to go, so I’ll leave……”

Krovitz, who had covered my face with gilt until the end, said he had business. left the seat


“You’re a much greater person than I thought, right?”

The baron’s eyes looking at me softened a little.


「The character’s reputation level has risen by +10.」

「The character’s reputation level has risen by +10……」



“Oh, that happened. ?”

“It’s clear that Captain Crovitz, who is famous for being good at people, said that, so he must be a person who will grow up in the future.”

When the story that Crovitz brought out is spreading among the nobles without knowing it.

The Count appeared and the banquet began in earnest.

“Count Ferdehild eats it!”

A central staircase leading to the second floor.

In the eyes of everyone, a man comes down with a dignified appearance.

Beside him was his daughter in her late teens.

In a way, the woman who will be the main character of this banquet.

“Thank you all for coming here for my daughter Arabella’s birthday. We’ve prepared a lot of entertainment, so I hope you put down your worries and worries today and enjoy yourself!”

The music changed dynamically at the Count’s words, and the static banquet hall also began to liven up.

The husky voice grew louder, and laughter that was far from the body came out from here and there.

Well, it’s going to be a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of

Everyone was sipping alcohol before that.

“Will you give me the honor of kissing the back of the lady’s hand?”

The young people each held the hand of the opposite sex they liked and went out to dance.

The older ones sat down and engaged in vulgar conversation over the clowns’ show.

That was when

“We’ll go soon too.”

The baron rose from his seat.

A look that seemed tense.

When asked where they were going, the baron answered.

“You haven’t met the Count yet, have you?

The baron’s expression was completely different from when he went to greet the titled nobles before.

A face as if he were dealing with his direct superior.

‘A count…….’

I was nervous as well, but the count who I met was quite an exciting man

and was very friendly to me.

“Haha! Is that you? I wanted to meet you in person.”

When I went to say hello, the count stood up and even asked me to shake hands.

“Nice to meet you!”

While responding to the handshake in a barbarian way, I couldn’t get rid of the thought that it was strange in my heart.

Bjorn, the son of the little Balkan Yandel.

There is a realization that it has definitely become famous recently.


‘Is the Count going to be like this?’

Well if that’s what you ask.

I never feel like that.

That’s also true, because there are less than a hundred nobles with the rank of count in this vast city.

It is incomparable to the regional leader of the Explorers Guild I met before.

Truly a man of omnipotent power.

Even in the game, the events of the counts or higher ranks did not even occur unless it was around the latter half of the play.

By the way…….

“You’re taller than I thought? At this point, I guess we should call it Big Vulcan, not Little Vulcan. Cheers!”

Such a count looks at me and praises me.

As if he wanted to be liked.

“But what about that weapon? I heard that he originally used a mace.”

He continued to subtly mention parts that would have been unknown if he hadn’t paid attention since before.


I don’t understand.

If he wanted it, even the top explorers on the 7th and 8th floors, whose reputation couldn’t be compared to mine, would be able to do whatever they wanted……. Why are you

paying attention to me?


Someone might be happy if a bigwig like the Count pays attention, but at least I’m not.

Even when I was worried that something would explode in the near future.

‘……Something happened. What if it explodes?’

It was a time when my learned anxiety naturally started assuming the worst things related to the Count. ”

Suddenly, seeing you makes me think of something interesting


“A little later, there will be a showdown between the apprentice knights. Wouldn’t you like to participate?”

“…Won’t the knights hate it?”

“I’ll solve that problem. How about it?”

“Let’s think about it…….”

I didn’t give a definite answer in an ambiguous tone. That’s

why it would be less problematic to reveal your intention through the baron later than to refuse to face it.

Do as you please.”

The Count stopped paying attention to me as if he had just stopped here. Then he and the baron had a small talk, such as

praising each other’s wife and children and blessing the future of the family.

“Haha, the conversation is fun. I’ve held you for a long time. You too, stop and enjoy the banquet.”


After leaving the Count’s side and returning to the table, the Baron immediately spoke to him. ”

So… what are you going to do with that?

” ……?”

“About Daejin!”

That’s what you meant, too.

I withheld the answer,

saying that I was thinking about it

. . How do you know if this will help you too?”

As expected, the baron tried to persuade me by telling me the benefits of participating in the tournament. He would

give me 2 million stones just for participating, or a good chance to make a name for himself.

Otherwise, the count The prize for winning this tournament was a number item from the 7,000th generation, etc.

“What? Garphas’ necklace?”

“…Why are you so surprised? Do you know something?”

The baron, who is not an explorer, tilted his head at my reaction. It

was rather fortunate.

If he had been an explorer, my reaction would have been even more questionable

. .”

No.7777 Garphas’s necklace.

It only drops in the 5th floor crack, and the probability is almost extreme, so the difficulty of obtaining it is

extremely extreme


This item effect, which is strong but not of great value to explorers.

Because of that, it is treated as a kind of slap in the face even though it is rare.


‘Even that there is a hidden special event.’

The worry didn’t last long.


ominous feeling that something is about to happen?


a resolution to stay away for a while?

I didn’t mean it.

So, it’s like a jousting match.


“Huh? What

did you just say?”

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