Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 200: 200 The Counterfeit-Fighting Expert

Chapter 200: Chapter 200 The Counterfeit-Fighting Expert

For Xu Leigang, being labeled as “mentally ill” was quite depressing.

Even though the examination results proved he was fine, his eldest brother and sister-in-law didn’t show much guilt—just a simple “it’s good you’re all right.”

But Fatty Xu wasn’t having any of it. I was perfectly fine to begin with, and you all… really don’t trust people!

The eldest brother was also helpless, we want to believe you, but you tell me, can you honestly say that the things you talk about make any sense?

How do they not make sense? Xu Leigang couldn’t care less about hiding his feelings now, he was very angry. There are so many extraordinary people and strange tales in this world, just because you haven’t seen them, does that mean they don’t exist? What kind of dialectical materialism did you learn?

The couple was made to feel somewhat embarrassed, so the second sister asked Xu Leigang on their behalf, who is this person, and can we meet him?

Xu Leigang flatly refused: That’s impossible, I have to honor that gentleman, and I certainly won’t let you disrespect him.

When his elder sister heard about this matter, she was intrigued; her sister-in-law’s son also had obesity.

Western medicine couldn’t diagnose the reason for the child’s obesity, they believed it was due to eating too much junk food, while traditional Chinese medicine thought the child had innate developmental defects, lacking yang energy. Despite looking robust, it’s yin energy that’s spurred the growth, resulting in false obesity.

Xu Leigang’s brother-in-law was also a child of the red nobility, ranking second among three brothers. His father didn’t hold a high position in the Imperial Capital, but he was a person of real power and cherished this grandson immensely.

The elder sister then asked Xu Leigang, youngest brother, can you please invite the “high person” to meet my sister-in-law?

At first, Xu Leigang refused, saying you know he is a “high person,” do I look like someone who could invite such a person?

The sister knew he was unhappy so she suggested, why don’t we arrange something the “high person” likes?

After thinking it over, Xu Leigang said, the high person likes homemade cannons; if weapons are inconvenient, then explosives will do.

The elder sister almost had him committed to Anding Hospital again…

Ultimately, she chose to trust her younger brother and informed her brother-in-law. He said, none of this is a problem, if I can’t find connections in the Imperial Capital despite being a child of the red nobility, would I even deserve the title?

He agreed to the request, but Xu Leigang said, I was just talking off the top of my head, whether it works out or not, I still have to go back and ask Master Feng. Just wait for my news.

But the affairs of the world are so mysterious; the more noncommittal he was, the more seriously his sister took it, urging her sister-in-law, that is, her sister-in-law’s wife, to consider bringing the child over.

After Xu Leigang relayed all this, he looked at Feng Jun timidly, “…I managed to hold them off. If you’re not interested, I’ll just say the high person couldn’t be found. They don’t know who it is anyway.”

Feng Jun pondered for a while before speaking, “Are you sure they can get it?”

“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Xu Leigang nodded. “Even if they don’t know anyone, my brother-in-law has several friends in that ‘assembly.’ If I block their door, I don’t believe they’ll refuse.”

Feng Jun gave him a look, thought for a moment, and then nodded slightly, “Then let them come to Zhengyang… by the way, did you not ask who Young Master Dou is?”

“Young Master Dou, what’s he to me?” Xu Leigang said disdainfully, but then his face turned serious, “His uncle, however, is quite formidable. I’ve heard he is on track to becoming a leader.”

Seeing this, Feng Jun made a judgment; Xu Leigang could probably only talk such smack in Funiu—that’s where the local dragon doesn’t bully the local snakes, and not because the other party is actually weak.

But that was enough for him. Feng nodded, “Then have them come to Zhengyang, but I can’t guarantee I’ll cure him.”

To come to Zhengyang? Xu Leigang’s eyes swiveled, and he tentatively spoke, “How about we take a trip to the Imperial Capital to lock down the conditions? If you feel you can’t cure him, we just leave.”

He felt he was considering this for Master Feng’s sake—even if you’re a cultivator, since you can’t guarantee to cure their illness, there was no need to stand on ceremony; otherwise, if things got out of hand, it would be embarrassing for both of us.

And honestly speaking, his brother-in-law’s family in the Imperial Capital did indeed have some clout. His sister-in-law had promised that if her child was cured, she guaranteed that the Second Young Master Xu would be helped through his difficult situation.

If someone dared not to give her face, she would step right over them!

She hadn’t stood up for the Second Young Master Xu before not due to lack of ability but because the relation between the two families was a bit distant—her sister-in-law’s brother, although also a relative, knew the people suppressing the Second Young Master Xu, and it wasn’t convenient for them to intervene.

If her son received benefits, then she could speak up.

“Who can guarantee a certain cure?” Feng Jun laughed dismissively. “Doctors cannot cure every illness, and Buddhas only save those with fate. If he wants to come, let him come; if not… do they really expect me to beg him?”

He said this very casually, his words exuded tremendous confidence; it really wasn’t about making things difficult for the other party.

Xu Leigang caught the implication and could only smile and nod, “That’s true, so… should I let them know?”

Feng Jun nodded, then hesitated before adding, “Remember to tell them to keep it quiet.”

“Definitely,” Xu Leigang assured him, thumping his chest, “You can count on me.”

Feng Jun heard the words and gave him a deep look, “Last time you told me to rest assured, who let slip the news this time?”

Xu Leigang’s old face rarely flushed red, “This, this was because I was forced…doesn’t everyone have a few relatives? Between relatives, some things are hard to avoid.”

Feng Jun didn’t make a sound; in fact, he also recognized this kind of inevitability. The reason humans are different from animals is due to emotions. Caring about family isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

However, obviously, he couldn’t express his support outright, lest this guy take an inch and wreak more havoc.

Seeing that Feng Jun didn’t respond, Xu Leigang saw his chance and pursued, “Master, that… any news about the cultivation technique?”

This was a habit that Feng Jun wouldn’t indulge: you’ve already leaked information, and I haven’t made much of it, but you still want more benefits? That really is a bit too much— I can understand your predicament, but taking advantage of it, absolutely not.

So, he shook his head firmly, “Don’t think about it for the near future.”

Xu Leigang hadn’t considered this perspective, assuming the master had yet to find the right cultivation method, so he nodded with a smile, “I was too anxious.”

After getting the master’s consent, he turned and left, calling his elder sister Xu Ruofang, telling her he had arranged everything, and she should promptly notify her brother-in-law to bring the child to Zhengyang.

Upon receiving the call, Xu Ruofang didn’t inform her brother-in-law but directly contacted her sister-in-law Li Ting, asking her to bring the child over.

Li Ting immediately arranged for someone to buy plane tickets to Zhengyang, while also informing her husband, Yuan Huapeng.

Yuan Huapeng had long heard of Master Feng’s deeds, even discussing it with his elder brother Yuan Huakun. Both brothers felt that the matter was somewhat fantastical—compared to women’s sentimentality, most men tend to be more rational.

The brothers concluded that they would let their wives handle it—after all, everyone meant well.

After receiving the call, Yuan Huapeng said that they shouldn’t handle things this way. “Li Ting, you need to speak to my father about this. He dotes on this grandson the most. How can you arrange this kind of treatment for your son without consulting him?”

Li Ting didn’t want to go through the father-in-law because she knew very well that he didn’t believe in this stuff. If he knew that his precious grandson was to receive such treatment, he would probably be hopping mad.

So she retorted quite annoyed, “He may be the grandfather’s grandson, but he is also my son. Would I harm him, a piece of flesh that fell from my womb?”

When Yuan Huapeng heard this, he became even more displeased. “Li Ting, stop this unreasonable behavior, okay? I just feel that what you are talking about doesn’t sound very scientific.”

Of course, I have no objections if you want to actively try, but… we still need to let the old man know, right?”

Li Ting got even angrier. “It was your second sister-in-law who recommended him. If you can’t trust me, can’t you trust your elder brother?”

Yuan Huapeng thought to himself that his elder brother didn’t really believe it either, but he couldn’t just say that, or else it would kill the conversation.

So after a moment’s thought, he spoke up, “A son is not something you can give birth to on your own. I’m coming with you.”

Li Ting was pleased to hear this, “Great, let’s accompany our son together.”

Yuan Huapeng explained that he was a little busy with work recently. “How about next week?”

As soon as Li Ting heard this, she became furious. “When a great person graces us with an opportunity, what will happen if you delay your work a bit? If you don’t want to go, just say so, don’t miss the chance for my son!”

Hearing this, Yuan Huapeng was quite helpless. “I’m too busy to leave my work. I’m just asking to delay a few days. Why do you talk like this? Have you been brainwashed?”

So he called Yuan Huakun. “Elder brother, about that person the sister-in-law recommended, is he really reliable? It feels somewhat off.”

Caught in the middle, Yuan Huakun didn’t know what to say. He personally tended toward disbelieving the master but couldn’t simply dismiss it outright—what if he turned out to be genuine?

He could only say, “In this world, believers will have it, non-believers won’t. Keeping some respect is never bad—people should always have a sense of awe, right? At worst, we just keep our distance and show respect.”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Huapeng could only sigh with frustration: “Anyway, I have to go, so… I’ll take time off.”

The next day at noon, a party of five arrived at Zhengyang Airport: Xu Ruofang, Leigang’s elder sister, along with Li Ting, Yuan Huapeng, their son Yuan Youwei, and a retired special forces veteran they had hired, Gao Qiang.

Gao Qiang’s identity was interesting. Though he came from a special forces background, his main occupation after retiring wasn’t fighting.

His other identity was that of a traditional Chinese medicine family, running a TCM clinic. However, reviving traditional Chinese medicine wasn’t his mission. His greatest aspiration was to strike against fake TCM practitioners—punishing the bad is promoting the good.

As for the possibility that some pills could cure obesity, he was willing to believe to a certain extent. TCM greatly values regulation, but instantaneous effects from a single pill, he didn’t buy it.

He was invited this time to monitor the situation for Yuan Huapeng, to see what this person was really about. His medical skills might not be miraculous, but he was extremely adept at identifying fake TCM practitioners.

(To be continued, seeking monthly votes.)

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